06-301Coancil File # ���3�� Presented by Refeaed To Committee Date RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME District Council #5, Technical Local #1842 (AFSCME) to extend the previously-approved pilot project within the Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection for the LIEP Inspector I— III positions represented by AFSCME. l Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓' Bostrom �/ Harris � Helgen � Lanhy � Montgomery � Thune � � � Requested by Department oE G:\Shared�HR-Competencies�RloLProjects.&.Non-Pilot ProjectsU.,[EP\Cursent.System.DocumentsUesolufion.cont.pilot.project doc Green Sheet # 3030089 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �S Office of Human Resources By: Adopted by Council: Date /7,p�% /.e� c�ll� � �r �_ DEPARI'MENT/OFFICE/COUtYCII,: DATE INITIATED �� _ 3 � , v/- Human Resources 3/16/06 GREEN SHEET No.: 3030089 CONTACf PERSON & PIiONE: " mn7nt/DnTe iNtTrALlppTE LeeAlln Turchin, 266-6517 � DEPAK'1'M1�N[ DiR Q/��t'1 a crrr couHCa �IiTST BE ON C06NCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) nsSIGrvED z arr pno�Y �. �� iVUMBERFOR AOUTP7G FINANCIAI,SERVDIIL FiNANC[q[,SERV/ACCCG ORDER 3 bLAYOR(OR ASSf.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACl'[ON REQUESTED: Approval of the attached Memorandum of Ageement (MOA) between the City and AFSCME Dishict Council #5, Technical Local #1842. The MOA extends the previously-approved pilot project within the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Frotection for an additional three years, until Mazch 2009. REWMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)orReject(R) - PERSOYAI,SERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTKEFOLLOWINGQOESTIONS: 1. Haz this pe�aoNfimi ever xrorked mder a cont[ac[ for this deparhnent? PLANNING COMMISSION Yes No CID CONIMIITEE ' 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a ciry ert�loyee? C[VILSERV[CECOb[M[SSION y� N — 3. Does tltis persoNfirtn possess a skili not nocmatiy possessed by any curte�t city employee? — Yes No — 4. Is tAis persoNfinn a targered vendor? — Yes No — Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, What, Whe�, Where, Why) Recently the parties affected by the original pilot project for LIEP Inspectors I— III, which was established in 2002, met. While the originally-established system has not used to promote or hire any LlEP Inspectors during the last three-year pexiod, the original agreements reached by the parties are sound and viable. Therefore, the parties desire to enter into a three-year agreement extend the pilot project in anriciparion of future hiring and selection within the Office of LIEP. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED The pilot project extension will enable the Office of LIEP to use the developed competencies as the basis for future h ' development, recruitment, selection, and performance management for LTEP Inspectors I— IlI. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NOriB DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The goals and obj ectives of the Office of LIEP and the affected bazgaining unit will not be realized. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST�RIbVENUF BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) There are no additional salary costs associated with this pilot project. � ',`�,�� � °,�' 'LUUb i �:� -� - � !:�eeRe{ `' 1!� G: \Shared�iR-Competencies�Pilot.Proj ects. &.Non-Pilot Proj ects�I cont.pilot.proj ect. doc ROIJTING' ORDER: Below are correct mntings for the six most frequent types of docaments: CONTRACTS(acsumesauthorizedbudgetexists) �" couxcbxESOlv�ori(�ab,ta�c��c�r�� ' I.OutsideABen�Y I-�gPaztrqentDirector ` �`�� � � � � 2. DeparimeffiDirector 2."'Officeo£Fittancial'Serc�icesDlrector 3. CityAttomey , . 3_, CityAtfameY , "; - , . " , 4. � Ivlayor/Assistaut (for contracts oba $25,000) � � 4. I`vfayorFAssis4ant � � � � �� � , 5. H�an Rights (for coatracts over $50,000) 5 Gitg Co�cil , r , 6. QfficeofFinancialServices-Acqounting 6. OfficeofFinanoialSeivicesrAccounting'' ' °' ' ADMIAIISTRATLVE ORDIILS (BudgetRevision) COFJNCIL. RESOLUTION'(all' others and Ordivances) I. ActivityMennagerorDepaztmentAcconntant 1.'DepactmentDirector 2. DepmtmentDirector ' , Z. CityA'ttotney ,; � � 3. OfficeofEinaacial'Se�vicesDi�ector' � � �� 3_ MagorfAssistant �'' �� � � � � � � � � 4, �CitF Cleak � � � � � � 4., Ci 'ty Connc�3 � � � , � � � S.O�ceofFinancia[Seivices-Accounting � � � � � ° nnt,�rtsTxnztvs o�ms �eu o�n�� �cviivE o�� . ' � �1. Depa�imentD'aector�� � � � 1 DepsrhnentDu'ector , , � 2- Citp'AttomeS' ' 2- ;CdgY�ttarne9 , ��' � � �� � � 3: O�ce of Fioancial Seavices Director 3: lvfayor/?,ssistant ,, 4 , . Ci Cleik , � � . Oitp CI �erk � , � � 4 � , � � � � � � � ', � � �TOTAL'NUMBER� OF SIGNATd7RE,PAC�S , � `� � � � � � ����' � � � � � � � � � � , Indicate fhe # of pages'on wtrieh signafm�s are,requiced and papercLp flag each of tliese pages. � � RE , � � � � � ACfION QUES�ED, � , � � � � � � � � � � � " Desqibe what ttie pcoject/request seeks to acaomplish in eithe[ dsonological �+da or order nf importance; wIrichever is � � � � � �oP ,� �'. D, � � � m' o� � ., �� , �, � �� � � � � most iia�e�fortfie', ' onotwrite,completesentences. Begideach y nrl�stwithav � � REC,OMIvSENDAITONS �� � , � � � � � � � � � � � � i „ 'onhasbeen resented ' Complete ifthe icsue in qirestr Q before an3'�Y P�?tic orprivate. , PERSONAL SBRVICE CONTRACTS: This mformationtvill be used to determme the city's,liabi7iryfor workers' compensation eSa,�s, taxes and propec civil ' serviceHu`mgrules. . ' , , , � � � � � II3Ti7ATII1G PROBI,Eiv� 3SSIIE, OPP�RT[TNITY' � ��� , �, � � � E�lam the, situafion or Y� Pro}� � i�l��t� � . . . . conditions Uiat created a nced fox , ADVAA}TAGES IF APPROVID ' , Indicate whether tbis is simply en annusl budget procedure iequ'cred bylawYcharter os whetbenthere are specific ways, in,' , wlneti the' City of SaintPanl and its citize�s wHf benefit from ibis projectfacti'on. , ��� � � . C� �� GES�APPRQVED orasse5sments�P=���8�'.', Prole�t/re4 , P FS A at �gatrve e�Cts or J anBes e�asUnB „ cStus uest produce �f rt ts assed. tax �ncresses w 1' , , } T ; ° Wh Fo'rho g? „' ,, `, Ia}�s To whom? �? � DLSADV:�AITA,GES IF �IOT APPROOV�D � � � � � . � �� � � � � � � � , � � � � � What will' l�e the negative comsequences ifthe promised ach�'is not approved? lnabi�iip'to de3icer service? 'eontimue �' '�� � lugh h noise, accident ratc? Loss of revenue? ;, FTNNANCIAI.IMP[1CT � ' � � � � � �� � T mformatron u rovide the are - -m eiat umustansw A1 rthe: ' . � o musttado gh y ' " yo p ' heie fo tssue you' addre�n� gen yo er ,,� ' fls: Howmack is �t goiu�to casf? Who is going ta �pa� � ' , , ., „ „ , , , „ � � , � �� �� � �� � � < � . �. � . . , , . .. . , N1��, � i� ii I I. ��1� . .J� II „ r i' �i� I i � i . ! i IJ � . .� . , . ��'��� 2006 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the unplementation of Human Resources pilot projects, this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is made and entered into this ��t day of V'�G��h , 2006, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Technical #1842 (hereinafter sefened to as "AFSCME"). The purpose of this agreement is to continue the originally-established pilot project titled "Competency Modeling Project LIEP Inspector I, II, and III" dated November 13, 2001 and the "LIEP Inspector Job Family Competency Matrix° dated October, 2001, revised January 12, 2006. The City and AFSCME agree that the pilot project shall continue to apply to those employees of the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection (LIEP) who hold positions allocated to LIEP Inspector I, II, and TII and who aze represented by AFSCME. The City and AFSCME agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, sha11 be used in the administration of this pilot proj ect: 1. Civil Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying examinations, e.g., pass/fail for promotion candidates instead of for only original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to determine eligble candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the LIEP Inspector I, II, and III classes in the Office of LIEP. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligible Lists) shall allow for promotion eligible lists established far LIEP Inspector I, II, and III vacancies in the Office of LIEP to remain in effect indefinitely. Section I. E(Advancement In Salary) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the LIEP Inspector I, II and III classes in the Office of LlEP. Instead, far each 1040 hours an employee allocated to such classes has appeazed on the payroll s/he may be granted a step increase of one step up to and including step 9 of the salary ranges established for the LIEP Inspector I, II and III classes. If said employee has appeared on the payroll five years, then s/he may be granted one step increase up to and including step 9 of the salary ranges established for such classes. If said employee has appeared on the payroll seven years, s/he may be granted a one step increase up to and including step 10 of the salary ranges established far such classes. Ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five year step increases, as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Section I. E., Subsections (d)(e)(fland (g), shall continue to apply to employees for positions allocated to the LIEP Inspector I, II, and III classes. Also, Subsection (h), regarding effective dates of such step increases shall continue to apply. G:\Shared�I-IR-Competencies�Pilot.Projects.&.Non-PilotProjects�I,IEP\Current.System.Docmnents�L of Ab eement amended.1.2006AFSCME.doc ��-30� It is also agreed that grievances arisin� from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bazgaining agreement between the City and t1FSCME. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall be subject to the Civil Service grievance procedure. However, because both parties aclaiowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concems regazding the substantive determinations of the Competency Review Panel shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission. Finally, it is further agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall continue to be in force for three yeazs until March 10, 2009. It is further agreed that 60-calendar days prior to said date, the City will notify AFSCME Local #1842, in writing, that said date is pending so that a discussion of the pilot process and the fiirther extension of the pilot can be held. The terms of this MOA become effective upon the adoption of a Council Resolu on by the Saint Paul City Council. ; � r (- ' � _ �� �� � � Angie N zny Chris Cowen, Business Representative Hum Reso rces Di ector AFSCME Technical #1842 GU�t� " ' U ! �/ `�-� i h��,. 3 -t v- oG Jason S idt Robin Madsen, President Labor Relations Manager AFSCME Technical #1842 Dated: � �`� "T C:�Documents and Settings\ccowen�I,ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKB�I.etter of Agreement amended 1 2006AFSCME.doc