225882CITY OF ST. PAUL +-i' Report of Commissioner of Finance ; ` 22588 on Condemnation of Lands File No. In the matter of Za tbt nguor of #.a a tridth of 1A�1 lNi* ire 1i►aty off, vi"Di" tactsedis� JIrC for strstt par'9ases, the � ostarh�r $trett to i�sn� �ltr�stt �Y � ss� tt�tie� 44 feet of that part of Lot 2 stortlirsrl�r o! � � d:snr$ iraNt s �iaot rl the Smtkw estsrly � of said ]Lot 46 ft" 8j - jacbms frca ttis �+� r3.� caxsrsr therebf to a polst on tuns 'Wartbeasterly 11M of said lot 48 fast 7 -1/8 iAQb*4 frm the .attr]y cormr of lei& Lot 2t and t4o W*B%*r1Y k4 tot Of Lot 3), au in xo�rt's 2aWYLSICIA a! Warrisce► s Sloak of goyit Also CcwAQW% * OWL IN) "m m t"Wt11 ary swWw"t for tkc 3 x* of iii• sleliag the city, or its t+e to •$tur taaraaq to V"ek tHs *&bars W11& W "empylag tart proodoss lamteA mt 516 Jackson iitartet OR itbe follcai W &*scritie& pLrcols of hand in the city of at . ftul. j that part of Lot 2 Dort1wrlY of a 4rom from n pout oa tb* i vAtk tsterly Siva of it s#tr� �sf� fps YaatMiostorly corner thereof to a poi 1 t f , I_,/8 iAcbts frca tM W,rtMwatsr17 coratr of said Lot 2 Oxospt A tir►s'F�6it' equivi.sim of 'awrisaa's Moak of A I S � as to � Pa?t1 o�ll is loy'k That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and ap- propriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the own- ers thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Co issioner inane { CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor In the matter of ` COUNCIL FILE N0. 22D882 By File No. 16M1 t In the Batter of olds[, VL&Wdjli, "d 'xtowdai Amm N' to a vim of 1830 foot from Anti SU"t to 'heats Street 'by sad taidai fcar street purposes, the vestorly hh fiot of as% part of Lot a morlberly of a line Arpm fyrm a point on the tirsstsrl r lime of said J t h& r"% ik `:.snob" fraee the 1Ma Vw*sterljY oorner Vwrooi to a po"t ca the Northeasterly Um of said lot h4 feet 7 »1/8 inahes iron tie Nsrtieastorly ounwer of Sam Lot t, WA the Westerly 44 feet or Lot 3, all is doom's big iiyisiia of Morrisaa's 'block of loyUs Aiii tioa to lit. Paul. Also ooelowalM mi tokA a tmgpms►:y owwwat for Vw WWI* of ea« &bLW ties Oity or its A@snU to wter gale to vrook tie entire b4l,dia8 wol/ilo sit prowl~ l.oeatod at x,10 Jaeksoa street ca (thee follml" ieseribsd V""s of 3md is tips Oita of it. ftul:) that Past of Eat Q Northerly of a lime 13 0 - *mm • point rr the 800%hoosterly lfas of said lot " foot Si laahes fro" I" 1""Iitwesrlier eoaraer thereof to a !teat ca the N 1Y liar of said E+st 44 f T isairtes from the earaor of eai+t Lot >Ii< omwpt flee WevirrrU 44 foot thereat, aaed Lot 3 except Us westerly 44 feet thereof, all is ]left's liWW1 ision of MIN" am's 21cx t of liol►t's AddLtics to 8t. Paul of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of 'damages to the owners of such lands for said:-taking, and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all'1,,espects ratified and confirmed. s Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. t COUNCILMEN Yeas ,Nays NOV 101965 Dalglish Holland Adopted by the Council loss NOV 10 1965 G Meredith Approved Peterson i r Rosen In Favor Vavoulis Mayor ._Against �� j Form R -3 595 J do I /� LISHED OV 13 1965 r