225817Orieinal'to City Clerk PRESENTED BY— ORDINANCE- COUNCIL FILE NO. 2 ORDINANCE NO.,�✓ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: 11An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City,." approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title in the specifications for, "Health Educator", and by substituting in lieu thereof the title 1alth Educator III19 Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following specifications for the titles: N Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: 1114 8-82 X22 Health Educator I Health Educator II -I- Passed by the Council Tn Favor Aroalnst Approved: City Clerk a r Form approved Corporation Counsel By OrlCinal -to City Clerk ' • ORDINANCE 25- COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. .. -4- Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss ASS -` Rosen Mr. President (Vavoul' Attest: City Clerk !nz &62 22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By DEC 3 1965 Passed by the Co c>> Tn Favor O A gainst DEC 3 i9 Ir MBLISHb DEC Title of class: HEALTH EDUCATOR I Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to assist in the carrying out of the health education program of the Bureau of health; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To organize and conduct educational meetings and conferences with community groups and organizations. To select, prepare, and distribute educational materials. To prepare publicity materials such as news releases, radio and television copy, and television art work. To prepare educational materials such as pamphlets, brochures, exhibits. posters, films and filmstrips, slides and other audio - visual arts. To assist in the guidance and training of Bureau personnel in carrying out their educational duties and responsibilities. Minimum qualifications: College graduation with a major in public health with a specialization in health education, (No substitution for education.) v November 3t 1965 ^l ,' W* Herbert Lyon Chief Examiner & Director or poreomel - ' Civil Service Bureaui - Dear Sirs The City Council today gave Readin o the following ordinfince8 ! - Council File No. 220171 amending K o. 7607] pertaining to Health Educator, Health Fdu r cator Yl* $athr Educator Tiff t s Council File No. 2258 , emendi d. 3�50y C. S. Rnlee, der- ' ' taining to Health cator*.Ht Educator TII, Health Educator I, ` Health Ed_ ucator II, Very truly yours, City Clerk ng Title of class: HEALTH EDUCATOR U 44 Duties and responsibilities: / � t 0-3 Under supervision, to assist in the planning, organizing, and carrying out of the health education program of the Bureau of Health; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To assist in conducting community-wide education programs. To assist in the development of health education materials. To implement the use of health education material. To assist in planning and conducting surveys and studies to determine community needs and resources in health education. To prepare, select, and distribute professional articles, pamphlets, brochures, and other educational material. To assist Bureau personnel in carrying out their educational duties and responsibilities. To participate in community committee meetings where health education is called for. Minimum qualifications:_ College graduation with a major in public health with a specialization in•health education, and two years' experience in health education work. (No substitution for education.) 3 Ist ' I b r 2nd / / 0 Laid over to I 3rd and app f — Adopted I�j 4 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays i alglish alglish ..1- lelland_ "'*--Holland Loss �� Loss \Mereclifh Meredith Peterson •!?ef mn— t ' Rosen Rosen \\Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis