225747 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHfiK ���' //7� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �`�g .' i � `' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF � RESOLVED, �hat the Council of �he City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in, ratifies, and approves the action of the Hospital Facility Building Commission ta.ken at its meeting held October 5, 1965, authorizing the Executive Secretary to hire a . Senior Clerk-Stenographer on a temporary basis at a compensation rate of $2.30 per hour, as more fu11y set for�h in the letter . � of October 6, 1965, from Francis M. Tompkins, Executive Seeretary of said Hospital Facility Building Comm3.ssion, to Robert B. Cierber, City Clerk. _ _ � - • � - - _ , _ r , . _ Fq APPROVED , . • Asst. Corporation Cou�s�� COIJNCILI�N Adopted by the Councii}�� �g 196� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� �� I�6'� Holland proved 19— Loss �Tn Favor t Meredith . Peterson MByOr � � '4��t pUBLISHED OCT �O �� Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e� 1 ` '�� � Hospital Fac' 'ty Building Cummissinn ���� - of the 4� MEMBERS City of St Paul and County of Ramsey F��°ettM.9 o�m��ns • Edward K. Delaney • chatrman Frank D. Marzitelli Public Health Center vtce oe.�m,.p 666 Cedar Street Robert F. Peterson 3sint Paul 1, D'finnesota ����'y' CApital 4-7661 John E. Daubney Magr. Francis J. Gilligan October 6� 1965 ltev. Theodore Goehle Jerome Loberg Frank L. Loss Clifton Parka Anthony Podgorski ' Donald M. 3teimer Mr. Robert B. Gerber, City Clerk The City of Saint Paul City Hall and Courthouse Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Gerber: The Hospital Facility Building Commission, at its meeting held on October 5� 1965, authorized the Executive Secretary to hire a Senior Clerk Steno on a temporary basis at, a.compensation rate of $2,30 per hour. This .person will be hired through the Ramsey, County-Civil Service Office 'as prescribed by Statg Law. • • . . The Commission respectfully requests that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul approve the above action under the provisions of Laws 1957, Chapter 938. � Yours very truly, , i /t.. �n C.� Francis M. To kins Executive Secretary \ � \� � � �� . J � , �. ' •p o� .1 ,V � 00 � � w �~1' A'' I h ��