225414�a _ � �2�414 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � � ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO a �: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY � ��1 � COMMISSIONE -"v��`'' DATF �P��er 2�+� 1�5 � I i RESOLYED, That the Council hereby approves the awa.rd o� the Contract ComarI.ttee � therefor and hereby awards contra.ct for f'urnishing all la.bor, materials, equipment and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the F.�cterior renovation of Aldine Playground Center at 1717 Iglehart Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota,, to H. J. ROAI)FELDT COMPANY in accord.ance with City specifications there�or hereto attached and the Fozmal Bid #1�+52 of said H. J. Roa,dfeldt Company �or the contract price of $2,575.00, such bid being the on],y bid and said H. J. Road�eldt Cou�pany 'being a reasona.ble and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to dra.w up the proper form of contract there�or, and the praper City officials hereby are authorized to execu�e said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Pau1. Formal Bid #1�+52. ��p 2 919�5 COITNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays SEP 2 91965 Dalglish —�Ie��ae� i APProved 19— Loss �7 Tn Favor . Meredith � Pete rs on � �yOr os,��� A g81IlSt Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBEfSHED 4CT 2 �g� io� �a DUrLICATC TO rItINT[R ��p.���� . CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO �' � :, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM nt�rEO�r Sepfi�b�r 2�,� 1965 COMMISSIONER DA� ��� �.�1�,�'i �'+� ri0'i,�lC�.a. �@I�13�, ��O�P•F3 �1@ �1is,I'{�. OP '�i@ ���'iT$C'ri Fi�t'r+B� �hare�ox a.na h�eby �a,rd� �cantr�:c� Po�r �trnishing �.1 �.bor� �a,terie�, ec�uil�n.t �d s�rc�e�s ncces�ary for or reas�a,b�y �.nc�den�a,1. to tha �ter.�or r�nov�,tion of � P�ygroLm,d C�n�sr �,t 17�7 I6lehex't �'lvenue, Sa.3nt Paul, �.nneeotr�, fio H. S. �i�'�i' Ct�'ApY 9.r�. a�co�4 �vitla, f1�ty specif3.�,ti6ns �herefor h�ta attacha�d �d �he For�. �id �1�52 g� �,id H. �'. Ra�.d��1�dt Co�ip�y for the �ontra�� pr1�e �af i�2,575.00,, euch b3.d 'ia�eing t,�e on1,y bid aazd. e�,d �. J. R9ao�e].�.� Car�i�ay 'E�ing �. �easonab3.e eiud rs1�a'ble b3.d�r, s�d � Corporatiwn ��ns�3. `bQ and hereby� i� r1.3.�ted tt� draw u,p � praper �'orm of cbu'tr�a� �r�for� and the praper C3�yr o�ficia,ls her�by ett� eiuthor�.z�d to sxescute e�.i.d �cratract c�n beh�]3 q� tbe City of �a3nt Paul. P'o�m�. Sid �1�+52. SEP 2 919�5 COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Y�as Nays �E� 2 9 �965 Dalglish land Approv�l 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson j� M8yOr � � � A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis 10� �