225815 . - . . �����`�i _ , , , �TY��gRK° � C1TY OF SAINT PAUL FO ENCIL No. � APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 1� 1�� PER CHARTER SECTION 208 � PRESENTED BY De821 �[eredith l�°'�- October � 6� COMMISSIONER DATF 19 R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE � AMOUNT TRANSFERRED A P P O R T 1 O N E D I T E M FROM I TO DR. CR. DEPARTI�NT OF PUBLIC S�A��TY � Comm3.esioner of pu,blic Safety; 0100.6 Admin3etration�ffice Remodeling 59.1g OlO1�Z Bnilding Maintenance�Pereonal Servicee 15,�50.00 0109••$ Administration Receipts _1 .lg 1 .18 1 .18 Burean of Police; � - 0110-500 Adminietrationw^apital Ontl�►-Eqn3pmen �00.00 0112-j00 Uniform«Commodities j,600.00 011�l-240 Staff 8o InepectionrContractural Servic 16,500.00 O11 4-600 Staff & Inspection-OPfice.Bld.g.Remodel 2,600.00 � 01111--gQ0 Staff & Inspection-Capital Ontlay�Equi . 2��000.00 0121-200 Flood Emergency�-Contractural Services 360.00 o139yR Police Receipts l�F 260.00 ' 0 60.00 0 60.00 Bnreau of B'ire Protection . 41�2-g00 Fire Fighting►+Capital Oa.t2�y�Equipment 5,600.00 '' 0143-200 Station Mtce.�Contractural $ervices �,000.00 01�+3-g00 Stat3on Mtce.»Capital On.tlay-Eqnipment 350.00 ' 01�-200 Radio Di�ision�Contractn.ral Servicea �+,500.00 v 01�5�200 Fire Hydrant-•Contractnral Services .91 01�+5�700 Fire Hydrant�-�'ire Hydrant Inata.Zlation .60 0151W200 Elood Emergency»Contractural Services 929.� 0151-500 Flood Emergency�Capital Outlay�-Equip. 1.001.�9 0169y� Fire Protection Hecei.pta 16 .�2 1 S0. 1 S0. R,�,d � � � ORIGINAL TO C1TY OF SAINT PAUL FO ENCIL No. • CITY CL6RK - i APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM � PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY D@811 Meredith DATF CtObA2' .� COMMISSIONE� Q c�1----79�.� R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE HOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABL,E DEFICIENCY 1N CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO DR. CR. Bnrean of PoZice and Fire A].arm; �� 0171�200 Tx�.ffic Si�nal Mtce.yContractural 3erv 2,500.00 �� 0171-j00 Traffic Signal Mtce.••Commoditiea 7,500.00 L 0175-300 Flood Emergency*•Co�odit3es 6.64 0179-rH Police and Fire Alarm 8eceipte 10. 006.6�+ �. 14 0 : _ 10 00 . Bnreau of Heal th � '� O1g0-100 admi.nistration»Peraonal Servicee 15,g00.00 OISO-200 Admi.niatration«:Contractnral Services 2,000.00 '"� 0284-300 Administration-Commodities j,000.00 O1g0--S00 lldmi.ai stration�api tal Ontlatip-Equip. 175.00 O1S1-200 Vital Statietice=Contractn.ral Servicee 50.00 O1S2-200 Promotion of Health»Contractnral Serv. j,5Q0.00 Olg2-S00 Promotion of Health-Capital Ontlay�Eqn 175.00 O183••200 �'ood Hegulatian-�Contractnral Servicea 500.00 Olgj-.300 Food Eegulation-Commoditiee 250.00 01�3-g00 �'ood Eegnlation-Capital Ou.tlay-Equip. 200.00 Olg�-200 Medical � Inspectional»Pereon�l Serv. 5,000.00 0184-800 Medical � Inspectional*=Cap.4ntlsy Eqn.i 25.00 0185»240 Tabercnloais�Contractural Services 500.00 Olg5-g00 Tnberculosis�Capital Outlay►•�qnipment 25.00 1gEr-j00 Bldg. Mtce.-�Co�nodities 500.00 ois6»5oo eia.g. Mtce.�+Land Improvementa 200.00 1g6-600 Bldg. �tce.�ffice.Bldg. Eemodeling 75•00 187�Z00 Hea],th Lsbora.tory�=Peraonal Servicee S,OQO.QO 157�200 Health I,aboratoz•yrContractnral Service 150.00 187-800 Health Laboratory►-Qapital Outlay Eqnip 375.00 YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS Dalg3.ieh ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� 19 • Holland '. Lose ' APPROVED 19 IN FAVOR Meredith ' Peteraon AGAINST � MAYOR .. .Dc�;.:$� �3. P.�'_'�'_.�?l RA�en � COUNTERSIGNED BY � ' � �"i�'„-�t:_.�,�' ajJ�/ CITY GOMPTXOLLE MR. PRESIDENT VaVOL11�8 '��� }, . t.j/ a� ,-$9 �s �, _.:::�;� �:s_.�airoller �� �,���1`� ORIGINALTO COUNGIL NO. , , CITYCL6RK C1TY OF SA(NT PAUL FILE � APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM � PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY Dean Meredith October � v� COMMISSIONER DATF 19 _ R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY 50 DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENGY IN CER- TAIN 1TEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. ' CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED A P P O R T I O N E D I T E M FROM I TO ' DR. CR. Bnrean of Health (continued� � 0188�2 Dog License Enf.••Contractv.ral Services 200.00 Olgg—� Dog License Eaf.—Capital Outla�►»Eqaip. � 50.00 0189-1 Houa3ng Inepection-Peraonal Servicee 15,000.00 .. 0189—g Housing InspectionyCapital Ontley—Equi 200.00 o�99�H - Health Receipt� 0.00 0.00 2 .00 �� I YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS I, ��p , DB�,g],�,�}l ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� NaV 3 ��WP 19 . I, Aolland , ��� 3 �S� APPROVED 19 LOB$ IN FAVOR i _Meredith " � r -PAti 8r8OI� AGAINST , MAYOR Roaen � J����h J. P":`���dl COUNTERSIGNED BY �� + �^""� ' � � GITY GOMPTROLL MR. PRESIDENT Va�Ol��.B � �J �✓, l�-� 600 1-59 u�8 �� . � ..:�C _y r..F � ..R aZ11�.. r I ����� �. Notice CITY OF ST. PAUL Council File No. � to . NLTNIv�SOTA � Printer COUNCIL RESOLUTION 19_ RESOLUED, that the t�an�fers Ta�i-�hin funds of the various City Departments heretofore approved by the City Ccmptroller, as such transfers of funds as af �� � � ���� `'' 1j �'�'�1 are indicated in documents attached hereto and made a part hereof , by reference, as fully as i.f the same were set forth fully and completely herein� are hereby approved� copies of the afornmentioned also being on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk and in the office of the City Comptroller. � �i 0 v 3 19� Adopted by the Council 19_ Joseph J. �ItCh��� City �amptroller ' R.A. Horrisberg�r Approved N�V 3 �Q��19_, ' By �UBLISHED NOV 6 �