225379 ���� • �
Council File No. 225379 — By Milton
Resolved, THat upon the petition of
the Port Authorify of the City of Saint
Paul, the sections of public streets
hereinaftec described be and the same
are vacated and'discontinued as public
streets, viz.:
Those streets located in and ad-
jacent to Blocks 17, 18, 21, 22 and 26,
Marshall's Addition; Lawton's Re- '
arrangement of Block 25, Marshall's
Addition; Blocks 6 through 8, 12
through 18, and 20, Morrison's Addi-
tion; and Blocks 4, S and 6, Eaton
and Morrison's Addition, as described
Plato Avenue from the NE'ly line
of Eaton Avenue to the SW'ly
line of Robertson Street
Florida Street (as opened) from
the NE'ly line of Eaton Avenue
to the S4V'ly line of Lot 10, Block
21, Marshall's Addition to West
Saint Paul extended SE'ly
Oregon 'Street from the E'ly line
' of Lot 1, Block 5, Eaton and
Morrison's Addition to the E'ly
]ine of Greenwood Avenu�
Morrlson Street from the E'ly line
of McCallum Street to the W'ly
line of State Street
Champlain Stree.t from the E'ly
line of Greenwood Avenue to the
W'ly line oP State Street
Greenwood Avenue from the S'ly
line of Oregon Street to We NE'ly
llne of Eaton Avenue
Eva Street from the SE'ly line of
�Chicago Avenue to the NE'ly line
of Eaton Avenue;
subject expressly to the following con-
ditions and reservations:
1. That the vacaUon be subject to
all the terms and conditions of Sec-
tion 228 oi the�Legislative Code, as
amended, regulating the procedure and
prescribing conditions for the vacation
of public grounds, streets, alleys and
highways in the City of St. Paul;
2. That the relocation of any re-
maining utilities be accomplished by
agreement betcveen the Port Authority
and the owner of the utility involved,
and as to any utility or sewer easement
of the �ity that may exist but is not
covered by such agreement the City
intends to abanclon;
3. That the petitioners dedicate re-
placement streets substantially in ac-
cordance with the preliminary plan
4. That the petitioners, because oi
such dedications, pay the'nominal sum
of $50'as compensation for the vaca-
tion; .
5. That the petitioners provide the
City with a bond in the amount o4
;5,000; or, in lieu thereof, provide the
City wlth a writtea covenant condi-
tioned to indemnify and hold the City
harmless from any and all damages
claims for dama&es, costs, chazges, an� '
expenses of every kind and nature
arising or growing out of the vacation
of the streets described in the peti-
Adopted by the•Council September
28, 1985. '
'Approved September 28, 1965.
(October 2, 1965)