225726 ORIGINAL TO'CITY CLEWK • � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ����� +' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COU SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY October 21 1965 COMMISSIONE DA� � RESOLVED, That the Purchasing �gent be and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to purchase from MALVIN'S PROTECTIVE, INC. Guard and Patrol for the old Ancker Hospital for period not to exceed sixty days at a cost of $2.20 per hour per man and fifty cents per hour per car, without advertisement or compefiitive bids pursuant to Section 291 of the Charter of the City of St.Paul as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work hardship to the best interests of the City of St. Paul. 'Code: D 995-?.6 y . � Ap s to orm: Ap ved: . Assistant Co ration counse Nlayor � ' Jo�ep�P� J. Ps�i�,.hell aty Co�p'�opicr . � � Comptro e 1�3 asf� �,ona��g�•c-�iier� ,' Y / �.i� 4 (! � rc asing•�qent OCT 2 7196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays or� �� ���� Dalglish �a Holland � p roved 19— Loss �jn Favor . Meredith "' Peterson � A ��IByOr -�- ga�t pUBLISHED �c�r �� �� Mr. President, Vavoulis lons aas ! . . DU�LICATC T8 �RINT[R e �c CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ������ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO �"� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM MtESENTED�Y �ctober 21 y (965 COMMISSIONE� pAtF RESOLVED� 'fhdt �h�s Purcha�frig ,�en� be arid h� i: heFeby autl�o�rized with �the �oruent of �he Mayo� and the Comptrolle�, !a purchase fror�� MALVIN'S PRptECTIVE, iNC. Civard and Pat�ol �or ���e pId An.cker Horpi#al fot� Reeiod rwi� to @�CCB@CI ijiC�'�/ f�qy3 dt Q cc3st of $2.20 per hr�ur per mar� c�r�d ff�ty �ceni� per hout' per carR. without qdv�ertis�tmer�t or rompetitZva bicht ' pursuar�f to 5�ction 29! of th� Chart�r of the �ify o# St.P'wI rts an emer�ency exi� whar� f�il+�r!� �o ae# pt�omptly would worts h�rclship to the best interetts af the Cfty of St, Pcwl. c�a�: a q�,; z�y . Approve �s APprovQd: (Orig.approved by Mayor Geo.J. Vavou I is) stant t on counse aycY� dc - - '. : ,., _ :! � p�Yl�!'p Qf' .� , .: - � .. c�...� �� �i�� _ fi 11g @t1�' OCT 2 7 1965 COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��glisb 0 CT 2 7 iS65 Holland � ApproV� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson (� M8y0r ��e° A 88iII8t Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� �s