225457 ,� t • . 'bRIGINAL TO CITY CLHqK • !1��1��� �1 1 ' ." CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO P' � � O,�FICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO f�l S IdTION—GENERAL FORM . ►RESENTED EY � ` � COMMISSIONE DATF r � i WH , it�• appears from the reports of t�.e Comptroller an.d the Comm ssioner of Finance� 3.n the premises� and the Council of the City of �aint .Paul finds �hat it is necessary to the preserving of the �erma.nent -Improvement Revolving Ftuid of the City of �aint Paul that the same be replenished in the sum of �1,000�000 by the authorization therefor a.nd the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of �aint Panl in the amount and par val�.e of �1��00�000 an.d the application of the proceeds thereof to the said purposes, the preserving and repleni�hment of said Permanent Improvement Revolvin.g F1a.n.d; all 3.n conformity to the prior Resolution of said Coun.cil� known as Coun.cil File No. 22�456 � approved October 1 � 1965� ineorporating similar find gs� an.d making provision t ere or ar�d authorizing the issuance and sale of bond� of �Ghe City of Saint Paul in said amount and par value of One Nlillion Dollars (�1�000�000) for , said purposes; and WHEREAS, said Co1a.n.cil further� among other thin.gs� by its said Resolution� Council FYle No. 225-'+56 , provided that said Council should by its subsequent resolut on fix the denomination� form� dates of maturity, and other essential characteristics of said bonds� and that said bonds shall be issued and sold in the manner provided by law; therefore be it � � RE�OLVED, by said Council that said bonds of the City of Saint, Paul� authoriz d to be issued and sold by said Hesolution� ' Council File No. 22�+,56 � shall be and the same hereby are � authorized .and directed to be issued and sold in the amount and � o� . par value of One Million Dollars (�1�000�000) ; that the bonds of said issue shall all be of the same denomination, namely� �1�000, "` , $5,000 or $10�000, at the op�ion of the purehase�� each sueh bond � -� to be dated the first day of October, 1965 and bearing a rate of � interest not exceeding five per centt�m (5�) per annum� payable � a semi-annually on April 1 and October 1 of each year after issuance� � m- according to the interest coupons to be at�ached to the same; that � said bonds shall mature and be due and payable twenty (20) years � � after the date of the same; that none of said bonds shall run for � a longer period tha.n. twenty (20) years� and the same shall be ' COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ as Nays Dalglish Holland Approve� 19— " Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �yOr A gainst • Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lont e.ds - �� . � �� -, � . . ����.�'� � Page 2. � , consecutively numbered as hereafter to be determined by resolntion , of the Council; that both principal and interest of said bonds shall , be payable at the Fiscal Agent of the City of Saint Paul in either �Saint Paul, Minnesota or New York� New York� at the option of the holder; that none of said bonds shall be sold for less than par value and accrued interest; that said bonds sha11 be issued and sold only for the aforesaid purposes and all proceeds from the issuance and sale thereof shall be applied to said purposes, the preserving and replenishment ,of the said Fermanent Improvement Revolving F�.ind "of said City o�' �Saint Paul; that each said bond shall be sealed by the facsimile of �he Official Seal of the City of �aint Paul, � lithographed thereon� and signed by the lithographed facsimile , signature of the Mayor� attested by the Iithographed facsimile signature of the City Clerk, and countersigned manually by the , City Comptroller in accordance with Chapter 422, Minnesota Laws , 1951� as amended, Section 475• 55, Minnesota Statutes 1961� as amended� and the interest coupons thereto attac�ed shall be , executed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers; . RESOLVED F[TRTHER, by said Council, that said bonds in said amount and par value of One Million Dollars (�1,000,000) hereby provided and authorized to be issued and sold for the aforesaid , purposes� shall mature and be payable twenty (20) years after the ; � date of the same and on the �following date and in the following amount: � Date of - � - Maturity Amount ; October 1, 1g85 �1,000�000 - �the numbers of said bonds to be hereafter speeified by resolution � of the Gouncil after receipt of bids thereon; ' RE�50LVED FITRTHER, that said bonds in the said amount and par value of One Million Dollars (�1,000,000) shall be entitled ' "�ermaner�t Improvement Revolving FSznd Refunding Bonds" and shall be substantially in the following form: "IINITED `STATE� OF AMERICA �TgTE OF MINNE�OTA � COIINTY 0 F RAM�EY � � CITY OF �AINT PAUL " � P°ERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND REFLTNDING BOND � 1 �No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � "KNOW ALL MEN BY THE�E PRE�ENT�� that the City of ; ;Saint Faul, in the County of Ramsey and �tate of Minnesota� l ac�owledges itself to owe and for value received hereby � ' promises to pay�Bearer the sum of . : .'. . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � �o � `• - . r _ 1 � . ' , . . . _ � .. � - _ .� • �, � ' � ������� ' � � I` �age 3. � - � ' Dollars (�. . . . . . . . . .) on the first day of October� 1985, � . together with� interest thereon from the date hereof w�.til ; paid, at the rate of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per centum per annum� payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October _ in each year after issue as evidenced by and upon the presen�a�ion and surrender of the annexed interest coupons , as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of the bond are payable in lawful money of the IInited 'States i of America at the Fiscal Agent of the City of Saint Paul, � in either Saint Paul� Minnesota or New York� New York� at . � the option of the holder; and for the prompt payment of ;. ' � ; th�s bond� both principal and interest� at maturity� the , full faith and credit of the City of �aint Paul are � irrevocably pledged. ' , . "This bond is one of a number of bonds amounting. ir� { the ,aggregate to the sum of One Million Dollars (�1�000�000) � � ' � issued by the City of �aint F'aul for the purpose of the � • preserving and replenishing of its Permanent Improvemerit � � � " , Revolving Fi�nd and authorized by its Resolution, Counc'il � � File> No. , adopted and passed by the Conn�c�fl .,�-� � of the sai City and duly signed, attested� appr�oved� and ; -" � published in the manner required by the Charter �of�-s�aic� � � City and under the authority of and in all respec�ts in � � � full compliance with ��ections 21� and 278 of the Charter� ' of the City of �aint Paul� and �s�.ch other bsecti�ons� th�rev�' ; as may be applicable thereto� and Chapter 4'�5���M�n.es`ota' � � _ �Statutes 1961, as amended. � � 1 "It is hereby eertified and recited that all things, ; acts and cO�e�S.tiona P�quired by the Constitution and Zaws _ of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City , � to happen and be done and performed precedent to and in � the issuance of this bond have happened and have been done an.d performed in regular and due form and time as + � required by law and that the total indebtedness of said �, City� incl�ding this bond� does not egceed any constitutional� statuto�y or charter limitation. ':_ ; � , � "IN WITNE�u "wHEREOF, the said City of Saint Faul, by its Council� has caused this bond �o be gealed by the facsimile of it� Official �eal, lithographed thereon, to be signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of , its Mayor, attested by the lithographed facsimile signature of its City Clerk, and countersigned manually by its - Comptroller� and each of the interest eoupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed facsimile � � . : � �. ' . , �. i . • i � ` I y � ������ 1 - Fa ge 4: = signatures 'of said officers, as of the first day of . October� 1965. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mayor . . � Attests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � City Clerk � i ; Countersigneds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Comptroller C OIIFOIV Pto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � On the first day of April � 19. . . . . � the City of October , ' Saint Paul, Minnesota promises to pay to Bearer . . . . . . . . . . � . . ..,. . . :_...... . . . . . . . . . . Dollars (�. . . . . . . . . . . . .) at the Fiscal } � .- Agent of the City of �aint Fau.l,, in either �aint. Paul, , - , • � � Minnesota� or New York, New York, at the option of the holder, for inteTest due that day on its Permanent ; Improvement Revolving �a.nd Refunding Bond, dated as of October l� 1965, i�o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mayor Attest: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F City Clerk Cou.ntersigned: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , City Comptroller " RESOLVED �JRTFiER, That sealed proposals be received in the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House and City Hall ' Building, in the Citp of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to ten o= clock". ' � ' A.M. (C.S.T. ) October 21, 1965, for the sale of all or none of said • issue, accordin.g to the purposes of sueh bonds, after giving due notice of said sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the �St. Paul ' Legal Ledger, the official newspaper of said City� and in the { Commercial West, a financial periodical published in the �tate of Minnesota; that each bidder shall be required to a�company his bid by a certified or cashier= s check for two per centum (2�) of the amount of bonds bid �for� which will be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if �he bonds are not taken and paid for when � � A � ^ ' . „ S�RIOINAL TO CITY CLERK �^� e�ry r� .� � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� s �� a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED RY COMMISSIONER DA� � � , Page 5. � ready for delivery; that the City Gomptroller shall� at the negt meetin.g after receivin.g said bids� present the same to the �inking F1znd Committee and the Council for their act.�.on thereon; and that said bonds shall be awarded -�o the person who will offer the lowest net interest cost to the City, not exceeding five per centwn (5�) per annum. ,�. . OCT 11965 ` COIJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��'`� 1 �� HvHaad ove 19_ Loss Favor _ Meredith g�� �/ MayOr ' - �a Ag81I18t • Mr. President, Vavoulis P1�BLISHED OCT 5 1e9�J ion� e-ez . � PU�LISHED OCT 9 �9� � DU`LICAT[TO rRINT[R /9�f'���� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �"i`y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR.M ►R��o�r COMMISSIONER DATF WH��� it �pp��r� t'roffi the repbrt� o�' the Cor�ptroller �n.d th� Cor�3ssian�r of �'�.n�nce� 3n th� �ranis�s� and. �he Couneil of the City o� ��3nt Paul f�.nd� �hat it is necea�a�ry to �he p�e�mrving of the Perm�n.snt �prove�ent �evol�ting F�ind of �h1� ��ty of ��S�in� Pa�ul �hat th� ��me b� repl�nish�d in the stu� of �1,�04�000 bq �he authorization ther.��'or and the� issn.anc� and s�l�a o�' bond� of th� �i�y of Saint J�aul �.n th� �mount �nd par value oP �1�(,3d0�000 and the �pp�.ic�.t3on of the pTOe��d� thersof �o th� �a3d pu,xpose�� �M� pr�serving and r�pleni�ha�n� o� �aid Per�r�n�n� �pro�e��nt ��rol�in� �trnd; alI in confor��ty to the r3or Re�olut�on ot' s�3d CounQil� known �,a Couneil File �o. 2�54�6 � �ppro��d ��Etober 1 � 19�5� ineorpor�ting si�il�r tind g�� �n �naking pro�r � on Rr� or �nc1 �uthorizing �he issu�n.ce �nd sale of bond$ of the C3t of S�int P'�u�. �.n �s 3.d amount and p ar value o�' Or�� I�ill ion Doll�.r� (�1�000�000) f'�r aaid purpo$��; and f �REA;� said Council �uu,r�h�r� among other thin��� by it� �aid Re�olution Counail PYle No. ��� Prorided thr�t �aid Council should �y its �xbsequ�n� r��o u on f� the denonina�ion� form� datsa of �atu�r�.ty and o�hmr es�ential cht�racteri��ic� of s�id bond�� and th�t �a�d bond� �hal1 be is�u�d �nd �old 3n th� ��nne� prowided by l�w; th�refore be it � R�SOL�'ED� by s�id Cotuicfl that s��d bond� of' tha Ci�y of Saint P�vl� suthori��d to be �.ssued and sold by ��id I��ol.ution� �ouncil File 2�0. 225'+56 � �hall be r�nd the s�ame hereby �r� authorized and direct ecT�o'"be ��sued �nd gold in �he affiaW.n.� and psr nalue of One Million Doll�r� (�1�000�000) �hat �he bnnds of s�id issu� shall a11 b� of the �affi� d�n��in�t�on� na�ely� �1�000� �5s000 or �14�000 at the option o� ths purehaa�r, ��ch �uc�i bond to b� ds�ed the t'i�.rst d�y ot' October� 1965 and bearing a r�.te of intere�� no� ��ce�ding fi�e p�r c�ntu�. (5,'�) per annu�� p�yabl� �eni-annu�lly on .�pril 1 an.d Oc�vb�r 1 of �ach y�ar af'ter i��uane�� aceording to the in�ere�t aoupons to b� at�ach�d �o the ��m,e; �hat said bond� sh�ll ��tur� �nd be due �nnd p�ysbl.e t�r�nty (20) qe�r� �fter the d�t• of th� �a�e; th�t none ot' ��3d bond� �hall run for � longer period than txenty (20) y��,r�� and the �a�a� �hall b� COiJNCILIV�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Appro�P� 19— Loss Tn F8vo2' Meredith Peterson MAyOr Rosen A 8'��t Mr. President, Vavoulis ions s-es ' ' - ° r' �.. _f �. '_ -A f,'ir#—!' .j � - :+ _,. S� . _ � : - . t . _ ...i'r - _ � --' J��'s' {, ; �' s g' Y •y '� F a'�1 _ _ ' ..� � _� - -. .. ' �. • - . ' . � _ . ,.c- . _ t���t ..-, � `�r,t'-- _ `'.+'""�i�i,' _ r - ' , ' • - . ` � , , ' ' - ' 1 • �4� •v`- . .. � . ,_ � , �. ., � -- f �_ _ • ` `' T •, . � • '- •� � .. - ; _ . , '] � � r . � •* rw,� � • - ,. 5`w ' •, � �'..- ' ^ '� t ��' , • _: . , , = - • _ ' ) f L ,,� ' ' ', ; b,i - R i �.�� C•,R ;' " , •• � ��` , . • • � ..������ ' k� � ��. •. - . „ ir" ._.. .e . � ' �' 'q , '� .'� � i r r . .. _ _ , 1' _ ' •, _ q !s ' _ .�� - . '� '�'� Y� ':y+. z ' " , . ti �+ ' • ,� � � � . �� � e. -, �'(� -�1+ . - I . . � - , , ' .♦ `C�i� '-IA•-� ' �• 1 . ,t• .. � • ' _ `I�+ - � � 'r ! r , '�Q.��,f��� '.- ,�\ " • • r ' r � � ' + �� '�. �• _ .�-C � ._ t��,-x , ' • � - � ,f `� ' _• - . . � .}'� , f . . , . ; -' . •' " ' ,Z . = • �� ` �' ! , .. ... ' `_ '. ' > ' _ � ,x -- ,� , � �aQns�au�ive�.y ii.Utmti�red'as �hereafter `�a� 'be� ,de�erminsd �6y �resolution - � - _ � ' , r� o� the ,Cou�iG11; �h�t� bo�h_pr.inc�fpal� .�nii �.nteregt of�,sa�d bonds` ah�l7. � ,J _', �- � � be-p�yabl:e a�G. the" �iseal, Agen� .of th�i 'City �of SBin� `�'su1 3.n,-,�ither � ; ,.. � � � �,;`: ,-r :$�in�_Faul� .�Iinnesota `or� N�r� �tork�' N@W YC�TI��y �S$ .'�Yl� ,OjJ'�10h .Of •�Y!@ _ .. . _.. - : ' � holder; �ha� none of' ��&�d�bonds_ shall. be ;so1.d for, les� th�n p�r . =�, � .`.- __ _ ,�. �'. °'��- valu� en�i, acarueli �inter,e��;, �that s�ie1 bonds �hal.l �ie issue�i Bna �oia. �� :,� : � + , � = only "�for the aforess�d: pu�poses�_��tnd gll .p"roc�ed� -from �he '�:sstii�rice : � � ,, � . � .�and s�le ;t�herQof sha1� �'tie�.epplied ��o said purposes. .the preservi��ig ' - � , . � - � ;`:�nd,_repl.�nishment, o�: t�e .said Fei�manen� �mprov�men� ���yo�.ving �nd�� � 4. � -� ,- . _ . � `.� of _said_� City o�� S�,�nt: Pa�,]:;- that ea@h aeid•bond �hall�.rb� 9ealed by'`�. - . �, , � the P�es�.mil.a of �he� O�ficial Si�a��. of��the �i�Y .of Saiat, �au]:� : , ' �- . _.- � :'-� . . �� " ' = r li-thogfiaphecl '�heTeon� �and _a�.gri�d� b.y -�he� li�ho�raphec� fac��.mile � � � ' - ' �°" ± : - _ � � --,' signature� of thQ, �ia.yo� a��e,st�d by,,,the l��ho raph�d fa�s�mi.le� ' : � '- ' ` ' . ._ � _ ` . , $�gna�ua,r�,o�' the'�Ci�y �lerl�� �and eountersigne� manual3.y by th��., ������r �' _ , . .� -Ci�y =�omp�rol]:er. �:n� .aaaordanae ws�h_'Chapter 422� Minnesvta L�ws� - ' �. �=�. -� �� .l��li a� amemded� SeetioM 47�.5�� M�naeso�a Statt�tes .1g6I y , �s �� �_ �� -M=� � " amencied� �ana' th�: interest eot�g�ns,thereta a�tael�d shall b� �� - �� �. . �t; �.�'_ � �_�'+�-uu• �,�gecuted by� �he �li�h,bgra�ihed faas�:m�le signaturQS_ of Ysaid offi�ers;. ._ " � , :. _ , . _. , . . - ,, ��. _,i, �� ' ' �RESD�VED 1�RT�iER�, �by;said �ouiia�].j; �ha� saia-bond� in� gaicl*_� .- ' . . � � �o�nt ,and.p�� rralu� o� on� r��.ii�.on. �o1��r s� E�i�000�,o00� h��eby � �- . �. -�;� ,, ���_ ; '' p�ravided�,tand suthor�zed to -be: issu�d'.erii�,_sol�d for ..�he, afotesa�d� -� . " : -- -� pt�rpose�� '-..sY��].l.inat�.re and,�be�payable twenty (24) �e�ars afte� the:_ ,-,. � y•, j, . . � ��. , date of ,��;e .sa�� and �ari �he following d�.,�e and ii����.� �'o�.lo�3,ng='._=��- � " - •_ - • ,. , r. ,- „- � -. _ . � - � .' . _ � _ ''` ` - ti. .• . . a�aun�t = « -- • • _ , : . - . -, �� - -.-. . _ . � - . ' � - ... „ - . . „ , � - , �' - . 1 . �, . _ . ' .' . . _ - '' ,' _ f, " ,,. . . � - - � • .. - I���$�0�,� . ,. ,. . •� . _� � . . „ • . _ . , . ,, ,� . : _ . , . . . ' - '�atta.rity ., ' . �_ _ . ._ - . . . . Amb�in'�- . . = � •fA� . � �, _ � ,F . � .. ` . . ' � - , _ � � . _ - � ..� -,- - - .'. . ' , . - ,. , 1_ • . ° . �,+� � � ' ,\z ti Octobe� �:�, '�19$5 .� .- . -,� � ,��1so0a,oQ0 - - : �.. , �. � ,-.. . �� -. ' . -. ~i . �he nt�im��z's _�of said� bond�_��a� be� YiereaF�er spe.��.f�.,�d ,'by reso7:u��on .' �- .'� . ,- . � - of- the ��ouncil ��:f��r ��ce�.p�:. of bids thereon9 � . , . . � . „ .. _ : " _ . . � : . . . . . , ;� ... . . . . . _ . , , � ,: - . • �- - � - : ; • . .. . " 'RE��L`VED 1�3I��Cffi�� �Y�a t �aic� b4nds in ��he �aid amount ,a�.c� ' - . - • . " . � � .. pAr valt�e, o€ .�ne-�i�.Ilior���ollars ��1�000�90�� shali �e�� en�i��.Qd -� . � - . _ - _ ,. . _ ` . � - �Pe�mar��n�;'.,Impxovemen� �evo�p�r�g Funfl ��f't`�nd3;ng �or�ds" ,�nd shb�ll �:;�,�.: ' . _ � _,r � � '_ � . be �substan'G�ally ,3n the f.ollo�ring �orm s� � . � _ _ .-� ' _ - -�. �.; ' - -•. - . • ' � `- '�� � � � . . �' � - ` ' �'IIN�TH�� STA�'E3._AF��A�RICA� � �_ . . . - _ - ,' `: - r - ' � . - .': =�� ". . • , �- `• ; � '` = _ - 5�1�� OF� M�i+tNE�QTA� . . .. . � �: '� _- , ', - i . � � - • � - • - �� � ' � - - � ' .. •�' . - ..C(JU�V�Y 0�'�RAMSE'�J.- .,, ' . _ - . . , - - . . . , _ . _ . - ' , � � . . -r,. ' " _ � '_ f' G��' OF SAIN� FAi�L,. �� .;:�', ' . - .:._�` . . .� " - • ` . . , ., . . :. - r P;EI�ANE$j',1''IL+'g?�OVEk'�ENT 1��LYINQr �1�iV}3 � "�, TI�bI�Ci� ���1'I� -,- . � ,' '. _ -. . � . •. , ` . , . , r - .. . ' ' ?'' . ,' . ` . . :' ' ' , '_ • _, . � : . .. � .''. . . .. .';.'-�, r : . 1 ' ' _ ��i ��� �-� i • • •• • • •,ii �, . � „ � - � ; . � _. � - : "`. . �. .��`t� . . � ... .. . �. . �=� � r��r th�t �the �it� -of� � � � � � - :� , _ _ ,; , . KNQ�J A'I,F� M�N �Y :�1;iE��-T' F. EP3 �� , _ � . � - • � � . , ' . ';S$�,n�"_�?aul,.. �n :the� �oun.ty af :Ram�ey and .��'ate oF M3nneso�a�, . �'= � � T" :, ' . _ ' �akn,owYedgea itself�_to owe �and �'or val.ue re.ce�ved �ieTeby � -';� . . . • : ,.� . , - �� - � - - • _ � . . .. promises '�_o p�y Bea��� th�i gum of' .. . . . , . . ... .��..,,. . .. . . . . .,."., �:: -., . Y,. , � � ' . , , _ _ � t/.. • , - - � . . ' . , � ' s� . ; T . • " _ ._ - �� . `'y'. . � , . , s- , . • . . ' �.•.. . ` .O .. `'�) ' ' v � J .. ' : ... .. ' •.t: - • " � .. t • ' � i 'n* , ' ' { . ' ' ' - . ' .. ' � . _, , i. . - ", _- .�� .� _ ti- • ' ' � . _ - , � � . •t t. - ' „ •` • . F ., • �- _ • . - -. : ...}- - - ' " ' ' ' , �, . � _ . . � _ _ „ � • -. , + - � . . ., • _ - • � ' _ ' - ,. _ ' " '�/ . - - • 1 - � � .. . f ' , +f,.�''"' , .8 "�.'� r � , s � � � 1 ' �_r . �y ,.` c - -..* q _ - _ - - _ .t `J : .� . '� . ' ^ -.c�-- • �r ,? ~ i.}. �• , , ` .r; .•� ''F. . t _ ' .. ' � �`+ � . . , � _ , f,: a. 7. x �' f �-I r�'i. - " � � .. � - ' i • .: � _ � • jl• • �r .i. . - r • '. ."�L .. ^i � 2_ a , ' *4r +�'�' � � J'� .'z .b , _ ' v , i' ti�, . ♦ • . � . • , `� ` •- • . . , ,. � , - ,-.�• • ` ' . ' � ' � V ���;,• f`_� .',Y'•- , k ••''• � • , 1 �' ' ' � ' . , . - -�'*. 1_ .- _• . . • _ .. • ° ' __ - . , ' ��'4 "" • ;� ' �,r`,*, - • _ . __ .. y " ,' ( � . *. .:`��;��'L,/���r� '1 , _ � , _ , . � - a�! .. � .: �Y'�.. - ` . _. -:pagg ,��.t _ _ - -'�.. .- ; ' ° -. _ ,- =;r .. . - .- . -j ` " `• _ ` ' , - ` -. '� -' y.. _' '�. T - , ' • � . _ . • =7� ., , - ' .-s ,� .\ � � •, . . � , � Do].lar.s� $.�:..,: ;:�.,���. .�) on,�ha ��irs� day .o� OG�ober.� 1985~ � . ' �1� ._ �, ', ; ... :� = � �. . . _ - j-.. �, .' � : �og�th.e� �wi��i in�ez�est ti��reo� =�'rcam �he �d��� hereo� t�#�t�:l - ; � . _ .. =�.��;�-, pai�:,• .�t �he ,ra�e ot ;. . . .� � . . . r�r e,:., .,. per�_ e�r��tim ger 'snn�,� �" � . .�:. . '. - ,Pay�bl� s�mi,..-enni�al���-on ;tYis .fir�t' dsy� ,of�-Apr31: ;�►nd. Oc�ober . : - : _ r` - ' -�� , in`��ac}�'.yeg� afi'ter is�ue`�s evid�x�eecl b;y and .upor� �the ,' � � � . , _ , F ; � - ; ' -_ � � ��-prese��ation�arid s��render� of,������ a'iiiieaed. inte�es'� �oupons:�i_� .}� ; � . _�_- _ -� " - . a�,.,�h�y. severally� be�om� -�d�.e�. - ��Both..princ.�p�.1 anc� 3�teres't. -� ,- � -- � � � � . - � - - �� � d�� �he bond°are paygbl�;.•-.�:ri'�law�'.itl� money of th�-�n�.�e,d� St�t�s�-• - � . �� , _ _� -- ' of ;�mer���� �,t.. t�e��.saal -Ag�nt of'._th� ����j� a� 3�iia�' Pau1 . ' _ - .. . _ ,� ; .. � _ �t�i �itrie� S�int ��.a.u�:;; �i.iin�s.ot�• or Ne�r Yor� ��ew York, .a� . �;,_ : . :, • , � - , �� ; th� _bp�ion��of �h�� �iolder�:, and �for -the promp_� pi�Ymbnt c�f -�.. . , . ; _� � =thts bondj�, bo�h, p�irie3,,p�r1� and:�ntez�est� �t 'matttri�y� th� '� � . . _ . . _ 4 -. _ = �`t;i11` fai�h and. L���edi�.,bf �he ,Gity af -����.t� Pau�. are __., r:,_ , � � • - . . . - , ' � .� . isreva�ably_pl�dgecl: � , � ; . ° ., -_ � . : : � - _ i ,- � .. .. ; - , `' '. • - � - � � F�"�t��i.s� bon8 ��.,� or�e.±.o�''- a number aP bonds, amount�.r�g �,n _ �_ : - � ` :i,' ' . . , � " - � � the�,s8greg��e,��tb, .tYie sum o� �4n� ,I��.�.].�.an- Dglla�g. (�1�40(3�00��. � . �.- , � .. _ �. � ' ., i$sued .�y ths C3..ty� of Sai:nt;Pau1, 1'or, th� Purpose, o� the • , - - � � -� - ' '_ � � '�reservi�ig :ar�cl �rep�.eni�h�.ng•'bf.�,its Pei�man�r�� .Ympr�v�men�- :'` - � , � - ,.. _-_ - � �i�evol.v�ng' �:in ar�c�' �u�hori�ed by' ��s Ffes.ol�tion�, �ounci�: . - . - . _ _ - - �.� - . Fi1e Np. 225�57. °�' add�ted- �nd' pa�sed' by �he ���u�C31�.� . � - - : . �' t � � � of t1i� 'se i y and duly "gigned, ..�tte�tedy� apProve�. and, �� � . - _ � _ . . , _ . . . � ' • + :_: : PubS.ished- $n the. manne� r.�quired by� tY�e�-�ha�rte�� of'' s41d,� ,-, - -� -. . �'� _ � � , . ,Ci'ty afid �tt�der • th� ��thc�ri�y �of arid �n �&1]; resp eot� in ��' }; _. � � : . ' .1� � �.i�.l vompliance wi�h� �ea.t�vns -�17.�<and �78:0�' �the �Chart�r . . � _ _ � ; _ . ' _ " o#' the C�ty�:-of rSaint,`�'a��.ti,� and� ���ch. o��.e� �se���-ons "tY�erenf-.- _ _ � ..�' � ` - _-{Y -- � � as •.m�y be aPglicable. �he�'eto�.-':and� _C�iaptex� �4���. Minnesota�- �. - _ -� -. - . - . ; . _ -- - 3�a�utes 196T,, _,�s amen�.e�d:. . ir J. - .. . - � � � � � � • • � , . � - - , _ � . . - _ . -� - � -�. . .�' • � . - .� -•' _+i�'� i� �ereby �e�ti,f3.ed '�ric� ��ec��ed �ha�� ali th�ngs� � , . e . ._-� ._ , -� • ` � . . � .�Gts a�.d-:ao��i���ins� required b_y, �k�e,Cor��t�.t�.tioh- a�c� ,Laws -•. .� -, . . . ' • • o� th� �.�a�e�-of �iinrie�sota= �.nd��the �Chart�r o�' "=sa�d �ity. -� _ , - - - . - . ' � ' . �ci. happen-�'and be�,don��..anc� ,perfo�med pTe��den�. �to enel �r�. " • _. �° ; ' ' . �,the �:ss�ance of� ��.�.s �bond h�ve� happen�d...$n� ha.ue beeri � . -_ ..- �-. � -� � . � �= . doti� and��er'�'ox�m�.d in re gular ��ad +due Porm and`t�.ma a�. �:,,. _ ,i�- ' _ ' . ,. _..� _,' , :- -`. x`equ�.rs&� by_ la�,r_ �nd�.'tha� � the .-to�ai indebtedriesfi_ o� said�_ . . ,. . �. , � r.' � . _. City� inal:uding`th�s bonti_s doee `not ;�aC�e� an,y-�eon��itii�3.on�]:�, .� �-: . ' _ . _ _ $ta�utory _o�.,-�char�er_ lim�.tat3.on.:.=. . . ' • . . � - - � .� �.; ..' . , � , , j - •f ,: �'��� �W��'N�SS'�WHERE��'� �he. said-`��i��y of` ���int ��u T ;hy'`,,.� ` � . t, � . ` _ ;z �� .. , . .- • � i . ,� . - �_ i�s �ouncil�,-,'ha� eau�ed-�hig boi�cl �o be .�eal�d by the ' . � , _ ' .. . . � . _ -'�.- facs�.mile ;of ;i�s�. Qf�iaial .aea13 �lfit'hog�aphdd th�r�4n�a . .� : -� . = � . . - _ _. = ' - tci _lie �signed `b�r�the= li�hog���hed F�es�mi�e sigria�nre�°OP _ ,' `' ' ,..r � . .. . ' -its �,�iayor� '.at�es�e:d..by�t��. 1.�tYac►gr�r�ihed. facsimile signa,��re ���r,� ;-, _; .�,:�; . , ,�` - � of it.s ��.ty, C1ark, :i�rid .c�oun.,�ers�gn�ed ina�uallg.by its, , � . -� . ., � . : ,. - � - : Comptroll�r� �.nd each ,of th� �,nte�e�'t cor�pons �ie�eto - �, " ,; �_ -. _ � ," ,,. ; - . attach�� to�-_b� execu�ed b� ,tYi� li�hograpk�ed �acsim. 3.1e . _ „ � . , '4� •� ;.a - t ,, . 1_ � - � - _'C" ' � �' ..4. .. " _.. • • . .. ' � �.a. '{' .. . 4 ' ` ' � •,J � . : . '' ,� . +, -'._� e ,..` '� �,` _� . ` �� , ..4 ,� . -_ . ' ` � Fr . . ry . c' ' f . _ t w . .. - - _ { .. . '-+ _ � � - ' . ^ - �' .�� _ . . � . �t., - ' „ .� � • • _ . ` �• �. ` ,9 ' ', ci_ � _ .: , _ 7' ..Y _ '' ` , +-.,^ .. .7 _ . � 4� f � ✓. �' . , _,. ':`� ' � • . , k,, • L� . � , � , - ' - - ' • - ' •� . • .: i a' ' + : :i+".`' " _ _ • . " �. . • • . ' : • _ ... ••� _ ' � ' " " , . `- . . ' r - . _ .. .. "� , �.. , .�1�'� � _� � � �- ^ . : . . __ � . � �, � t - . " �'- " r - �.7 .', r ..,- . . = : -' n �; ` ''4., ._� „ . - � ♦. " _ � _ '� .� � . , � . � ,. - , , _ . . , - , ' ` - , �. •• • •. ,,` - _ ._ .. 1 _t r.' ' -_ , .'. , r, . ��' . - 7 � . l - `� �����. �-� ' �, � . ' ` �- ,� . � _ � t � --- �a_ge .4. .� � . .- ., , ._ . _ � _ . , -. _ , , , . - - 1._ - -- • • ' . . - ° � � • � - ' �`'- •� - - �- , - ,- . . �� . . ' : • _ • - • � . . � . : ` .- ' � � _ �g�gna�ures of said :officerss.• as ot" :th� f;irs� da� oP`+� ,'� , i. . , -- �, �c�tober, •19fi�� � : _ : .- - _ .. _ ,_� � � . '. .-_ r_. ° - ' .' , ; - , - ' � `' - - . _ .` ... ' -, , .' � . � ` " ' . �, '� - . _ , .,, . - , � . , _ , , . . � �' � �4 � ��� ��r • i �.� � .� • � �-• • ♦ W • ,• ► • i���1�• •'-• - ` .-. _ ' , -, '_ _, ' ' .' - -. . � � - .- - , . � :' :- Niayor•. . `_ _ . : ,. _� . � '� . � -° , - .- � , . • - _ . r . . . , , }_ , _. . ' ' . . - - �#,�@:�t.•� � ` ' ' ' ' � � � .. � . , ' - .. • • . • • � i �, ��• �,�'i� r�• • • i • � � • ��• • �. • '. , � � ; - � � 'C��y� Cler�s. ., �, �-, • • , . . , . - , - , -• � � � � - • '. � .. . . '.: . Counter�ignedi- . :.. ..'. . . . . . ... . . : . . . .�. . .1�.J, . .�.^.�i " � `_ ��, ` �. '� � � � � . ' � ." � _ „ ' City Comp�roilliT` � -_- ';. �� - �- - , � , ' � �. -. ' ' . �� ',, . �_-. . _ _ .': ''. - � � -- "� -.. ' ; - COUP4�N . �,. � . ,, : -� „ � ' - ` � -� :Y ` ' L ' „«• : � . , !' -.- .. , , ' , _ �+` , ,_ `% .. �y4 . 'NO.._.'. • • . • • . •�• . • .,:• • . � . ,_' - ' , �.'. . . . ♦ . • . • . • • • . . , �, ' ' _y . :. - ; Ori ��ne •��.r.�t day. of Apr�l` � 1�: . �th .Ci� , . - ' .. ,� - _ - - _ . . Octobt�r'- . . . . ..�' � ty..�f - i'f� � . _- Sa�nt �Paul; �iin�i�sci�a proi�is�s to pay to B�arep ..�. ,-, . . .�,..:-.�:��„ _. . .�� _ � , �- ' Do?�.ar`s ��: .'. :. . , . . , . . .� at. th� Fiscal � - `� i = `. • r� .• •} a • � • r• � • .. •,r� ,� , '_ ' - _ �Agent af �the. Ci�y of Sa�.n�- Pat��.� i,n,��eit�er 5ai'nt P�t�7.� - --,,._� :,r � - � . , ' . -M��esd�af� o�� I�ew York�. _3deta York,• a� th� opt�on of 'theri _ ', � .� � -. `�� hoTder j for �ntex.est due �ha-� 'day on� i�s Permansnt•- � � -� - " . �. �' �mprovemer�t #�epolv3ng F1�nd�Ref�nd�,ng,� Bor�d� datecl .as of�� . � _ . �`, - �'f , • . -- � �ctober �l�� 19b5 �1�T . - , . , . _ . ._ , : - . � ° T'�1��':• �yi� r.� • • • • s i �• � '� • .; - Y - � '' • J t • , . . ' -- .. : , r . , �, -.� • ' . i � . ' • �- • • _ �. - � • • • • •'• s i r l • • �_� • t • i�� ♦ • .� • • i'� r i • • � • • �_ . � � . . ; . - _,_+��,' .. . . . ' ,�+je�OT ' � - ` • - � - - ` _ .. . : � , .. 1•T;k•: ; _ _ �_ . •- . ' _ f i - � �- ��. � • . � . }� ! ` , �� , � A�'testo .�. . .'. -.'.-. . . . . ..: . . . ;�:. . , , .': . . ' , . � . ,-�_-. A , - ;' - " � - ' - '. , ' _ _;� ' " °'C�.ty Glerk ' __._ . • - , � _ :�, � ' _- � , -_ _ . - __ _ � . . . . . , . . ,. � . , . -, . , ° , ..: .. " • . � - ' b - � ` _ .,� . . 3 _ : � . , - ' -Gou�.tersign a , . - �� t_ � � ,r __ , - - . . _ ` • , i - - - . , I _ _ e'iJ.� ► . �� :• s . � . �� • . � r�. • i • i • • • i�i,�� r ♦�,• • •�� . : , , . - � ,�.- . � - - ., . ; ' , . . .� . : - Cf��. Comp'�rol�.er_ - _ " - a � � •�RE�4L.�.�;D. F�J�. ' E� �at `-saeled ro �o�a7.s �ti� i�e�e3ved., in, �the - ., . j _ _ - . -.. 'of�'iee��o�;-the �itg ��mp�roller in. �h�pCovP,rt House' er�d ��,ty Ha�.�. ' � � ' , � � _ � - Building��, in �the ��it� :of �a�:r�t F'aul� Mi,-nn;e Sot�a� up� to ,ten Q��loek;: f. � " = � - `' � � _A.�M. (Ce5�.�.) f�a�ober 2�� 196��� - for the sale oP ai1" o� nbn�_.�f .�aid � � - , " '�:sst�ei . accord3,n.g.:, to, the purposes 'oP � s�oh �b,ond�� 'a�'�er g�ving..due _ � � �_ . - � �nnt�.�e �b.f said sale int the mar�er' pres�r�bed� by law� �n �he� 9t. �Faul; ' _ . Leg�1 L�dge�? ,th� ,'o�'fi'e3.g1 news���ser of �sa3.d City� and in t�he�_ -. � ° - . . . � �Commbrcia2� i�esti ��a fi.nancial .perio�.3:�.a1 publ�shed in.", tY��: �tate�. ,of�. . - �_ � i . " :�ti�nnesota�.�• that' e�cYi bidc�er `shs11. �be. r'equi�ed to ao,coffipany hi� :bir� _ � . � � -• - - . = by, a ��r�i,#'ied .or aashi�r.'� s cheok` Pqr �wo �er centv.m (��) o�' tki�- - - - - � , - : � ° emoun�� Q� bonds bic� for�� w1�3.�h 'will".be �'o���i�ed 'to �he Cit�, a� . � . ' . � _. ', l�quidated .ciama�es if-'�he b�rids ar� ,not. tQk�n .arid- pa�:r� for. wh�ri _ � -.� - � ' . -. � , _. . , . , , . a:. , , . _ _ _ , , _. . . . _ - � i -. . . �,, - - _�; � . - _ � 1 � , . � . .. . , , _ - . '' 4 + ' ' -i. , -- ;, ' � ._ _ . _ - . , , ._ . , . ) ��, - _ a '�_ _` ' ' ' .� ' - ' . . ` x. j� . '_ - . - .�,; ?• �T.�, . i . . ' ' _. ' ' . , � ! t ' �� ', �.* . `e:- ' ` .. . _ • •� . + ,� . - I " _ ' `� ` . �^ : . .. - , _ --` . _ _ , , ' - _ .- . ' ' .- } ' - -�n,-,n���huw ..�5� �� , � . •, .��m� e:.��������R�'4M�AMtari' ' �116'11A�"9��7?r�"�r:y�rr�..,--.rn� - ,�� :.r�r�a,x��,eC.+',�f"' , � Y � � DUrL16A7E TO rRINT[R ^^���� ^ �' CITY OF �ST. PAUL couNCa db! ' OFFICE OF THE CIfY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOttM IRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DA� ; ��g� 5. � r��dy 3'or del�vsry; th�t th� �i�y �o�pt�o�.ler �h�,1.�y �t th� nest. � �R�ting after reaciving ��3.d b�.d�� present the �a,ma .to �h� ,�ink3�n� . ,� F1.tn.d �om�t�tt�e �nd th� Cat�nc31 for th�3r act�3.on th�reon; and th�.t ��id bonds �h�.11 be a�arded to �he per�on who will oi��'�� �h� lowt�t nst in�er��� �o�� �o th� G�.tyy not e�Qeeding fi�e per een�w�. (��)� p�r �nnv�t. . , —_. . , . . . . . . . . . . , . � 0�T 1. 1965 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas • Nays Dalglish oc� 1 �96� �IoH$ad APPro�� lg— Loss � Tn FAV01' Meredith l T_�,� � Mayor �� A gBinSt Mr. President, Vavoulis ioas e.�