225787 � . . ���� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �� E OF HE CITY CLERK : C E 'TI —GENERAL FORM /RESENTED EY � � � COMMISSIONE DA� / ' � ' SESOLVED� That the �ouncil �of the Ci�y of Saint Paul� being duly advised in the premises� finds tYa t by reason of an unforeseen emergency created as a result of transfer of gn.cker Hospital super- vision and control �rom the Ramsey County Welfare Board to the Ci�y and Cola.rity� and a lack of appropriated funds for the protection� care and security of said Ancker Hospital after transfer to the City and County responsibili�y� there has been created a.b.d now exists a sudden and unforeseen emergency� and that to meet said emergency and to furnish the City= s share of the requisite funds for the balance of the year 1965 i� is necessary that� pursuant to �eetion 206 of the Charter of the City of �aint Faul� the City borrow temporarily not to exceed the sum of �12�000� to be credited to Activity 0995� Aneker Hospital �ecurity� , and that the Mayor and Comptroller be and hereby are authorized and directed� for the purpose aforesaid, to borrow� in t he City=s behalf� � not to exceed the sum of �1,2�000� and to execute an d deliver to the party or parties making such loan� the promissory note of the City in the same principal sum� payable to such party or parties� bearing in�erest not to exceed five per centum per annum� and payable within one year after the date of such loan� the said sum to be �credited as aforesaid to said Activity 0995� Ancker Hospital Securi�y� sub�ect therein to disbursement, �or the purposes of said emergency and for the particular -purp.ose of said Ftiind or �ctivity. ' ' F APPROVEQ . G'"'" _\ , Asst. Corporatior� Counse! � , , �h , , ��,� N0� 2 19� � __ COUNCILI�N :�;� Adopted by the Council . 19— .� � } Yeas -Nays Dalglish :` • � NOV 2i ��� � � Holland - A rove� 19— Loss _ - . _ Favor • � Metedith - Peterson �_ Q �yOr • � Rosen --"""�ga��t ..COUN7.'ERS IGNED• Mr. President, Vavoulis , � ���$�tUP���� '9� , 1oa� e-as > ORIGIIJAL ' CITY OR sAINT rAUL TO PAYOR . OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER � RECEIPT ��° 20ss � . ��r. a� 19b� , RECEIVED OF � � �"N � 1O° _ . FOFL �� � �1\1C�1n�1f�V►'�. � c'7(�52,1��5�, C�- .�'C£1�� ��A����'� �.��� o�o���So�5 - //-.� 3 - (`5`,-- CITY COMPTROLLER � soo 3.ss �22 eY Q� �11