225367 ORIa1HAL TO CITY CLHRK '� � y CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ���� OFFICE OF THE CIT'�.CL�tK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED EY ' COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the estimate of expenses of the City of Saint P�ul for the fiscal yeax of 1966 - and of the revenue necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the Council by the Comptroller, to be published in the official paper of ' . said City, on t:Oc�ober 2 , 1965. -°� RESOLVED FURTf�R, That the Council hold public hearings, from day to day in tY�eregulax place of ineeting of said Council (the Council Chamber) in the Court House and City Hall at ten o'clock in the fore- noon for not less than ,ten days, beginning October 5th. � 1965, at which time and place all residents of the "City of Saint Pa.u1 desiring to be heard ma.y be heard in reference to any of',said estimates or any __ . � item thereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk prepare and cause to . be published in the official paper of the City at the same time said estima.tes of expenditures axe published a notice of said times and places of public hearings, which published notice shall immediately precede said published estima.tes of expenditures in said official paper, and shall � expressly call attention and refer thereto. . . . . .� ' SEP 2 819�� � COiJNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Da�g��sh , �Ep 2 81965 Holland ' °°`'�" • •- ,�. , fApproved 19— Loss � Favor ` Meredith Peterson U Mayor A gainst �� ' Rosen ._ . � Mr. President, Vavoulis � � � � � � ,. 1965 �� • � � ,• PUBLISHED OCT 2 ioa� aas . � � " DUrLICAT[TO r111NTLR �n�"{!}�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� � ��� � OFFICE OF THE CIT�' CLEftK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED tY COMMISSIONEt DA� ' RaS0i�1�D� The�t the� City C1trk is hereby dire�d to e�e �me ��ti�►te o� �n,��� o�' the Csty o� se�int �a►ul for th� tytscal year oi' �96�- l 9 b� �,nd. of the rsv�mue neceasary to � sa�9.d �xp�neeia, su'F�itt�d to the Counc�.l by t2� Co�tro].3.er, �to be pub].3�hed fn the oPfici�]. paper o� ea3d City, on ^October�, �2 Z�� �9=D �Rs 3'h�t '�he Counail hold gublic lxa►rfngm, �`ro� d�,y to da�y in ths regular �l�ct o� ��ting o� �e�icl Counc3l (fihe Coumcil. Gh�ab�r) in th� I�urt �au�e and Cit� �t11 at ten o'cloak in th� �ore- E?ctobe 5th.�� � noon �or not lese th�n �en d�,ys� baginning �' , • �,9�� mt which ti.� snd plsce a13. resid�nt� o#' the Citp df Sadint Fau�.I, d��iri.ng to be hea�rd �r b� h��rd 9.n re��renc� to a�ny o� s�.i.d �ti�atee or sny ' itea� t1�er�Uf. �E80L�D aUR�R� That th� C3ty Clcxk pr�pe►r� e,nd amu.s� to b� publi�h�d in t� o�fid�.l. papar oP the Cit�r �t th� sa� ti�s �ea1.d eatis�►tae af �nditureffi e�e �nbli�hmd a� notiee of ��.d ti�s and p].ac�s o� pnblic h�xings� Which pnblish�d notic� shal]. i�e�d3ate7:y prsceds asid publish�d. e�1t�.�est�s of �xpenditur�� in �a�id of�ici�. paptr� a�nd sl�].�. exprese�y c�]1 e►tt�ntion ai.nd r��'er there'ro. SEP �g 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays � Dalglish g°� �t� ��" Holland Approv� 19— Loss � Favor Meredith � ' Peterson � . MAyOr A g8iI13t Rosen �Ir. President, Vavoulis 1 � � , � , � ��� :� ' , . � . • -- _ � .. "3 �- . ` . � l • • - . . � - - � �. . ,.�• - _ . �_ � . � _ � , • '�, , ,' , ' ' , _ ` '• � ' _�a � � ' r _ • ' , ' . . '_ " ' � �' ' ' ~�. ., • „`., ^ ,' r � : ' -'- Y ' _` ' `� ' . - -; �_ '' , r=, t . ` ti_ i w; .- _ . . '= __ ` - ` + . ` , . ., S -' - -, r " , . . � "- 1 �, v - ^ - . � '. � ,. . .- _ � . . , . .. r.. . , . � . , __ . � .- � ' -'_ ,. .. - I . _ _ c = ; . ' '- * _ _ - ' ' ; c� � ' ' , _- _. - _ - " -. �._.�. _r l . �' . � � . - f�^ . , . .. : ' y ^ - F. - . , , ` Y �- � - ! � -• -7 � •' ��1 � •C ' V� • � i _+- _ _ ,�'`', '' � F_ • ,i ` � + . � � • - - - - . � • ' - • - - • ' ,_ l � ' • * , , c � .`'� -f _ � " 4 �� , � . - - ` fi ,- ' NOTIGE��OF IiEARSNG ON BUDGET FOR lq� v ' � - � � _' , . � . _, . - _ - �. _ � _ _ _ , � ._ _ . � . � . .. . � . _ �a- - � . _ ' � , v _ . � � � Notice is hereby given that the City Council will hold�'public hearings�� - � �, .� `' . :- ", from day to'day 3n, the regular place of ineeting, of_said Council_ (the Councili„� ' � ` � - , = Cha.mber) ,in the Court House and City Hall Building at 10:00 o'cl c� in the �'_. = - � � - � = forenoon;' f.br not Tess 'than ten, days beginning . ._ Octob -. h � , �196�,��b- � ; - , • , : _ - _-:i:n reference�_to�the,estimates for the expenses'of. the y-;for the fiscal =,- _ — - _. - year"of 198E�and.of the�revenues necessary to meet_sai �enses; submitted to the , � - .� • . Council. by the�`City`Comptroller; and which� immedia,tely llow this notice.� ' r _ � � -_ �` � _ � ��- A� said times'� and�place, 'all� residen�s ;of i Saint Paul desiring � • - . ._ to-be heard �ma,y be �heard in�reference to any of..said est � es 'or any 3tem _ � . � -_ .thereof: � '- -; - - - . _ , � - _ -` . � - _ . � - . , - : ` . . �'� � :�� ` �bb ".- .ti- � _ . ' � , ; _ - � • �. _ -. . _ • _: . Sept.� ; , ` �� - , - . . . -` _ `. - � - - - . -- i . • � . - � . - . � - � ._ ° � ' J -- ,� "' `• ` . - �4 .. ROBERT B. GERBER, JR., ' - - ,� - •. _- ..---_ - -_ .-= r---_ -� -- -'-� - -- _ - -.�-. _ ,. -- - - it erk_ of_S_ais�t��au1,:�Minnesota._ n-: -�- _:- , :. - _ , . � ' - - • • ti � � � . - ° . , � - - _ - . _ ¢ . ,. _ � '.� . - . . , - - � ° ; .. _ -- ' _ _ _ . : . ` � . . . - .� . --• t . . . • - - , -_ - ' " . _ _ ' .: - ' � . � ober'2 1965) ' ' ' _ � � ; . � .. , - . . - _ . . _ � • ^ _ . - , . � -' . ` - . - - ,+,� . � +: __ �_ _- _'�,'� � . , _ , � -- � - _• . . _ ' . , ,�'- - _ . . ' _ - - �_ �` __ '- . �, : _ . _ • . - - •� - . - _ .- , _ .. _ .. _ _ -. - - -�: • .., __ `. . • - , . - :. _ , : ; � � - .. - .. • . - = _ - . _ -. - ` , -,, ti .� - ' � _ . - . - • � ' --. - y. � _ - , . - . � - ' , - y . . . ..- ..-_ - '_ ' a� . ` . . .F j.` ' . ` ` �, - _+ _ . '^ , -e - _ ' - ` ^ ' ' -�_ . - , 'L` � ' _, i e _+ -F • •- • T '_ -�'L` ,, ' _� . r M • , - . _- . ! f . _ . ' 1.. . - :• . � " - � � . � � _r . . . ... - _y ♦ . , - . ' � � , - ' - ' • ' - • - ._. � . _ '�' � ' " . """ . •- . l ' ` " . _ - � � , • '• ' ti' ' .` , i ' + . ` - Y, _ • ' � ` • ' � ' • . � ' R � . - _ `` � �• �- ` � • ' . :i . ' ` i_ , ' e • • j . -� u ' _ � f- + . - ^ . - ' ' I' .. : .� . ♦-1 " � - :` _.- ' •� z, � - _._ ' ' a � " _ � ~ . �.' . ' , " ^ , " "-' ^ ' _ ' ' ; 1 � September 28, 1965 1 , To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ' In accordance with Charter �ection 200 and Chapter 269 of the Laws of Minne- sota for 1965, I herewith submit the "Comptroller's Budget Estimates" for the City ' of Saint Paul for the year 1966. This is the first budget I have prepared in which � the "Board of Education" is not an integral part. The voters of Saint Paul, in November of 1964, approved the conversion to an Independent School District. Under terms of the conversion law, the State Commissianer of Education fixed July 1, 1965 � as the effective date of��the conversion and, as of that date, the "Board" has fiscal independence and is no longer subject to Charter provisions as they relate to public schools and their opera�ion's. . 1 Budget requests submitted to me for the year 1966 amounted to $40,979,940.60, , an increase of $7,722,973.60 over the 1965 Budget. My budget estimate for 1966 is � $35,449,254.00, which is $5,530,686.60 less than was requested but an increase of $2,192;287.�00. r � . TAX LEVIES AND TAX RATES The total levy, including shrinkage for 1966, is $21,830,570.00, or a de- crease of $102,571.00 from the total tax levy for 1965 of $21,933,141:00. ' Inforcnal estimates �vailable at this time indicate that there will again be a reduction in the tax base.,' In spite of this, I am submitting to your-honorable � body a budget which keeps the• tax rate at the same level for'next year. as for this - year. � �-' � ` :� , _ I It should be borne in mind that even though the tax rate for "City Purposes" remains the same, this does not preclude the possibility of a total tax rate in- crease next year due to the possible actions of other tax-levying bodies--the schools, the county and the state. , GARBAGE DISPOSAL , In accordance with the program presented to you by the Commissioner of Public Works, and at his request, the appropria�tion for Garbage Disposal has been reduced. This reduction was accomplished by a more efficient routing which reduced the number of daily routes from twent}�-three (23) to twenty (20) . � SALARIES All salaries in this budget have been provided for at the currently effec- tive rates and for the personnel on the payroll for' the period specified in the directive issued to you with your budget request forms. This includes statutory � salaries, exempt positions , 'classified employees and the mechanical trades. Salary appropriations are bas�d on department 'requests for existing personnel and the pro- jection of the dollar amount required to retain them at existing rates of pay. A listing of budgeted positions supporting my recommended appropriations will be pro- � vided each department, liureau and the Council in the near future. All department and bureau heads, the �ivil,Service Bureau and this office will find these listings extremely useful in position budgeting for the various activities, in formulating decisions involving the use or shifting of personnel and in decisions involving j the expansion or contraction'�of tlie number of man-hours required. Deviations from the position budget should be permitted only after careful consideration of advan- �. � �' , , To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Page 2 � September 28, 1965 , tages and disadvantages and the availability of funds. Total salaries provided in this budget under City Civil Service rates amounts to $14,926,665.00. This is $660,707.00 over the amount appropriated in 1965, or an increase of 4.63%. , `_- APPROPRIATIONS � � ' As is true in any growing municipality, charter requirements, policy de- cisions and cooperative agreements make consideration of certain budget items man- datory. In'the� following paragraphs, I will discuss these f ixed obligations which , must be provided for in the budget. WELFARE: The gross Welfare budget for 1966 is up approximately four and • one-half million doll�ars ($4,500,000.00) over the present budget. Substantial in- ' creases in Federal programs have created this new high. Withdrawal of Federal sup- port will require either a cutback in the level of Welfare operation or additional local support to maintain the �new level. The City's share of the Welfare budget , (27�'/,) has decreased $39,929; the County's share (72�%) has decreased $105,267 for a total reduction of $145,196. Under State law, the City Council and the County Board have jointly adopted the Welfare budget, and I have no further jurisdiction. - 1 DETENTION AND CORRECTION AUTHORITY: Under State law creating this authority, I have no jurisdiction over this budget but I must include its budget in this document. - - � � :� ELECTIONS: 'As the Charter requires elections to be held every even num- ,bered year, I have included an amount of $136,970.00 for the 1966 elections. This ' ' includes the amount as requested for branch registrations. 4 � CITY PLANNING: As no appropriation was requested for Metropolitan Planning � in-1966, $12,733.00 previously provided•� for this purpose is now included in the regular budget activity for City Planning, thus making additional funds available for this purpose in the�amount of $14,008.00. � CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES - TORT L�ABILITY: The Corporation Counsel, in his letter of transmittal, indicated that under normal conditions there would be sufficient funds in these activities to provide for 1966 expenditures provided the -, balances were reappropriated. ` I have 'therefore provided no ,additional appropriations in these activities for 19(�6. .� HYDRANT MAINTENANCE: In accordance with the provisions of the resolution approved by your honorable body, the City is now obligated to pay the actual cost of hydrant maintenance and not a fixed amount per hydrant as was previously pro- vided. The cost of hydrant maintenance for 1964, which must be provided in this '' budget, is $83,305.00. After making allowance for the reduction in the cost of new meters installed, the net increase in this item for 1966 is $36,803.00. 1 BRANCH LIBRARY: The 1953 United Improvement Bond Program provided for an additional branch library. A decision was reached by you recently on the location of such a branch at University and Lexington Avenues. Bond funds, a Federal grant and unencumbered bud'get balances will finance the purchase, remodeling and equipping �� of this building. I have provided funds to staff this branch during that portion of 1966 it is �xpected to be in- service. . _� ', . - •�,, ' . ` ; � i� � '` ` � , , ' To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Page 3 September 28, 1965 ' AIR POLLUTION: Air pollution has become a national problem of growing impor- tance in urban areas. Although Federal funds have been made available for this pro- , ject, local participation must be provided. Funds have been included in this budget for this purpose. � BUILDING INSPECTORS: In order to assure the Housing and Home Finance Agency ' that progress is being made, I have included�salaries and auto allowance for one (1) additional plumbing inspector and one (1)• �dditional electrical inspector in the bud- get of the Public Building Department. �I have been informed that this action will , satisfy the Federal agency at this time, thus� assuring the recertification of the City of Saint Paul for another year. This action will •enable the City to move for- ward on its Downtown, Riverview'and other urban renewal projects. 1 ASSESSMENTS - EXEMPT PROPERTY: The total cost for assessments of exempt property, which must be provided for in 1966, is $77,708.00. However, because we �` are holding in escrow $10,775.00 as payments agairist �these assessments by the Battle , Creek Development Company,'�our ne't cost is $66,933.00, an increase of $23�679.00 over the 1965 costs. In addi�iori to non-assessable sidewalks and cemeteries which we are obligated to pay, there are assessments this� year for such items as Public � Works property - $2,461.26; Main Library - $3,628.02; and Public Safety Building - $18,582.08. As these assessmenfs must be financed within� our foreseeable revenues, every dollar committed her,e means that much less for essential City service. It may be wise to have the Commissioner-of Finance notify your City Clerk each time � City Department property is involved" in an as's, essment hearing in order that you may be apprised of the estimated costs you�are committing the City to finance. ..�......�• .. � • -'- _ _� - - - -- ---�.�s . --� � � - � , INTEREST: As additional bonds are issued each year, the annual cost of in- terest increases. Total interest costs fbr 1966, including interest on bonds to be issued in October of 1965,� amounts 'to $1,621,372.00. However, because of the con- ' tinued investment of idle furids, together` with a payment toward interest on Highway Bonds from Municipal State Aic� and a co�nit�ment from the Housing Authority to pay the interest on Urban Renew�l Bonds for the first three (3) years, an amount of • $751,000.00 has been used to reduce this appropria�ion. The net interest costs , for 1966 are $870,372.00, an increase of $121,846.00 over the 1965 appropriation. � , . REDEMPTION OF BONDS AND NOTES: Total bonds payable in 1966 is $1,447,750.00. , We are'holding in the Highway Sinking Fund non-interest bearing bonds of the State of Minnesota due in 1966 in the amount of $240,000.00, which reduces the bond maturity obligation �to $1,207,750.00. Emergency notes to be financed in 1966 amount � to $1,578,000:00, an increase over the 1965 appropriation for emergency notes of $583,712.00. The appropriation for bond and note maturities in this budget is $2,785�,750.00, •an increase of $762,712.00. ' Many years ago I instituted a method of debt management whereby cash not immediately needed to rtieet current obligations would be invested at interest. The interest earned on these investments has been greater than the amounts allocated ' toward the recluction of debt in the annual budgets. Excess earnings have been re- tained with the thought in mind of using it to meet an extraordinary debt situation. The time has arrived when these earnings should be used to the advantage of the taxpayer, and I h�ve applied $1,000,000 of this reserve to reduce the property ' tax levy for debt. " ' , As a result of my decision to apply $1,000,000.00 of the debt reserve at ' this time,' which reserve can only be used for debt reduction, the net debt cost for interest and redemptions financed by the taxpayer is $115,442.00 less than the 1965 appropriation. . � -. , � _ .. tTo the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Page 4 September 28, 1965 ' AUDI R REN his item 's s 'm' r - TO IUM TALS: T i i ila to the assessments for exempt pro , perty previously discussed. These "free" openings must be financed from foreseeable revenues. The costs of Auditorium Rentals to be provided in this budget is $86,356.00. This is an increase of $19,815.00 over the 1965 appropriation. , FINANCING PROPERTY TAXES: Estimated financing from Real Estate and Personal Property ' taxes is $21,72/+,979:00, or 61.28% of the gross budget of $35,449,254.00. This is a decrease of�$102,047.00 from the amount provided in the 1965��budgeYt. In'summary, this decrease is ari'ived at in the following manner: . , . . , ' Increase Decrease Net Decrease Debt Costs 115,442.00 ' Employee Benefits 29,022.00 Employee Benefits-CH & CH 300.00 . Detention Authority 14,510.00 Public Examiner 10,000.00 , Public ��elfare '� �^�w't;" . .• _ � � 39,929.00 •' Port Authority 508.00 , 53,832.00 155,879.00 102,047.00 ' The' net increase in employees benefits is a result of requested legislation authorizing an increase in the�,tax levy for the Police Pension Fund of two-tenths ' (.2) of a .mill. � _ ' _ � .� : . , - - !- "' _ - :ti-.�:.i` a�..�� x,_ � MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: Miscellaneous revenue for 1966 is estimated at $6,072,932.00, an increase of $978,560.00. � All "items comprising this source of ' reveriue have been carefully analyzed�and many ava�lable guides have been used in assisting us in making these determinations. •Among the new items which have been included in this� category are the increased rents recommended by me for City Hall ' space used by independent age'ncies totaling $61,568.00 to be divided equally be- tween the City and th� County. I have also included the reimbursement for services � rendered by the City for the Independent School District and the increased parking , meter revenue made possible in the ordinance you have before you. � Department receipts were reviewed with the accountants in the departments � ' and the 1966 estimate is $1,934,343.00. This is an increase of $115,849.00 over ' the 1965 estimate. - � �� � _ Total estimated revenue for •self-sustaining bureaus is $4,717,000.00. ' Included in this amount is 'an� increase of $199,925.00 from water revenue. Total financing may be summarized as follows: ' Property Taxes $21,724,979.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 6,072,932.00 Department Receipts 1,934,343.00 ' Se1f=Sustaining Bureaus 4,717,0.00.00 Reappropriations, 'unencumbered Bond and Ynterest Balances ,1,000,000.00 ' ' $35,449,254.00 ' ` - . , To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Page 5 September 28, 1965 � COMMENTS , - In the course of study and ana]:y"sis of' the budget, it appears to me that some matters are worthy of further investigation. , TRAFFIC SIGNALS: This appears to be a divided operation. The Public Works d� artment is responsible for the design and installation of these signals and the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm is responsible for the operation and ' maintenance of' the signals. Some study should be made with the view in mind of the total program of traffic signals under the jurisdiction of one department. ' RADIO MAINTENANCE: Theie is a growing use of two-way radios in the operation of many City departmen�ts. In addition to the maintenance of police and fire radio by City personnel, each department has a maintenance contract for its radio installa- � tion. As a result of my investigations , I am confident that if the maintenance of , all City radio installations was under a single maintenance contract, the City - would save many thousands of dollars. ' NEW REVENUES: As has been previously indicated, all existing so� ces of revenue have been explored and the maximum amount which can be reasonably estimated from each has been included in this budget. ' Salaries inc�luded in this budget are for present personnel at existing rates of pay. ' Any salary adjustment for 1966 .should be fully financed. As I have ex- hausted all existing sources of revenue to maintain the present level of operation, the alternative to additional monies to finance increased salary rates is to re- , duce personnel; this is a lowering of services. i To maintain services at the existing level with increased salary rates will ' require additional revenue whi�ch must come from sources other than the property tax levy. Within the authority you.are given by the Charter, faced with the growing , financial problems and strain common to cities throughout this nation, being mindful of the carefully considered recommendations presented the Council by citizen revenue study committees over'the years, I urgently recommend decisions by , the Council leading to an aetive solution of our growing fiscal �dilemma. Respectfully submitted, 1 _ . �. ��,�.., '`��� , Joseph J. Mitchell � City Comptroller , JJM/dn ' • � ' - , v SUMMARY Charter � • Code Charter Fund , Amount 1.00 City Officers ' Salaries ,- 97,500.00 ' 2.00 Mayor's Office Administration 37,672.00 2.01 City Planning 131,050.00 2.02 Civil Defense 106,185.00 2.03 Civil and Human Rights Commission 29,035.00 ' 3.00 Corporation Counsel 211,588.00 4.00 City Clerk - Records 133,561.00 4.01 City Clerk - Registrations 35,748.00 ' S.00 Commissioner of Finance 273,939.00 6.00 Commissioner 'of Public Safety 173,796.00 6.01 Police ` 3,660,377.00 ' 6.02 Fire 3,622,684.00 6.03 Police and Fire Alarm 277,924.00 6.04 Health 750,464.00 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works 1,179,840.00 ' 7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair 732,887.00 7.02 Sewer Maintenance and Repair 402,795.00 7.03 �Street and Sewer Cleaning 1,254,260.00 ' 7.04 Bridge Building and Repair 106,752.00 9.00 Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings , 37,280,00 9.01 Public Library _ 1,127,418.00 ' 9.02 Auditorium ;� 94,000.00 9.03 Stadia 15,000.00 9.04 Civic Education Center . � 160,000.00 , 11.00 • Commissioner of Public Utilities � 202,615.00 , 11.01 Public Lighting l 706,454.00 12.00 Water Department 4,623,000.00 ' 13.00 City Comptroller 153,528.00 13.01 Civil Service 154,967.00 14.00 Municipal Court 303,674.00 15.00 Purchasing Agent 123,093.00 , 16.00 Council Investigation and Research Bu�eau 17,387.00 18.00 Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and � Public Buildings 73,623.00 � 18.01 Public Parks and Recreation 1,693,550.00 18.02 Public Buildings 535,308.00 19.00 Elections 136,970.00 ' 20.00 Board of Public Welfare 4,015,417.00 21.00 City Ha1l=and Court House 263,474.00 22.00 � Detention and Corrections Authority 450,286.00 25.00 Employee Benefits 2,236,415.00 , 26.00 i A , � Judgment and Compromise � 25,000.00 27.00 Zocal Improvement 'Aid 1,011,205.00 28.00 � ° ' ' Interest 870,372.00 ' 30.00 Redemption of Bonds and Notes 2,785,750.00 35.00 General Fund 415,411.00 , . . . TOTAL r 35,449,254.00 ' ` �' _ ' - ' • I - - . ' . 4 ' vi FINANCING SCHEDULE Estimated Revenue for 1966 ' Amount Sub Totals Totals REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES Appropriated in 1966 Budget Within Charter Limitation 12,075,000:00 ' Outside Charter Limitation 9,649,979.00 � Total Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes 21,724,979.00 ' PENALTIES=;ON PROPERTY TAXES 40,000.00 FORFEITED PROPERTY TAX SALES APPORTIONMENT 10,000.00 SPECIAL TAXES - STATE COLLECTED ' Bank Excise 350,000.00 � Cigarette and Liquor 1,000,000.00 , Total Special Taxes - State Collected 1,350,000.00 , ; SPECIAL TAXES - COUNTY COZLECTED Coal Dock Operator None Grain Tax 4,000.00 ' ' ' Mortgage Registry 50,000.00 Total Special Taxes - County Collected 54,000.00 SPECIAL TAXES - CITY COLLECTED , ' Drug Store and Mortuary 5,000.00 Gross Earnings 2,100,000.00 Electric Energy Tax , 7,000.00 Total Special Taxes - City Collected _ , 2,112,000.00 ' PAYMENTS +IN LIEU OF TAXES � ' - . � , , i 40,000.00 " LICENSES AND PERMITS - ,.., .� � ' �. ' ' �' Busiriess�Iricenses :_ '. � ��: - � _:Y _ __ 650,000.00 ��� • Cigarette Licenses� � ' 20,000.00 Dog Licenses 4,000.00 Permits - Public $uildings Bureau 290 000.00 � � " " - Other 70,000.00 Trade and Occupational Licenses 45,000.00 Total Licenses and Permits , 1,079,000.00 , . FEES, FINES AND BAIL FORFEITS: City Clerk - Recording Fees 50,000.00 Conciliation Court 4,000.00 ' Fees 70,000.00 Fines and Bail Forfeits 500,000.00 Parking Meters • 453,000.00 Total Fees, Fines and Bail Forfeits 1,077,000.00 ' RENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS ' • Rents - Board of Education 22,072.00 City and County Credit Union 1,462.00 ' Water Department �9,7�50.00 33,284.00 Miscellaneous 47,648.00 Services - Board of Education 140,000.00 ' Interest - Bank Balances - Operating Funds 90,000.00 310,932.00 DEPAR'TNIENT RECEIPTS - See Schedule 1,934,343.00 SELF-SUSTAINING BUREAUS ' Auditorium 94,000.00 Water Department 4,623,000.00 Total Self-Sustaining Bureaus 4,717,000.00 ' REAPPROPRIATION - UNENCUMBERED Bond and Interest Balances 1,000,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE' (Gross Budget) ' 35,449,254.00 I � � �� � . . - . . r, ' V11 SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS 1966 � Amount Sub Totals Totals GENERAL GOVERNMENT: OFFICES ' Civil Defense 43,503.00 Corporation Counsel 9 000.00 City Clerk - Records 1,000.00 � " " - Official Publications 1,000.00 ' " " - " " PIR 10,000.00 12,000.00 Finance Department - Assessments 12,000.00 " " - Postage 1,000.00 � " " - Sewer Maintenance 5,000.00 " " - Armory Real Estate 1,200.00 19,200.00 City Comptroller - Miscellaneous Receipts 5,000.00 ' " " - Armory Real Estate 4,700.00 9,700.00 Civil Service - Miscellaneous Receipts 15,000.00 " " - Armory Real Estate 3,000.00 18,000.00 ' Purchasing Agent - Other Agencies 37,500.00 Total General Government Offices 148,903.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ' Building Maintenance - Health Department 25,000.00 Police - Miscellaneous Receipts 57,000.00 Fire - Miscellaneous Receipts 2,000.00 , Police and Fire Alarm - Miscellaneous Receipts � 45,000.00 " " " "-Highway'Maintenance 15,000.00 60,000.00� � Health - Special Projects Fund . ,�. : ' (Federal Government) , 100,000.00 Total Department of Public Safety� 244,000.00 ' DEPARTNIENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Engineers - Other Agencies 450,000.00 Traffic Control - Highway Maintenance 25,000.00 475,000.00 ' Street Maintenance and Repair-- State Aid Highways 250,000.00 Highway Maintenance 128,000.00 Miscellaneous Receipts 30,000.00 408,000.00 , Sewer Maintenance-- Outside Parties 170,000.00 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 93,420.00 263,420.00 ' ' Street and Sewer Cleaning-- State Aid Highways 100,000.00 Miscellaneous Receipts 16,600.00 116,600.00 ' Bridge Bldg. & Repair - Misc. Receipts 2,000.00 Total Department of Public Works 1,265,020.00 DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM, ' AND CIVIC BUILDINGS Public Library - Overdue Fines 40,000.00 '� " - Miscellaneous Receipts 10,000.00 � Total Department of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings 50,000.00 ' . - ' , .. � , � V111 SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS (continued) 1 1966 Amount Sub Totals Totals ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Testing Laboratory - Other Agencies 8,000.00 Air Pollution - Federal Government 52,500.00 ' Building Maintenance - Rental 14,520.00 75,020.00 Public Lighting - Recovery Damaged ' Property 30,000.00 ' Total Department of Public Utilities 105,020.00 DEPARTNIENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS ' Parlc Police - Fines 20,000.00 Parks and Recreation - Misc. Receipts 30,000.00 50,000.00 Public Buildings - Other Agencies 50,000.00 ' Total Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings 100,000.00 ' DETENTION AUTHORITY � : Detention Authority Receipts Fu�.d ' 15,000.00 Interdepartment Services 6,400.00 Total Detention Authority , '. 21,400.00 ' TOTAL DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS � , - � 1,934,343.00 � ! ' _ - . _ ' ' 1 ' , ' ' ' i � 1 � 1 - � � � , ' ANALYSIS OF TAX LEVY ix Collectible during 1966 '� . Estimated Budget Net Tax ' Appropriation Shrinka�e Levy `Charter Limitation 12,075,000.00 60,375.00 12,135,375.00 Tax Levy (In Lieu of Money and Credits) 182,000.00 910.00 182,910.00 , • Debt - General City Purposes 2,656,122.00 13,281.00 2,669,403.00 Police� Relief Association 492,764.00 2,464.00 495,228.00 Firemen's Relief Association 492,764.00 2,464.00 495,228.00 Health Relief Association 24,638.00 123.00 24,761.00 , Public Employees Retirement Association 587,974.00 -- � 587,974.00 Public Welfare 4,015,417.00 20,077.00 4,035,494.00 , Metropolitan Airports Commission -- -- -- Health and Welfare 470,000.00 2,350.00 472,350.00 Health and Welfare - C.H. and C.H. 5,000.00 25.00 5;025.00 Severance Pay 61,595.00 308.00 61,903.00 ' Unemployment Compensation 75,000.00 375,00 75,375.00 Civil Defense 62,682.00 313.00 62,995.00 '� Detention Authority-- , ' Operation and Maintenance 410,122.50 2,051.00 412,173.50 'Public Employees Retirement 16,640.00 16,640.00 " Teachers Retirement Funds • 2,123.50 -- 2,123.50 Port Authority Operation 36,957.00 185:00 37,142.00 ' Public Examaners Fee ,, 25,000.00 125.00 �25,125.00 Tort Liability - M.S.A. 466 -- -- -_ Health and Welfare - Retirees ° � 31,680.00 -. 158.00 31,838.00 ' Health 'and Welfare - Retirees �C.��I. and C.H. --_ 1,500.00 7.00 1,507.00 ^""';, 21,724,979.00 105,591.00 21,830,570.00 . ' r � F � ~c~ � 1 ' ``'` • , 4 � _� - n f/ T' " ,' ' , - • - � k;, ' " � . ' , \ K. , .. . 4 � ; , m ' ' � � ' '� �L �� � A �•.f/� • � / � X , EQUIPMENT APPROPRIATIONS ., ' � Charter Section *201 ° Charter =Code , 3.00 Gorporation Counsel Office Equipment 500.00 5.00 Commissioner of Finance Furniture and Appliances 500.00 ' 6.00 Commissioner of�Public Safety ' Shop Equipment 500.00 6.01 Police - Detectives Office Equipment 3,500.00 ,-6.01 " - Staff and Inspection Office Equipment 5,300.00 , j6.01 " _ " " " Automotive Equipment� : 50,000.00 ,�`�6.01 " " �� " Radio Equipment 3,400.00 ��6.02 Fire - Fire Fighting Automotive Equipment 50,000.00 ��6.02 " " " New Hose � 5,000.00 ' 6.02 " - Fire Hydrant Installation New Hydrants t 10,470.00 x_6.03 " - Police and Fire Alarm q Automotive Equipment 2,500.00 ,�6.04 Health Administration • '` Office Equipment 1,000.00 ' 7.00 Public Works - Engineers Automotive Equipment ' 3,000.00 ' 7.00 " " " Survey'Equipment 1,500.00 �7.01 " " - Street Maint. & Repair- � Automotive Equipment 10,000.00 ��7.02 " " - Sewer Maint. & Repair Maintenance Equipment 2,700.00 1 �� �� ._ �� �� �� 1 7•�2 Automotive Equipment 3,000.00 7.03 " " - Street and Sewer Cleaning� Maintenance Equipment 19,000.00 7.03 " � " - " " " " Automotive Equipment 20,000.00 ' 7.03 " " _ " " " " " " 15,000.00 7.03 " " " " " " ' , Office Equipment 3,000.00 9.01 Public Library - Library Service Office Equipment , ' 2,000.00 :� 9.01 " � � ", . " " � Furniture and Appliances :, 8,000.00 11.01 Public,Ligh.ting - Maintenance Automotive Equipmen�t ' 5,000.00 _ '' l I".O1 , '" "���- � ''!! � . _ " ' ' , . '._ ;•Radio =Equ�ipmerrt � - � ��., . 5,500.00 13.00 City Comptroller O�fice Equipment , 1,000.00 '� 13.01 , Civil Service Office;Equipment " 500.00 15:00 Purchasing Department tr' Office Eguipment 950.00 18.01 Parks and Recreation - Administration Office, Equipment 500.00 -� 18.01 " " " - Park Police , , Automotive Equipment � 2,000.00 18.01 " " " - Equipment�Maint. � Maintenance Equipment 15,000.00 � • , ' � 250,320.00 1 �- _ * "Out of the amounts appropriated each year for the cost of the City government and departments other than schools, at leas.t $250,000 shall be reserved each year and 1 inay be expended for new, replacement or renewal of departmental equipment. Any part thereof not expended in any year shall be accumulated and reserved for such use in future years." ' � 1 � . l �:� . . . .�.., .�_ 1 � � , � �.. . .� . . _ ;. - ,� � .� . . :� r y r #�l ' M1 � . va�1?., ' 1 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 1 CITY OFFICERS ' SALARIES 0�10 Charter or Statutory Salaries ' 131 Salaries - Elected Officials-- Mayor 13,000.00 Comptroller 12,500.00 ' Councilmen (6) 72,000.00 97,500.00 1 MAYOR'S OFFICE ADMINISTRATION , ' 2 0020 Administration 101 Salaries 25,135.00 201 Automobile Allowance 900.00 , 202 Telephone . ' 1,5�00.00 203 Postage 500.00 223 Maint. & Repairs-Office Equip. 100.00 , 247 Rental _- Office Equipment 50.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 500.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 287.00 3,837.00 , 340 Office Supplies ' 2,200.00 475 Contingent Account 6,000.00 - . 476 Council and Legis. Exp.� _ 500.00 � 6,500.00 37.672.00 , � � " � _. ' . . . 2.01 0021 City Planning ' 101 Salaries 124,464.00 201 Automobile Allowance 936.00 202 Telephone and Telegraph 1,000.00 203 Postage 200.00 ' 204 Travel 900.00 206 Printing and Binding 500.00 223 Maint. and Repairs - , ; Office Equ}pment 250.00 250 Blueprinting 600.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 300.00 4,686.00 , 340 Office Supplies 700.00 342 Drafting Supplies 700.00 1,400,00 , 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 131,050.00 1 ' 2.02 0025 Civil Defense ' 101 Salaries 82,745.00 143 Fees - Educational 1,000.00 83,745.00 ,�- 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 t ' 202 Telephone 4,700.00 203 Postage 1,500.00 204 Travel . 800.00 206 Printing and Binding 900.00 ' 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 50.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - - Office Equipment 200.00 ' . . . � t � - - � :�._ ."t': �:-' - - ' 2 Code Appropriations �• Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 226 Maintenance and Repairs. - Machinery and Equipment 500.00 227 Laundry 50.00 ' 241 Rent - Bldg. & Office Space 6,000.00 247 Office Equipment Rental 155.00 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 50.00 , 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 85.00 265 Authori zed Meetings 200.00 16,990.00 320 Motor Vehicle Parts & Supplies 200.00 322 Motor Fuel 400.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 2,000.00 341 Clothing 500.00 343 Household Supplies 100.00 ' 348 Instruction Supplies 500.00 349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 100.00 3,850.00 ' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 600.00 805 " " - Furniture & Appl. 1,000.00 1,600.00 106,185.00 � � 2.03 0027 Civil and Human Rights Commission 101 Salaries 16,980.00 ' 201 .Automobile Allowance 350.00 202 Telephone 225.00 203 Postage 200.00 204 Travel 550�00 � - 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 =- , 223 Maintenance and Repairs - - . Office Equipment 80.00 1,505,00 ' 340 Office Supplies 400.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 200.00 19,085.00 ' 0028 Education Pro ram � g 101 Salaries 8,340.00 ''} 201 Automobile Allowance ' 350.00 " 206 Printing and Binding 460.00 810.00 . 340 Office Supplies 300.00 ' 348 Instruction Supplies 500.00 800.00 9,950.00 �29.035.00 .� 1 ' '�+� t SiTMMARY - MAYOR'S OFFICE 2 Administration 37,672.00 , --2:01- � City Planning - 131,050.00 2.02 Civil Defense 106,185.00 2.03 Civil and Human Rights Commission 29,035.00 � 303,942.00 , � r '� , ., ,_' • - - - , 3 Code Appropria�ions Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals t3 CORPORATION COUNSEL 0030 Administration t 101 Salaries 189,888.00 150 Fees - Courts 7,000.00 196,888.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 ' 202 Telephone 4,000.00 203 Postage 500.00 204 Travel 1,000.00 247 Rentals - Office Equipment 1,000.00 7,500.00 t 340 Office Supplies 2,500.00 ' 349 Books and Periodicals - Law Library . 4,200.00 6,700.00 ' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 211,588.00 ' 0031 Codification of Ordinance None y ' 0035 Tort Liability - MSA 466 None - • - . • . 211,588.00 ' � : � � - , `.. ,: , � - - - _, 4 , .. ' CITY CLERK_ ..- .,��.-; =�--�--_- -_ - - ' . ' 0040 Records � 101 Salaries 75,061.00 202 Telephone 650.00 ' 203 Postage 500.00 204 Travel 400.00 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 223 Office Equip.-Maintenance 400.00 ' 251 Dues and Subscriptions 100.00 2,250.00 340 Office Supplies 1,050.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 200.00 78,561.00 , 1 . 0041 Official Publications I ' �' 208 Official Publications _ 55,000.00 ' 133,561.00 ' ' ~ . 4.01 0045 Registration . . � , 101 Salaries � ' , 32,748.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,200.00 - 202 Telephone 1,100.00 204 Travel � ; 350.00 2,650.00 , 340 Office Supplies �`� ' y 350.00 35 ,748.00 � + ' __ • . , . , ' , ' � � ' � 4 ' ' Code Appropriations - Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , SUMMARY - CITY CLERK 4 Records 133,561.00 4.0�. Registration 35,748.00 ' 169,309.00 ' 5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' 0050 Commissioner of Finance 101 Salaries 241,353.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 4,000.00 202 Telephone and Telegraph 2,540.00 203 Postage 3,600.00 204 Travel 300.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 500.00 223 Office Equipment Maint. 500.00 250 Blueprinting 210.00 ' 251 Dues and Subscriptions 50.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 100.00 11,800.00 340 Office Supplies 1,000.00 ' I 608 Capital Outlay - Office Remod. 1,200.00 S 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 2�5�853.00 ..! ., . - , . � _-_ � . � _ , _ - ' " 0051 Parking Meter Service 101 Salaries 17,416.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 480.00 223 Office Equipment Maint. 90.00 570.00 340 Office Supplies 25.00 � 341 Clothing (Uniforms) 75.00 100.00 18,086.00 273,939.00 � , DEPARTNIENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 6 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY ' 0100 Administration 101 Salaries 44,195.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 ' 202 Telephone 1,700.00 203 Postage 700.00 204 Travel 250.00 1 206 Printing and Binding 75.00 223 Office Equip. Maint. 25.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 50.00 4,600.00 340 Office Supplies 125.00 � 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 200.00 49,120.00 ' ; - . .. � . ,� _ . ' S Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 0101 Building Maintenance 101 Salaries 105,801.00 220 Gas and Electricity 12,000.00 t 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,000.00 222 Sanitary Services 200.00 224 Maint.-Bldgs. & Structures 50.00 ' 226 Machinery and Equip. Maint. 275.00 227 Laundry 1,600.00 232 Elevator Maintenance 150.00 15,275.00 - 301 Custodial Suppli.es 750.00 ' 302 Plumbing Supplies 100.00 303 Paint Supplies 200.00 304 Electrical Supplies 350.00 , 305 Heating Fuels 900.00 313 Carpentry Materials 200.00 319 Misc. Maint. - Supplies 400.00 324 Small Tools 200.00 3,100.00 �' 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equip. 500.00 124,676.00 173,796.00 ' � 6.01 POLICE ' -� - -- - - 0110 Administration ' 101 Salaries 94,331.00 202 Telephone 22,050.00 203 Postage . 1,100.00 ' 204 Travel 600.00 207 Advertising 200.00 208 Official Publications 200.00 226 Maintenance and Repair - ' Machinery and Equipment 200.00 239 Misc. Maint. and Repairs 1,200.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 700.00 � 261 Insurance and Bonds 50.00 265 �Authorized Meeting Expenses 300.00 273 Crime Investigations 200.00 26,800.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 200.00 343 Household Supplies 300.00 349 Books and Periodicals 200.00 700.00 ' 801 Capital Outlay ,- Office Equip. 100.00 805 " " - Furniture & Appl. 200.00 300.00 122,131.00 ' 0111 T�icense Division 101 Salaries 44,942.00 1 201 Automobile Allowance 4,500.00 206 Printing and Binding 25.00 223 Office Equip. & Furniture 40.00 4,565.00 340 Office Supplies 50.00 � 801 Capital Qutlay-Office Equip. 100.00 49,657.00 :^� • . • �� . ' �• +r .1l. � � f � '1 � . ) _ i .. 6 • ' Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 0112 Uniformed Divis.ion . 101 Salaries 2,059,875.00 201 Automobile Allowance 975.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 200.00 341 Clothing 2Q,160.00 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 900.00 , 352 Law Enforcement Supplies 6,000.00 27,260.00 2,088,110.00 ' ` 0113 Detective Division 101 Salaries 544,220.00 145 Fees - Personnel 1,250.00 545,470.00 ' 269 Miscellaneous 200.00 273 Criminal Investigation 300.00 500.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 200.00 801 Capital Outlay-Office Equip. 3,500.00 549,670.00 ' ' 0114 Staff and Inspection " ° 101 Salaries 611,999.00 . 144 Fees - Psychiatrist 2,000.00 613,999.00 ' , 206 Printing and Binding 600.00 220 Electricity 1 300.00 _ 223 Maint. of Equip. - Office 1,700.00 _ 225 "- " " - Motor Vehicle 60,000.00 � ' ' , 227 Laurcdry 300.00 241 Rental-Bldg. & Office Space 800.00 ,� ; --242- - ".- = -Data Processing Equip. 6,160.00 ` � � � ' 245 " - Motor Vehicles 17,000.00 247 " - Office Equipment 4,000.00 264 Police Training Schools 6,000.00 96,860.00 ' 322 Motor Fuels 55,000.00 326 Radio Maint. and Supp�.ies 3,250.00 340 Office Supplies 10,500.00 345 Chem. and Lab. Supplies 4,000.00 ' 346 Food 2,500.00 348 Instruction Supplies 500.00 370 Photo Supplies 5,500.00 81,250.00 ' 801 Capital Outlay-Office Equip. 5,300.00 803 " " -Automotive Equip. 50,000.00 8�7 " " - Radio 3,400.00 58,700.00 850,809.00 ' 3,660,377.00 � ' � ,.. 6.02 FIRE , � 0140 Administration lO1,Salaries 182,213.00 204 Travel 500.00 . ' 206 Printing� and Binding 300.00 � 223 Office Equipment Maint. 75.00 239 Misc. Maint. and Repair 25.00 � ' � . . • � ' � 7 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 251 Dues and Subscriptions , 100.00 1,000.00 340 Office Supplies 500.00 349 Books and Periodicals 200.00 700.00 183,913.00 ' 0141 Fire Prevention ' 101 Salaries 93,387.00 201 Automobile Allowance 8,500.00 204 Travel ' 400.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 9,000.00 340 Office Supplies 200.00 102,587.00 ' 0142 Fire Fighting 101 Salaries 3,024,590.00 ' 204 Travel 500.00 225 Equip. Maint.-Motor Vehicles 45,000.00 227 Laundry 50.00 45,550.00 ' 322 Motor Fuel 10,550.00 324 Small Tools 100.00 340 Office Supplies 200.00 , 341 Clothing 4,000.00 356 Fire Fighting Supplies 3,000.00 17,850.00 803 Capital Outlay-Automotive Equip. 50,000.00 , ' 821 " " -New Hose 5,000.00 55,000.00 3,142,990.00 '- - -n . _ _ �� - ' 0143 Station Maintenance 101 Salaries 47,605.00 202 Telephone 3,000.00 '� 220 Gas and Electricity 23,700.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 2,000.00 222 Sanitary Services 50.00 252 Testing Services 50.00 28,800.00 ' 301 Janitor Supplies 200.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 400.00 303 Paint Supplies 750.00 ' 304 Electrical Supplies 750.00 313 Carpentry Materials 500.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 500.00 340 Office Supplies 100.00 ' 343 Household Supplies 3,000.00 6,200.00 82,605.00 ' 0144 Radio Division _ - 226 Machinery and Equip. Maint. 16,814.00 ' 0145 Fire Hydrants ' 244 Fire Hydrant Maintenance 83,305.00 , 721 Fire Hydrant Installations 10,470.00 93,775.00 , 3,622,684.00 ' ' 8 Code Appropriations C�arter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 6.03 POLICE AND FIRE ALARM 0170 Administration and Operations ' 101 Salaries 111,251.00 202 Telephone 10,500.00 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 ' 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 100.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Buildings and Structures 100.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 3,500.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Machinery and Equipment 200.00 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 50.00 14,550.00 313 Carpentry Materials 100.00 r ' 316 Fire Alarm Parts and Supplies 400.00 324 Small Tools 750.00 340 Office Supplies 200.00 349 Books and Periodicals 75.00 1,525.00 ' 803 Capital Outlay - Auto. Equip. 2,500.00 129,826.00 ' 0171 Traffic Signal Maintenance 101 Salaries 92,498.00 ' 220 Electricity M 34,000.00 226 Maintenance and Repair - Machinery and Equipment 2,000.00 36,000.00 304 Electrical Supplies 2,600.00 ' • r j 306 Traffic Signal Parts 17,000.00 19,600.00 148,098.00 277 .924.00 ' _ _ ° , _. , �„ .. .._ - � . 1 ' 6.04 HEALTH 0180 Administration ' 101 Salaries 71,573.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,100.00 203 Postage 2,500.00 • ' 204 Travel 500.00 206 Printing and Binding 500.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Office Equip. and Furniture 150.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 250.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - , Machinery and Equipment 600.00 227 Laundry 60.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 125.00 6,785.00 ' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment- Parts and Supplies 150.00 340 Office Supplies 2,500.00 ' f. �_, ' 9 Code Apprqpriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 349 Books and Periodicals 100.00 370 Photo Supplies 100.00 2,850.00 801 Capital Outlay-Office Equip. 1,000.00 82,208.00 � ' 0181 Vital Statistics 101 Salaries 46,110.00 226 Maintenance and Repair - Machinery and Equipment 100.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 500.00 801 Capital Outlay-Office Equip. 500.00 47,210.00 . ' 0182 Promotion of Health - Schools 101 Salaries - Promotion of Health 190,357.00 � 101 " - Dental Health 16,372.00 206,729.00 201 Automobile Allowance 6,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 �' ' 226 Maintenance and Repairs - � Machinery and Equipment 100.00 227 Laundry 1,000.00 � ' 251 Dues and Subscriptions 50.00 7,350.00 329 Maint. and Operation of , � � .�Machinery and Equipment - r . Parts and Supplies 100.00 . ' _ �� 340 Office Supplies ` / 100.00 � �� 344 Medical and Dental� Supplies /�` 4,500.00 4,700.00 218,779.00 r ` ' l 0183 Food Regulation ' 101 Salaries , . � 67,450.00 201 Automobile Allowance 5,500.00 204 Travel 200.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 50.00 , 5,750.00 � , 340 Office Supplies 300.00 r 73,500.00 ' 0184 Medical and Inspectional . , 101 Salaries ' ' 74,832.00 201 Automobile Allowance 4,000.00 ' 204 Travel 200.00 4,200.00 340 Office Supplies ' _ 200.00 79,232.00 . ' �c ' � 0185 Tuberculosis . ' 101 Salaries _ �L 89,332.00 201 Automobile Allowance ;� 2,500.00 " . 204 Travel ' 100.00 � 206 Printing and Binding r 100.00 �. ' . ' lo � Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 226 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Machinery and Equipment 100.00 227 Laundry 450.00 3,250.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 100.00 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 2,600.00 2,700.00 95,282.00 . s , 0186 Buildin Maintenance g 202 Telephone 5,600.00 ' 220 Gas and Electricity 7,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 900.00 � 226 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Machinery and Equipment 200.00 227 Laundry 250.00 229 Airconditioning Maintenance � 100.00 ' 232 Elevator Maintenance 50.00 236 Custodial Services 25,000.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 500.00 39,600.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 750.00 ' 302 Maint. and Operation of Bldg. and Imp. Plumbing 50.00 304 Maint. and Operation of Bldg. ' and Imp. Electrical 100.00 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Gas 500.00 324 Small Tools 100.00 ' r 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - � . , _ _ Parts and Supplies - 100.00 1,600.00 - • 808 Capital Outlay - Mech. Equipment 200.00 •41,400.00 t 0187 Health Laboratory _ ' 101 Salaries 26,042.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - � Machinery and Equipment 100.00 227 Laundry 400.00 ' + 251 Dues and Subscriptions 75.00 575.00 , 340 Office Supplies 100.00 t 345 Laboratory Supplies _ 1,200.00 1,300.00 27,917.00 '. t 0188 Dog License Enforcement 101 Salaries 18,869.00 _ 202 Telephone 200.00 220 Gas and Electricity 500.00 , 221 Water and Sewer Rental 50.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicle 1,000.00 227 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Laundry 50.00 1,800.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 100.00 340 Office Supplies 50.00 � , 345 Chemical and Lab. Supplies 200.00 ' 346 Food 250.00 600._00 21,269.00 1� , , . �_-� � . - . 7 ' �1 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals t ' 0189 Housing Inspection 101 Salaries 60,267.00 201 Automobile Allowance 3,000.00 , 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 3,100.00 340 Office Supplies 300.00 63,667.00 *750,464.00 , SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY � ' 6 . Eommissioner of Public Safety 173,796.00 6.01 Police F 3,660,377.00 6.02 Fire 3,622,684.00 ' 6.03 Police and Fire Alarm 277,924.00 6.04 Health *750,464.00 8,485,245.00 *Increase Financed From Federal Funds IDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � , Z COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS_: 0200 Administration ___ 101 Salaries 69,402.00 �• , x_ � , 201 Automobile .Allowance 1,700.00 , 202 Telephone 7,200.00 203 Postage 200.00 1 204 Travel � 500.00 223 Maintenance and Repair - Office Equipment 300.00 , ' 251 Dues and Subscriptions 100.00 10,000.00 340 Office Supplies 200.00 79,602.00 1 0201 Engineers 101 Salaries 813,118.00 ' "". 201 Automobile Allowance 21,000.00 203 Postage 500.00 , 204 Travel 1,500.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 600.00 223 Maintenance and Repair - Office Equipment 1,100.00 250 Blueprinting 2,500.00 ' 251 Dues and Subscriptions 250.00 252 Testing Services', 1,000.00 28,450.00 340 Office Supplies 2,250.00 � 342 Drafting and Surveying Supplies 6,000.00 8,250.00 801 Office Equipment - Regular 500.00 803•Automotive Equipment 3,000.00 1 808 Mechanical Equip.-Survey Equip. 1,500.00 5,000.00 854,818.00 , " - ° .- 4 . : � a� --� . ' 12 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 0203 Traffic Control and Parking Meter Service 101 Salaries 147,220.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 2,700.00 202 Telephone 600.00 203 Postage 150.00 ' 204 Travel 200.00 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 220 Gas and Electricity 2,900.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 150.00 ' 223 Maintenance and Repair - Office Equipment 300.00 224 Maintenance and Repair - ' Building 2,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repair - Motor Vehicles 3,500.00 ' 226 Maintenance and Repair - Machinery and Equipment 1,000.00 228 Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (Parking Lot) 1,200.00 ' 241 Rental - Building and Office Space 100.00 246 " - Machinery and Equipment 250.00 250 Blueprinting 2,000.00 ' 260 Tabulating Services 150.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services � 700.00 19,000.00 `"' � ' •� 303 Paint - 15,000.00 - . . . 'r 307 Traffic Signs and Parts , 18,000.00 , 324 Small Tools 500.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip.- ' Parts and_ Supplies 3,000.00 340 Office Supplies 700.00 37,200.00 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equip. 1,000.00 ' 803 " " - Auto " 2,000.00 3,000.00 206,420.00 ' 0204 Parking Meters - Conversion 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 8,000.00 307 Traffic Signs and Parts 5,000.00 ' 811 Capital Outlay - Parking Meters 20,000.00 33,000.00 ' 02D5 Parking Meters - New Installations 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 800.00 307 Traffic Signs and Parts 200.00 ' 811 Capital Outlay - Parking Meters 5,000.00 6,000.00 1,179,840.00 1 ' - 1 � . ' . --- _ .. - �. E- i ' 13 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles • Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 7 .01 STREET MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 0210 Paved Street Repairs � ' 101 Salaries 44,213.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,400.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - �' Machinery and Equipment 200.00 239 Mise. Maint. and Repair Service 1,800.00 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles 5,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 2,500.00 , 272 Paving Plant Services 395,200.00 406,100.00 308 Street Repair Materials 5,000.00 455,313.00 ' 0211 Graded Street Re airs P ' 101 Salaries 163,538.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,500.00 202 Telephone 600.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Motor Vehicles 4,800.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 1,000.00 ' 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles 9,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00 272 Paving Plant Services 8,000.00 26,400.00 ,-� , , _ _ . � 308 Street Repair Materials 40,000.00 , -' j ' : � - — 324 Small Tools _ ° ~ ,. � , 400.00 40,400.00 . - 803 Capital Outlay-Auto. Equipment 10,000.00 240,338.00 1 � 0212 Sidewalk Repairs ' 101 Salaries 27,236.00 272 Paving Plant Services " -� 4,000.00 309 Sidewalk Repair Materials 6,000.00 37,236.00 ' 732,887.00 1� , 7.02 SEWER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ' 0230 Sewers and Tunnel Repairs 101 Salaries 143,581.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,600.00 ' 202 Telephone 700.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicle 3,500.00 ' 245 Rental - Motor Vehicle 6,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 300.00 272 Paving Plant Services 15,000.00 28,100.00 ' 310 Maint. and Operation of Bldgs. and Improve.-Sewer Repair Material 26,000.00 324 Small Tools 500.00 26,500.00 ' � , , 14 ' Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 603 Capital Outlay - Building 15,000.00 804 " " - Constzuc. Equip. 2,700.00 215,881.00 1 . 0231 Inspection of House Drain Connect. ' 101 Salaries 12,007.00 . 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 1,200.00 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 3,000.00 16,207.00 , , 0232 Major Sewer Repairs 101 Salaries 49,280.00 272 Paving Plant Seruices 22,000.00 , •�' 310 Sewer Repair Material 6,000.00 77,280.00 ' 02�6 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 101 Salaries 86,777.00 201 Automobile Allowance 700.00 ' 202 Telephone 200.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 1,200.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - , .Machinery and Equipment 300.0.0 _. _. - 269 Misc. Contractual Service 400.00 2,800.00 310 Sewer Repair Material _ 2,000.00 , 3.19 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 250.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 1,000.00 3,250.00 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment 600.00 93,427.00 , 402,795.00 1 7.03 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING ' 0250 Administration 101 Salaries 34,962.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 202 Telephone 1,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00 2,500.00 340 Office Supplies 500.00 37,962.00 ' . ' 0251 Cleaning Graded Streets 101 Salaries 54,202.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance 1,200.00 , 245 Rent- Motor Vehicles 1,000.00 2,200.00 56,402.00 ' • . • � ' Code 15 Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 0252 Cleaning Paved Streets 101 Salaries 235,275.00 201 Automobile Allowance 2,500.00 ' 202 Telephone 1,500.00 220 Gas and Electricity 2,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 200.00 ' 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles S 0,000.00 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles 4,000.00 60,200.00 324 Small Tools 700.00 ' 369 Miscellaneous Materials 800.00 1,500.00 804 Capital Outlay - Construction Equipment 19,000.00 315,975.00 ' 0253 Refuse Removal , 101 Salaries 13,133.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs -- Motor Vehicles 1,800.00 14,933.00 , , 0254 Winter Street Maintenance-- Snow Plowing 101 Salaries 17,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - , Motor Vehicles 4,000.00 245 Rent- Motor Vehicles 2,800.00 . . 269 Miscellaneous ~ � 500.00 7,300.00 • ' 324 Small Tools 700.00 25,000.00 � 0270 Weed Cutting 101 Salaries 13,980.00 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 3,000.00 ' 347 Agricultural Suppl.-Weed Killer 1,600.00 18,580.00 ' 0271 Garbage Disposal 101 Salaries 432,135.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 5,100.00 � 202 Telephone and Radio 1,500.00 220 Gas and Electricity 4,600.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Motor Vehicles 27,300.00 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles 32,573.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00 71,573.00 - ' 324 Small Tools 2,200.00 803 Capital Outlay - Auto. Equipment 20,000.00 525,908.00 , 0272 Removal of Dead Animals None � u . 1 , h. ' 16 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 0273 Refuse Disposal and Land Fill 101 Salaries 75,955.00 • 202 Telephone 500.00 ' 220 Electricity 120.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 60.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Motor Vehicles 8,600.00 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles 1,000.00 269 Miscellaneous 500.00 10,780.00 ' 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 1,200.00 803 Capital Outlay - Auto. Equipment 15,000.00 102,935.00 � 0280 Cleaning Sewers and Tunnels 101 Salaries 99,299.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 340.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - � , . Motor Vehicle 3,500.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - . Machinery and Equipment 500.00 245 Rental - Motor Vehicle 400.00 � 269 Misc. Contractual Services 200.00 272 Paving Plant Services 5,300.00 11,240.00 3�5 'Sewer. Cleaning Chemicals 1,I00.00 ' 369 Miscellaneous Materials 600.00 1,700.00 603 Capital Outlay - Building 15,000.00 , �803 Capital Outlay - Auto. Equipment 3,000.00 130,239.00 , • ^ . 0281 Sewer Pumping Stations , 101 Salaries 9,12h.00 220 Electricity 14,000.00 324 Small Tools 200.00 23,326.00 � 0282 Rodent Control � 222 Sanitary Services 3,000.00 1,254,260.00 1 ' 7.04 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIR 0290 Administration ' 1 101 Salaries ,, 17,996.00 201 Automobile Allowance 150.00 , � 247 Office Equipment - Rental 600.00 750.00 ' ' 340 Office Supplies , 250.00 18,996.00 -� � ' 17 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 0291 Maintenance - Bridges 101 Salaries 47,112.00 202 Telephone, Telegraph, Radio 200.00 ' 220 Gas and Electricity 1,000.00 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 5,000.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Machinery and Equipment 400.00 269 Miscellaneous 1,500.00 272 Paving Plant Services 3,600.00 11,700.00 311 Bridge Repair Materials 7,000.00 ' 324 Small Tools 500.00 7,500.00 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equip. 200.00 66,512.00 1 0292 Maintenance-Fences and Stairways 101 Salaries 17,994.00 ' ' 311 Bridge Repair Material 1,750.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 1,500.00 3,250.00 21,244.00 ' 106,752.00 ' SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 7 Commissioner of Public Works 1,179,840.00 7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair 732,887.00 , 7.02 Sewer Maintenance and Repair - ;- - -- - --- . ._ _ _ 402,795.00 7.03 Street and Sewer Cleaning 1,2�4,260.00 7.04 Bridge Building and Repair 106,752.00 3,676,534.00 ' . . ' ' 9 COMMISSIONER OF LIBRARIES AUDITOR UM � I � ' AND CIVIC BUILDINGS 0400 Administration 101 Salaries 31,310.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 1,620.00 202 Telephone 1,200.00 203 Postage 100.00 ' 204 Tzavel 500.00 � 223 Office Equip. and Furniture Repair 200.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 2,000.00 5,620.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 350.00 37,280.00 ' ' 9.01 PUBLIC LIBRARY 0410 Library Service 101 Salaries 744,257.00 ' � ' 18 • Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 203 Postage 6,000.00 204 Travel 700.00 206 Printing and Binding � 5,000.00 ' 223 Maintenance and Repair - Office Equip. and Furniture 1,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repair - ' Motor Vehicles 2,500.00 247 Rental - Office Equipment 1,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 300.00 16,500.00 340 Office Supplies ' S00.00 ' 349 Books 150,000.00 358 Library Supplies 15,000.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 500.00 166,000.00 ' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 2,000.00 805 " " - Furniture & Appl. 8,000.00 10,000.00 936,757.00 ' 0411 Building Maintenance , • 101 Salaries 131,211.00 , ' 201 Automobile Allowance 1,300.00 � 202 Telephone 9,000.00 - 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 27,000.00 � ' 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,800.00 � 222 Sanitary Services . 250.00 224 Maintenance and� Repairs - , - - ; Building 10,000.00 ' � • 226 Maintenance and-Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 1,000.00 232 Elevator Mairitenance 500.00 ' 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 200.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 400.00 51,450.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 2,200.00 ' 302 Plumbing Supplies 400.00 303 Paint 500.00 304 Electrical Materials 1,200.00 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 400.00 , 313 Carpentry Materials . 300.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 2,000.00 324 Small Tools 200.00 ' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - Parts and Supplies 400.00 347 Agricul. and Hort. Supplies 400.00 8,000.00 190,661.00 ' `� - 1,127,418.00 ' 9.02 AUDITORIUM ' 0440 Auditorium . 101 Salaries 58,800.00 '� 202 Telephone ' 3,000.00 ' 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 15�000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental , 7,000,00 ' ' .. -- ' • u � , � �_ c ' Code 19 Apprppriations Charter Classification Titles Amou�tS Sub Total�s Totals ' 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 1,200.00 246 Rentals - Machinery and t • Equipment 1,000.00 27�200.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 2,SQ0.00 304 Electrical Materials 500.00 ' 324 Small Tools 1,000.00 340 Office Supplies 1,500.00 5,500.pQ 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 ' 808 " " - Mechanical Equip. 2,000.00 2,500.00 94,000.00 ' 9.03 STADIA ' 0450 Stadia 461 City Contribution 15 ,000.00 ' , � � , . � . ' 9.04 CIVIC EDUCATIONAL CENTER .� ` 0460 Civic Educational Center �� - ' �- 461 City Contribution �y � 160,000.00 ' SUMMARY -. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM AND CIVIC BUILDINGS ' , 9 Administration 37,280.00 9.01 Public Library 1,127,418.00 9.02 Auditorium 94,000.00 ' 9.03 Stadia 15,000.00 9.04 Civic Educational Center J.60,000.00 1,433,698.00 ' ' 11 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES ' 0500 Administration 101 Salaries 24,058.OQ 201 Automobile Allowance 900.00 - 202 Telephone 375.00 ' 203 Postage , 150.00 204 Travel ' � 250.00 206 Printing and Binding 150,00 ' 223 Office Equip. and Furniture Repair 25.00 251 Dues� Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 1,950.00 - 340 Office Supplies 400.00 349 Books and Periodicals 60.00 460.00 26,468.00 1 " ,. - - � . , - zo Code Appropriatio�s Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Tota1$ Totals ' 0510 Testing Laboratories lO1 .Salaries 46,433.00 , 202 Telephone 575.00 , 204 Travel 300.00 222 Sanitary Services 360.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Motor Vehicles 100.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 100.00 227 Laundry 35.00 ' 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 150.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 125.00 1,745.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 100.00 ' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip. Parts 100.00 340 Office Supp�ies 100.OQ 345 Chemical and Lab. Supplies 700.00 ' 349 Books and Periodicals 100.00 1,100.00 _49,278.00 ' 0520 Investigations y � 101 Salaries 33,564.00 201 Automobile Allowance 300.00 ' 204 Travel , � •' 700.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - � Office Equipment 150.00 . . � - ` 247 Office Equipment - Rental•�.��: 25.00 _ �' 1,175.00 - � 340 Office Supplies � � 200.00 � � 349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 250.00 34,9$9.00 ' . 0525 Air Pollution Control � ' 101 Salaries 37,736.00 . . � 159 Fees - Other 2,000.00 39,736.00 201 Automobile Allowance 3,200.00 202 Telephone 480.00 ' 204 Travel 2,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 223 Office Equipment and Furniture ' Repair 100.00 241 Bldgs. and Office Space Rental 1,080.00 251 Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions 65.00 ' 252 Testing 5,150.00 • 269 Misc. Contractual Services 2,800.00 274 Education and Training 2,500.00 17,575.00 340 Office Supplies 800.00 , 345 Chemical and Lab. Supplies 3,500.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 3,000.00 370 Photo Supplies 45Q.00 7,750.00 ' 808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 7 ,500.00 72,561.00 ' 0530 Utilities Building Maintenance 101 Salaries 6,219.00 ' . '� , -- - �. ' zi Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 220 Gas and Electricity 5,000.00 , 221 Water and Sewer Rental 350.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Building 5,000.00 232 Maintenance and Repairs - Elevator 600.00 ' 239 Miscellaneous Maint. and Repair 50,00 269 Misc. Contractual Services �50.00 11,050.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 200.00 304 Electrical Supplies 150.00 ' 305 Heating Fuels - Oil 1,600.00 319 Misc. �aintenance Supplies 100.00 2,050.00 19 ,319.00 202,615.00 1 r ' 11.01 PUBLIC LIGHTING ' 0540 Administration 101 Salaries ` 25,.175.00 201 Automobile Allowance 900.00 ; ' 202 Telephone 600.00 206 Printing and Binding 100.OQ 250 Blueprinting 25.00 ' 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. ` 25.00 1,650.00 - 340 Office Supplies 100.00 26,925.00 f0550 Maintenance _ ' 101 Salaries 238,404.00 � 201 Automobile L�llowance 900.00 202 Telephone 525.00 220 Electricity 332,000.00 220 Christmas Lighting 1,200.00 � 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 12,000.00 226 Maintenance and Repair$ - ' Machinery and Equipment 4,000.00 350,625.00 312 Materials - Street Lighting 78,000.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1,000.00 , 324 Small Tools 500.00 79,500.00 802 Capital Outlay - Shop Equip. 500.00 803 " " - Automotive Equip. 5,000.00 807 " " - Radio Equipment 5,500.00 11,OOO.QO 679,529.00 , 706,454.00 � ' SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES ' 11 Commissioner of Public Utilities 202,615.00 11.01 Public Lighting 706,454.00 909,069.00 ' - ' 22 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Tptals ' 12 WATER DEPARTMENT (Financed from Receipts) 0580 Water Department Operations 4,623,000.00 1 ' COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE ' 13 0600 Comptroller 101 Salaries �19,578.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 ' 202 Telephone 1,40p.00 203 Postage 400.00 204 Travel 600.00 , 206 Printing and Binding �OQ.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 1,1Q0.00 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. �00.00 ' 260 Tabulating Service 21,000.00 275 Duplicating Services 150.00 26,75Q.00 340 Office Supplies 1,300.00 ' . 349 Books and Periodical$ 200.00 1,500.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 1,000.00 148,828.00 , � ., . �'0601 Comptroller's Microfilming � 255 Microfilming 4,OOQ.00 ' 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 700.00 4,700.00 �— 153,528.00 .: . : , . , 13.01 0610 Civil Service 101 Salaries 139,357.00 �145 Consultant Fees - P�rsonnel 1,000.00 140,�57.00 ' �'� 202 Telephone 1,700.00 203 Postage 1,500.00 204 Travel 600.00 4'' 206 Printing and Binding 1,000.00 207 Advertising � ;�-�- 500.00 ' 223 Maintenance and Repairs - � h Office Equipm�nt 150.Q0 ' : 241 Rental - Bldg. ai�cl-Office Space 800.00 247 " ; Office .Equipment 100.00 ' 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 460.00 ' 260 Tabulating Services 300.00 7,110.00 340 Office Supplies 4,000.00 �°' � 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 3,500.00 154,967.00 ' � ~ 1 . - . _ , , /d ' 23 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amount� Sub To�als Totals , SI]'I�IARY - COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE 13.00 Comptroller 153,528.00 13.01 Civil Service 154,967.00 ' 308,495.00 ' 14 MUNICIPAL COURT ' 0630 Municipal Court 101 Salaries 149,471.00 132 Salaries - Statutor� 90,000.00 ' 144 Fees - Psychiatrist 6,000.00 245,471.00 202 Telephone 2,100.00 203 Postage 2,0OO,Op ' 204 Travel 500.00 206 Printing and Binding 1,80.0.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - � t ' Office Equipment 300.00 231 Furniture Repair 1,000.00 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 300.00 8,000.00 ' 340 Office Supplies � ^ 1,Q00.00 346 Food (Jury Meals) 1,000.00 _ 349 Books and Periodicals 1,200.00 3,200.00 256,671.00 � . , e • - _ , " - . - - - 0631 Traffic Bureau ' 101 Salaries 43,533.00 202 Telephone and Teletypewriter 970.00 203 Postage 1,700.00 ' 204 Travel 300.Op 2,970.00 340 Office Supplies 500.00 47 ,003.00 303,674.00 1 � i ' 15 PURCHASING AGENT ` 0650 Purchasing Agent , . ' 101 Salaries . • 7,08,83�.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,400.00 �� 202 Telephone 1,700.00 '' 203 Postage 3,000.00 , 204 Travel 450.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding� 3,500.00 I 223 Maintenance and Repairs - . .. Office Equipment 500.OQ , 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 758.00 11,308.00 " 340 Office Supplies 2,000.00 I 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 950.00 123,093.00 I ! ' �- I �, . . � ; � `; � � ._ �- ' 24 Code Appzopriations Charter Classification Titles Amou�ts Sub Totals Totals , 16 COUNCIL INVESTIGATION AND RES�ARCH 0670 Council Investigation and Research ' 101 Salaries �.5,203.00 201 Auto Allowance 540.00 202 Telephone 150.00 ' 203 Postage 44.00 204 Travel 200.00 206 Printing and Binding 300.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - , Office Equipment 150.00 1,384.00 340 Office Supplies 650.00 349 Books and Periodicals 150.00 80Q.00 17 ,387.00 ---r— --�--- 1 ' PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS I18 COMMISSIONER OF PARKS AND ' RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS ' 0700 Administration . 101 Salaries 66,923.00 ' , 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 ^ �, 202 Telephone 2,000.00 ' ' 203 Postage ._ 60Q.00 - -~ '_ � 204 Travel 500.00 - ' 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 250.00 ' 251 Dues, Memberships & Sul�scrip. 200.00 5,550.00 340 Office Supplies 750.00 801 Capital Outlay - O�fice Equip. 400.00 73,623.00 , ' 18.01 PA1tKS AND RECREATION � ' 0710 Administration 101 Salaries : 43,851.00 201 Auto Allowance 1,800.00 202 Telephone � 1,000.00 ' 203 Postage 1,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 600.00 208 Official Publication,s 100.00 ' 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 100.00 251 Subscriptions 100.00 4,700.00 � 340 Office Supplies 2,000.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500.00 51,051.00 --�— , . • G � 25 ' Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub To�als Totals ' 0712 Police and Watchmen 101 Salaries 102,764.00 202 Telephone 500.00 ' 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 7,OOQ.00 7,500.00 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil 700.00 ' 341 Clothing (Uniform Allowance) 800.00 1,500.00 803 Capital Outlay-Auto Equipment 2,000.00 113,764.00 ' 0713 Conservatory 101 Salaries 62,206.00 t 201.Automobile Allowance 300.00 202 Telephone 200.00 206 Printing acd Binding 600.00 , 220 Electricity 2,000.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs - Buildings 4,000.00 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 150.00 7,250.Q0 , 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 200.Op 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 500.00 347 Agricultural Supplies 2,0OO.Op 2,70Q.00 �2,156.00 ' � � , � 0714 Zoo . : �. 101 Salaries 73,8$2,00 , 201 Auto Allowance 400.00 202 Telephone 700.00 ' 204 Travel 300.00 205 Shipping and Moving 60p,00 220 Gas and Electricity 1,000.00 - , 224 Maintenance and Repair - Building 7,OOO.QO 227 Laundry 1,200.00 �.1,200.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 1,�00.00 ' 302 Plumbing Supplies 150.00 303 Paint Supplies 300.00 304 Electrical Supplies 150,00 ' 313 Carpentry Materials 300.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Materials 500.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - ,� ' Parts and Supp�ies lOQ.00 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 200.00 346 Provisions (Food for Animals) 20�000.00 349 Books and Periodicals 100.00 23,600.�0 108,682.00 ' �� i,. - T (Y• • r ' 0715 Heating Conservatory and Zoo 101 Salaries 21,216.00 220 Electricity 8,0OO.OQ , 305 Heating' Oil , l0,OQ0.0q 39,216.00 � ' . , , l� ' 26 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 0716 Park Concerts 258 Entertainment (Band Music) 6,000.00 ' 0717 Upkeep of Lake Como . , 220 Electricity (Pump House) 2,000.00 ' � 0718 Recreation Centers 101 Salaries 510,458.00 201 Auto Allowance 3,600.00 ' 204 Travel 1,600.00 220 Gas and Electricity 25,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 5,000,00 224 Maintenance and Repair - ' Buildings and Structures 9,000.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repai� �00.00 241 Rental - Bldg. (School Gyms) 7,500.00 � ' 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 150.00 258 Entertainment (4th of July) 1,750.00 54,100.00 301 Janitor and San. Suppli�s 2,000.00 � ' 304 Electrical Supplies 2,000.00 305 Heating Fuels 7,500.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 1,500.00 350 Athletic Supplies 10,000.00 , 351 Recreation Supplies 12�000.00 ,35,OQO.Op � 599,558.00 ' 0719 Athletics and Sports 101 Salaries 17,748.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 241 Rent - Buildings 3,800.00 5,600.OQ 350 Athletic Supplies 600.00 23,948.00 , 0720 Special Activities ' 101 Salaries 22,159.00 201 Auto Allowance 3.60.00 340 Office Supplies T100.00 22,619.00 ' 0730 Park and Recreation Ground Maintenance ' 101 Salaries �00,71$.00 202 Telephone, Telegraph, Radio and Teletype 1,000.00 ' 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam 6,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 15,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00 22,5Q0.00 305 Heating Fuel � 1,000.00 ' 308 Street Repair Material ' 1,OOO.QO 309 Sidewalk Repair Material � 1,OOO.QO 340 Office Supplies ' 100.00 ' _ � . , ` - , '- � 27 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles A�ounts Su� Totals Totals ' 347 Agricultural Supplies 1,000.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 500.00 �,�00.00 327,818.00 ' 0731 Park and Recreation Bldg. �aint. ' 101 Salaries 84,731.00 201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 224 Maintenance - Building 10,000.00 11,000.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 500.00 ' 302 Plumbing Supplies 1,000.00 303 Paint 600.00 304 Electrical Supplies 600.00 ' 313 Carpentry Materials 2,200.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 5,000.00 9,900.00 105,631.00 t 0732 Park and Recreation Vehicles , and Equipment Maintenance 101 Salaries 73,185.00 225 Motor Vehicles Repair 16,000.00 226 Machinery �and Equip: - Repair 1,000.00 1�,000.00 - ' 320 Motor Vehicle Parts _& Supplies 4�,000.00 � 324 Small Tools 500.00 329 Misc. Machinery Parts 1,5QO.p0 6,000.00 ' 803 Capital Outlay-Auto. Equip. 15,000.00 111,185.00 ' 0736 City's Share Tree Trimming 451 City's 1/2 Share Assessment 109,922.00 1,693,550.00 � ' 18.02 PUBLIC BUILDINGS � 0750 Administration 101 Salaries 86,217.00 201 Auto Allowance 1,650.00 ' 202 Telephone 4,310.00 203 Postage 1,200.00 204 Travel 500.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 600.00 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 650.00 � 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 650.Q0 250 Blueprinting 50.00 251 Subscriptions ,and Dues 400.00 10,210.00 ' 340 Office Supplies -�` 3,000.00 99,427.00 r-r- ' ' 28 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 0751 Building Inspection 101 Salaries 306,487.00 201 Auto Allowance 24,800.00 t 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 1,000.00 25,800.00 332,287.00 ' 0752 Drafting and Plan Checking 101 Salaries 102,994.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 100.00 342 Drafting and Survey Supplies 500.00 600.00 103,594.00 535,308.00 ' ' SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBL�C BUILDINGS 18 Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings 73,623.00 ' 18.01 Parks and Recreation 1,693,550.00 18.02 Public Buildings 535,308.00 ' 2,302,481.00 1 , , � ,: I19 ELECTIONS ' 0800 Elections 101 Salaries 44,588.00 ' - 146 Fees - Judges 49,632.00 94,220.00 ' 203 Postage 5,000.00 205 Shipping and Moving 17,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 7,000.00 207 Advertising 300.00 ' 208 Official Publications 500.00 • 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 300.00 ' 243 Rental - Election $ooth 9,650.00 260 Tabulating Services 600,00 261 Insurance and Bonds 350.00 ' 269 Misc. Contractual Services . 250.00 40,950.00 340 Office Supplies 1,800.00 136,970.00 ' , 20 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE (City's 27'�% Share) � 0820 Administration , 134 Salaries 600,871.42 487 Other Expense 115,990.05 716,861.47 Less - Cash Receipts 119,212.50 597,648.97 1 ��. ' . ,, � , . _: • • ,, � ` ' 29 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals �' S' . . 0821 St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital , 134 Salaries 1,815,725.18 488 Other Expense 538,782.20 ' , 2,354,507.38 y Less - Cash Receipts 940,500.00 1,414,007.38 1 , 0822 County Home 134 Salaries 144,552.10 ' 489 Other Expense 64,328.55 208,880.65 Less - Cash Receipts 178,200.00 30,680.65 1, ' 0823 Social Services 490 Donated Commodities 3,247.75 ± 491 Old Age Assistance 475,667.50 ' ' 492 Aid to Dependent Children 1,571,319.75 493 Aid to the Blind 38,527.50 494 Aid to the Disabled 137,500.00 495 General Relief - 551,881.00 � , 496 Child Welfare 356,943.40 ` 497 Payments to State Instit. 38,500.00 498 Disabled Veterans 2,475.00 ' ' 499 Medical Aid to the Needy 2,295,216.00 5,471,277.90 . Less Cash Receipts 3,729,685.30 1,741,592.60 ' 4 -_ ._ . ,� . 0824 Pension Contributions . `.' 435 Contribution to PERA 98,863.15 436 Contrib. to Social Security 25,575.00 124,438.15 ' 0825 Reserve for Salary Increase ,� 134 Salaries 46,549.25 1 ' 0826 St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital Study 159 Fees - Other 13,750.00 '� 0827 St. Paul-Ramsey Hosp. Contingent �Fund 487 Other Expense ' 46,750.00 ' 4,015,417.00 1 ' ' - . �� � ' 30 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 21 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE (City's 50% Share) ' 0850 Building Maintenance ' 135 Salaries - Regular 156,905.00 " - Extra Help 10,500.00 167,405.00 202 Telephone 3,000.00 203 Postage 20,00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 150.00 220 Gas, Electric and Steam 38,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 4,750.00 ' 222 Sanitary Services 800.00 224 Major Building Repairs 2,500.00 ' 226 Machinery and Equip.-Repair 350.00 227 Laundry 3,000.00 , 228 Maintenance of Grounds 250.00 229 Maintenance and Repair - Air Conditioning 2,880.00 t 232 Maintenance and Repair - Elevators 10,700.00 239 Misc. Contractual Services 250.00 253 Oiling and Flushing Assess. 150.00 ' 261 Insurance and Bonds 2,500.00 69,300.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 1,500.00 302 Plumbing Supplies 600.00 � 303 Paint Supplies 1,000.00 304 Elec. Supplies (Light Bulbs and Globes) 1,500.00 , 313 Carpentry Materials 150.00 319 Misc.�Maintenance Supplies 1,000.00 322 Motor Fuels 25.00 ' 323 Oil and Lubricants 25.00 ' 324 Small Tools 250.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment- Parts and Supplies 300.00 ' 340 Office Supplies 250.00 341 Clothing - Uniform Allowance 250.00 : 369 Miscellaneous Materials 1,000.00 7,850.00 ' 431 Premiums - Health and Welfare 5,000.00 ' 431 " - Retiree Health & Welfare 1,500.00 434 Severance Pay 3,750.00 ' 452 Reimb. to Purchasing 500.00 10,750.00 808 Capital Outlay - Mechanical Equip. 500.00 255,805.00 , 0851 Veterans Quarters � 135 Salaries 5,640.00 , 220 Gas and Electricity 29.00 241 Rent-Building Space (Aud.) 1,800.00 1,829.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 150.00 303 Paint 50.00 200.00 7,669.00 ' 263,474.00 ' ^- ' j� ', � . - � ' 31 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 22 DETENTION & CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY (City's 50% Share) 0870 Administration ' 135 Salaries 33,727.00 151 Fees - Public Examiner 250.00 33,977.00 201 Auto Allowance 700.00 ' 202 Telephone 325.00 203 Postage 87.50 204 Travel 250.00 206 Printing and Binding 237.50 ' 223 Equipment Maint. - Office 62.50 . 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 25.00 ' 249 Rentals - Miscellaneous 150.00 251 Subscriptions 75.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 650.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 125.00 2,687.50 "� � ' 340 Office Supplies 250.00 349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 300.00 425 Workmen's Compensation 250.00 ' 426 " "-Doctors ' Fees 250.00 427 " "-Hosp. and Nurses 500.00 428 " "-Miscellaneous 50.00 ' 431 Premiums (Health and Welfare) 770.00 434 Severance Pay 2,500.00 435 Pension Contribution PERA 1,628.50 4S2 Reimb. to Purchasing 1,250.00 7,198.50 44,163.00 ' �.--. , .._�.�______ ---__. . r . , >-:. _ - .- _. _.. � _- - - --- --- - �- ' 0871 Woodview Detention Home 135 Salaries 49,241.00 201 Automobile Allowance 150.00 , 202 Telephone 700.00 203 Postage 100.00 204 Travel 100.00 205 Shipping Costs 50.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 50.00 220 Gas, Electric and Steam 2,300.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 362.50 ' 222 Sanitary Services 110.00 , 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment � 62.50 ' 224 Maintenance and Repairs = Structures 250.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs Machinery and Equipment 250.00 ' 227 Laundry 600.00 228 Maintenance of Grounds 100.00 230 Street Lighting Repairs , 100.00 ' 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 25.00 251 Dues and Subscriptions 12.50 261 Insurance and Bonds 110.00 ' 269 Miscellaneous Contractual Services 25.00 5,457.50 302 Plumbing Supplies 125.00 303 Paint Supplies 75.00 304 Electrical Supplies 100.00 ' ' 32 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' � 313 Carpentry Materials 50.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 125.00 320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 25.00 ' 321 Tires and Tubes 25.00 322 Motor Fuel 45.00 323 Oil and Lubricants 5.00 , 324 Small Tools 50.00 329 Misc. Machinery & Equip. Parts 50.00 340 Office Supplies 150.00 341 Clothing 375.00 ' - 343 Household Supplies 750.00 344 Medical Supplies 150.00 346 Food 3,650.00 , 347 Agriculture and Horti. Supplies 50.00 349 Books and Periodicals 50.00 350 Athletic Supplies 50.00 t 351 Recreation Supplies 25.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 87.50 6,012.50 431 Premiums (Health and Welfare) 1,546.50 435 Pension Contributions (PERA) 2,882.50 , 453 Reimb. to School District (Roseville School Dist.) 4,250.00 8,679.00 803 Capital Outlay - Automotive Equip. 125.00 69,515.00 ' M s . • 0872 Home School for�Boys � . 135 Salaries '� `� 83,697.50 201 Auto Allowance 240.00 202 Telephone 850.00 ' _ 203 Postage 162.50 . 204 Travel 200.00 205 Shipping Costs 125.00 � 206 Printing and Binding 25.00 220 Gas and Electricity 6,250.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 250.00 , 222 Sanitary Services 75.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 100.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs - , Structures 750.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - Machinery and Equipment 500.00 ' 227 Laundry 1,000.00 , 228 Maintenan.ce of Grounds 250.00 230 Street Lighting Repairs . 250.00 . 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 50.00 i, , 244 Fire Hydrant Rental 25.00 _ 251 Dues and Subscriptions 35.00 252 Testing Services• __ 25.00 ' 253 Sprinkling Assessments ; 185.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 600.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 100.00 12,047.50 ' � ' /3 � 33 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 302 Plumbing Supplies 75.00 303 Paint Supplies 50.00 304 Electrical Supplies 175.00 ' 305 Heating Fuel 750.00 313 Carpentry Materials 100.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 200.00 ' 320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 87.50 321 Tires and Tubes 50.00 322 Mbtor Fuel 250.00 , 323 Oil and Lubricants - 12.50 324 Small Tools 50.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment Parts and Supplies 100.00 ' 340 Office Supplies � 200.00 341 Clothing 2,000.00 343 Household Supplies 2,000.00 ' 344 Medical Supplies 150.00 346 Food 10,875.00 349 Books .and..F.eriodicals 25.00 350 Athletic Supplies 75.00 ' 351 Recreation Supplies 125.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials 75.00 17,425.00 431 Health and Welfare Premiums 3,375.00 ' 435 Pension Contributions *6,548.00 453 Reimb. to School Dist. 13,400.00 23,323.00 803 Capital Outlay - Auto Equip. � 100.00 136,593.00 ' �' *Teachers 2,123.50 � PERA 4,424.50 ' 0873 Workhouse-Workfarm " � 135 Salaries 145,414.00 159 Fees - Other 225.00 145,639.00 201 Automobile Allowance 300.00 , 202 Telephone 1,250.00 203 Postage 125.00 204 Travel 150.00 206 Printing and Binding 162.5�- ' 220 Gas and Electri city 10,750.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 264.00 222 Sanitary Services 50.00 ' 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment 62.50 224 Maintenance and Repairs - • � Structures - 300.00 225 Motor Vehicles - Repair 250.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs Machinery and Equipment 262.50 ' 228 Maintenance of Gzounds 75.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 90.00 240 Rent - Land 150.00 � 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 25.00 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,715.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 112.50 16,094.00 ' � � 34 Code � Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 302 Plumbing Supplies 225.00 303 Paint Supplies 375.00 304 Electrical Supplies 275.00 ' . ' 305 Heating Supplies 750.00 313 Carpentry Materials 450.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 600.00 ' 320 Auto Parts and Supplies 750.00 321 Tires and Tubes 150.00 322 Motor �els 1,150.00 ' 323 Lubricants 100.00 324 Small Tools 100.00 325 Maintenance and Repairs - Detachable Equipment 200.00 t 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - Parts and Supplies 375.00 340 Office Supplies 325.00 ' 341 Clothing 1,250.00 , 343 Household Supplies 2,125..00 344 Medical Supplies 200.00 ' 346 Food 13,300.00 347 Agriculture Supplies 2,625.00 355 Livestock 375.00 357 Bottled Gas 175.00 ' 369 Miscellaneous Materials 50.00 25,925.00 431 Premiums (Health and Welfare) 4,477.50 435 Pension Contribution-PERA 7,704.50 12,182.00 , 805 Capital Outlay-Furniture and Appliances 175.00 200,015.00 . ._._� 450,286.00 ' ' 25 EMPLOYEE BENEFI TS ' 0900 Health and Welfare 147 Fees-Insurance Consultant 9,600.00 , 202 Telephone 100.00 206 Printing and Binding 300.00 400.00 ' 431 Premiums 460,000.00, 470,000.00 � ' 0901 Severance Pay 434 Severance Pay 61,595.00 1 . . 0902 Unemployment Compensation � ' 432 City's Share-Compensation Cost 75,000.00 , 0903 Police Relief Association ' 435 Pension Contribution 492,764.00 � ,f , ' 35 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 0904 Firemen's Relief Association � 435 Pension Contribution 492,764.00 , 1 -ti..� 0905 Health Relief Association ' 435 Pension Contri�ution 24,638.00 ' 0906 Public Employees Retire. Assn. 435 Pension Contribution 587,974.00 ' 0907 etiree R Insurance ' 431 Premiums (Health and Welfare) 31,680.00 2,236,415.00 , ' 26 NDGMENT AND COMPROMISE - � 0910 Judgment and Compromise , . 421 Judgments and Claims 25,000.00 1 � � _ - 27 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AID , 0920 Capital Contributions 701 City's Share 900 000.00 . � ' 0921 Exempt Properties • 253 Sprinkling Assessment 35,893.00 " 254 Forestry Assessment 4,231.00 40,124.00 711 Permanent Improvements 66,933.00 107,057.00 ,. , ' \ 0922 Forfeited Properties ' - 253 Sprinkling Assessments 2,611.00 � 254 Forestry Assessments 301.00 2,912.00 � 711 Permanent Improvements 1,236.00 4,148.00 � _ �,.., Y 1,011,205.00 .' ,. � . � , I 36 - Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 28 BOND AND NOTE INTEREST 0930 General �De1�.t �Tntere�t ' 401 General Debt 1,609,237.00 Less: Earnings on Investments 450,000.00 Other Revenue 150,000.00 ' Highway Maint. Contrib. 70,000.00 � Housing & Redevelop. Contrib. 81,000.00 751,000.00 858,237.00 1 � 0932 PIR Debt Interest 401 Interest 476.00 :1 ' 0933 Note Interest 401 Interest 11,659.00 ' 870,372.00 ' . ' 30 BOND AND NOTE REDEMPTIONS ' , 0940 GeneraY Debt�Nfa�urities 402 Maturities 1,393,000.00 � "'� ' Less: ' Trunk Highway Bonds 240,000.00 1,153,000.00 � , .0942 PIR Debt Maturities 402 Maturities 28,000.00 1 '��. 0943 Notes Maturities , 402 Maturities 1,578,000.00 � r ' 0944 Armory Maturities 402 Maturities 26,750.00 � 2,785,750.00 <, � - r , _� 35 ' GENERAL FUND . ' . MISCELLANEOUS . � 0950 Workmen's Compensation 425� Payment in Lieu of Salary 65,000.00 �': ...- . � - � . . :�� �,� � ....- -- _.Y>_. _ . - -;-- _ . , • 37 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 425 Doctors ' Fees 25,000.00 427 Hospitals and Nurses 20,000.00 428 Other Expenses 20,000.00 130,000.00 ' 0951 Debt Service 141 Fees - Legal 3,000.00 ' 259 Bank Service Charge 8,000.00 11,000.00 0952 Financial Forms � ' 206 Printing and Binding 18,000.00 0953 Surety Bond Premiums . 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,000.00 ,. 0954 Miscellaneous and Unforesee�fi 269 Misc. Contractual Services 7,000.00 1 'i Payments to Other City Activities ' 0955 Citizens Advisory Committee 159 Fees - Other 6,480.00 ' 0956 Salary Data - Personnel Comm. 145 Fees - Personnel 10,560.00 ' 0957 Wilder Baths I � 221 Water 2,200.00 - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ --- ` � ' r 0958 Auditorium Rentals ' 241 Bldgs. & Office Space-Rental 86,356.00 0965 Payroll Processing ' 260 Tabulating Service 25,000.00 0966 Central Data Processing Center ' 461 City Contribution 12,500.00 � Payments to Outside Parties ' 0970 National League of Cities 251 Dues - Memberships & Subscrip. 1,000.00 ' 0971 League of Minn. Municipalities 251 Dues - Memberships & Sufiscrip. 2,008.00 ' � 0972 Ramsey Co. League of Municipalities -�' 251.,Dues - Memberships & Subscrip. 1,250.00 ' 0975 Public Examiner 151 Fee - Public Examiner 25,000.00 � 0976 Wrecking Buildings 256 Demolition 5,000.00 � - 38 � � ' Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ' 0977 Port Authority 257 Operation 36,957.00 ' 0978 Easements . 422 Charter Sec. 2•57 6,000.00 , 0981 Memorial Day Observance 461 City Contribution 1,000.00 0982 Humane Society . ' 461 City Contribution 3,600.00 0983 International Institute ' 461 City Contribution 7,500.00 0984 Human Relations ' 461 City Contribution 5,000.00 0990 Joint Microfilming Comm. (City's 50% Share) ' 461 City Contribution 11,000.00 415,411.00 ' , • . _ ' ' ' ' 1 , ' , ' .. ,