06-310RESOLUTION Council File # V�Q � 3 � o Green Sheet # 3030052 � � 1 Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for Lexington and University 3 WHEREAS, Lexington-University LLC, File # 06-007-079 has submitted for City Councii approval the 4 attached preliminary and final plat for subdivision of property at the area bounded by Lexington Pkwy, 5 University Ave., Dunlap St. and approx 300 ft north of Central Ave. to create 4 mixed use parcels; and � WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the 8 recommended condition, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 69 of the Zoning Code; and 9 10 WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council was duly published in the offcial newspaper 11 of the City and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property including ali property situated 12 within 350 feet of the subject property; and 13 1a WHEREAS, the City Council held a pubiic hearing on the proposed plat on March 1, 2006, where ali 15 interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard and the Council considered ail the facts and 16 recommendations concerning the plat; 17 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached 19 preliminary and final plat for Lexington and University subject to the condition that a copy of this resolution 2o approving the plat shall be filed with the Ramsey County Department of Property Records and Revenue. Benanav Bostrom x��s Adopted by Council: Date Yeas ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Absent Requested by Department o£ `� �C�1J�pl�1G � �tdNdal � ��I+�t. OPM�,� �-" By: �Q.� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By , l � Approved by Mayor: ate � e 2pp� By: �� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: �L✓• �✓e�niw-- 3� 2 0- o G Form Ap r ed y M r for is �on o C cil By: CITY �F SAINT PAIJL_ MINNES�TA � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sh�eet J � PE - planniug & Economic Development Confact Person 8 Phone: Patricia James 2666639 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ContractType: RE-RESOLUTION Q(c��5/\'�IT:1 � ' Assign Number For Routing Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Green Sheet NO: 3030052 Iannin & Economic Deveto � Directorlf. Scherfler ' Attorn G7 Attorne � or's e Ma Assisiant auncil Ci Counu7 lerk � Ci Clerk lannin & Economic Develo Patricia James C Total # of SignaW r Pages _(Clip All Lac ations for Signature) Actlon Requested: Adopt resolution memorializing ciry Council action to approve a combined plat for Lexington and University to create 4 mixed use parcels (Zoning File #06-007-079) Public hearing held March 1, 2006. itlations: Appm� (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts MustMSwerthe Following Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee - Yes No CiHI Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Wfiere, Why): Wellington Management has applied for a combined plat to create 4 pazcels on property located between Lexington Pkwy, University Ave., Dunlap St. and aproxunately 300 ft. north of Central Ave. The Council approved the plat'on Mazch 8, 2006 after a public hearic on March 1. 2006. Advantages If Approved: � City Council intent is finalized. Disadvantages If Approved: none DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Ciry Council acrion will not be completed. MR� 15 2nU6 ` Total Amount of Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) March 13, 200611:57AM CostlRevenue Budgeted: AMivity Num6er. Page 1 f 'a .. � + MAR 2 2 2005 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ,("� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 'j U Tony SchertZer Interim Director O � c� ,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ChristOpher B Coleman, Mayor February 16, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 W. Fourth S[reet SnintPnul, MN55102 Telephone�651-?66-6700 Fncsimfle� 6i1-2?8-3220 I would Iike to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, March 1, 2006, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: File Name: Address: Purpose: 06-007-079 Wellington Lexington and University 1140 University Ave W, Combined Plat for Lexington and University to create 4 mixed use parcels. Previous Action: City staff have reviewed the plat and found that it meets the requirements of the subdivision regulations. I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Montgomery's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the February 22, 2006, City Council meeting and that you wifl publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Pauf Legal Ledger. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions. Si rely, Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: 06-007-079 Applicant/Appellant: Wellington Management, Inc (Lexington University LLC ) Paul Dubruiel xo�ncE og rirsrac �� Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson AA-ADA-EEO Employer - 1&e Saint Pau1 Citp CoruicR will cunduct a public hearing on Wednesday, Mazoh 1, 2006 � at � 5:30 p.m. in the City Coiinctl Cliamabers",`.Third Floor Gtity Hall;-15 West KeIIogg Boulevazd, St. Paul, MN, to con- sider the application of We,llinbston Lexing- _tan and Ufiiversfty,for a Comtiine6l�P-lat for TpYin and Univers�ty,in order to crrate four (4} mixed use parsels at 1140 LTniver- sit-y t�venue.WesE.. (Zoning-F.ile 06-007-099)' - �_ " Dafed: Febni� �&, 2006 " " � =' '- � -': - Mr1RY ERfCH�ON.. � . _ . � ' iissiSia'iit"C Council Seere ' . .. ,�9- ., �7'�; ;".,.� ,-,' : , . . ., � � � 'llFebruary' 20J . = , ____i= 53:�.FAUI. LEGAL LEDGER =_ ^s== 88110736� . . . , . ,�._., -. - . �-C / ✓ l SUBDIVISION STAFF REPORT • 1. APPLICANT: Lexington University LLC, c/o Wellington Management 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Preliminary and Final Plat FILE # 06-007-079 HEARING DATE: 3/1/06 3. LOCATION: area bounded by Lexington Pkwy, University, Dunlop and approx 300 ft north of Central 4. PIN AND LEGAL DESCRiPTION: See subdivision documents for existing and proposed legal descripfions. 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 13 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §69.301; §69.406 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: February 22, 2006 8. DATE RECEIVED: February 7, 2006 PRESENT ZONING: B3 BY: Patricia James DEADLINE FOR ACTION: March 9, 2006 A. PURPOSE: Combined Plat for Lexington and University to create 4 mixed use parceis. B. PARCEL SIZE: irregular parcel, 285,256 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Aldi Grocery Store, TCF Bank, vacant D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The site is surrounded by commerciai uses. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §69.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision (1) creates five or more lots or parcels each of which is 2%2 acres or less in size, or (2) requires paved streets, alleys and other public improvements, or (3) is previously unplatted land. §69.304 • lists conditions for lot splits and adjustments of common boundaries. §69.406 provides criteria for review of subdivision applications. These criteria are covered below under "Required Findings." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: A lot split was approved by the Planning Administrator, and the approval was upheld by the City Council in 2004. Site plans for the Aidi Grocery and the TCF Bank buildings have aiso been approved. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: None received at the time the staff report was prepared. H. REQUIRED FiNDiN�S: § 69.406 of the Zoning Code requires that ali of the following findings shall be made prior to approval of a subdivision: 1. Af/ fhe applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are camp/ied with. Ci,ty staff have reviewed the proposed plat and have determined that all applicable provisions of city codes are met. Fire Department issues regarding access within the site will be resolved prior to the approval of building permits. 2. The proposed subdivision will nof be defrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses. The proposed plat is consistent with surrounding land uses, and will not be detrimental to present and future use of surrounding land. 3. The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. The area surrounding the proposed plat is already developed and compatible with the proposed plat. 4. The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive plan. The subdivision is in conformance with the Land Use chapter of the comprehensive plan, which shows this as a � redevelopment opportunity. The subdivision is also consistent with the University Avenue Transit Oriented Development Framework, which calls for redevelopment of this property. It also conforms with redevelopment plans for the area. Zonign File # 06-007-079 Plat Review StafF Report Page 2 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates fhe site's important existing natural features whenever possible. The sife is in a futty-developed parf of St. Paul with no remaining natural features. 6. All land infended for building sites can be used safely withouf endangering residents hy peri! from f/oods, erosion, continuously high watsr table, severe soil conditions or othe� menace. The site is a flat, fuliy developed area wifh no flooding, erosion, high water table or soil condition problems. 7. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services_ The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services from surrounding streets. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on required findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the final plat for Lexinaton and Universitv subject to the condition that the applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with fhe Ramsey County Recorder's O�ce. Attachments: Application Preliminary Plat Final Plat (reduction) Site Location Maps � • • �C� �31v SUBDIVISION REVIEW APPLICATION Department ofPZanning and Economic Development Zoning Section I400 Ciry Ha11 flnnex 25 West Fourth Stteet — - " Saint Paui, MN SSIO2-I634 (65I) 266-6589 Name APPLICANT City St. Paul St. MN Zip 55108 Daytime Phone 651-292-98< Name of Owner (if different) Contact Person (if different) Judd Fenlon Phone 651-292-9844 jfenlon(c�wellinqtonmat com fax 651-292-0072 Address / Location SW Qua drant of Univer AvenuP West/l axinntnn Parkwav N� PROPERTY LOCATION Legal Description Parceis A, B and C per I (attach additional sheef if necessa } PE OF SUBDIVISION: I ❑ Lot Split ❑ Lot Split with Variance ❑ Preliminary Piat rrent Zo ❑ Reg. Land Survey � Combined Plat Appiicant's Signature�'�./(��'✓ L-.-- Date 1-z � z� 1 nS City Agent a(v �3/D • To Whom It May Concem: • • We, the undersigned properry owners, hereby gxant Wellington Management, Inc. (Lexington University, LLC) authorization to submit a subdivision review applicafion to the City of St. Paul for a combined preluninary and fmal plat applicarion for the LEXIl�IGTON AND iJNIVERSITY plat, which contains parcels owner hy the w�ders:gaed landow�,e: s. The following properry descriptions and ownership information are provided from the Lot Split Descripfion Sketch for Wellington Management, as approved by the City of St. Paul on December 22, 2004 and from the proposed preluninary and fmal plat for LEXINGTON AND IJNIVERSITY, as included with the combined preliminary and final plat application, as follows: Lot Split LEXINGTON AND Signed Authorizafion Description Sketch UNIVERSITY for Preliminary Plat Property Owner Wellington and Printed Name / Title Management FYnal Plat Date - ,d� . �.�� ALDI Inc. ignature Parcel A Lot 1, Block 1 �Minnesota), a Minnesota n��¢17`�'t� �:�t� i5���i� � � t�t Cotporafion Printed Name / Title I�� � ��— Date � Signature Parcel B Lot 3, Block 1 TCF National Bank Printed Name / Title Date Lot 2, Block 1 Wellington Signature Parcel C �d Management, Inc. Lot 4, Block 1 CLexington University, LLC) Printed Name / Title Date G'\Wellington Management�2004-240-Ivn_Co=respondence\CiTy Sub Pplaz-Fplat 09-xx-OSUoint Property Owners Authorization doc To Whom It May Concem: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby grant Wellington Management, Inc. (Lexington Universify, LLC) authorizafion to submit a subdivision review application to the City of St. Paul for a combined preliminary and final plat application for the LEXINGTON AND UNiVERSTTY plat, which contains parcels owner by the tinders?g_ned landowners. The following properry descripfions and ownership information aze provided from the Lot Split Description Sketch for Wellington Management, as approved by the City of St. Paul on December 22, 2004 and from the proposed preliminary and fmal plat for LEXINGTON AND UNIVERSiTY, as included with the combined preliminary and final plat applicafion, as follows: Lot Split LEXIlVGTON AND Description Sketch iJNIV�RSTTy Signed Authorizafion for Preliminary Plat Property Owner Wellington and Printed Name / Title Management Fina1 Ptat Date Signature Parcel A Lot l, Block 1 ALDI, Inc. Printed l�Tame / Title Date � igna e Parcel B Lot 3, Block 1 TCF National Bank �)�t� ��� 7� t" Printe Name / Tifle /p �„2 c��D S Date 7 ' ��ih� � Lot 2, Block 1 Wellington S� ature Pazcel C and Management, Inc. Lot_4, Block 1 ���on University, �"vn� �ENl.ON ��v. .4�so LLC) Printed Name / Title _ lb �hl I,OS Date G:\Wellino on Management�2004-240-NI� Correspondence\Ciry Sub Ppiat-Fplat 09-ax-0NointProperty Owners Authori�ation.doc � • � � ��M;�, .,.�. �� _ ,� D�-3�o I 3e/d�C�euiwi/a�d m�.i-s;•{a+Ae soac � luaeuabo✓ary uolbui/i%A ^ p j� M ' • � V, � � \ Z � � � \ W � \ �O \ c �� ^` W ^ `V \ \ C 0 �.. ,� � � \ O \ 4.v � � ` ^ �V .\ ,` � � p 5 s ; fr n s : 5 S �� � �� c a £fi C� Y :! i� i } {' t s 3 }t� iYi � •x � � e1JX I — J. '-� � � 4 • ��FSS'. - S : __�__ fi:eT35 :.5� _ ""' _ - 5 [€. _ s' _ " g s��°� :E�a g s °£.^_ F 4 m " _ - 3: � _a _ .'�. S e - _-_ � g _ _ _ a �s8�. ' x _ _ o sW: aRs Y83 d ESS:itf �: .. � d.�.°� �%:�i �'95. '.6': '°688 I �- — — _ — T _ — — — — T — .CYMJZ2IVd NO.L�NIX3Z : � - W � � i ue�1��3 �-- � � I � mHn SY(6C 1� � __ _ _ _ _ i � ~ scnt C i i I--- .� a 3 � � � ::.. � e �n M � r -,,.,,-- .. I "° d o _ ;a � o _. J . . 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