06-295Return copy to: Real Estate Section 1000 City Hall Annex ��eo� B R OL�TION �O�F AUL, MINNESOTA i \ Council File # V�Q Z�5 Green Sheet # 3029915 �1 1 WHEREAS, the Council had approved Council File #04-844, dated September 1, 2004, for 2 specially assessing the costs for a fire protection system for 345 Wabasha Street; and WHEREAS, additional speakers (alarms) were needed to meet the Fire MarshalPs requirements; now, therefore, be it 7 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the additional above 8 described improvement be made, and the proper City officials are hereby directed to proceed with the improvement; and be it 10 11 FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon completion of said improvement, the proper City officials shall 12 calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance 13 with Chapter 429 of the Minnesota Statutes and the fire protection system golicy; and be it 14 15 FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Counci] of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the 16 Mayor and advice of the I.ong Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital 17 Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended 18 in the following particular: CiJRRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET FINANCING PLAN 345 Wabasha Street John Rupp C04-1T026 Assessments $88,827.00 $11,489.00 $100,316.00 SPENDING PLAN 345 Wabasha Street John Rupp C04-1T026 Construction $88,827.00 $11,489.00 $100,316.00 OlQ-2R5 i'!24 Sc, Pa.u1 Long •??anq C:apital Improsemeas 3ada�t i om:niitee zeceiva3 thi� reauest cn � � -! 3 - 0 (o _ ar,u� sacornrneras ^ . , cN.E.4l.¢ �1-,'z.�6 Signed..,_ Requested by Department of Public Works / / I: � �� � �1r� Approval recommended by Financial Services D'uector By: � Form A oved by City Atto ey By: ��!J���� Ap oved b //`/\ for Submission to Counci] B l � Adoption �C�ertified by C uncil Secretary By: /�/ii/! p d�2 Appro ed� r: Date �J p -� � 7 � i By: l/w �it� l�Ci�-s/ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � pW -run���w� Contact Person & Phone: Juan Ort¢ 266-88('i4 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): 7SMAR-06 ContractType: AR-RESOLUi70N W/$TRANSACTION �-�R� -� I Green Sheet NO: � , Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ali Locations for Signature) 0(�'Z t,� 3029915 0 �Pu61ic Wnrl:a � Svan Ottiz � I ic Wo ce ;� 2 ancial de De ) 3 iri AHOme Judv Hamon � 3/ 4 vor's Office Ma��or/Asaistant � v 5 ouceii ria� Eri<tuon 6 ler M1ari Approve the use of additional assessment fmancing in accordance with Ciry policy for the installation of a fse protection system for 34� Wabasha Street. dations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): PlanniRg CommiSSion CIB Committee CiNI Ser�ice Commission Must Mswer the Following Questions: 'I. Has this pers4Nfirm eeer vrorked under a coMract forthis department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curreM city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiati�g Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): State code requues a building changing occupancy to be brought up to code which requires a fire protection system. � ,: AdvantapeslfApproved: A safer building for all occupants. �€k� 10 20U6 — q � � f Disadvanfages If Approved: None known. DisadvantaGes If NotApproved: Petitioner may not be able to fmd sufficient altemate fmancing. RECEIVED MAR 1 4 2006 ToWlAmountof Transaction: Fundinit Source: Financiai Information: (Explain) $11,489 C04-1T026 CosURevenue Budgeted: IY ActivilyNumber. � MAYOR'S OFFICE March 2, 2006 2.39 PM Page 1