225455 t �����d� i OR}{�INAL YO'CITY CLlRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO `� O�FICE O THE CITY CLERK C�UNCIL SOL'�TI N—GENERAL FORM � �, f �RESENTED EY ��/� / � COMMISSIONE '6' !-� �- DA� !' / p , �� , �� !� / ` f ,�WHEREA�, �n.der and by authority of Chapter 341� Minnesota Session �aws for 1933, Minneapolis�ain,t Faul �anita.ry District was estal���:sfi��: a�i� ��isreafter the Board of Trt�stees of said �anitary District prior to tY�e constr�zction or operation of the Sewage Disposal System of said Sanitary District� under �nd by authority of said 9ct� did adop� the� Comprehensive Plan and Program of Procedwre and �n7ork, of said Sani�ary District� for the collectior�, treatment and disposal of sewage and �raste materials of said Sanitary District� and thereunder a.nd in accordance therewith� as modified prior to April 9, 1962� among other things� said Sanitary Distriet did constr�ct and has sin.ce maintained and operated the Sewage System and Treatment Pla.n.t for said purposes; and WHEREA�� said Board of 2'rustees of said '3an.i�ar District on April 9� 1962, under and by suthority of said Ch� ter 3�1, I�Li.nne so ta Session Laws for 1933, as amended; Chapter �-45, 1Minn.esota Statutes Annotated, as ame�.d�d, by its �solution No. 956� a eopy whereof is herewith filed and in.corporated herein bp reference� provided therefo� an.d effea�ed the modification of said Comprehensive Plan and Progra.m of P�o��edure and Work� of said Sa.nitary District� designated "Pro�ect I-10"� as adopted November 13� 1933, and as then amended� so that thereby provisior� has been made for the egpansion of said Sewage System and Treatment Plant� of said �an'it�ary�District� during the years 1963, 1964 196� and 1966, at an �stimated and probable cost of �21��10,0�0.00� sueh egpansion - to involve capital �dditions to said Sewage System and 2'reatment .,� Plant which �hall provide addit�onal capacity of said Treatment Plant an.d increased facilities therein for secondary treatment of �' sewage a.nd waste materials by the high-rate activated sludge process� "" among other things, all as more particularly appears from said �' -v Comprehensive Plan and Program of Procednre a.n.d �7ork as modified o � by said Resolutior� No. 956; and said Board of Trustees of said ...� �snitary District, in.�aecordan.ce with said �tesolution No. 956� , � having ft�rther g� ovided for the con�truction of a.n tancompleted ' � �� part of the aforesaid sub�ect expansion of said Sewage System and 2'reatment Plant� in the year 1966, at ar�„�stimated and probable � � cost of $10,666, 500.00� and therefor havi�ng ftlrther adopted its � COITNCILI�N Adopted by_.the Council 19— as Nays Dalglish . Holland � Approved 19— Loss . Tn Favor , Meredith . Peterson ' MSyOY � � A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis � ' lons e-as � . � � ������ + Page 2. ; �. "Capital Additions" item� of the�1966 Budget of said �Sanitary Distr�et in the same amount a.nd thereby and therein apportioned the said "Capit�l Additions" item� �10�666� 500.00� for payment as follows : �4�62'7,12'7.00 for payment by said City of Saint Paul . and �6,039,373•00 for payment by the City o�f Minneapolis, under and by authority of said Chapter 341� Minn�sota Session Laws for 1933, as amended; Chapter 4�+5, Minnesota �tatutes Annotated� as amended; and , WHEREA�, the Council of s�.�id�:�ity�of �Saint Paul by its Resolution� C. F. No. 20'7616, approved June'12� 1962, has in all things approved said Resolution No. 956, o�' said Board of Trustees of said �anitary District� and acts and proceedings of said Board of Trustees, tMereby represented� and by its subsequerit ��esolution, C. F. 1Vo. 225091, approved September l, 1965, has determined that the most� appropriate method for the f3naneing of said,; apportioned ` , obligation of said City of �Sain� paul on account of���"said "Capital Additions" �Sanitary District 1966 Budget item, for 'payment on account of the estimated and probable cost of such part of such expansion of said "�Sewage �ystem and �reatment Plant proposed to be ' constructed during the year 1966, is that which shall involve both the issuance and sale of Sewage Disposal Bonds of said City suthori�ed by Chapter _ _ 341, Minnesota Session Laws for 1.933, as amended; Chapter 445� - Piinnesota .Statute�s 196I; as amended, and the appropriation of available f�.inds of said City otherwise derived� and has thereby ' accordingly determined to employ such method of fin.ancing therefor; and said Council of said City duly enacted Ordinance No. 13053, bearin.g Council File No. 225090� approved �eptember 1�, 1965, which authorizes and provides for the issusnce and sale, by said City , of Saint Paul, of its Sewage Disposal ��ystem Bonds, �Series 1965c, of said City of �aint Pau.l in the aggregate par .value amount of �2, 500,000.00 authorized to be issued and so�ld by said City for . said .purpose and similar purposes by said State Statutes� as amended, and which provides that the proceeds of the iss�.anee and sale of sueh - bonds thereunder, in tY�e amount of $2� 500�000.00, shall be applied � to the partial payment of said CityTS said obligation on accour�.t � of said appor�ionment to said City, un.der said "Capital Addition" item of said ;�anitary District Budget, for a�d on acco�ant of the j part of the sub�ect expansion of such �Sewage System and Treatment i Plant proposed, as aforesaid� to be con�trueted in the year 1966. and which provides that additional available funds of said City in the requisite amount shall be appropriated therefor and applied in payment of the remainder of tY�e same, accordin.g to said 5tate Statutes, as amended• and it is now necessary that said City issue and sell said �2, 500,000.00 par value of said Sewag� Disposal �System Bonds of said City of �aint P�aul� for said purpose; therefore be it _ � � . , . , i . , . � �2���� ' , Page 3. RE30LVED, �hat the Council of the City of Saint Paul iss�.e and sell at t�is time such Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00) par value bonds authorized by said Orflina.nce No. 13053 to be denominated "City of Saint Paul Sewage Disposal Syatem Bonds, Series 1g65C"; be it F�iTHER RESOLVED, That sucY� bo�ds, authorized by said Ordinance No. 13053, hereby provided and directed to be issued and sold in the par value`a.mount of Two Nlillion �'ive Hundred T�ousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00), sha.11 be iseued and sold in the manne� required by law, that the bonds of said issue shall all be of the sa.me denomination, .namely, $1,000, $5,000 or $10,000, at, the ' opt3.on of the purchaser, dated October 1, 1965 and bear inte�est ; at a rate not in excess of five per centum (5�) per annum payable , , semi-annually on April 1 and October 1, according to the- interest coupons �o be atteched to said bonds; that said bonds shall be serial � -in form, and a portion thereof shall be payable �each year eommenaing October 1, �968 but none of said bonds shall run for a longer period _ than thirty (30� years; and be it � FfTRTHER RESOL�TSD, That said Two Million Five Htindred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00) par val�ze bonds to be is9ued and sold for st�ch Sanitary Distriet purposes a.nd to be :denominated, as aforesaid, "City of Saint Paul Sewage Disposal Systein Bonds; Series 1965C", shall ma.ture serially commencing October 1, 1968, over said thirty- year pe�iod or� the following datea and in the followin$ amounts : � Date of Maturity Amoant � � 1968 $ 50,000.00 . 1969 50�000.00 :� t ' - lg�o 50,000.0o f� �971 70,000.00 �972 70;,000,o0 �973 70,000.00 197�. 70,000.00 i975 � 70,000.00 �976 80,000.00 1g�7 80,000.00 �97$ 80,000.00 ' 1979 , 80,000.00 �9gp 80,000.00 1g81 go,000.00 1982 90,000.00 19gg go,000.00 �9g� 100,000.00 lgg5 loo,000.00 lgg6 100,000.00 , 19g7 . loo,000.00 � � , , . . � . ' � . ������ ' Page �F. 1988 ilo,000.00 . 198g 110,000.00 1990 ilo,000.00 � 1.991. 120,000.o0 i992 120,000.00 1993 120,000.00 199� 120,000.00 1995 � 120,000.00 � ToTa� $2,500,000.00 That said Two Million Five���?ur�dred �housand Dollars ($2;500,000.00) par va�.ue bonds to be issued for Sanitaxy District p�zrposes shall �.z be in substantially the following form, which has been prepared � by the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation � Counsel of the City of Saint Paul and is he�eby approved and - .� �•�� adopted: _ ' � � '. "U�TITPD STATES OF AMERICA � S�A�E OF M2NNESOTA � COUN'i'Y OF RAMSEY •- CITY OF S�iIN� PAUL S�W9GE DISPOS9L SYSTEM BOND , . SERIES 1965C No. , .� , .. �_.�._ - . �- _ _ ^ .�-.__ ..._,. . _ �_. . � � "KNOTiJ ALL MEAi BY g'HESE PRESENTS, Tha.t the City of Saint Paul, in the �ounty of Ramsey a.nd �ta�e of Minnesota, acknowledges itself�;to owe and for value received hereby promises to pay to B($er the sum of , Dollars � on the f3.rst day of Oc�ober, 19 , toge�her with � interest thereon from the date hereof until paid at the rate of per centum per annum, payable aemi-ann�zally on ��.e first days of April and October . ����- in ea�h year as evidenced by .and upon the presentation � °•3�,.�} and surrender of the annexed interest co�pons as they , _,:,��= � ....; severally become due . � Both principal and int.erest � � on this bond are payable 'in lawful money of the United States of Ameriea at the �i:sc�7: Agerit�o� �he City of Saint Pau1,, in either Saint Paul, Minnesota, or New Yor�k, New York, at the option of the holder; and for tL�e prompt payment of this bond, both prin�ipal and interest, at mat�zrity, the full faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul are irrevocably pledged. "This bond is one of a series of bonds issued and sold by said City of �aint Paul, in the aggregate . � ������ Fage 5. par value amoun.t of �2�500�000.00, authorized by Chapter 341� Minnesota �ession I,aws for 1933, 8S a.mended; CMapter 44�, MinneSOta �tatntes �.g61;�.�`�:j.�?�s , : as am.ended� for the purpose of �he procurement of �`�• ` , funds in said amou.nt for application in paqment vf , �� the duly apportioried obligation �o� �aid 'City of Sain� � Paul for the partial payment of the cost of that • portion of the expansion of the �ewage System and Treatment Plant of Mianeapolis-�aint Paul Sar�itary Distriet proposed to be constructed in the y�ar 1966, � and to constitute part of the expansion tY�ereof �,.. ;.-�' ,��.:..� ' proposed to be constrt�.cted in its entirety dnring the years 1963, 1964, 1965 and 1966, such `Sewage �ystem and Trea�ment Plant having been and to continu� to be . established and maintained� for the collection� tr�atment , and disposal of sewage and waste materials� used by . � said City of Sair�t Faul �ointly with the City of 1Kinneapolis� and comprising and to coatinue to comp'ri�e a part of the �complete plan of sewage- a.nd waste material � collec�ion, treatment and disposal system of said �,�a�; _ " I�nrieapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District as anthorized ��,�;h.���?:� '� , ,'_, by saida Chapter -341, Minnesota Session Laws for 1933, `� _ .f .. ,- � as amended; Chap�er 445! l�iinnesots Utatutes T.�61 , , � . - � � ' • - as amended. - . .. - �. ._ , . �F 1-.`� ��:�;• .'S _ _ ._ . �.�, .���.�waY,�n»t.�'1•?,.=..^,��'t>:,�':;^.�;-'�"n.�-+-c�-Xa..-.c�_-.s,.�.G.--r_�.. -.. �--- ; --.. ,..... - �. '. .� �....--..�- iF� , ' � � "This bond is issned -and sold by said City of • � � ' �aint Paul� nnder and by authority of Ordinance No. 13�5�" � � enacted by the Council of said (:ity of �aint Panl� duly - signed, attested� approved and pi�blished, in the mann,er required b� the uChart�r of said ��ity of �,aint Pau�3.;�,.� � nnder �a.nd by authority of Chapter 341� Minnesota � � ' -� , Se�sion La�rs for 1933, as amended; Chapter 445� I►iiruiesota s . Statutes �.19;6�., s , as amended� under and by a�thority �` of th Resolution of said Council, Council FYle No. 225�+55 , adopted ar�d approved October 1 � ,-.�;� � � a.n n full eompliance with sa r nance� sa � State �tat�tes� as amended, said Resolution� said Charter, as applieable� and Chap�er 47 5� Minne�so�a . ��atutes _�;�:1961.�.a, as amende.d. "Tt is Y�ereby certified and recited that all � ��tl�ing�� acts and conditions r�quired by the �onstitution and yaws of the 5tate of Minnesota and the Cha�ter of said City to' happen and b�� done and performed -preeedent to and in the issuance- of this bond� hav� happened an.d been done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law, and -that the total indebtedness of said City� includin,g this bond, does not exceed any constitntional, statutory or charter limitations. � �����5 � Fage 6. � "IN WITNF�S WHEREOF, the said City of �aint Paul � by �its Council has eaused this bond to be sealed by the facsimile of its Official �eal� lithographed thereon� to be signed by the lithographed facsimile signatnre of its Mayor� attested by the lithographed faesimile signature of .its Citp Clerk� and countersigned manually by its Comptroller, and each of the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers� as of the first day � of October� 1g65. - Mayor Attest: , City Clerk • Countersigned: City Comptroller ; � � "COUPON , - - . � . i ± ,_ ; No. ' � - On the first day of October� 19 � the City of ��aint paul, Minnesota� promises to pay to bearer Dollars (� ) - at t e �ca� - gen�t�o t e ity of ;Saint Pau � n either - `�aint Paul, Minnesota, or New York, New York� at the option of the holder� for interest due that day on its Sewage Disposal System Bond� �Series 1965C, dated as of October l� 1965, No. . Mayor Attest : � , C ty ler � Covntersigned: City Comptroller �1 and be it . �TRTI3ER RESOLVED� That each said bond shall be sealed by the facsimile of the Official `�eal of the City c�' Saint Faul lithographed thereon and signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of the Mayor� attested by the lithographed facsimile signature of the Ci�p Clerk, and countersigned manually by the City Comptroller, in accordanee ,: . _ . . 'OR�GINAL�TQ�CITY CLBRK ������ 4 � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO_ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED OY COMMISSIONE■ DA� Page 7. wi�h Cha ter 422, Laws of Minnesota for 1951� as a.mended� and �ection �75.55, Minnesota �tatutes 1961� as amended� and the interest �oupons thereto attached shall be egecuted by the lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers; and be it FfJRTHER RE�OLVED� That sealed proposals be received in the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House and City Hall Buildir3.g� in the City of �aint Paul� Minnesota , up to ten oi cloek A.M. (C.�S.T.) October 21� 1965, for the s ale of all or none of said bonds� after giving due r�otice of said sale in the manner prescribed by law in the St. �aul Legal I;edger� the official newspaper of said C�ity� and in. the Commercial West, a financial periodical � published in the �tate of Minnesota; that each bidder shall be reqnired to accompany his bid by a certified or cashierrs check � for �wo per centum (2�) of the amount of bonds bid for� which will � be forfeited to the City as liquida�ed damages i�' the bonds are not . . taken and paid for when ready for delivery; that the City Comptroller shall� at the next meeting after re�eivin.g said bids� pr esent the same 'to the Sinking Fiand Committee and the Council for their action _ thereon; and _that said bonds_ shall be awarded -to the person offering ��the lowest ne� interest cost to the City� not exceeding five per centum (5�) Per an.num. OCT 1196� COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays Dalglish , o�� 1 �� � , �d Approved 19_ Loss Favor • Meredith p�� � Mayor A gainst � �kesea- Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED OCT 5 �r��� ions aas .. �.. •_ - PUBLISHED oCT 9 19� CJUrLICA7�TO rRIHT[R q� ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCi� ���`��� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREA�� under and by authority of Chapter 3�+1� Minnesota Session Laws for 1933, Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District was established a�d thereafter the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District prior to �he construction or operation of the Sewage Disposal System of said Sanitary District� under �nd by authority of said Act� did adopt the Comprehensive Plan and Program. of Procedure an8 Work� of said Sanitary District� for the collection� treatment 8nd disposal of sewage and waste materisls of said Sanitary District� and thereun.der and in accordance therewith� as modif�ed prior to April 9, 1962, among other things� said 8anitary District did construct and has since maintain.ed and operated the Sewage System and Treatment Pl�n.t for said purposes; �nd WHEREA�� said Board of Trustees of �sid Sanitar,y District on April 9� 1962, under and by au�hority of said Chap ter 341� Minnesota Session Laws for 1933, as amended; Chapter 445� Minnesota Statutes Annotated� as amended� by its Resolution No. 956� a copy whereof . is herewith filed and incorporated herein by reference� provided ther�for and effected the modification of said Comprehensive Plan and Program of Procedure and Work� of said Sanitary District� designated "Pro�ect I-10"� as adopted N�v�mber 13� 1933, and as then amended� so that thereby provision has been made for the expansion of said Sewage Sys-�em and Treatment Plant� of said Sanitary District� during the years 1963, 1964, 1965 and 1966, at an estimated a�nd probable cos� of �21�710�000.00� such expansion to involve capital .additions to eaid 8e�tage �ystem and Treatment Plant which shall provide additional capacity of said R'reatment Plant and inereased facilities therein for secondary treatment of sewage and waste materials by the high-rate activated sludge process� among o±h�r things� all as more particularly appears from said Comprehensive Plan and Program of Prccedu�e and Work as �odifted by said Resolution No. 956; and said Board of Trustees of said 5anitsry District� in accordance with said Resolution No. 956� having f`ctrther pr ovided for the construction of an uncompleted part of the aforesaid sub�ect expansion of said Sewage System and Treatment Plant� in the year 1966, at an estimated and probable cost of �k10,666� 500.00� and therefor having further adopted 3ts COiJNCILI�N ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn FSVOr Meredith Peterson �YOr �►g8inst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion[ e-es • r r - ` . -� .• ` .a�, . ' . - , . _ < _ �. ' t ' _ ' . . > A ' • _ + ^ -� _' '� - ' � • � •� . • - ,_ £ 'h a . . ., ` . „ `;f _ �. ,y � 4 � .,�� . ' . 'F .. � , • - , , i L_' g r + • `_ `� -� t " " . , ' • �"� � • - , , • ` r _�y : � . ' ri. ,r+�•. ,ti .� .�t •b � �.: � .• � , . - ^ � F � ,���'����� ,'� � ,. . . j � #i, �- � _ . -."' � ', . . . - ,� _ � = _' ' .. • ,_ . ,_ '� ' ., . - . �.'� _ , . :, �Y . ' .. - . — � ,.. Y - � . _ . _- _ --: � -._ , s . _ �'' ; ', �- P�g� �2'` ' ' , . � . . � :. .. � ; ° � :� , - _ ` 4 . , • ' , - . ' � •` - ' � - J : A ', .;Q • - + � , l.'j'�,,. � + -_ . . �' L ' ` `�', ` ^� � � . :����1�t.s1.'.Ac�dit�ons�'� . ,, , - r , � . , - _ . - - ' - �.�, . :�� � � ��em- �o�' � ,�t,tc� et of s�td, � .'. ;D�.striet in- ��ie sa;m�� amoun� �gnd�th 66 � :Sa�.ita�,y •_ ��_ .'�.. �°- k - �h� ��aid"'���ap�,tel Add�.tions _ ���� ��eby and,;.th�re.in appor�l.onec�° _ -,_. t '� _ �r � '�1.0 S t'i$6,�50�.OQ. .. "fo�' p�y1�1e11t - ' . ' : = �as. f�,11o�r� �-�' �4 �62��]:2?.00 fo�-� a - ' ' ' � , anfl 6 4 - � �3�e�:�.. �y said �3.�y vf. Sai�,t -Pa�t]... . . . .._. , - � �� 39;373:�0 #'or.� a, _ . . P S'�aerit t`by the �.C��Y;vf �iim�eapt��:3s�'�under . � ;.� ! � •, , • " �.rid by- .au��hpr�.��r flf• sa�1d. Chap_�'er ��+1�. I��nr�.eeo��; Ses��.o�.. L�ws for : . . . � , � _ ; . ' 19�3 y �8 �ameni3�c�; .�h�pt�r���+�+�,� M�.t�neso�a�. S�etutes ,, . - as_ amer�dQd;.� and .- , . , . . . - . . Annatated�� - , - _ - - � . � - � � - ' �g�g�. ��� �o�' ' ' ;;: . � ; `..` ' _ . �� �- - . • -- - - , , . . �.._ . , un�iZ of s��d.:C3,�Y o�� �a�n� � :'. � '�esol�xt3.on; C. F. �No e.� 20761� �g r P.��1 bY .i�s. .- L' . . - � , - -• � . th�ri s a �' PP oveci �'urie� Y2's. 7��6�� h�s �in all. �-.=-. . "._ . . � _ : & PProved �aid�-�teso]:u��on �To.., 9���k� 4�' �aid Bv��d o� �rust .es . . . . - _+� o�' sa�d Sanitaty �iata�iat� .�nd_ aQta� .and proeeedings a� said �Boa�d -ti - ,� � • .: ; , of �rus�e�sy th�r�eby� r-e�res���ed�; and.by its�� subseqtz�n� �esolut3on � � . " .. , - �• C. �� .-�v:- 22�4 �. 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' ,- � • amer�ded.; Chap.�er 4��j�� Mi�eso�� Statv.�e� �.9b��;,�GY�.�". � . . �, �,� , _ .. , - � �, '' . : '° as amended,. ��'or t�� purpos� _vf th� proc�irem�n� of � � , ,� � . �• , � �� funds�, i� sa�d amo�n� for epplie�'�ion ia. pa3�e�t v�' ' .�� , _ : . - � . , � ' a • , . �h��*:du�"y �ppc�r.�ioneel ob�.igat#:on�o�', sa�.d� �ity oi' 8airi� � . � � .. _ � . � - : _ � Pau1 for the p&rt��l gay�e�t .oI �he� �q�t oP tY�at - � ' �- �� - . � _ - ' -� - � ,. . , - - -•-.portion of. tk�e :�xpsnsican cf the Sewage' ��ya�em aad �,- �, _� . - � _- , _: : , -_ " - . . TrQatme�t, Plgnt, of� _I�Iinneepolis=�a�.at� .Peul. .�an���ry�- � - . - " � �� � � , � �. .Distriat.,,pr�opo�e.d� to be aona�rt�a���,.�.r� t�ie ye.ar�•1966;,,y� . Y ,. : ...-..._ � .. - � � _. and -�o:"_aonstitut� .part of �he, ezpgns�c�n �theseof�'�'.`���'�g � .�,�,. - ro osed �o be cons ru�ted� 3n i�ta en�Sret �'� !�� �� k � _ _ -� ' • _ -� P P. t � duaing-�Y��`�„�s.�,r� , - ' ' ears 1 fi " �1 64 1 6 a�id '1 6 ' � � ' � .. . "} . � , : �� Y 9 �, . 9 � 9� 5 �6 . a �uQh ,S��rage �ys�em =and ; _ � � - � - ' , - - _ . Trea�atent �Plant.:having=.been.:�r�d �Q con,t�nue #� b� � .:- ', , ` � - � �� , . : � establiah�cl-and��ma3ntafaed for the col'1�Etion�._ treatmen� _. `� �r ,� .. ��� � _-� . � � �` 8ad dispoaal of sewagQ and Maste mnte�i�ls� used by � � -#�� . _ , � .. , '. : , =� said .City �or Sa�n� F�u3;" �oi'�tly.wi�h �he Cit�* 'of �� ' _ • -� � . , � � � , " • . � - � Minneapolls;- and :acmpr�s#.ng and to canti:nue, to co�priee - f . . . `:� ' _ - . . ' �.� ,_ �.8 par�� of .�he .cv�npiete �pla� o,fi se�rage� and: .was�e ��m�t�7riai � •: . _ -._ -' , - _ .' � coll�.vt�oh, treatment en� d�:"sposal �y�tem aP sa�d '�;�. -` - : - a: . • � � . � .�. "�,. Minne.apo�.is=S$in�. Panl S$ni�ary _Dia�r3Qt as anthor'�:�ecl � : . _ �.. � - _ . -� � by sa�.d Chapter. � 342�- Mtnneso�a :��saion �a�$ for 1933; _ ' �-� � � t � �_ .: - : . - � as ame�ided; �hap�er.4�+��� MSnnesota �tatute� 1�961;�<. _;�� , � -, m . • . , ,. ° ; 8$� `8mer��ed. . �. . , ,. -, - ,. -. - � . �---, - r � ' - 4 � - �_ : ' � fr. � � ' ., -_ , . - _ _ " ,- , � .- ' �:�- L ' . � . -- „ . - _ . Thfs bond ��,s �i.esued` and �old by .sai� City of ' . � �- . � �,. ' ,. � .� _ . , - , Sai�� Paul, uniier and .by' au'�hpri�y of Ordiagn�a �No.. � 13��053 � �. � - ,- , . enaQted- by t�e Couneil �of said Cfi�y of .Sain� P�ul ��dTl-�--� , . �� � - . -- �:�-- ai.gned, att�s�ed� . a _ roved� a�d ', Y . � � � published, in th� "�na�ner . .. � � . , > > > PP' ,. , . � . - � � _, j �r� .��. .r�qutred,�b�r �Ghd� ���rter Qt'. said. Ci,�t -.�f saint Faul,� - „ , , ._ , - = `�undeT=ai�d _by t�u�hori�ty ot', Chapter 3�1.� : Minr�esa�a '. _ . : . . .F ,., •I . seasion Laws. f'o� 1933�,.�s aa�emdeel; :.Ghapter 44�� M�nneao�a_� .. ,, ,-- � , - , � -, : ..:�.�te�u�es ���'1�_9 6:1:��;�.�':��� amended; undeg and tiy a�thority : .� � - • : '� - of ��he ��es.olutioi� �oP`•�a�d �oune�.l, Go�1�e�i1 � F�Le � No..; : ` - - . `. _� • . :� - � ,- � 22 4 - � �8�d4p.�ed ��nd apprQV�Q _October 1 ��.�v'�'��'-i� �- - - ..«.• • •�{, < < ��:�r �- -an : n fu7.l aomplian�e with� _sa ` r. nanee� .sa � .� �. _. • - _ . . t. ..,�' . .�tate� atat�tes�� ��as� �mende�.'� s�id Resol�tf�on� said �,- ; ' _ , ` '�� ��.- . �- � Ch�rt�r.�, a� app�iaab`}.e; amd�=�Chapter 4��� Minnesp�a _� . � � � � . , • � _ �Sta�utea '���7,96�.:.: �:, as am�nded; �..�., . � ' -� - �. - - �:,� - � � � � " - . ', - ' . - -� - _ ��"' , . � . , .- ; :. _ , _ � _ � - � .° � � . - � . "It i� �:h�reby..aertified, and reci�ed tha� al�..•- �� .`- � 9 ' � ,. . �-�-� , . " � �-�htngsi ac�� aad- oondi��.ons ;requ3red by the Gor�$ti�ttitioA `- <. � ' � , , .� � . � . .•r- `���. _��and' �a�r� o�'��i�$,'��e,te of Mii�neeo�a anc����he Charter :of •�� . . . _ �S' �- - __ ; �` - ; .. sa�.d' C�.tyt,-�o, happe.n and b� don�.� and� performed p_r.e�eden�� -� . . ' • � _ . ^' . - tv` and iii� the .i.s�u�inae '4�f thi� bond� have �appened�and. � - � . � " � , . , _ . , - ° � been done az�d perf orme� �,n re gttlar and-due_ :�'orm� and �ime � = � .. � .' _ - ` _ : _ �aa required by Iewi: ancl �hat the.-�o�al..ir�debt�dness �- „ � � � - � . .^ .: . . af �.�sid City� in�luding this bond� does no� ��ceeed -- _ -� - . �" - • ` ' - ;� -ar�y �aonstitutional, s�att�tory or char�t�r. ,limita�3one.. - . . � � , ,. . _ , . _ ,. . - - .- � , � � � � � - . . . , .�. � • . . - - - - _ � . 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' .. ` ,. : � - . �' . . . ,' �• • _ _ . . �4S- ti�',� • . r _M1 .n.�• '• ' F ,. - ' � - � �.i. � � , _ - " 'i r. ` _ ' ' f 'i. , S' . . _ . . .-r_ 4%'�. . ._ : - ,,. .ti- .�Y . . . __ . . ' , . _.� _ , DUrLICAT[TO r111NT[R ' " � , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� ���4�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOttM tRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATF Pag� 7. w�th eh�p t�r �+22, y�w� of �P�inneao�r� #'or 1951� a� aaasad�d� and �ACtion 4�5.55, M�nneaot� Sta�ut�� 19fs1, �� a�end�d� �nd th� inter��t coupon� thereto a�t�ach�d aha11 b� sa�cuted by the li�h.ogtaph�d f�asiffiil• ��gnatu��s of ��id off�.ce�s; and be it ��i� �CfLY�D gha�t ���l�d proposals be r�a�ived �n the of'f�c� of th� City �o�p�roller in th� Cot�,r� House �.nd City H�11 Building, �n th� C3ty of' �Sa�.n.t Pau].y �i3:nneso�. up �o ��n ot oloc� A.M. (�.5.�.� �c�ob�r 21� 196�y for th� ��1� o�' al1 ¢r non�.of �aid fiond�� a�t�r gi�ing duR notia• of' ��id ��Ye in tht ��nner p���ar�.bed by l�,w . in �h• 8t. ��ul �,��a1 �,�dg�r th� o�t'ici�►1 ntw�p�,p�r .of �s�id C�ty� �n.d in th• Co�erc��l 'Wes� � fi�n.anci�l per3odieal, publl�h�d in the �ta�e of �inn��o��; �hhat ��eh bidd�r �ha 1 1 b e r�c�a.ired to aaeo�p�ny h3a bid by � c�rtified or c�.shi�rt s ak�eck • for tvo p�� centu� (24) of �h� affiota,n� o� bond� bid for� whi�ch �ri�.l b� fortei�ed �o th• City s�� 13.quic'�.t�d d.�.ages i.� �he bond� �se not � tak�n and paid 2'or when, re�.dg io� deliv�ryf �hat th� City Co�ptroller shall �t -the na�t ����ing at't�r receiv�.ng ��.3d bida� pre�ent th� ��,� �o the $�.n�in.� �,i.nd Co�ittee ar�.d �h� Cot�neil for the�ir �etion �he��o�; gnd �th�t ��id bond� sh�ll be axs�rded to th� p�r�on oft'�ring th� lot��s.t net �,ra,ter��t coa� to �h� C�.ty� no� eaGe�dir�g fiw� p�r centu� E5�) per annu�. OCT 11� COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish 1 ���' �. ApPro�ed ��i1 19_ Loss � Tn FAVOr Meredith � �� � Msyor �� A g'8inst Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� eas