06-28Council File #�� Green Sheet #3029165 RESOLUTION 3� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Supetvisors Organizarion 3 for the purpose of providing a uniform allowance to certain employees in Pazks and Recrearion. Bevanav Bostrom Hazris Thune Adopted by Council: Date � � � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary (/ By: � �� Approve ay Dat � �i/ (� By. Requested by Department of: �`� Hi a esources B� I ��i � �,/' --� Forn By: Forn By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � HU �umanResources Date Initiated: �' Z$ 21-DEGOS Green Sheet NO: 3029165 � Auign Number For Routing Order 0 uman esourc 1 um nResources De artmentDirector 2 i Att m _� 3 a ur's ffice Ma or/Assistant 4 UO �I 5 i lerk Ci Clerk Contad Person & Phone: Jason Schmidt 266-6503 Must Be on Council Aflen Toql # of Sig�ature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Sigrtature) Resolution approving the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the Ciry of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organizafion (SPSO). Kecommentlations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Must Mswer the 1. Has this person/firtn everworked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? , Yes No 3. Does this personlfirzn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes. No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiatin9 Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Provide a uniform allowance for certain classifications in Pazks and Recrea6on. Advantages If Approved: Idenrification oT'Pazks and Reczearion employees to the public. DisadvantageslfApproved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Inability to identify Pazks and Recreation employees to the puhlic. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Expiain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: ���,aa ����-�r�h �'�nter Activity Number. ' �- .:. �f�:.�. o�-zg s MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION This Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter "MQA"), is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "Cit}�') and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (hereinafter "Union") for the purpose of providing a uniform allowance to certain employees in the Parks & Recreation Division who may be required to weaz a uniform. The parties agree that: 1) As part of their regulaz job assignment, certain Union members in the Parks & Recreation Division may be required to wear a City specified uniform on occasion. • � 2) The City will specify who is required to wear the uniform. 3) The City will specify the uniform. 4) Employees required by the City to wear the unifonn will be reimbursed up to $50 per calendar year for the purchase of such mvform. 5) Employees aze responsible for wearing their uniform in accordance with the Recreation Services Section Policy on Employee Dress Code. 6) This MOA shall expire three years from the date of signing by all parties. 7) This MOA sets no precedent. Forthe City: son Schm' Labar Relations Manager For the Union: �_� �� �� _ u Shari Moor� e 1 SPSO President Date: o? 80 ci5 Date: /� -/�� `C�� • G:4Shared\LRCOMMONICON'CRAC"PSPSO\OS-07Vb10A-Parks uniforms.doc