225797 . � .� ORIOIHAL TO CITY CLBRK � �� i CITY�OF S�. PAUL FOENCIL N�_ ,�+�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -� CO NCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM - . . �RESENTED QY Dean Meredith -�yt� � DATF November 2, 196� COMMISSIONER ' -• -. � _, RESOLVPD: That the City Coun.cil grant permission to the Bureau of Heali�h to enlarge the parking lot at the Health, ' Center, 555 Ced.ar Street, from a � to 63 ca,r pa.rking lot. �ypv 2 1965 COLTNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � Dalglish l ; ��V �i � Holland ; A oved 19— Loss Favor ' f Meredith 1 Peterson J , Mayor A gBinSt Rosen R, � �� Mr. President, Vavoulis ��� ,r�� 1on� e-as -.._ �.v . , , .� ` r ,�� CITY pF SA'INT PAUL ' � DEAN MEREDITH R. B. J. Schoch, M.D. Commiesioner Capital of Minneaota Chief Health OHicer RALPH G.MERRILL, //� DeDaty Commieeioaar �e a�t�ec�t a ciblic ; a et � /� p � � �,�.�Z.,X�a+'� �tl7EQtL O f �ERLEYL � � Health Center-555 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 October 29� 1965 Commissioner Dean Meredith Department of Public Safetq Public Safety Building 101 East lOth Street � St. Paul� Minnesota 55101 , Dear Commissioner Meredith: We shall appreciate it very much if a resolution may be presented to the Ci.ty Council authorizing changes in the l.ayout of the park- ing area at the St. Paul Bureau of Health. so' as to provide addi- tional parking space. ' For quite some time, we have been concerned with confusion created by the lack of sufficieat parking space for those attending our clinics and others who must transact business at the Heal.th Center from day to day. Our volume ot flow of visitors to the Health Center has been i.ncreasing from year to year and, at present, creates overcrowding of �our parking lot to a point where we must utilize a custodian to direct traffic practically most of the day; this is too expensive a method for control.ling parking at the Heal,th Center parki.ng lot. As you know, cons�truction of the Health Center was financed by a $200,000 allotment of the 1953 Bond Issue, subsequent three-year budget allowances, and matching fund of 45� from the United States Public Heal,th Service under the Hi11-Burton Law. The conditions stipulated by the federal grant were: 1) that off-street parking be provided for those people who have business at the Health Cen- ter; and, 2) that the facility, when constructed, must be used for that purpose for at least 25 years. Not having any experience at that time, we assumed that the parking facilities as originally designed would be sufficient for the flow of daily business trans- acted i.a the Health. Center. However, this has been extended greatly beyond our original calculations so that enerq available � space that can be found must be utilized for,parking facilities. We realize that certai.n landscaping is essential, considering the location of the Health Center. We therefore are not attempting to change the ample landscaping facing on Cedar Street (Capitol Mall), nor on Teath Street facing the new Science Center, nor on � �t � i � . � . Commi.ssioner Dean Meredith - Page 2 of 2 October 29, 1965 College Avenue facing the Capitol complex ot buil,dings. The only area that we attempt to make use of is that area facing Flabasha Street, as it is a beavily travelled industrial. street. We observe that no structures facing on Wabasha Street are ].and- scaped, particularly those across the street in the blocks between College and 7th Streets. The block immediately across the street from the Health Center isroccupied by an office building which forme�ly housed the 1�a,in City Rapid Transit Companq, Larry's Bow].- ing A11ey and Bar, and a number of other small businesses. These structures are built right up to the sidewalk line and the enlarge- meat of the Hea].th Center parki.ng lot could not possibly effect the general appearance of the street. On the contrary, we think that the parkiag lot can be so arraaged that it will enhance the appear- - ance of the street on Wabasha within College and lOth Streets. For your information, we are enclosing an outl.ine of our dai.ly fl,ow of citizens having business at the Health Center. Respectfully,' ' Boris L. Levich Deputy Health 0£ficer ' BLL:jo Enc ' , I� • '�-°�'� , j ` � ° �� 1964 1965 • � i Jan. thru June Birth � Death Certificates (at Center, in persan) � 12,728 6 557 � Birth � Death Certificates (by mail.) � 8,608 5,295 Fimeral. Directors Burial Permit Visits I 4,152 2,218 T.B. Patient Visits � ' 8,634 6,492 Patient Visits at Immim izatian Clinic 20,302 11,037 Patient Visits at Ringworm C].i.nic 21.3 102 Patient Visits At Dental Clinic 2,654 1,928 Visits at Well. Babq CLinic 559 268 TOTAL PATIENT VISITS 57,850 33,895 Total Worki.ng Days � 254 124 xAverage visits per working day . 228 273 DAILY CLIN.IC SCI�DULE: � Immimizatian Cla.nic - 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Dental Clinic - 9:00 to 12:00 a.m. Tuberculosis, X-Ray and Well Baby and Ringworm C1.inics Mantoux Clinic - 12:00 to 3:45 p.m. held by appointment depending on the load of other clinics � � While the average clinic visits per day amounts to an average of 228 persons, it does n ot reflect the complete picture as there- are variations in the attendance at certain times of the year, particularly during flare-ups of a contagious disease incidence and in the fa11 of the year immediate]y preceding and following the open�ng of school. For that reasan clinic hours have been_staggered to provide as much as possi.ble a contin uin g - = r , ' flow of people in order to best use the l.imited pa�king space. The above figures do not include the many official meetings and/or seminars of health and welfare agency meetings held in the Health Center, nor does it. include visitors trans- i acting busi.ness in other divisions of the Health Center such as Food � Dairy, Laboratory, " i Housing Cantrol, Nursing, etc. t