225325 � ` � � ;�.� ' ; � . 1 ��� 0111GINAL TO CITY CL611K � f � , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O CIL ES LUTION—GENERAL FORM � co�iss°orie � September 21r 1965 DATE � � I � . � RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concur� in the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contracfi for furnishing all' labor, materials� equipment and services neclessary , for or reasonably incidental to the instal lation of bituminous Tennis Court surfacing at Lar�gford ; I � Park, Blake and Langford Park and Arlington Playground, Maryland and Greenbrier, Sfi. Paul, Minn. � � to ST. .PAUL SHEET ASPHALT QJ MPANY in� accordance with Cifiy plan and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #1433 oflsaid St. Paul Sheet Asphalt Company for the ' I contracfi price of $7189.00, such bid being the lower and said St.Paul Sheet Asphalt Company being areasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporafiion Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up fihe proper form of ,contract therefor, and the proper City cF ficials hereb are authorized t� execute , y said confiract on ibQhalf of the City aF Saint Paul. , Formal Bid� #143� ' , t - � I - r COLJNCILMEN � Adopted by the Councit SEP �21�6� 1s- Yeas Nays �' S�P � ��� Holland Ap rove 19— � L°��� Favor t � Meredith ' Peterson � � �c1�ln� M�Yor �� A gainst , '�ice..�nt•(Rosen F PUBLISHED �P 25 �� K � IQ� �a t� � .. �w {'-,[� DUrCIWTC TO rRIHT[R ���_ 1�� � }..:� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�HC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED tY S!!�I'oRW�1' �I� I9GJ COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLVED, That th� Council her�by concun in the award of the Contr+a�t Committ� th�rsfor and hes��by awards conttact for fumish�np afl labor, materials, equipm�nt c�nd sNVic�a n�ce�ary fo� or rmasonably incidenf+al to th• ins#al lat�on of bih,minaus 1'�nnts Court surfacing at Lar�pford Par{c, Blak� and Lan9forcl Park and arlington Playground, Muryland and Gr�r�brf�r, St. Paul, Minn. to ST, PAUL SHEEi' ASPHALT QJ MPANY in accordanc� with Ciiy pl�n and spe►cfficariona thsrefor h�re�to attach�d and the Fom�al Bid �1433 of safd Sf, Paul Sha�t Asphalt Cc�npany for the controct price of �7189,00, wch bid t�ing the lawor and said St.Paul Shest Asphalt Compar�y b�ing ar�awnpbls and reliable bidd�r, and ths Corpantiorti Counsbl be and h�r�by is directed fo draw up th� proper form of canMnct therefor, and the prop�r City cf flcials h�raby ar� authorizsd to axecute �atd controct on `b�half of the Ctty cf Saint Pwl. -.� Fonnal Bid ��433 1,, SEP �21965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19, Yeas Nays �.� SEP 2 2156� Holland ' Approv� 19— �OS� rn Favor Meredith Peterson c� MAyOr �� A►E'8iIl8t e�le"Pse'sideaf:c Vaooiilis;..� . - :�:: �... ............................... .:.. •. Mr. Vice President (Rosen) toM e-6�