225412 �-� 22��12 �p ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK r � \ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ,i :� ,�"' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESO_UTION-GENERAL FORM ' ��ESENTED RY FRANK L. LOSS a�aA� ', COMMISSIONE DA� a d � WHEREAS, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 11542, approved August : 4, 1959, the Car Allowance Committee provided for in Section 5 has � reported its findings and recommendations tQ the CounciJ� in a let-�er � dated September 28, ],965, and i 1 WHEREAS, the Council has made a study of said report and recommenda- � tions; therefore, be it i � RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the employees a listed below shall be entitled to and receive mileage allowances as � � f o].1 ows s - � � DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Increase: Richard A. Schnarr, "From C-$55 max. to C-$75 max. Eff� 9-1-65 y Assistant City Architect ` � { DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC .SAFETY �', Add: � Georgia Frankus, Public Health Nurse C-$40 max. Eff. 9-1-65 { Patricia Kelly, Dental Hygienist C-$40 max. Eff. 9-1-65 � • � - �-- Increase: � - EFFECTIVE 9-1�-65 "' , , Norma Abrahamsoni Pub.Health Nurse From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Delores Boiley, " " �� From C-$25 max. to C�-$40 max. � Ei,leen Dolan, �" " �' From C-$25 max. to C-$A�0 max. � Alice Drobac, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Carol Halvorson, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Virginia Hoffman, �' " " From C-$25 max� to C-$40 max. Joyce Isfeld, " " �" From C--$25 max. to C-$A�0 max. � glnn Kinstler, " " " From C-$25 max. to C=$40 max. � Eileen Moulin, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. � Dorothy Otto, " o' " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. ; �Eleanor Peterfeso, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. a Dorothy Reinarz, " " '� From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. � Mary Stokes, " " " rrom C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. � -Rosemary ,Woodburn, " �' " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Jeanne Beedle, Dental Hygienist - From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. ; :7oyc e Chu�chiJ,l� _ " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— � � Yeas . � Nays � � Dalglish ` - ' � � � Holland Approved 19— � Loss Tn F'gVOr Meredith 1 � Peterson �ByOr � - A$"d1II3t � Rosen - i Mr. President, Vavoulis ' � �ons e-es � � r - � . t �2��12 , � ORIGINAL Tb CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa _� ��- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - �RESENTED EY F�JK L. LOSS �.{ EQ/�—� DA� � COMMISSIONEQ J � - 2 - �t DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY �Continued) � Increases EFFECTIVE 9-1-65 � Audrey Freischel, Dental Hygienist From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. , Nickolee Meyer, " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. � Florine Muska, " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Carol,yn Weber, " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' Add: � Robert D,� Jackson, Pub.Works Technician I C-$75 max. Eff. 9-].-65 n � John C. Stella, Sanitation Foreman B-$75 max. Eff. 10-1-65 , � Remove: � Joseph N. McIntyre, Sanitation Foreman B-$75 max. Eff. 9-13-65 � ,i � a d • � , p ,� - ' ,� ,-- . � _ . — __ . , , , ; � � ; � ; ? _ � SEP 2 91965 , i COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— �Yeas Nays SEP 2 9196� , Dalglish � �-- pproved 19_ � _ i � Loss �jn Favor Meredith � Peterson U blsyor ! �e�� A galIL4t ' 'PUBLISHED OCT 2 18� dMr. President, Vavoulis lons e-as a ` a . I ' a + ' = ;� ��` , �A C T Y O F S A I N T P A =L�-�-�--'� --�'"'`�_ - �, �......: r- ....� ,� { - � .. „�t3,,,� - � '� �- � ` Capital of Minnesota � '_; j"'`'������� ' � �` ���~• : +� - --."=�°"...i. -�-- �x -v � �- '--.. � `,._ . �14 ;.� � �'` !�;.,°,�� PARTMENT O ,� � �� ��C�tE�A_T_IO_ �-���C �'� L�I G „_.,. �. ..— _ � `r�, , �� , ,.. � ti-- _r� � �.::� _ � , ..���:(" _ • _� - I 7y _ _�+ � �' �s� y.h,` _ �`�'Z''. � �.£ y � s ��"_� ."r q.� _. � �. E���'�R�� � � - _.;s�+...-COMMISSION ��,� I .�� :ti=—`�. ' .� � - } ' ' + ���. -- � ��;,��`'�'. ... ..�-_' P' �14;. P L L-E I E R-- � � � �. �: �.,�. -�x;� "�-''` - y�. . . ?�� y -':�_ "'!,h- �r- ;sC �'`�+, �r �� '��-� �.Y' , � ,i�' �^�. -T ' - �c ,� � - ;'/.�_ �s atV i f,��,M1� . ' '.�F'u�:�1 - _ _ , _ `V� � -�� .`i ��Q �� =-� ��a,, x�� , r�1�1;:' t'-�° , a �, _ r.r :i's'�,gw t,,t�'�;, �i:iz;� _ � c . BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ciiy Architect 445 Ci+y Hall, 55102 223-4212 � September 28, 1965 ��� Honorabl e Counc il �d,� - City of Saint Pau1 Gentlemen: • The Car Mileage Committee met in the office of the City Architect, Robert L. Ames, on Monday morning, September 27, 1965 �t 9 :00 A.M. � The following members were presentz Messrs. Ames, Behrens, Clarke, Merrill, Rooney and Shanley. Requests were given individual con- sideration by the Committee. DEPARTIVIENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS , A letter dated September 24, 1965, signed by Commissioner Frank � L. Loss, contained the following request: Increases Richard A. Schnarri From C-$55 max. to C-$75 'max. Eff. 9-1-65 � Assistant City Architect T'his request is made due to the fact that Mr. Schnarr is now making more inspections and investigations. ` The committee recommends that th�is request be granted. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY A letter dated September 1, 1965, signed by Ralph G. Merrill, Deputy Commissioner, requested the following: Add: Georgia Frankus, Public Health Nurse C-$40 max. Eff. 9-1-65 Patricia Kelly, Dental Hygienist C-$40 max. Eff. 9-1-65 Increaset EFFECTIVE 9-1-65 Norma Abrahamson,Pub.Health Nurse From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Delores Boiley, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Eileen Dolan, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Alice Drobac, '� " �' From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. �� , � � �(Hon. Council) r (September 28, 1965) -2- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (Continued) Increase: EFFECTIVE 9-1-65 Carol Halvorson, Pub.Health Nurse From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Virginia Hoffman, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Joyce Isfeld, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Ann Kinstler, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Eileen Moulin, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Dorothy Otto, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Eleanor Peterfeso, " " " From C-$25 max. ta C-$40 max. Dorothy Reinarz, " " " From C-$25 max. to, C-$40 max. Mary Stokes, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. _ Rosemary Woodburn, " " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Jeanne Beedle, Dental Hygienist From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Joyce Churchill, " " From C-$25 max. to C�$40 max. Audrey Freischel, " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Nickolee Meyer, " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Florine Muska, " " From G-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Carolyn Weber, " " From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. These requests are made because after a year�s time at the flat rate of $25.00 designated as the limit of allowance for certain of their staff, this department finds that this figure is inadequate to cover the minimum expenditures incurred in the use of their automobiles by the Nurses and Dental Hygienists assigned to their Parochial School Nursing Division. This is due to the fact that more children are attending private and parochial schools, both Catholic and Lutheran, and more travel to schools and f or home calls is necessary in con- nection with the health care of the children. The alternation at this time will equalize the rate now paid the Nurses in the Tuber- culosis Division. These requests are recommended by the committee for favorable action by the Council. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS A letter dated September 20, 1965, signed by John J. Eichinger, Administrative Assistant, and approved by William P. Behrens, Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner Milton Rosen, contained requests as f ollows : Add: Robert D.Jackson,Pub.Works ?echnician I C-$75 max. Eff. 9-1-65 John C. Stella, Sanitation Foreman B-$75 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Remove: Joseph N. McIntyre, Sanitation Foreman B-$75 max. Eff. 9-13-65 These requests are recommended by the committee. r tr y yo , � � , Q/�..— � Robert L. Ames, Chairman N Car Mileage Committee � 99 � DUF+SAT[�TO rRINT[R ��� Q�^ P l9 • ) � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa ':� d , FILE NO � ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j , COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM rRFSENTED tY pRqNK L, LOSS COMMISSIONE� DAT� WHEREAS, ur�der arid pur�ua�t to Ord3n�nce No. 11542, approvsd August 4, 3.959, the �ar �111aw�nce Comm�ttee provided for �.� Section � h�� �eported 3.ts firid�.ngs ar�d ��commer�dation� �o tlie Counc3.Y i� & �@'t'�EP d�-�ed September 28y 196a, ��d WHEREAS; �Y�e Counei.l has m$de a s�tudy of ��id report and recommenda+ t3.ons; therefore, be it RESOLV�D, by the Counc�.l o� the C�ty o� Sain� Pau� �hat the employees l�.�ted be,�ow �ha�l be ent�.t�.ed to and reeeive m3.�,eage al�.awar�ces as f oIl ow�: D�PAF�TMENT 0� P�A��ICS AND R,ECR�ATZON AND PUBI,IC BU��TNGS Inc�ease: Richaa�d A. 9chna��, From C-$�5 max. to C-$7� max. Eff. 9-=1-65 As�3stant City ,Arch�-tect 1?EPAR?'MFNT OF PUBLIG SAFETY Add� Geo�g�.a �r�nkus, Public Nealth Nur�e �-�$40 max. Eff. 9-1-65 Patricia Kelly, Dent�l Hygieni�t �-$40 max. Eff. 9-1�65 �ncreases EFFECTIVE �-lr6°� Norma Ab�ahamson, Pub.He�Yth Nu�se From C-$25 max. to C-$40 max. Delores Boi�ley� " " " From C-�$25 max. to C�$40 max. E3.l�en Dolar�, " " " , F�om C-$25 max. to C�$40 max. Alice Drobac,, " " " firom C-$2� max. �o C�$40 max. Caro� Hal�orson, �+ " " �rom CR$25 m�x. to C�$q�0 m�x. V�.rginis Hoffm�n, '� �+ !' From C�-$2� max. to G-$40 m��¢, Joyce T�feld, " " '� From �-$25 max. -�o C-$40 max. I�nn K�.r��tler, " " " F�rom C�$25 max* -�o C�-�40 m�x. Ei�.een Moulin,. " �' '� Frqm C-$25 max. to C-$4Q m�x. Dorothy Otto� " " " From C�$2� r�ax. to C-�40 max. Ele�nox Peterfe�o,, " " p F�om G»$2� max. to �-$40 �1ax. Doro�hy Reinarz,, " " " �rom �-$2� max. to C�$40 max. Mary Stokes, " " " From C-$25 m�k. to CW$40 m�x. Rosemary Woodbu�n, " " " ��om C�$2� max, to C-$4Q max. Jeanne Beedl�e, Dental Hygienist F�om C-$2�r max, to C�540 max. Joyce Chu�chillt " � From C-$2� max. to C�$40 max. COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland APPro�� 19— Loss Tn FavOr Meredith Peterson MAyOr A gainst � Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e� DUPLIf,AT[JO rRINT[R Pd����� ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�H��� NO / , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM �tes�r,r�D tY FRANK L. �.OSS COMMISSIONE� DA*F w 2 ar �FFyART1VI�NT OF PUBL�� S�ETY. (Conti�ued) Increa�es E V 9+1-6� Audsey F�ei��hel, Dental Hygieni�t From C-� 2� m�x. tv C�$40 m�x. N�ckolee Meyeri h " �rom C��26 max, to C-$40 tnax. Flor3.ne N�uska, '" " From C�►$2� m�x. to �-$40 ma�x. Ga�olyn INeber,. " " ��:ocn C�*$�5 max. to C�$40 max, �EP`ARTIu�EN�' OF FI3BT.�C W� .. . . Add: . . Rober� l�. ,3'ack�on, Pub.Work� Technici�n I C-$�75 max. Eff. 9w1-65 John C, Stella� Sanitat,�on Fo�eman B�$7� max. Eff. 10��.-66 Removet Joseph N� Mc��tyre, Sanitat�.on Foxem�n B}�7� max, �ff. 9»I3-6v S E P 2 91�.�5 COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays S�P 2 91965 Dalglish ,��.n-�--- Approved 19— Loss Tn F8VOP Meredith . Peterson � • �AyOr ��^ A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iont �s '