225845i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION MILTON ROSEN 2` 5 (8 -1D COUNCIL NO RESOLVED, By the Council of the �City of Saint Paul that the -plans and specifications for sanitary sewer extensions in Cope Avenue from i White Bear Avenue to Kennard Street; in Kennard Street from Cope Avenue to Lark Avenue; in Lark Avenue from Kennard Street to an Easement about 331 feet west of Kennard Street; in an Easement from ;:ark Avenue to Laurie I _ Avenue; in Laurie Avenue from about 331 feet east of Germain Street to Germain Street, and in Germain Street from Laurie'Avenue to the existing sewer at Sandhurst Avenue all of which is known as,improvement No. 8, Project No. 1 for the Village of Maplewood, authorized by and subject to the provisions, terms and conditions of the City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 11061, approved Jul 26 1957, for the-connection of July public sewer system of the Village of Maplewood with that of the City of Saint Paul, prepared by Bettenburg, Townsend, Stolte and Comb, consulting engineers of said Village and approved by the Village Council of Maplewood, and heretofore submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer, hereby are in all i things approved. W COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith t Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions eas Adopted by the Counem oV 5 1965 19— Nov 5 1965 Approved 19— Favor � Mayor Against PUBUSHED NOV 13 1 i