225727 �� " ORIGINAL TO C TY CLEWK r CITY OF ST. PAUL couHC�� 22�'�2� Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � COMM SSDONEQ FRANK L,� LOSS ���� DATF WHEREAS, under and pursuant to Ordinance No« 7.�542, approved August 4, �.959, the Car Ax�.owance Committe� provided �or irr Section 5 has reportecl its firrdings and recommendations tfl the Council in a J,etter dated October 26, 1,965, ar�d WHEREAS, the Counci�, has made a st�dy of said r.eport and recommenda- tions; thexef ore,. be it RESOLVED, by the Court�i�, of the City of Saint Pau� that the empJ:oyees listed below shal.� be entitl.ed to and recsive mi�,eage allowances as folJ.ows s DETENTIONS AND CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY • Increase: Lucil,e E. B].ank From C=$40 mdx. to C--$75 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Decrease: Jack A. Julin From C-$30 max.� to C-$�5 max. Eff. �,0-,�-65 " Change: Donald K., Lang.�and From A-$25 max, to C-$25 max. Eff. J.O-�:-65 Bernard M. Troje From B-$75 max. ta C-$'�5 max. Eff. 10-1-6� DEP ARTMENT OF FINANCE - Add: Gary Norstrem, Chief Cashier C-$15 max. Eff, ].1-1-65 : Paul Desch, Chief Clerk C-$15 max. .Eff. ].�.-1�6.5 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Adds Bernard Edmonds, Supe�cintendent of Parks C-$�5 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Remove�s W. LaMsnt Kaufman, Superintenden-t of Parks C-$25 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Kent W�iit�,ock, Recreation Director II C-$75 max. Eff. �,0-1�-65 .� COLJNCILIv1EN Adopted by the Council 19— -. , • - - � � � .-,� Yeas Nays - ` „ ` . � "'-,� '" _ Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith , Peterson �IByOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont e-sa � '���CRIGINAL TO ITY CLBRK �• )�����(L/ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa r " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED 6Y FRANK L�, LOSS DATE COMMISSIONEQ -2- � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Adds Ear3 Corrley� Hsa�th Sanitarian C�$65 max. Eff. 10�-65 Mary Sitzer, PubJ.ic Hea�.th Nurse I C-$40 max. Eff. 10-�.-65 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - � Add: Wi],liam P. B�hr-ens, Jr. , Deputy Commissiorps C-$'70 max. Eff, 1.0-�,-65 Remove: Will,iam P. Behrens, Depu-ty Commissioner C-$70 max. Eff. 9-30-65 George M. Shepard, Street & Higk�way) C-$40 max. Eff, 9-�30-65 • Engineering Coordirtator) , .� 2� 19� o� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ` Nays o�aT �� 1��� Dalglish �t i Holland Approve 19— Loss Tn FavOr Meredith Pete rs on � MByOr .�� A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis 'pu$`,]$�{� o� al�� '°'� 1on� e-es Ts r �' ' . � _ 1 . �- C T Y O F S A I N T P A =L�----�"�- �''+` - �` wT�f r� ,��• �,tr � ..� � � �� �: t` � �'._y' _Mr�' '�. �-�,,,,� � ' � Ca ital of Minnesota �„ �'"`��=--- �'__��"�� ' ��� P .. - �-- _ �I ;�;� - =� ti �, �.-. -4-�"=�,,,� ..r.._..-,_ �Ra� �eG � ' �i' PARTMEN:T-O +' CR�A21_O_ �-�l1-BI�IC E�U� DI GS-� �� --- � -6 � "� � - � �u��a.�-, — . � � - -.;-•: .�, ' G '-�,-',� '�'..` -" - � "���- ���� + - _... �; � " ,^ '�` - � 11 ��� - _ '4 �, = aT`= _�,_ �` ___ �_ �, ,� ��lt�ej ,-3 t� _ ��COMMISSI"O � ,�,' t�u,�, '�, p _ � _ _ � 1 - �• y � �� � - -- - ,.. �;-�._�'�,a P� L. L E I E R------� .> � _ �� _y_ - +� �- - :%r�' _ � � V0 � r� t�� _,:s��p��h �,3;�,`�L,yn;-;+ ;;y,,` .,*'�'%��Qi on � '��7 v v+�7�"+ -•"�- a` `, ._'' - . � =.r .. _�, r..V,,' �. ;* �� - - ~.�d;, �wi.s4,;, �a` '� i #'�•,,,� - � r .-�;,. °.,�'•.� BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ec+ 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 October 26, 1965 ���� Honorable Council �� City of Saint Paul Gentlemens The Car Mileage Committee met in the office of the City Architect, Robert L. Ames, on Monday morning, October 2�5, 1965 at 9:00 A.M. T'he following members were presents Messrs. Ames, Clarke, Kelley, LaNasa, McNeil, Merrill, Rooney and Shanley. Requests were given individual consideration by the Committee. , DETENTIONS AND CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY A letter dated September 28, 1965, signed by Bernard M. T'roje, Executive Director, requested the f ollowing: Increase: Lucile E. Blank From C-$40 max. to C-$75 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Decrease: Jack A. Julin From C-$30 max. to C-$15 max. Eff. 10-1-65 � Chanqe: Donald K. Langland From A-$25 max. to C-$25 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Bernard M. Troje From B-$75 max. to C-$75 max. Eff. 10-1-65 The committee recommends that these requests be granted in concurrence with the above changes as authorized by the Authority. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE A letter dated October 25, 1965, signed by Commissioner James J, Dalglish, contained requests as follows : Add• � - Gary Norstrem, Chief Cashier C-$1�5 max. Eff. 11-1-65 Paul Desch, Chief Clerk _ C-$15 max. Eff. 11-1-65 Favorable action is recommended by the committee on these requests, -1- � . � (Hon. Council) (October 26, 1965) DEPARTMENT OF FARKS AND RECREATION AND P'UBLIC BUILDINGS Letters dated September 27, 1965 and October 13, 1965, signed by Commissioner Frank L. Loss, contained the following requests : Adds Bernard Edmonds, Superintendent of Parks C-$75 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Remove: W. LaMont Kaufman, Superintendentcf P�s C-$75 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Kent Whitlock, Recreation Director II C-$75 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Mr. Edmonds is replacing Mr. Kaufman who has retired, and Mr. Whit- lock is being p,laced on Plan "A" mileage until such time as the actual mileage of his district is determined under the reorganized Recreation Division. T�hese requests are recommended by the committee f or favorable action by the Council. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY A letter dated October 7, 1965, signed by Ralph G. Merrill, Deputy Commissioner, requested the f ollowing: Adds Earl Conley, Health Sanitarian C-$65 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Mary Sitzer, Public Health Nurse I C-$40 max. Eff. 10-1-65 The committee recommends that these requests be granted. DEPARTMEM OF PUBLIC WORKS A letter dated October 6, 1965, signed by John J. Eichinger, Admin- istrative Assistant and approved by Commissioner Milton Rosen, con- tained requests as follows: Add: William P. Behrens, Jr. , Deputy C-$70 max. Eff. 10-1-65 Commissioner Remove: William P. Behrens, Deputy Commissioner C-$70 max. Eff. 9-30-65 George M. Shepard, Street & Highway _ C-$40 max. Eff. 9-30-65 Engineering Coordinator Mr. William P. Behrens,_ Sr. and Mr. George M, Shepard. have retired. These requests are recommended for approval by the Council. ry tru y ur . Robert L. Am s, Chairman . Car Mileage Committee 99