06-286Council File # " Z � Green Sheet # 3029973 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of Senior Workers � 0 Compensation Claims Processor be changed from that set forth in Grade 29C to that set forth in Grade 31 C of the Classified Confidential Employee Association — Clerical Salary Schedule 81, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date ofthis resolution shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav �/ Bosffom ,/ Hanis � Helgen �/ Lantry ,i Montgomery � Thune ,/ Adopted by Council: Date ' S� Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary BY� �f'/i'iils/Jr� � Approved by M r: te 05 —Z7 —O By: Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources By: W'' 1J�IN' Form Approve by Ci ey B ����/�� �� Approve�� or Submission to Council By: By. _ ^ \ \\ �// �*� l Office of Financial Services ..� .,� GsT �re-�� � DEPAR'CMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII,: DATE INITiATED GREEN SHEET rro.: 3029973 Hwnan Resources 3/7/06 COtYTACT PERSOY & PHONE: . Pi tTTIAtlDATE [NITtAL/DATE I,eeE�nllTllTC�11II,266-6517 iDFPAitTMENCDdt � '''iZ�ot� <crncowca MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ASSIGNED z Crn wrroat�v 3�� � cirY C�a�c NUMBERFOR ROUI7NG FINANCIALSEAVDiR FA�A+�'CIALSERV/ACCLG ORDER 3 MAYOR (OR ASSi ) TOTAL Y� OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIOIVS FOR SIGNATURE) acrlort �QuESTEn: Approval of a salary grade change for Senior Workers Compensation Claims Processor, CCEA — Clerical, Salary Schedule 81. RECOMMENDASIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACIS MUST AIVSWER 7'HE FOLLOWIiYG QUESTiONS: l. Hasduspenodfianeverwo�kedunderaconizactforthi5depa�iment? PLAMVING COhIMISSION Yes No CIB COMMIl"CEE 2. Has Ntis persodfum ever been a city empioyee? CMLSERVICECOMM[SSION Pes No — 3. Does this persodficm possess a skill vot nomtally possessed by any current ciry employee? — Yes No — 4. Is this perso�Jfirtn a targered vendor! — Yu No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): HR conducted a classification study of the aforementioned position. A determinarion was made by HR that because of increased responsibility for this classification a grade change was appropriate and would allow any individual holding this position to be appropriately compensated. This classification performs expert-level support work of a complex nature including planning, organizing, and producing work which requixes independent judgment and specialized lmowledge of workers compensation processes and procedures. Conducts workers compensation claims investigations, files all necessary forms per State statute, maintains State and unit time lines, and coordinates, monitors, and approves medicallreatment on lost time claims. Performs related duties as required. Avv.�vTneES [F arrxovEn: The position will be appropriately compensated based on the City's job evaluation system. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NQI1B ' nisAVV.aivTaGES iF noT arrxovEV: Duties and responsibilities performed by an individual holding this classification would need to be performed by a supervisor or manager to maintain the appropriate classification structure. The result would likely be a delay in processing workers compensation claims in a timely fashion. Tor�u,nMOUNZOFTxarrsacrioN: $1,96637/year COST/REVENUEBUDGETED: Yes - FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: GL-001-00165-0111 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIl� Department will cover the additional expenses for an employee's salary, approximatel��� within its existing adopted budget. R u MAR 1 0 2006 G:�S1�ared�SYSTEMS.DEVELOPMENT.SECTION\Org Design\COnsultant-Turchin\Classification.work�ParlQS��{tj'J1tT'oet➢e�i��e1�Y�eetdoc , ' ° , �ZOUr�rrG o�znIIi: � � � � � o f� u�� , , � � � - i3eloiv � ��cosectr utin sixuiost&eqi�e�t esof'documruts., � � corrr�cTS <� a��ea a�a�x�j co�e� xESOruTtorr<�a b,�ag�r�t�) ` � � 1., Outside�Agencp � � � � �. DepartmenfDsecfor', � u"� � � 2: O�ce ofF'inanciat Seraices Dffectoz °. , Z, ac[mentDirector � DeP , � . „ � . � � 3: C�Attomey . � � 3� �C�'zlttoxue�� ', � � . � ' � 4: � � oilA'ssistant foi contracts�'ova $25,000 ��'� ' 4. I�f ` ' I�tsf�t' � � . , , . �Y , , ( ) $Y�' - �� � � . � ) ' . � °'" � , �,i� s. x,��x�� �f� ��� �� sso 00o s. c�y c� ''' . 6:,OffieeofFinaueislServices-�ccoimtmg 6.OfficeofF�nanciaiServ,ices.-Acoowxhng � nvNm�s�i� o�E[zs <sua�i x��j co�cb u�so%vzzorr (au rn� �a ora,��)' ', 1. AclidilyManageroiDepaifinenfAcco�mfaut 1. De�ra�tme,nt^Ditectar, ' „ Offic�eoF�n�raatSeivicesDiiector 3 IvlayorlAsSistaut 2. DeP City Attome9 3; ° ' ', Cou¢ci1' ,, , � erk u¢ r 4. ,�ity CI ' 4 Ci4y 5: �Office ofF�ancial 3ereices - A�couutin� � " � � � ADMR�IISTR:ATIVE' ORDERS (aII o�ers), EXEC„UTIVE ORDER " 1--DePadm�t,iluector I DepactmentD'uector 2'.,'CrtgAttomey �2 'Eitl!41�'ome�` 3' 'OfficeofFinancielServicesDuecror 3: Ma' fAssisstsn[ S� , � '4; ,Ciry'f'ledc � 4 'CityGlerk , ` . „ �r � , � �� � TOTALNUMBEROFSTGISATUREAAGES , � � � � � wluch " ati�sare and orfla eachofdLese a' � , Indicate the # of psges an sgn rul�� PaPe�P, g P&�?� ,, �� � � � � � � � � � � � �,� , �;, ., � .. �„ � �� � �� �� �� ,' � � ACIZON�REQTJESTED.� � � � i I ' � Desenlie what'the projecFYre4uest seeks to accomplish m erthe� clnronological c3rrder or on'der ofimpottance; whichever is , nio§tappropria4efontheissue 1Jo�notivaite,,completesentences Begineachrtemuiyoarlistwifh'avah RECOI�M�IENDATIONS " ' leteiftheissuein , 'onhasbeen tesentedbeforzanY�Y P�ficorpnvate. CoinP 4�� P ,,, , . � � �� � �� � � � �,� � , � . ��r, �� � �' �., � „ �; � PERSONAL SEIZVECE CONTRACTS: �� `- �� � � � � �� � . T&is �afoewation.will be to deteimine tfie city's Siab�lity for wortcers compensahodcla�ms„taxes and prop� crvd , � servicehiringrntes. ' „ � � IIZLTfA1TAIGPROBLEM, ISSUE, QPPOR�[7NITY l�nthe;si�ationorconditionstliat'cceated'aneedfor, ws ' orre' ' i F Pm �Jed 8aest . , � , . ADVANTAGESIEAPPAOVID " ,' � 6 ' Indicate whether this'rs simply an annual budBetProeed�se recluuedby law�fcharter � whether thae are �c ways�m' citizens •, b� � � � � � �. � ,' � � � � atw . .. prq adhon. , tvhich the' ,�it� o£ Samt Paul and' wiIl enefit fr'pm flus eetA' LSADYADFfAGFSIE�APPRO . �. ��� �i � . I 3 VED , ' � � ,. " �' Wliat negahve,effects ormaJor��LanBeS;to �xiStinS �P� P� �6� � Praduce �f rt�s,passed, � (e�:w,tr�cdel�ys,noise,t�cmcrea§e§,orassessments}7 �q'?{hom? VPf�7`Foclipw�fqag? � � r � '�,, �„ �„ � � i,, " ��." ' � DLSADVAI3TAGESIF�I`7,QTAPPROVED �� `� �� �� , �� � ��� AVhak�?llbe4enegatrveconsequencesr€ihe,pronusedachon,jsnotagpcoved? Tnahilitytodelrvverservice2�Conimnc i � 1�i'gh traffiq noise aeci'deutrate?� Less�ofrevenue2 �� � � � � � � ' ' � ` � FI�IANCTAI.I1vIPACL "r;' � �� �� `�, �� i �' � �' r�'�"" ��� '� � ' Altho ou �tati }+onpro � . othe , are mgenerakyonutnstanswer ughy, , mdsttalorthemfo ou vtdeheret , ,tssaeyon two questious: How much'TS �t gomgto cost? Who Ls gomg to'Pa� ` , � � ' ��� ., , n�i3 > o ' s ^ , � , , _ .� � � .. , ,- , � . �;i " , . , , , , � I '' , � � � ,� , , �� � � . . � ��i ti, , �. , . � , , . , . � , � � �. �, ,,,� ,"i � � �..�r . �� r' , � ' � �' ' ' .,, , �, ;, , i �� � i �r� I �r� i I u i' i i i �, � � � �� �i ,ii i� ti i� i i ���;� V i�,_ . �,,.. r ,;� � . . . rr�:�,. t�N u4u� ',,. � 4Y,��i intl!'I i���{',iJ�,` �.� ��PIl :,� �ii,14u;�i��°: � .,�r,i�� �, l �.1t �'.`�ii.i l .i�SuCi�