225789 ORIGIHAL TO CITY GLHRK 22���g CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO �ICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTI N-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY � NOV@MU2Y' 2� 1965 COMMISSIONE DATF Taf�REASt Proper notice has been received of change of officers and stockholders� in the Phalen Paxk Liquors, Inc. holders of Qn Sale Ziquor T,icense No. 6666� expiring January 31, 1966, at 1199 Payne $venue, therefore, be it RESOLVID; That Francis I. McDonough, Vice president, and Angela �. McDonough� � Secretary and Treasurer, having•both resigned their respective offices and replaced as follows; John Yannarelly as Vice�president; �yluitt Yannarelly as Secretary; and Richard Yannarelly a s Treasurer; and that the 50� stock held by Francis I.and Angela D. McDonough is absorbed equally or one-third each by Haxold Yannarel],y� John Yannarelly, and Richard Yannaxelly� be and the same is hereby approved. _ _ _ _ i ON SAI�E LIQ�10R ESTABLISHIyIENT , ��Change Officers and Stockholders) � Informally approved by �oucnil ia26-65 � , Orig. Appn. Hll�O10 , , Nov 2 �ss� COUNCILI�N ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish �.�� �,, �� Holland ' Approved_ 19— Loss / ' r � Tn Favor ! Meredith � � Pete rs on 0 MSyOr Rosen Aga�gt PUBLISHED NOV 6 19� Mr. President, Vavoulis f - - 1oM 6-64 �_ .