225451 .2 : ..'� ���"��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CIN OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM . IRESENTED RY �lton Rosen Public Works �'�' DATE September, 1965 COMMISSIONE WHEREAS� By authority of the Latas of Minnesota for the yeax 19�9, Chapter 300,� H.F. 217�and ra�ified by G.F. Pdo. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul, may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construct- ion, when such costs exceed the benefits to the property ot,rner, T�IHEREAS, It ha.s been 'determined that the following described paxcels of property be relieved of the following amounts: Description Amount Lots 26, 27 and 2�, Block 33� Summit Paxk 9ddition � 235•71 The E. 50 ft. of Lot 1� Block 33, Si�mmi t P�,rk 9d.d. 232.17 T�ot 11�� Elock 2g, Sununit Park Addition 233.31 Lot 14 an.d the �1. 30 ft. of Lot 13, Block 29, Swnmit Park Add. 21/�.2g Lot 1, Block 32, Summit Park gddition . 212./�0 E�cept the W. 10 ft.; �,ot 2�, Block 32, Summit Park Add. 21L�.2� _Lot 1 and the E. 10 ft. of Lot 2, Block 31, Sum:��-it Park Ad.d. 213.5� , � Lot 2g and the E., 1/2 of Lo-t 27� Block 31, Summ-it Paxk 9dd. 213:5� { " "Lot� 14, Block J0, -Slunmit Paxl�" Addi�Eion- � � `' � - " 213.14 � I,ot 1� Block 8, Rogerts Addition 162.82 Except the 4T� 2� ft., Lot 2g� Block. 5, Roger�s gddition 170.22 Except the E. 2 ft.; Lot /�, Block 3, Forepa,ugh�s Division � 139.�0 Except a11ey; Lot 4, Block l�, Forepa.ugh's Division A - 151./�0 The No. 1�3 of Lots 1 and 2, Block 12, I3ininger and Donnelly's Addition to Holcombe's Addition ub,(�p � TOTAL � �2,723.29 �( �. Iv COITNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays _ . Dalglish __�,. , Holland Approved 19— � i Loss Tn FaVOr Meredith Peterson D�yOr A gainst Rosen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis . 1on� e-as . ... . .„ r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO - . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - C MM SS�IONEe_ Mj.]_'�',OIl Rosen, Public 4Torks pA� September, 1965 __ 2 �.. . G1�iEREAS� The total amoun.t of assessable costs the City ma.y pay is �2,723.29, ' not•r therefore be it, , RESOLV�;D, That the Commissioner of Public �rTorks be and he is hereby author- ized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving �and, Code 6000, the amoUnt , of �2,723.29, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1963 Contract 63-M-277, Levy I�o. 9, District No. 2, L-6543, sai.d Permanent Im.prove- ment Pevolving Fund to be reunbursed from the City's Share of I�ocal Improvement Aid Fund, 0920-701. (1965) •/� � � - �=OCT , � �..�. v � �� COITNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Y9_ . i ' Yeas Nays I I Dalglish QCT _ 1 1� 1 u.,».,..a proved , ' 19— Loss . Favor �• Meredith \ �:,n. J � Mayor �_. A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis �UBLISHED ��T 9 19�5 iont aes � . _:. ry�����. DU�UICAT6 TO rItINTtR CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER �Z�i41y3 a0��ffi� �ICU�O jT�x']C$ pATC ►�P��'� �•�� �►�s B� 8'lt�j:�' O� '� L�W� 6f` �' YlIIl9B0'ES �O� �lA �82" �.�I�fg� �t!+�+•+ . �W� H�L's ti.L1 � �LJ-L9.�JLL � �+�i �i� J.7r�.ti.4�� ��� �7 rr.�, .L7J7+. �4L� Vj�. of � �d.ul�r- �r p�y a pdr��on o�' �� a��e�a�.ba.e aa�ts o! S3ds� Cone�ru��tr. io��,. whe� s�c� ooet� e�r.c`�sed t,he bs�.e�.� to � Y�rope� o�ner�. �AS�, �t hae been de��n3�9. '�la.e:� -�h� follo�ag d�ssQribrd �X� of �o�er� be rel�,eyed of 'tUs �a11a�Witsg �m�ri�t,�i I?eser3.pt3o�s �aov�� ..�.,.....r Lo�s 26� 27 �ud. 2��. B�,ock 33a. ���.t �x�It Addi�arl � 235•� T�e E, �0 �. oP T�ot Z�; B1AC� 33�. Su�3.'� P�]c �*. 232.Z7 iyo� 1.1,.� Bldak 26,,, �� Pa,rk l�d�di�ion 23�.�. �04', �4 �llld t�e i�1� �0 f.'tr t3t' LOt �f B].c�91c `�� 5tt�3.t P��It Add• 211�.�r2g I�c?t 3.y B'Lvek 32�,, Su�t Par�c .AddJ.f,�n 2���44 lffioa�pt tha W+ lt� ft,.� T.,�t 28� Bloak 32�, �� P�1c AdB.� 2L4�28 �ot � s�c3. �,he E. 1p �. af Lo� �� Blo�ic 31t �t �'ark �d�.. ?13.5g I�t 2g �d tb,e �. 3./2 of �� 27#. B1oc�3c ��* �tnm�.t Park J[dcta 2�.3.58 Y•ot �tp, Blo�k 30� �w�.t Park ��t� 213.�.�r 7�ot l� B�.ot� �,� �og+�f� bddl�3on 362.82 �accept f,hs W,. 2$ f"t.� �ot ���. B�.o�k �� Roger�e Addi�,l.on �.'yd.?.�? �aept �h.e E. 2 ft.i �ot 4� B�ack 3�;, �'arepe,ug��s }�.v3.s3.an A �.39.$0 �rcop� �71ey;. I�a►�4 1�� B7AC� l�,, �'orep�.ugh�s D3.vi'.sion A x51,1+0 The No� �./3 of' T�t� 1 aud 2� Bloc�c �.2� Nin�,nge� snd Donn��.�.yf a �dclition tc� �oloo�tbm't� �d�.ttom. 116.60 �v�c�. �z,7z3.a9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland . , Approved 19.— Loss Tn F'gVOP Meredith Peterson MAyOr A g'8in9t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-� . � ' `DU�I.tCAT[TO �RINT[R ��.�:,.s��(�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�NCIL NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � rRESENTED{Y �.'�, �,aen Pu�c xor]� ��be�:� �.9� COMMISSIONE� � DA� '�� :rnr' � �.r., i�8�.-R� �'i�io�a,i. �'� Of 8�fse�H�t�.9 tso8'fi8 �Yie f3'.E'�Y �S' P�F �� �;rl23•29�,. . r�o�r �there�'ar� be 5��, . ��i�� Z'�38�'i '�le �II�:�8;�0139f` O� ��.ts {�Q2'�! �A � � �.8 �H� �4.1I'�QI'� �� 'f,0 �' �'C1lK � �l'��11811'�, ��'4�8!l�Y�f+ �O�.W�g �� �A �3� . 'F,}3A �1`r Of �},'��i�� �. j�0� Of' � S�B�68��.!! OO�ti� Of 5��1� � �W1 U.IIf�Cr {� �.9b3 eont�t �i3.�*�2'T'1:� �ev�' ?�.� 9�- ��.a�.r�.at. �o� a� �65�3� a�d �en� Imp�tfve- �n� Reval�g F�, to be r��ed �'�► fih� C�.t�r� �h� of �t�a3. �min�v�s�� �d �uad.,� 0920-?07.. G�96$� . . ,�.�T L1�� COiJNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays n Dalglish �JCT 1 I�96� -$ol'iaua Approved 19— Loss ' Favor Meredith ��e:�sog � MAyOr _Rese�— A8'��t Mr. President, Vavoulis .,., ioaa �s