225734 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLEWK �/� A�� ' > CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �d'°-'' ° �� .�" = OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO i ` UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ►RESENTEO QY ,�,�� / COMMISSIONE � �"`�"� DAT� :r..'. RESOLVED� that a public hearing be held by and before � the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court House an.d City Hall� in said City, as provided in Sec. 1.07� par. 2, St. Paul Legislative Codeyat ten o�clock A. M. on November .z�, 1.965 ��-� upon the advisability and necessity of the repair� replacement� remodeling, or wreeking a.nd removal of the one-story drive-in restaurant on � • South one half of Vacated Scheffer Avenue ad�oining Y and the following: Lots 9� 10� 11� Block_2� Cottage �._X . _. � I,ots �ddit,ion to Saint Paul� in. Ra.msey Connty, accordin� to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Regis�e�e�, � of Deeds of Ramsey County� Minnesota� also known as 670 Mercer Street�also known as 1340 West Seventh Street _.1 because said str�.cture is reported to be dangerous and unsafe to 1ife� limb and adjoining property. , FO �Ep Asst. Corooration Counsel COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the CounOci T 2� 1965 �9— Yeas Nays � � • =� Dalglish ' �t�T 2� 1965 Holland _ A roved 19— Loss � Tn F'SVOI' •� < Meredith Peterson , _ � Q+ D� Or � , Against .PUBLISHED QCT 30 ��6� Mr. President, Vavoulis , � . - �oa�,e�a-- ' ' - DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R �/a� /�� % � • CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa �-`� i ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO ' � , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED/Y COMMISSIONE� DATF RESOLVIDi that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul� in the Counail Chamber oF the Court House and C3.�y Hall� in said City, as provided in Sec. 1.07 par. 2� St. Paul Leg3alative Code at ten o'clock A. M. on November � , 1965 � upon the advisability and neaessit�r of the repair� replae�men�� remodeling� or wreoking and remov�l of the one-story drive-in rest�urs�nt on South one half of Va��ted Saheffer Avenue ad�oining and the followingt Lots g 10� 1.1� Bloak 2� Cottage Lots Addition to Saint Pau.�� in Rsmsey County� aaaording to the pl�t thereo� reaorded in the office of the Register of De�ds of Rams�y Couaty� Minnesota� also known �s 670 Mereer Street �lso known. as 13�-0 West Seventh 3treet bec�use said ; struature is reported to be dang�rous and un�afe to life� limb and ad�oining property. OCT 271965 COUNCILMEN • Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish OCT 2 71�65 Holland � prOV� 19— Loss Tn FAVOY f Meredith �"'— Peterson � MAyOr Against .R^cP^ - Mr. President, Vavoulis �o� � � �� � � , ,-� -�� r- � � � Robert B.Gerbe�, Jr. ��`'tT ''L Alberf B. Olsoe - �" City Clerk and � � Council Recorder Commissioner of Registration � + _ .' . . � +. '°r.:� w . . . �w���� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL , BUREAU OF RECORDS 886 City Hall SE.Paul,Minnesota 5510� October 19, 1965 Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell Corporation Counsel Building � Deax Sir: 2'he City Covncil requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the one-story drive-in restaurant at 670 Mercer St., also lmown as 13�+0 W. Seventh St., as more f�z].ly described in the attached letter of the City Architect. V, tru7y yours, ' �� - City Clerk ng � � , ,� r`' ��i�`�/ S, � �•Y/ � ��� m � � ♦� l � ,;s�.. �. ��2 �� � � �-.� F a,,,.i %�'"��r " �� _ _ I T Y O F S A I N T P A lJ `�� ��"`--�-��- --:� . 1 � � � �^ � �� _ _ ' � _+..,..a .f'+�r'.'.�..��� .�/�� � J' �' -�+ ` =�'r' . � Capital of Minnesota --�-' _. ,. �:� '' - � � � - ��� �.�. •-�. ���i�,.. r � t � "I ��, Ni i � � �a a, �''~ �,..-- -.1_ � � ..._. .r — � '-.-.�;i; ;r r � .� ' �L y — � � 'lIV R , B + �„ � I� I N C� _ - " - _ ' ,,� „f � �� "�'``'i 'a 7t — _ �I ' � ,� i�'"� �_ _ ��_��,�_ -:• �;,tt ���,RF� - - '"���J Cilt�/ac�� fl � - t""' �'-. ' R� . - ', '-�... _ --- ' �_�. r. � • � . � 1N,f-t`�4' ' A� ;}.,: � _� �' _~• `��• ,`� r , . -. , ' �. , ��.�'��.�rsi' '^,'�':5��v �,.��i� '� _r� � A . �7 ' r��.��a, •�'� �''��r_�i;Ki��W'-�^y Y�F�"y�`i. 'S`�',, A fi ' —I BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 October 15, 1965 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: There is a one story drive-in restaurant at 670 Mercer Street also known as 1�40 West Seventh Street, on property described as South one half of Vacated Scheffer Avenue ad�oining and the followings Lots 9, 10, 11, Block 2, Cottage Lots Addition to Saint Paul, in Ramsey County. This is a frame building, approximately 20 by 20 by 10, badly gutted by fire, open, vandalized, and beyond reasonable repair. It is dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and � should be repaired or wrecked and removed from the site. The last known record owner is Pedro' s Inc. , 386 Robert Street, Saint Paul 1 and we are advised that Geo. F. Heimel, 643 Sibley Highway, Saint Paul 18 and Milton Ronald Mathieu, 2Y73 Randolph Avenue, Saint Paul 5, have some interest in the property. Danger Notices have been posted. Kindly institute condemnation action by setting a public hear- ing date in accordance with Section 1.07-2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Y r tr y ' " Rober �L. Am `s CITY ARCHITECT RLA. .A CC: Fire Prevention Bureau � �� �