225743 � IGINAL TO CrTY CLERK ������ � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO • r OU�ICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►�ESENTED 8Y COMMISSIONE DA� RESOLVED, That the prior Resolutions of this Council� Council File No. 224130 a.nd Council File No. 224131, approved June 23, 1g65, be and the same hereby are rescinded and can- eelled. � F A PROVED Council File No. 224130—By James J. Council Flle No. 27A131—By James J. Dalg]ish— Dalgllsh— Resolved, That the proper C i t q Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and afficers are hereby authorized and di- �St. Corporat�on Coun directed to accept fro John J.Sullivaa rected to eCCept,from Tohn J. Sulll- and Blanche M. S an and Warren van and Blanche M. Sulliva the right- B. Hobbick and Ruth E. Hobbick the o4-way easement deeds g anting the right of way easeme deed granting City ot Saint Paul the £o owing de- � to the City of Saint ul �the follow- soribed tracts or parcels o land: ing described tract or arcel of land: The East 33 feet of Lot 2 Cottage I Those parts of Lots 18 and 19, Homes, from the north 1 e of the Cottage Iiomes, �ying south of the ' Northern Paci&c Railroad zight-of- right qf way of Cottage Avenue and ; W8y to the south line of Cottage I the �arc of a circle having a 50 foot ', Avenue as now platted; radius, the center of said circle being �e West 38 feet of the East 71 on •the center line of Cottage Avenue ; feet of t h e South 105 feet as intersecting the westerly line of said k measured perpendicular to the Lot 19 projected northerly. � south line of Lot 21, Cottage Homes. Adopted by the Council June 23, 1965. � Adopted by the Council June 23, 1965. Approved June 23, 1965. a p�pproved June 23. 1965. (June 2�6, 1985) � �June 26, 1985. ., , 0 CT 2 31965 COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ocr 2 s �ss5 Dalglish ' Holland pjproved 19— Loss " Tn Favor ��' t Meredith _ Peterson ' �y0r � _�_�g�inst Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED Or+� 30 � iont e-es .-QUrLICAT6 TO r111NT[R ������ �- CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCU �`�� ��� � -� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOttM 1RESENTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DATF RESOLYID� That the prior Resolutions of this Council� Coun.c3.1 File No. 224130 and Council File No. 224131� approved June 23� 1965� be and the same hereby are rescinded and can- celled. (Council Flle No. 224130—By Tames J., Dalglish—• Resolved, That the proper C i t y directed toracc pt from John�J.Sulll an� 'and Blanche M. Sullivan and Warren' !B. 73obbick and Ruth E. FIobbick the� • `right of way easement deed granting i �to the City of Saint paul •the follow-� ing described tract or parcel of land: C � e Parts of Lots 18 and 19, FIomes, �ying south of the( rlght f way of Cottage Aveaue and 1 adius, the centerlof said �ircle�being i on the center line of Cottage Avenue, intersectin the westerly llne of said; ILot 19 pro�ected northerly. App%ed T ne 23,1965.J�e 23, 1985.i — ' (Tune 26, 1965) h � Councll Fiie No. 27�}131—BY Tatr�es J.� Dalglish— Resolved, That the proper Ci officers are hereby authorized and d�I rected to accept from John T. Sulli_� van and Blanche M. Sullivan the right-1 �p-way easement deeds grantt�B �e� City f Saint Paul the following de- scrlb tracts or parcels of land: The ast 33 feet pf Lot 21, Cottage Hom s, from the north line of the Nor rn paciflc Railroad zlght-of- �'ay �ha south line ot Cottage Avenue as now platted; The West 38 Peet of the East 71 feet of t h e South lOS feet as � measured perpendicular to the south line of Lot 21, Cottage Iiomes. ' Adopted by the Council June 23, 1965.� APProved 7une 23, lggs. � � (June 26, 1965. 0 CT 2 81965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays o��' 2$ �(��� Dalglish Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Pete rs on v �ByOr —Rosen^ '48ain8t Mr. President, Vavoulis ioas e� •