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Resolution Approving Assessment By
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon i File No. •16861
and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award �
of Damages
Tn th p_m,2tteZ . � ,
. �
. In the �tter of �
opening, widening, aad extending JACK30it STRF.h3 to n Width of 100 feet frc� �inth
3treet to Tenth Street by coadesning and taking for street purposes, the Westerly
4�+ feet of that psrt of Lot 2 aortherly of a line dravn frca a point on the
SouthWeSter�y line of eaid 1ot �8 feet � 3nchea Pra� the lforthvesterly corner -�
thereof to a point an the �ortheaster�y line of �aid l�t �t$ feet 7-1/8 inches I
fro� the Yortheasterly corner of uid Lot 2� aad the Westerly 41+ teet of Lot 3, �
sll in �oyt'a 3ubdiviaion oP Morriaon's Block of Hoyt'�s Addition to St. Paul.
Alao cond��ning and taking a tenporwry e�sesent for the purpose of en-
abling the City or its Agenta to enter thQrean to xreck the entire building
occupying the preaisea locsted st 510 Je�clr.�on Street on (the folloWing described
pwrcela of land in the City oi 3t. Paul:) tkiat part of Lot 2 �forther�jr of a line
draWn Pro� s point on the 3outhwesterly liae oi aaid lot 48 feet 8� inches fron
th� Torthvsaterly corner thereof to a point on the Tortheaster�y liae of eaid
lot $8 feet 7-1/8 inchea fron the liortheasterly coraer of said Lot 2 except
the Yester]�r � f�et thereof, snd I�ot 3 exaept the Westerly 4� feet thereof,
all ia �oyt's 3ubdivision of M�risoai's Block of Hoyt's Addition to St. P�ul
o amages awar ed �the taking of the`lana'or easements tnerein appropr�ace��-�,ri�-a�„�.-.,-�...
- provement-arid to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property �
from the making of said improvement, therefore be it ,
Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved.
I�,esolved further, That a public hearing be had before tlie Council upon said report and for a con-
firmation of the award of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said as-
� sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the
Twentieth day of Oetober�1965 , at ten o'clock A.M. and that the Commis-
sioner of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearina as prescribed by the Charter.
Yeas Nays " �
}�olland Adopted by the Councii ��P 211965
��--r ; SEP �1 ��
jNeredith , Approved �
I � �
Peterson ; —
• �---- — Tn Favor �
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Form R-3 �°O
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