225421 '.,nORIGINAL TO CITr GLENK �C�71.�/� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa 6 r� `•m' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. � U �OLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF R�.VED, That in viev of the condemaatioa by t�e City of Saiat Yaul of tl� �rac� �f laad described ass �he sotit�r�steply � feet of b,ot 13, �uditor�s S�bd.ivis ion No. 2�, St. �1 I4it�. ex�ept the nortY�Westerly par� thereof nea�uring 1.�6 feet on the sonth�es�erly line and 1.33 feet on �he aortheasterly lic�e of�said Lot 13, under �hich the City of Saint Pa�il. l�s acquired tit].e to said premises as of July 23, 1965, and in fnrther cons iderat ion of the fact that one P�r. 'Frnest �almoason, preseQt teaant aad occ�zpaat is still holding in occ�- pancy, the proper City�officials m�y be and are hereby authorized to iss�ae appropriate eviction notice to the at�ove me�tioned party in order to secvre vac�tion of said premises aot later thaa the 31st day of Q�ctob�r, , 1965. � ��_ - - . - . . , SEP 3 � 19�5 COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish SEp 3 � 19� �� � Approved 19— Loss � � Tn Favo1' Meredith Pete rs on � �8yor A gainst .�=- _ • Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-sa PUBLISHED OCT 2 1965 �U►LICATC TO rRINT[R ��^� CITY OF ST. PAUL F110�UNCIL N� �� ;,j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /RESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DATE �'.�II, Ths� 3A 1Risw c�� �the Cund�t�t i�rl � t.h�t �i�gr o�' �t �vi. ot' ths �t ��' Yaad d�s;�ttr3bsd a*s #� soa�.b�res�ri�r �t �est �f �.o# �3, �di�or�s $abdiviatoz� �� �l�s. ��* �i xlr�t. �ccspt �hs �iortht�rss�q�'1:�* � �tq�tof �ast�c'� ��� �se'� �n t� ��si`:�ac1.y �.� �d 3.�� ;�s� oa �h� ��r�� 1�,s a� s��d �,ot ��, u�td�r vhfah �hs Ctt� o� S�i#�t �. �tut �aoquiar�sd �tt],s t� #�d �rl�ise� �s �� ,�,�r �3� t965: �d #� �h�r �o���t�<�uu �� t� f� �� an� �ir. �nc�t �l�or�sc�� �ac� ��aZ � �cc�p�� i�r ��3�� ho4d� �.nn �oc� ��Y� �� �rrc�t �'��y��fici�se n� I� �ud � �1� �v�iori�sd ��► is�ua apprag�r�x� �'vf�t�dn no�S�� td �h� , � ��ian�d sx�y �� Qrd.er �o �c�� v�c�t�oz� a� �aid px�ene��e� s�� ���sc �k�R � .��.�� d�y $# l���b�rt 396�. SEP 3 a 1965 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish .761" 3 � ���� �_�Y �� Approv� 19— Loss � Tn FAVOT Meredith Peterson b , Mayor �� A g81I18t Mr. President, Vavoulis ioas e-as