225434 � ORIOINAL TO CITY CLBRK ` _ 1� ' r ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ����" � C TT� OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK F��E NO LI EIdSE COMMI COUNCIL RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED RY September 30� 1965 COMMISSIONE DA� TrIHEREAS: The Ro�al Serv3.ce� inc, dba Radio Cab has�made Application J-3721 for licenses to operate three (3) automobiles as taa4.cabs upon tlze streets of the �ity of Saint Paul� descri.bed as follows: Taxicab No. Make Serial Insurance ' 11 Fold 3P5l�1.57-39 Nat'1 Inder�mity Coe Pol1C�* No• ACEE l.�l�7.$bl�� expiri.ng 12:01 A.M. ST �4 Fora 5P5l�.7992z 7-24-.66 87 Ford !�.'S4E7.97909 '� �t it it u n WHEREAS: Said applicant has filed a copy of the insurance policy with the City af Saint Paul a.nd said policy has been approved as to fonn and execution by the Corp oration Counse7.� therefore, be it RF,.SOLVED; That licenses to operate said automobiles as taxa.cabs upon the streets of the _ � City of Saint Paul� be and the saane are hereby granted. to Royal Service, Inc. dba Radio Cab. " _ . ::,.--�......._��- � - - - -- =_ = � _ - _. __._ _ � ti ADDRESS: 530 Stins on �4.ve, TRANSFER E, (�om Harold �hessir) Informa.11y �proved. by �ouncil 9��5 S�p 3� 1�5 COUNCILI�N ' Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays p 1965 Dalglish S'EP c� ��-�. A proved 19_ Los s � � Tn Favor Meredith Pe te rs on D MsyOr R�,P., A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED OCT 2 ��� ions e-as