225348 "' � �25��� ORIOINAC TO CITY GL6RK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM . � ►RESENTED RY b�ilton Rosen Public �1lorks COMMISSIONER � + ' pA� September, 1965 i � �' � . '� i���� TrIF�REAS� In connectio with the construction of a sidewalk and driveway at 271 E. Kellogg Blvd. underi the 1g65 side��alk Contract "District No. 1�"� Comp- trolleris Contract L-6729,% the City of St. Pata1 �as agreed to.reduce the assess- ment for this work from a 4 otal assessment of �1,712.1,1. to �1�2�/�.96 or a diff- ' �� -�� erence o f $L,2 7.4 5, now t here fore be i t, ' � r • ; RESOLVID, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby author- � ized to pa.y from the,�Perma,nent Improvem.ent Revolving �4znd� Code 6000, the a.moun.t 1 of �/+27.45 and this'same.,f�,ind to be reim.bursed from the City 1 s 5haxe of Loca1 �� � Improvement �`und� Code 0920-701 (1965). i � � . � 1 . �--�- � � C ! , � i �I ; � ' � �EP 2 41955 �r� . COLJNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �EP �41965 �h—' � � , Holland � ' Approved 19— T ` �'"�' Tn FAVOr Meredith 4 ` � V Peterson , � �ByOr �2(!1 C P�l ����5� �I��:�?.;;�s�a��t`;`Rv.aoou�is;:� ! 'pUBL1SHED �CT 2 1965 • :::e.::::::::.:�;::::e:::::::::.:. � , 3VIr. Vice President (Rosen� ' loM 684 " t � � • ((('''��+jj�((('''���G , DUrLICATC TO rRIHT[R ��" j���� , � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCi� �"D " . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO�.M . tRESENTED�T t�.7.� �os��a�, A�b�a �ss �pte�ber,� 196'� COMMISSIONE� DA� �,� Ta conn��G,ton t,r�.� �,e �anet,Y-f.w�ti� uf a s�,de�.l]c au�d drir�► a� 27S E. ��1.lOgg H.l.�d,� tl�der the �.965 s�.d�.1,k Coritra�� "Distrlc� No� l���, Co��� + tro].9.erf� Co�t�raa� �67�; tbw E3.�y v2 St. Pr�►u]. �a.a ag��d �,o r�d�ae � �eaeea� �ent for f,h�.� xar3c i�.'oK e. �o'ta]. asses�en$ of �1�7]2{1�. �o �1.i26�.9b .ar a dif`,f'- erex�ce of �4�7.45�, tx�r thsre�'oro be 3.t, RFS.OLYED�. `I'�.t '�h�► Ccao�ias3oa�e� o�' PubZtC Wa�� b$ a.�d he ie h�xeby �uthor- �c� to p�y �'ram �ha 1'�x�an.e�t 7�xov��.�t Rev�olv,3n�; Fw,xi.�, Code 6000; ths s�ouat of �,,27•1�5 et�t1 �hia sama f�d �a bs �e�u.bvrsed f� th� City}s Sh�re o� T,oca� r.�p�ov�nen� F�a,. Coc�e o�;2o•-7C�Z �1965}* 5EP 24 �965 COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays T-: ,�-- ��P 2 41965 ��-�-� � Holland �� Appro�� 19— '1'es'_'_ Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � ' MByOr R ncea �`-�g$1I18t • M;"Fcesid'erifY��V�voiil'is;93;::� --. . .,.�:. •-- ...............:... •• .. ... Mr. Vice President (Rosen' 1oM Q-0! •