225730 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �„ ^���o
RESOLVED, upon the pertinent appeal under the Zoning Code
;� by Charles F. Knauft and Margaret Z. Knauft, as owners of the
sub�ect property :��sit.ua.�� in the City of Saint Paul, described as
Lot 20, Block 5,. Finchts Addition to Saint Paul,�ocated on the
north side of Watson Avenue between Bay Street and Oseeola
_Avenue,�that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are
determined and varied in application so that the premises may
contain separate accommodations for several, not in ex�ess of
four families, provided that the eontinuanee of such four-fa.mily
dwelling be �or the remaining life of the strueture now on said
premises�: and provided �urther� that the appellants comply
with the changes set forth in the B ureau of Publie Buildings and
�, `�- �,� Housing Code Division repor� dated August 3, 1965, and provided
� ' further� that such permission shall lapse ipso facto unless the
j ' appellants are in full compliance with the above report, dated
August 3, 1965�� within one year from the date of this resolution�
provided furt�er that appellants continue to provide four off-street
parking spaces for such dwelling� acceptanee of which resolution and
terms to be made'°�by the appellan.ts, and subject to compliarice with
said provision� the Council expressly finds that such xelief wi11
be consistent with the public health and general welfare� an.d tha�t
said relief and permission herein granted :is sub�ect� to `t,he further �
�ondition that the� appellants arid their successors and assigns other-
�:•..`-��1' ' wise shall make due complianee with all applicable provisions of
. w Municipal Ordinanees, State Statutes� rules and regulations of
r public authorities having eognizance; further� that a copy of this
Resolution be filed with the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsep
County, Minnesota. ,
-— ;; --,_._ __._----�
Yr D �hearing willh bebheld�befo�ret the Cit yc.
� �" OV�� Counc�l at 10 A.M, on Sep{ember 23,
�1985, !n the City Council Chamber in
' the Clty Hall and �ourt Fiouse, n the
Margearet tKnaupf eaunde�hChapt�serifip
s .�Cor'parati rt C(wnse �
to 84 inclusive, St. Paul L�islative
Code, Zoning Code Sor cont�nuation OG,� 2►� �96�
oi a four-plex �n ��dence
District on Lot 20, glock.�5, Fiach's
Additlon, on the north�sid'e of Watson '
Ave. between Bay and Qsceola�Aves. Adopted by the COUriCII 19—
COUNCILI�N • natea septemtier"s, 'issb:`.'"
Yeas Nays ROBE'RT B. -G'`ERBER. Jr..�.
(September 11, qg85j Clerk. OCJ �� q��
Dalglish „_` . T �
Holland roved 19—
Loss �jn Favor
Meredith �f
Peters on � �ByOr
�W� A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
pl�BUSHED O�� �O ��
ion� e-es
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::�:��<� � BtJARD OF .ZONING, ��CITY� OF SAINT.tPAUL . �
������ . ��9IiE 223:�151 Room 20 CITY HALL � COURT HOUSE Y SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102
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, , '_ September 15, 1965 '
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Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. ' '
'` City Clerk
Building -
Dear Sir: • -
,This is in the matter of the appeal of Charles F. and Margaret L. Knauft -
to legalize and continue a four-family use in a "B" residence district on
property located on the north side of Watson Avenue between Bay Street '
and Osceola Avenue which is described as Lot 20, Block 5, Finch's Addition.
In 1884 the subject property was developed with the existing structure
which was constructed as a double dwelling. At some unknown date the use
- of the structure was extended to a four-�amily dwelling which did not
' necessitate the enlargement of the original structure. Because the pro-
' perty is classified as "B" residence which limits it to a two-family use,
the applicant must secure Council authorization to continue the use of the
' property as a four-plex. . - �
�•L . • . � ,
_The Board of Zoning heard this request on August 19, 1965. It was reported
that there is an off-street parking lot on the site for four cars. It was
the Board's finding that inasmuch as the required off-street parking for
four cars can be provided off the adjoining alley, that the appeal to
continue the- four-family use be granted subject to compliance with the
changes set fortli in the Bu�au of Public Buildings and Housing Code Divi-
, sion report dated August 3, 1965, a copy of which is attached and subject
to the applicant continuing to provide four off-street parking spaces.
. � • It is, therefore, the Board of Zoning's recommendation that the use of the
� , subject property be �continued as a four-plex for the life of the structure
subject to the above conditions._ It is��lso recommended that, should the .
Council grant the appeal, that a copy of the resolution be filed with the
deed in the Register of Deed's office. ,
. ' Sincerely,
. - �� �•_�lC�.�J • . '
NRH/mm ' .- g. N. R.. Hei�len��
Encl. ' , , . _ . � • r _ _
� Z.F. # 5625 . . • , . i . . ,� - - � . .
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~� . + JOHN 1. LEVIN �D � ~
� September 17, 1964.
The City Council of the City of St. Pavl,
Court $ouse, St. Paul 1, Minn.
QAntlemen: IN R:D APP�AI,
CONiPI+AINT of St. Paul Housinyg Code Division
ae to 7�5 Watson Av� ., trao story frame dwelling
occupied �,s a 4� p�e$ in E Zone residential area,
and ORDDR of Oity Architect to vacate 2 apart-
me nts. .
The undersigned respectfully appeals from the Order of Robert L. Amee,, City
Architect, to vacate 2 apaxtments of ths above dsscri'bed dtaelling to comply with
the St. Pe.ul Zoning Ordin�.nce.
The underaigned Cha.s. F. gnanft and Marguerite L. gna.uft acquired title to said
premises on or about the year 1951, as �urchasers in a contract for dsed, at hhich
time said daelling wae arranged, used and occupied as_ a 4 p1Ax.
Joha.nna. Gisch and h�er husband Adolph Gisch purchased said premises from The
Churah of St. Francis de Sales on Maroh 15, 1939, e.t which time said dwelling was
arreged, used and occupied as a 4 plex.
- Th� Church of St. Fra,ncia de Sales purchased eaid premiaes from Hanna Wukowitz
on January 12, 1928, .and the undersigned, based upon the foregoing informe.tion, be-
lievea that the d�elling was thett arranged, uaed a.nd occupied as a 4� plea from 1929
tn 1939.
Th9 dwelling houae upon said premises ia two atories as followe:
34 fee� by 3� feet, 1156 aquare feet
2b �� 22 " 572 " ��
Totel are� 1 floor 1728 �� ��
Tate.l axea 2 floore, 3456 sq feet.
The records in the office of Coun.ty Assesaor for 1914 show the.t this dwelling
was built in 1884-, with 8 rooma up, and 8 rooms down, with a toilet on each floor.
Also, tl� records in the County Aesessors office for 1934, the field notes, indi-
cate that the said premisea were rented, 4 epe,rtments C� $12 ea,ch, $48.00.
'1'}aa dwelling itself indicates that it was built with a front entrance with a
hall, a.nd one apa.rtment of 4 rooms on each side, on the first floor, with a stairway
to the aecond floor an.d a hall and one apartment on each side of eame.
The Housing Code adopt,�d October 4,1962, 3ec. 54�.04 eacludea b uildings used
for the original permitted purpose.
The Zoning Ordinance, Sec. 60.Q9 providea t}�,t thr� lawPul use on Avguat
22, 1922 (date of ad.option) may be continusd although non-conforming to regulationa.
� ti ,. „
. � , -
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. �
City Council �2. ' ,
Ths vacation of 2 apaxtmente o� said dwelling as ordered by the City Architect
in his letter of July 20, 1964, would cauae the undersigned irrepaxable loss.
The unriersigned purchased sa.id d�elling and premises in good faith without .
notice that the use of said dwelling as a 4 plea was a non-conforming use prohibited
b� the Zoning Ordinance, and by reason of the foregoing believed tha.t said dwelling
was built as and for a 4 plea a.nd th�refore �aempt from said ordinance. The use
a.nd occupation of eaid dwelling as a 4 plea has not been questioned eacept in thia
. Re spec tf ly, _ n �
� I�M..
J . Levin,� .
Atto ey for Oharles F. Knau�and
Ma.rguerite L. gnauft, contract
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August 3_, 1965 AUG 3 1965
�l"1�Y ��.t�iv�E�l�� �s��t� �
SA��t� �'�u�, Ma�aaesAt�
T0: City Planning and Zoning Board ,
FROM: Bureau of Public Buildings and the
Housing Code Division of the Bureau of Public Health
REi Appeal for authorization of a four-plex in a "B"
residential dist at 715 Watson Avenue .
Zoning File No . 625
Filed by: Charles Knauft , 1876 Wellesle�y Avenue
The following is a list of items requiring alteration, repair or
removal to meet the minimum requiremen'ts of the Housing Code and
B�ilding Code .
Building: Provide mechanical ventilation to the bathrooms on both the
first and second floors . Considerable repair is needed to
the interior and exterior wall . Clean out the cellar and
attic� cement the cellar floor and provide screens for the
cellar windows .
Plumbing: The plumbing in this building is in a very run down and
deteriorated condition and our inspector reports a consid-
erable number of Code violations concerned with the type
of materials used, improper venting and improper install-
ation of two water heaters on the second floor. The entire
plumbing system must be reviewed with a plumbing contractor
and extensive alterations will be required.
Electric: The entire electric system is in such poor condition that a
complete rewiring job is required.
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� Councll Flle No. 225730—By Frank L. .
� Reso vl ed, Upoa the pertinent appeal COl1I1� of Ramsey 68.
� under the Zoning Code by Charles F. CITY OF SAINT PAiTL �'`r
� Knautt and Mazgaret L. Knauft, as
owners o4 the subject pro�erty situate�,
� in the City of Saint Paul; described as •
, Lot Z0, Block 5, Finch's Addition to
Saint Paul, iocetea on tne narth side Robert B. Gerber, Jr. ,
; of Watson Avenue between Bay Street I � City Clerk
andOsceola Avenue: that the provi- +-------------°-------------------------°._..••---._.......---•••••-------•---------°-----------°---
sions of said Zoning Code hereby are . "
determined and varied in application
So that the premises �,• �onr.�, SeP- of the City of Saint Paul, `Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
arate accommodations for several, no�
in excess of four -familles, provided • ��5730
that the continuance of such four-
family dwelling ,be for tae remaining compared the attached copy of Council File No.....__.__________________________________
liPe of the structure now on said prem-
�11 ises, and provided further, that the
,p '" appellants comply with the changes set October 27, 65
,. ' forth in the Bureau of Public Buildings as adopted by the City Council.---_-----------•-------------------------------------19....._..---••---
and E�ousing Code Division .report�
dated Augu st.3, 1985, and provided
� further, that 'such permission shall � OCtOUeY' 27, 65
P-i laPse ipso facto,unTess the appellants� and approved by the Mayor....................•---------------------------...-----------19...-------------
are in full:compliance with the above
p - report, dated August 3, 1965, within
;� one year from the date ot t�ts resoi„- with the original thereof on file in my office.
tion, provided further that appellan}s
Ncontinue to, provide four ofF-street
parking,sp�ces for such dwelling; ac,-
ceptance of which resolution and terms
to be made b the a -------------------------------------•--------------°-----°------°--------------------.....-----•---°------------._...--------------
y ppellants, and
� subject to compliance with said pro-
visions the Councll expressly flnds that
� such relief tivill be consistent with the --------------°----------------•-••-------------------•-------•----°---°-°----°•-----------------------......-----------------••---
� public health and gene;al welfare, and '
� that said relief and permission herein
granted is subject to•the,further con-
ditionthat the appe�?arits and their ------------------------------------------------------------°--•----------------------------•-----•---...-------------------•----------
successors and assigris otherwise shall
make due compliance with all applic-
� able provisions of Municipai Ordi-
nances, State Statutes, rules and re � -----••--------------
� lations of public authorities hav ng
cognizance; further,that a copy of this
� Resolution be Aled with the Register
w o ee s and for Ramsey Countp,
C� Minnesota. •
Q Adopted by the Council October 27,
1985. � --------------------------------------------------•-°----•------...---°-------------------°---°----------------------•-
Approved October 27, 1985. ""'"'""""–"
� (October 30, 1965)
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Saint Paul, Minnesota
November l, 1965
To the Honorable, the City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
� Gentlemen:
We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by
a]1 the terms and conditions of Council File No. 225730,
adopted by the Council on October 27, 1965.
This propQrty was sold to James �. Maxshall, 804 Stewart AvP.,
S t . Paul, 2, Minn., On July 1, 1965•
. �"
arles F. Knauft
� , /,� �/
� °�y
Mar axet L. Knauft
. 1
� y
-^ � . ,
113 Court House 55102
September 10, 1965
City Clerk
Fi1e 1691i7, Page
Yon axe hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the
Counci]. Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a�m. on September 23, 1965, on the application
of Charles F. and Margaret Knauft for an appeal for contirivation
of a !�-plex in a ��Bt� Reaidence Di.strict on the following property: -"
Lot 20, Block 5, Finchs Addition. The property is located on the
north side of �latson Avenue between Bay Street and Osceola Avenue.
For further information ca11 at Room 20� Court House or phone 223-l�151.
Commissioner of Finance