06-302Council File # ` ` 4 , ; Green Sheet # 3030196 OF rresentea by RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA ly 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the American Federation of State, County 3 and Municipal Employees, AFLrCIO, Local 1842, District Council5 for the purpose of providing a 4 uniform to employees in the Pazks and Recrearion division who aze required to wear a uniform during the 5 course of their normal work duries. �. - .. _. � � �/ Benanav Bostrom Hazris Thune i'�a:�5 ✓ ✓ r ✓ v Adopted by Council: Date �O/1.% /a7, c2dD� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� lfif /1iC.G� Approved by Ma Date " J BY• � �/ fiLc.('�-L%�'��;f of: Humau Resources By: Fotm Appro d by � By. Form A` rov by ayo ubmi ' n to Council By: c��-3o� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN . THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL AND THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND NI[ 7NICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO, LOCAL UNION 1842, DISTRICT COUNCIL 5 This Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter "MOA") is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City") and AFSCME Local 1842, District Council5 (hereinafter "the Union") for the purpose of providing a uniform to certain employees in tl�e Parks & Recrearion Division who aze required to wear a uniform during the course of their normal work duties. The parties agree that: 1) As part of their regular job assignment, certain Union members in the Parks & Recreation Division are required to wear a uniform during scheduled work assignments. 2) The City, with input from the Union, will specify who is required to weaz the uniform. 3) The City, with input from the Union, will specify the uniform. 4) Employees are responsible for wearing the uniform in accordance with the Recreation Services Section Policy on Employee Dress Code. 5) Employees required to wear the uniform will be reimbursed per calendar yeaz accarding to the following schedule; a) Full-time employees including Recreation Center Directors and Assistant Directors assigned to recreation center facilities -$100/yeaz or the equivalent cost of 8 polo shirts on a voucher system, which ever is greater ifprice adjushnents are required to accommodate increases by the City contracted vendor, or oversize garments. • b) Part-time employees including Recreation Leaders assigned to work at recreation center facilities -$75/yeaz far those assigned to work 5 shifts per week, or the equivalent of 6 polo shirts on a voucher system, which ever is greater if price adjushnents are required to accoxnmodate increases by the City contracted vendor, or oversize garments. $62.SO/year for those assigned to work 3-4 shifts per week, or the equivalent of 5 polo shirts on a voucher system, which ever is greater ifprice adjushnents are required to accommodate increases by the City contracted vendor, or oversize gazments. $37.50/year for those assigned to work 1-2 shi$s per week, ar the equivalent of 3 polo shirts on a voucher system, which ever is greater if price adjustments are required to accommodate increases by the City contracted vendor or oversize garments. 6) The MOA shall expire three years from the date of signing by all parties. 7) This MOA sets no precedent. F�r thP f'itv For the Union: � ,�� �'� � Chris Cowen AFSCME Business Agent . Laeor xeianons rvlanager � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartrnenVoffice/council: DaffiMitiated: ��'3 0� H� -�,��� �.M„R� Green Sheet NO: 3030196 Co�rtact Person & Phone: .lason Sctrnid[ 266b503 Must Be on ContraetType: .�, n � . -, oeoa'dnent se�rc7o Person �ni6aUOa6e 0 an Assign i am t ' +,� Numbec 2 m ..y. \ For ROUtMg 3 a r' a d ot qyex 4 5 Tofal # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Lowtions for Signah�re) Resolution approving the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME, Loca( 1842 for ihe purpose of providing a uniform for Pazks and Recreation division employees who are required to weaz one. Ma[rore: App�o�e (A) or R Planrung Commission CIB Committee Crvil Senice Canmissian Contracls MustMswerfhe Following Questions: 7. Has this p�sabfirtn e�er Nalced under a coMract for this depaAmeM? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�w been a city employee? Yes No 3. Oces this persoNfirm possess a skitl not rrortnalty possessetl by arry curreM city employee? Yes nb ExpWin all yes answers on separate sheet and atfach to gr¢en sheet Inida6ng Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Lack of unifom�s for Parks and Recrea6on employees in recreafion centers makes it difficult fot the public to identify city employees. Advanpges IFApproved: Ageement in place providing Pazks and Recreation employees located in the recrea[ion centers to be identified as city employees by their uniforms. � Disadvanpges MApproved: None DisativaMages iF NotApproved: No agreement in place to a11ow fot uniform identification of Parks and Recreation division employees located in the recrealion centers. Transaction: Funding Soumx: Finaneial information: (�P��1 CosURevenue Budgeted: Aativily Number. ��� ,�`�'.r��'r1� ��ar�;� ,. {. ��:� Maich 28, 2006 3:48 PM Page 1