225420 _ � �,, i . ' ������ ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I &S LUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � a COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS the Finance Department collected an advance sewer payment in the amount of $223.84, per receipt 5348, dated September 14, 1955 against the west 59.69 feet of the north 150 feet of Lot 10, Block 10, Robert L. Ware`s Eastern Heights, and WHEREAS an assessment for sewer construction was subsequently levied against said property in the amount of $984.80 and was paid in full per receipt M2305, dated September 17, 1965, which amount should have been reduced by �223.84, and � WI�REAS said adjustment was not made in the assessment at the time "of billing,' , • ', THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Comptroller be instructed . „ to issue a warrant in the amount of $223.84, as an overcharge to � r � Phillips Petroleum Co. 4600 Chippewa Avenue St. Louis 16, Missouri . �Ep 3 � 196� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Dalglish - �EP 3 � 19� � ��, pproved 19— j Loss Tn F'aVOr . Meredith Peterson v �AyOr A gainst Rn� Mr. President, vaoo�tis �PUBLISHED �Ci� 2 �9�� iont aas DU�ICAT[TO rItINT[R � CITY OF �T. PAUL FoEHC�� N� �2��2� ' OFFIC� OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES(�LlJTIOIV—GENERf�L FORIvt �RESENTED tT COMMISSIONE� _DATE — W�REAS the Finance Department collected an advance sewer paym�nt in the amount o£ $223.84, per receipt 5348, dated 3ept�mb�ac 14, 1955 ag�inat the west 59.69 feet of the north 150 f�eC of Lot 10, Block 10, Robert L. Ware's E�etera Heighte, and W�RF.A3 an asse�sment for sewer construction was subsequently l�vied againat said property in the amount of $984.80 and �aa pa�id in full per receipt M2305, dated Septembsr 17, 1965, which amount �hould have been r�duced by �223.84, and W�REA3 said adjustment was not mad� in the aseessment at the time of billing, 7�REP'OR� BE IT RBSOLVBD that th� City Comptroller bn instructed to is�ue a warrant in the amount of $223.84, ae an overchargs to Phillip� Petrole�mn Co. 4600 Chipp�ra Avenue St. Louis 16, Missouri . S�P 3 01965 COUNCILMEN Advpted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish SEP 3 0 1,,5� �� Approved 19— Loss � � �'avor- Meredith Peterson �AyOr (� AgSiIl�t CPtf . Mr. President, Vavoulis 10][ E-E_ �