225326 � � ORIGINAI TO CITY CLBRK :� y CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCi� �s���� �' " � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. � •� � f OUNCIL RESO �1TION—GENERAL FORM . �-- �RESENTED EY t COMMISSIONE DA� i 1 ! WEEREA�� the City of �aint Paul has heretofore entered into a contract with Bernard J. Weitzman� doing busine�s as IIniforms IInlimited by �n7eitzman, for supplying of.police uniforms to members of the Bureata. of Poliee of the Cit�y of Saint Paul� saizi.'�contraet being designa�ed as Comptroller= s�tra�t3�07 and coverin.g the period from August 5, 1964 to August 6, 966; and WHEREAS, the items of un,�€n,�?m whieh Mr. 'weitzman, had agreed to supply pursuant �o the � ovis ions of the aforesaid contract are those items authorized by the provisions of Ordinance of the City of Saint Faul, Chapter 487 of the Legislative Code of said City; and , 1nTHEREA�� the Department of Public Safety has indicated that a need has arisen for an addi�ional item of clothing for police ' o�'ficers, na.mely, an intermediate cloth �acket required b� un�ormed personriel durin,g the spring and fall seasons, and the regulation �acket has been found to be too warm ar�d extremely uneomfortable; and � WHEREAS, an amendment to Chapter 487 of the 8t. Paul Legislative Code has been introduced as an ordinance before the Couneil, C. F. No.! 225242, which would permit this item of clothing to be added �Go the� approved items of poli�ce uniforms and so as to be an item of eqt�ipment that un.iformed police personnel °could pt�rchase out of the clothing allow�nce authorized pursnant to the govisions of said Chapter 487� as amended� of the Legislative Code ; and -- - ,. �;�. _.� .� . � WHEREA�;� the Weitzman Company has agreed to snpply such o an intermediate �acket for members of the Bureatz of Police desiring � to purehase such �aeket at a cost of $15.00 per �acket� but has also requested, in consideration for supplying this addi�ional eq�ipment, � that he be granted a reduction in the amouxit of the surety bond o � presently covering .his contract witY� the City, which bond is 3.n the � , amount of the contract sum for the purchase of new police uniforms, o � being the sum of �72,681.00� which newluniforms have been heretofore � v supplied to uniformed personnel of the Burean of Folice and. hi� � request that the bond amount be reduced to a figure of �25�000.00 � , N � 1 � COUNCILMEN . i Adopted by the Council I9_ Yeas Nays - � t �� Holland '; Approved 19— �e�� Tn FavOr ti��� Meredith Pete rs on O �18yOr Rosen A gainst y J M[. prvcir�ant� Va�n��l�r,c ' • " � lOM E-6Z • • , - _ - y . i ' i - . � �'�,' �,�; A `j � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �, ' � � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENC�� N �� ,, . �'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ~ '•� ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � COMMISSIONEQ � DA� , 1 I i F�e 2. is considered a reasonable request by the Department of Public �afety, Now� ; Therefore� be it ; RE�OLVED� That the contract between Bernard J. Weitzman, dba Uniforms IInlimited by Weitzman� an.d the City of Saint Paul, be modified as follows: '� 1. Bernard J. Weit�man, '� dba Uniforms Unlimited by Weitzman� agree� to snpply to the City of �aint Pa�tl, uniformed personnel of the Bureau of Police ,who ehoo�e to order the same, intermediate cloth jackets manufactured from quality fabric and of quality tailoring and, construction ;corre�ponding to the sample �acket Y�eretofore - f�unished to the }Department of Public �afety, at a _cost of not to eaceed $15.00 per �aeket. 2. Modification of the aforesaid contraet shall not be effective u�til Mr. 'Weit�man agrees by letter to aeeept �he terms� provisions and eonditions of tY�is Resolution and also fvrnishes to the City a consent, in writing, by the Continental Casualty Company of �Y�icago� Illinois as surety on the aforementioned bond, consenting to the rednction �in amount of such bond for the balanee of the eontract, period remaining �under the con�ract between the City an,d Bernard J. �N7eitzman, dba Unifarm�. IInlimited by Weltsaan. �Such consent by the surety shall 'provide �therein that rednction of the amount of such bond shall riot� apart from the amount of such bo nd, pre�udice or otherwise affect the City= s rights under suc�i bond. , . _ �... _ , , E - -- � 3. That such aeceptance on the �par.:� of Mr. Weitzman and such consent on the part of the snrety shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk. SEP 2 2196a COLJNCILI►�N � Adopted by the Councit I9—. Yeas Nays � S�P 2�� 1��� Holland Approve 19_ � e'�� . �In Favor �����' Meredith �• Peterson ' /� � �Q��n9 MaYor R^�°^ �.Against - eccia:a°'ia�i��e;� �� � ��lBLISHED S�� �� �y Mr.Vice'President (Rosen) . ions e-as , _ � , • - � � -., .'Z� " � � ' - - - � f. - - » . - " `J�a _ . _ � '_ y '�� : . _ . �_ . a ' ' - ,. ! � � �` (r � ' , '� �!` • " r �' ` � . .. , , � .h " `_ . ; � [' .. `-a _ "_• +�. . 4 � . _ ' - � ` -. ` _ '. , . -, ' _, y s - - - � .. ` � - _ �. , , . ;_ - .� t _ : � ; _ , - . '_ . ' - {. � , _ � . _. . � . ' .� �, . . ' _ , - � . �. - ' . ' _ ` Y: �; , _ ` (_ , -,. ` ,t- : C - , ' . ` ` -- `, •'- . r ` -_ ` ''. ' , 1 - - .. - ' ' 1 �i � . � • - . ' - . a 'e � _ �, . ..� ' " a G.X.^ f � ' ' , ' �- -• +_ �• � . • �� • � 1 �� �� � . � ' " • ` ' _ •.- � . , - � L � ' ._ ' 4� ' -. ,r _ . _ . � • '"1 ., � = , • _ � `_ s@�t�mb�r 2�� _196r7 . ' , . . - _ . , . .;-- � - - � -.: --_ . - � .� _ . � � . - = - � . _ . � . . a _- _ -;r - , - . � . _ - . • ._� . . _. � ; . `� a` - � . _ � . . .Y � - ' . -. i - � _ . • � . _ . .� � � .. � - � ' .-• - 1 . ' . . _ ... ' . _' ' ' fj . • . ' .. . . .. -- . � �i ' • • - - a ^� � - � . . _ � ' a� - _ _ 7 � � _ " , � - •_ �_ . •L,- � , . 'I ' 1 - - . . 1 ' ' _ - _ . . ' y ti , � � . �-- ' _ ± � ' . - -�I- � � '_ - : i��. Bernard .J�` W�itzmeln ab�� � _ � �, � � _ - � 1, . -_ � . ` ' . � Unifo�ma'Unlimited.by Weit�,n� � -_ . -; ' - �-� ' . . - _ _ � - . ,� - 189 E. �Sevc�nth-St. . - - '-�' `r . � _ y -.._ , - Y - ' . - , . -� .&t. -�u].�`�Mtnrie�ot� _ _ ' _ �-�`: �: " = : . . � - " � ` � . , . . � .� . - . . , • _ � Dear ,S�r:- . �: - - . :. _ .. , _ _ - � . - , :. - . , . _ - - _ - _: : .�.� . - , _ " _ _ . - � �, ' . . = _, Ene1o$ed-3.s e�';r�sbl.ut3�on of=the� (�]. � ounci],i . ch inodi#'iea tbe . � ; -_, • - _ .. - � �con�raCt batw��n. yc►u �nd.�the city more �et��ut 1i�erein. " r ' � . -_ . � . • - . - , . .. _. . . - • .., _ _ -, .. . . . - . _ We eaL1 your epeci�. .attention t.� Con N�. 2 on'Pr�ge 2.oF,_ - .�- �.. � - � � - � the r�eolu�ion �►hi.oh re�uir � � to !�c t the t�rmi; e.nd c�nw '= - " rms - _. ,• , " ditions di the reealuti.on _ e b� ed iaith tlie City • � _ . " Clerlt�� office� arid �1s6 �,uires�t ftiir'n g ds' � conseiat . � ' �" , ' - �" in_xriting by the� (�orrti t.�. C+aeu�. Co.�.etis_ mor� f�il.ly eet • " � � _ , � ° . out �.n the rs�o�utioa-. -� ` � _ . : .. _ . -- � - � . , _ _ - - --_=::• _ ' ` � �i'�ry tz�,y� yo�e,� - . . �` . _ � - _ . , . ^ • - ., _. - . , - . - � � .` - ~ . ` ` '� �. . �- .� � v : - '- � ,�ity C1erk.. '' ` - _ . ; . . _ . . _ ,,, Ad/ng . - . _. : - . s . ' - ' _ , r � , ' ,r� . . . - • � .. ' . � k 1 , _• .'y F ,- _ •_ � ` � . ,r . ,� ; ♦ �. ' ` • . ~ ��y � . i. 1 • ' ' ' �j "_> > � � •j •�� e • • _ - V �, • � ' � • , �� • ` ' � • � • • _ .. - _,- , - , ' , ' - .. ` • - • �.t i. ..^ ✓ ` ;1 Y -y Y . _ � a, . 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' Established in 1899 Phone: 224-8302 � UNIfORMS UNLIMITED � Q b Weitzman y 189 East Seventh Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 �;y:Yv;;:,:tY•;;� . .....�;=,;� . ..,, Sept 24th 1965 1r t Y':f r,^IL,J��.�Y���3�:�.� t. y�:JTfR1(S(.��^+ lt� ...y:��i�t.cpc�•`;��:;��s�:�. . i;,,�`v.,,';�,�,,`:. .��,, ,� ..�N ,,.I i'=w:'���.•��Y.c� �;_ �. ` y, . - . ., 'i.,.14`:1�(}`:\,?i�1'�,'��'v,Y�r���:?E:t:. .t � City Clerk City of �t. P8ll1 City Iiall St. �'aul, biinn 75102 Attn: Fi.obert B. Uerber, Jr. Re Council I�esolution ;#225326 concerning the Jackets to be furnished to the St. Paul Police vept, tive accept the terms as set down in the resolution. very truly you s, ..����u��' /�,�G�yn.�^�✓ - Bernard . 1Yeitz�i�ag PS The letter concerning the bond will be forthcoming. FILEh ' '65 SEP 27 A M 9� o�+ ��r�� C�.�RK�, �►r ���;:�� ; , SAlMT �',�UL, il.il�tE. i - � . ._ � %'C/Vi� GONT/NENTf1L Nf1T/ONf1L HMEH/GHN GfIOUP I • MINNEAPOLIS BRANCH OFFICE � 700 SOO LINE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA SB402 � AREA CODE 612 • FE 9-0861 ' October 8, 1965 � � ,City of St. Paul Office of the City C1erk Third F1oor-� Ramsey County Court House St. Pau1, Mi�nesota Attention: Al Olson RE: Council File No. 225326 � Our File No. 3012844 ! ,� � � Gentlemen: ' i In accordance with the above numbered Council Resolution, the Continental Casualty Company agrees to reduce the bond originally in the amount of $72;681.00 to $25,000.00, effec- tive the date the Resolution was adopted, I Very truly yours, CONT NTAL CASUALTY COMPANY � I alp R. Zehre Bond Manager RRZ/bl cc - Harry Sarbach Louis Peilen & Sarbach Co. ! St. Pau.l, Minnesota � Continental Casualty Co. • National Fre Insurance Co.of HarNord • American Casualty Co. 1 I