225883ORIGINAL -ItO CITY CLERK r 42,5883 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONED' - DATE WHEREAS, the death of Louis P. Sheahan, Sr., an employee of the City of St. Paul, Office of the Corporation Counsel, who died on September 23, 1964, has given rise to a claim by representatives of the dependent child of said decedent, namely, Louis P. Sheahan, Jr.; and WHEREAS, the investigation and defense of said matter was referred to special counsel pursuant to Section 178 of the Charter of the City of 9t. Paul; and - WHEREAS, the special counsel has investigated said matter and has determined that it would be advisable under the facts and circum- stances giving rise to the death of Louis P. Sheahan, Sr., that said matter be compromised in settlement and has; proposed a stipulation of settlement which is affixed hereto and made a part hereof by reference, which settlement provides for payment to the guardians of Louis P. Sheahan, Jr. the sum of $45.00 per week, payable every four weeks and _._continuing during dependency until the sum of $16,500.00 shall have been paid, now therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are authorized and directed to accept and approve said stipulation for settlement and the payment of the aforsmentioned compensation out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. FQIZ ?7JO st. CbrpdiWon Counsel COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays JNOV 101965 Adopted by the Council 19— Dalglish Nov 10 1965 Holland pproved 19 —_ Loss 01 Tn Favor Meredith Peterson (� Mayor Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �s �U �08 13 Q65 10M eas DUrLICATf TO MIN-MR 1 • /r� � [� ( ,s CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO /M1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 1Y COMMISSIONED DATE WHEREAS, the death of Louis P. Sheahan, Sr., an employee of the City of St. Paul, Office of the Corporation Counsel, who died on September 23, 1964, has given rise to a claim by representatives of the dependent child of said decedent, namely, Louis P. Sheahan, Jr.; and WHEREAS, the investigation and defense of said matter was referred to special counsel pursuant to Section 178 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the special counsel has investigated said matter and has determined that it would be advisable under the facts and circum- stances giving rise to the death of Louis P. Sheahan, Sr., that said matter be compromised in settlement and has proposed a stipulation of settlement which is affixed hereto and made a part hereof by reference, which settlement provides for payment to the guardians of Louis P. Sheahan, Jr. the sum of $45.00 per week, payable every four weeks and continuing during dependency until the sum of $16,500.00 shall have been paid, now therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are authorized and directed to accept and approve said stipulation for settlement and the payment of the aforementioned compensation out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iox sas Nov 101965 Adopted by the Council 19— NOV 101955 Approved 19— Ts Favor Mayor A gainst 1.71 • if I -drank my coffee. I then threw the paper cup, away and started to go back to my car. I got outside the building and on the sidewalk in front of the building. At that time it was after 9: 06 A.M. •do not know exactly the minute. I saw Lo-uis P. Sheahan running towards me on the platform. He saw me and said "Bill,' I can't talk to you I'm in a hurry to catch a plane; the Northwest Plane." I said,. "Ida is on that plane. He said, "Has it left yet? I said, "No." He was out of breath when he was speaking to me frorA the exertion of running and had a harried expression on his face. He said, "I'm sorry I can't talk, I must go. He continued to trot and '.run into the door and that was the last I saw of him. went to my car and came back to the office. saw him first running some distance from me. -I would say he was about 100 or 150 feet from me when I first saw lzim. He was running at that time and came running towards me. H-e paused fora few moments when he came abreast of me, but kept on moving and talking at the same time. He was then out of breath, and I observed. that he was pale. He continued running from me, and I last observed-­. him when • he entered the door of the building. He probably continued another 76 feet from where he and I met until where 'he entered the door. WILLIAM W. FINK IN PRE N OF: Form JPR 55 4M 7.64 STATE OF 1'vlIlVN1aS= PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF RAMSEY bile No....11..`�....2. %.�M Re Guardianship of .Louls ... P.... hoahan,.... Jr-w ......... ............................... Letters of General Guardianship ....................................................................... .................... •--- ••-- - -• Ward......... .......... Aadwey -- 6.... sagflr- and...ffi- c- haol...J:.- ShoAnan ...... ............................... .................. ..... iAar o...hereby appointed general guardian. tz of the person.... and estate.... of the above named ward..... IN TESTIMONY whereof the Judge of the above named Court ; J� has set his hand and affixed the seal of said Court this ........... ?t .h ........... day of ........... ... •--- ........................ Jtx� 19..E1 S ........:..... ANDREW A. GLENN G ............... .... :..;i .............: .. ............ (Court Seal Probate Judge. ' • . SON ^J�,i,(1�� -' � � . ' EXHIBIT II , .�... ..w _ �.- .... -ro .. ��,v.. --., H.^+' X•• s.- r.'- e..+ r�- e'�^::,2•r...�,....t.,. --�-t .. .�v -. .•�•v - .... +.... ,. r• I 1 . a ., CERTIFICATE IVY 9636 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEl PROBATE COURT JOHN L. McKENLIE, Clerk of Probate Court of said County, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy of 1 , 'LETTERS OF GENERAL 'GUARD IANSjIIF y IN RE t Guardianship of LOUIS P. SHEAHAN; Jr. } Ward t with the original records and files preserved in said Probate Court, and that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and the'whole of said original records and files. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my a " name and affixed the seal of the Probate Court of said county, at St. Paul, in said County, thic day of Jul X _ A. D. 19--a •� - ! �... ?' � 1 � � Lam. � r 'robate Co rt, Ramsey' ounty, Minn. ' GEORGE X. LEVITT, M. D. 536 LOWRYAWILDING ?" r - •' ST. PAUL 2. MILAN. } November 16, 1964 ;+ Re: Louis P. Sheahan.',. J r ? , Mr. Robert W. Gislason f 333 Minnesota Building St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Gislason; Mr. Sheahan came under my care in 1950, for heart ailment due ,'•• f; to long- standing rheumatic valvular disease. He did vFry well until 1961, at which time he suffered his first attack of acute heart failure. At that time coronary insufficiency was the pre- cipitating factor. In the next 3 years Mr. Sheahan had 5 further • j attacks of sudden heart failure with pulmonary edema. Three of i these frightening episodes required emergency hospital treat-, • ment. All attacks came on because of unusual strain. From 1961 1I' r ; until his death, Mr. Sheahan's heart disease followed a definite ' -pattern. With moderation, he was comfortable and without symp- toms; however,-unusual stress caused his heart to suddenly fail. ;.';•.• I observed Mr. Sheahan under these 6 near catastrophic events;.•.''' ` �_ _ any of which might have been fatal, and all occurring with un- usual stress. One could almost predict the possibility of a ' fatal happening as'the accompaniment of uncommon exertion...' - Very truly yours, { i i George X. Levitt M.D. ! GXL /. evil. :... EXHIBIT III . - .,.• _ - ........ - r^— r...,r � ^N "•.•c.� v.^- �cr� ........•e.,...c.t.- .T:t+ --•-y ..^.,try �rh..r r. .qn -1.. .•r•r•.. -a.. r. s-.. �. r;...... ....t.,.......n;.�....:.y.r... yr.,r ^�r..w... r. .. . My name is William W. Fink. I -live at 1282 Good-: ich Avenue, St.. Paul, •Minnesota. I am a practicing attorney at law, and my office is at 60 East Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. I am 60 years of age and have been practicing at St. 'Paul, Minnesota, for 37 years. On the morning of Wednesday, September 23rd, I came to the office at about 7:45 A. M,• We were having an office meeting in the ; office that morning which was scheduled for 8:00 A. M. • The meeting < < started at 8:00 A.M. There were present at the' meeting Ken Maas,..' ,. Stan Donahoe, 'Jim Noonan, and myself. When' the meeting started I - i told the boys that I would have to leave at about 8:25 A.M. because my wife was going to Chicago that morning'and I had to drive her to the airport. Id" At 8: 25 A.M. I left the office and got into my car and drove to my home at 1282 Goodrich Avenue, St. Paul,. Minnesota, picked up my r wife and then drove her out to the airport. She was scheduled to leave on an airplane which left at 9:10 A.M. .' :. She was already ticketed, and she had no baggage. We stopped at the I ' ticket office for a short moment, and the agent said that in view of the fact that there. is no baggage to check through, that Mrs. Fink could go directly to the plane which was *at Gate 9A. I took her down to , ' Gate 9A. The plane had already started loading at that time, and she f; `• walked, directly on.'' The only baggage she had was what she carried '• , with her which was a small case and a zipper bag containing some ' clothing. After she got on the plane,. I went to get a cup of coffee and +� iii .... - _. ...�: _ _ .._,.. -•- ^.c• _ , .. -r• y. r .�.•r•,.-- •..,.•`.+...:.....t.. 7.+, .. , i V • I 11 STATE OF MINNESOTA INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OF. MINNESOTA DIVISION OF WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION �� } . File No. Record No. } Louis P. Sheahan, Jr., dependant child of Louis P. Sheahan, Sr., by Audrey M. Sager and Michael J. Sheahan, his guardians, i Employee, VS. STIPULATION The City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation, Employer, ---------------------------------------- The parties stipulate and agree as follows: FACTS The employee died on September'23, 1964 while enroute from Saint Paul to Chicago, Illinois aboard a United Airlines plane, on a trip incident to his employment with the Corporation Counsel's office of the City of Saint Paul. The cause of his death was heart failure, constituted by coronary insufficiency and pulmonary edema. On Wednesday morning, September 23, 1964, Mr. Sheahan traveled from his home to his office at the Court House in downtown t Saint Paul where he was observed by Robert E. O'Connell and secre- taries in that office and appeared to be,in good health. Hewas late in getting started that morning from his office and had to rush to catch his flight. He was seen boarding a taxicab on Fourth Street in front of the Court House by his family physician, Dr. George X. Levitt. He appeared to be in good health but in an obvious hurry. Mr. Sheahan was next observed at the Saint Paul- Minneapolis International Airport by ,dilliam W. Fink, Esquire. P-1r. Fink had just escorted his wife, Ida, to a Northwest- Orient t Airlines flight which was scheduled to depart at 9:10 a.m. Mr. Sheahan was also scheduled to depart on that plane. Mr. Fink had just left the terminal building; and was bn the sidewalk in front 4 i { of the building when he first observed Mr: Sheahan. He observed Mr. Sheahan running toward him for a distance;of 100 to 150 feet. As he approached Mr. Fink, Mr. Sheahan was out of breath from the exertion of running, had a harried expression, and was pale. Mr. Sheahan recognized Mr. Fink and said, "Bill, I can't talk to you, I'm in a hurry to catch a plane, the Northwest plane." Mr. Fink replied, "Ida is on that plane." Mr. Sheahan then said, "Has it left yet ?" Mr. Fink said, "No." Mr. Sheahan ran past Mr. Fink for an additional distance of approximately 75 feet until he entered the doorway to the terminal building. (See Mr. Fink's written statement attached as Exhibit I) Apparently he was not observed from the time he entered the terminal building until he arrived at the loading area for the Northwest - Orient Airlines flight. It is reasonable to assume that he continued to hurry toward the escalators ~ leading to the main floor, across the large hallway area and down the concourse. He arrived too late and missed his scheduled flight. The Northwest ticket agent personally escorted him back up the concourse to the ticket sales desk of United Airlines and assisted him in the transfer of his Northwest ticket to a United Airlines flight to enable him to take the next plane leaving for Chicago. Then Mr. Sheahan proceeded toward the end of theiconcourse, and downstairs to the first.level of the airport and the loading area for United flight 484. Mr. Sheahan was next observed by Mr. Paul Buchanan of ?;inneapolis, a customer- service agent for United Airlines whose duties include the taking of names and tickets as passengers come through the ticket gate to enplane. Mr. Buchanan asked Mr. Sheahan for his ticket. Mr. Buchanan observed that Mr. Sheahan was wheezing very badly as if he were, out of breath; and that he was pale and having, difficulty breathing, Mr. Sheahan asked Mr. Buchanan if he could rest a couple of minutes before boarding. He did not sit i down but leaned upon the counter for a'minute or so. Mr. Buchanan next saw Mr. Sheahan walking toward the airplane. -2- ,t t Upon boarding the airplane, he was still pale, had w_ { difficulty breathing and stated that he felt very ill. Several i minutes after the airplane took off he asked for and was administered oxygen by flight crew personnel. Shortly thereafter he expired. The City of Saint Paul is self insured for workmen's compensation in Minnesota. No compensation, medical or burial expense has been paid by employer to date. There are no medical bills out- standing in regard to this matter, and no,attorneys' fees are payable in conjunction with this claim. Two thirds of employee's weekly compensation from employer exceeded the sum of Forty -five Dollars per week. The employee was survived by his three children, Louis P. Sheahan, Jr., Audrey M. Sager and Michaeli�J. Sheahan. Audrey M. Sager and Michael J. Sheahan were not dependents of employee at { the time of his demise. Louis P. Sheahan, Jr. is'an adult dependent child of employee who was over 18, physically. and mentally incapacitated from earning, and during his disability wholly supported by employee at the time of his death and for a reasonable time prior thereto, and, .therefore, a'dependent within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes 176.111, Subd. 2. Audrey M. Sager and Michael J.,Sheahan are guardians of Louis P. Sheahan, Jr. (See attached Letters of Guardianship,Exhibit II). EMPLOYEE'S CONTENTION The'employee contends that the fatal heart attack of Louis P. Sheahan, Sr. was precipitated by uncommon exertion arising out of and in the course of his employment with'the City of Saint Paul. i (See attached medical report of George X. Levitt, M.D., Exhibit III) EMPLOYER- INSURER'S CONTENTION Employer- Insurer contends that the fatal heart attack of Louis P. Sheahan, Sr. was the product of degenerative heart disease and did not arise out of And in the course of his employment with the City of Saint Paul. { I 3 { r { 1' t, r ' COMPROMISE WHEREFORE, the employee and the employer- insurer hereby agree to settle and compromise this matter as follows: Employer- Insurer will pay the duly appointed guardians of the person and estate of Louis P. Sheahan, Jr., for and on behalf of said Louis P. Sheahan, Jr., compensation at the maximum rate of Forty -Five Dollars ($45.00) per week, at intervals of four (4) weeks, during the incapacity of Louis P. Sheahan, Jr., subject to a maximum period of three hundred sixty -six and two - thirds (366 2/3) weeks or a maximum sum of Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($16,500.00), commencing as of September!24, 1964. The dependent waives any claim for interest to date upon the compensation payable herein. The dependent waives his claim for burial expense in the amount of Five Hundred Fifty Dollars THEREFORE, upon approval of this Stipulation by the i Industrial Commission of Minnesota, Division of Workmen's Compensa- tion, and upon payment of the amount above specified, it is hereby agreed that the employee and his dependent have been fully compensated for any and all, claims arising out of the employee's demise on September 23, 1964, against the employer - insurer under the Workmen's Compensation Laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this day of November,' 1965. Audrey M. Sager, Co- Guar ian of Louis P: Sheahan, Jr. MichaeliJ. S e ahan, Co-Guardian o a Louis P ;.Sheahan, Jr. CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Mayor City Cieric 1 4 i i STATE OF MINNESOTA }SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of November, 1965, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared Audrey M. Sager and Michael J. Sheahan, tome known to be the persons described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. Notary Pub is GERALDINE D. GRUFMAN Notary Pt:h!::, R-r=!y County, Minn. My Commiss,on E.cpires ,Aay 24, 1,068, STATE OF MINNESOTA SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this appeared day of , 1965, before me, a within and for said County, personally and to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn did say that they are respectively the and the of the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Eoard of and said and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of the said corporation. A Notary Public