225387 Curb and Gutter C-490 Couaoil File No�.�.� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. :� Theundereignedhereby propoaeethemskingof thefollowingpubliuimprovement by the City of$aint Paul,vis.: ' ;t; Construct concrete curb and gutter_.on ��both sides.,of BREWSTER S�REET,_��;4p______________________ � ...._.........................•--•------•----------••----------- --.. ._._...- -•--... ......----------- Raleigh Street east to the cul-de-sac ' � .......Dated thie....28th:........day of.....September........................„..�� /........1..... .65 _..-•-- •-----------•--- � --•............. .....� �...::'��-•--.._....... ---•----....... ...... . _.........__ Counailman. . PRELIMINARY ORDER. . WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malQng of the following improvement, vis.: � �.Construct concrete curb and _�utter on.both sides of BREWSTER STREET from � •----------------- -• ----------•--- ------ ---•---------•---..._._....-------.....--••--••----..._....--------------•-------------.......__ r Raleigh 'Street east to the cul-de-sac. -•------------------------------------------------•----._............-------.__---------•-•--•--•-••-....._......----•---------•--------•-------•---------...-•---------•-----..............._.... -------------------•-•------...---•-----...----•-•-----------....__......----•---------••-----•-••--•---...--•-----•-------------••--••-----------...:..-----------•--.._._..._.....------._..__ ..-•--••---•--••---------•---.._..---••----------------------------•-------------...--•-------•------._...........-----------------------•---•--....._............._...._..------•-------•---•---- r having been�,presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul._._._._.__.._.._.._...............................__._........._.__._...__.. �.� therefore;be i-t� � � �' RFSOLVED, That the Commissionei of Publio Works be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: ' 1. To inveatigate the necesaitq for, or desirability of, the maldng of said improvement. � 2. To investigate the nature, extent�nd estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. � 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere ����e,'�Commiseioner of �Ynance. Adopted by the CounciL-------------•---------._.....���$ ��� - -....-----•--•....................... YESS — Councilman Dalglish S�p 28 1� HollandApproved..-•-------_. .._....__---------------••--------......._..........._ Los a • �- Meredith � Peterson Rosen _..------- __........_ �-------------•--•---.. ..:._.._.__...._ MB: PREIBiD�NT Vavoulis Mayor. � �-�* 1965 � (� " PUBLISHED OCT 2