06-294Council File # Q�Q' �� Green Sheet # 3029978 RESOLUTION L, M(NNESOTA Presented �(o 1 WHEREAS, on Apri�005 by Resolution OS-272, the Saint Paul City Council authorized a grant of 2$30,000 from the Cultural STAR Program to the Theater Space Project in order to make capital 3 improvements to the Fourth Street Theater, and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Theater Space ProjecYs lease with the properiy owner for the Fourth Street Theater 6 expired on March 1, 2006, and 8 WHEREAS, the Theater Space Project was unable to secure a long-term lease for the Fourth Street 9 Theatre, but was able to secure a one-year temporary extension at an increased monthly rate, and 10 11 WHEREAS, during this one-year extension period, the Theater Space Project plans to locate a new 12 permanent space, and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Theater Space Pro}ecYs current operating budget is insufficient to pay the increased 15 monthly rate on the short-term lease for the Fourth Street Theater and this increased rate will lead to a 16 projected budget shortfall of $18,000, and 17 18 WHEREAS, the Theater Space Project feels that it would be imprudent to make capital improvements to 19 the Fourth Street Theater because they do not have a long-term lease, and 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 WHEREAS, the Theater Space Project has requested that the City allow them to use $18,000 of their 2005 Cultural STAR grant to pay the increased rent during the one-year lease extension at the Fourth Street Theater and to spend the remaining $12,000 to make capital improvements to its new permanent location, and WHEREAS, the Theater Space Project has been successful since opening in November 2003 -- hosting a total of 37 different performances by 29 different theater groups -- and in 2005 was booked 44 weeks out of the year and had an estimated attendance of 4,000 people, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, through the Cultural STAR Program, has invested $84,000 in the Theater Space Project since its inception in 2001, and WHEREAS, if the City does not approve the Theater Space ProjecYs request, it is possible that the program will have to close, and WHEREAS, the proposed use of funds by the Theater Space Project to pay increased rent is consistent with the Culturai STAR Program guidelines for Organizational Development and Special Projects, and WHEREAS, the proposed use of funds by the Theater Space Project to pay for capital improvements to their new permanent location does not meet the Cultural STAR Program requirement that capital projects must have site control, and �-2��1 43 WHEREAS, the Culturai STAR Board reviewed and approved this request at its February 16, 2006 44 meering, now, therefore, be it 45 46 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby approves the request from the Theater Space Project 47 that they be allowed to spend $18,000 of their 2005 Cultural STAR grant to pay for increased rent at the 48 Fourth Stre�t Theater and to spend the remaining $12,000 to make capital improvements to their new 49 permanent locarion, and be it 50 51 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby authorizes Ciry staffto enter into two separate 52 agreements with the Theater Space Project for this purpose: (i) An Organizational Development Grant 53 Agreement for $18,000, and (2) A Capital Grant Agreement for $12,000, and be it 54 55 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council hereby waives the Cultural STAR Capital Program guideline that 56 a capital project must have site control in order to accommodate this request. Yeas � Nays � Absent ✓ Bostrom ✓ � Thune � ✓ Adopted by Council: Date � ✓ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Ap ve by yor for mission to ouncil By: B Appro e y a . Date �- O� By: Form Approved by�Ci tome / �� p By: � U �- � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepaRmentlotficelcouncii: Datetnkiated: - �� 4 �� PE – pla�mg&EconomicDeve7opment � Green Sheet NO: 3029978 � CotMact Person 8 Phone: Dan Smith 266-656'1 Confract Type: RE-F2ESOLUTION -' Departrnerrt SentToPerson a 0 Imniu Econ 'cDev o �: Assign 1 I nin &Econ mic elo ar��t ' r Number Z A � For Rauting 3 a' Otfice a Order 4 omd 5 Cler (S erk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip AII Locations for SignaW re) Resolution authorizing Theater Space Project to use a portion of their 2005 G�Itural STAR capital Grant for lease payments at the Fourth Street Theater. " Planning Commission CIB Committce CiNI Service Commission Mswer the Folbwing 1. Has this person/firtn e�er worked urider a contract for this deparfment? Yes No 2. Has this persorJfirm e�er been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfittn possess a skill rwt nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheetand attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Wfio, What, When, Where, Why): � Theater Space has lost their loag-term lease at their current location. They have negotiated a short-term lease at a higher rnte that will give them time to find a new location. They can't afford the increased rent and l�ave asked that they use their 2005 Ctiiltural Star grant which was to go fot capiTal improvements to pay a portion of the rent. AdvanWges IfApproved: This will allow Theater Space to stay in operarion. This program serves small theater goups and was booked 44 weeks in 2005. f.� Disadvantages PFApproved: None. MAR �. � 20U6 ,�- � -- • �' —�. `,, i . _ Disadvantages MNotApproved: Theater Space could go out of business and the City's past investment of $84,000 from �iltural Star would be lost T2nsactian: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosilRevenue Budgeted: Activiry Number: RECEIUED MA� � � zoos _ MAYOR'S OFFI � l��J � March S, 20061:26 PM Page 1