06-278Return copy to: (cap) Technical Services Division 1000 City Hall Annez Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the Greater Frogtown CDC, as documented 2 in Pubiic Works Technical Services, Vacation File Number 18-2005, the public properiy 3 hereinafter described is hereby vacated and discontinued as public properry, subject to the 4 herein stated exceptions. 6 The propertv to be vacated is described as follows : 7 All that part of the Alley in Block 1 of Michel's Subdivision of &lock 5 Stinson's 8 Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying West of the Southerly extension of the East 9 Line of Lot 13, in said Block 1. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of, Qwest Corporation, Northern States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy (Gas), District Energy St. Paul, Inc. and District Cooling St Paul, Inc., MCI Metro Incorporated, St. Paul Regional Water Services and St. Paul Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of St. Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above. This vacafion sha11 be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 1. That the pefitioner's, their successors and assigns sha11 pay $1,200 as an administrative fee far this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 2. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated azea to protect the interest of Comcast of St. Paul 3. That an easement shall be retained within the south 10 feet of the vacated area on behalf of Xcel Energy-Electric Division for access and maintenance of its existing facilities. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA y�t Council File # 'Z� O Green Sheet # ,�j 0 ZR 7 8� 0� -�n� 2 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save 3 harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of 4 any chazacter brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, 5 persons or properry on account of this vacation or petitioners use of this properiy, including 6 but not limited to, a clann brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of 7 said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or 8 regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Requested by Department of: Public Works � � : � Director or employees. 5. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Adopted by Council: Date ��/��ti./.S, �i��J� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: /��n� ' Approvedb r: Date —/�—U� By: Form Appypved by City Attorney Ap �ved b�ayor r Subm'ssion to Council By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet PW — Pubbcwodrs Contaet Person & Phone: Coileen Paawia Must Be on Council Ageni �� ContradType: RE-RESOLU'T10N Dateinitiated: I Green Sheet NO: 7L-FEB-06 � ' Assign Date): Number � A r/, For Y lY Routing Ordef Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) 0 i 2 3 4 5 l��'� 3029788 ublic W rla esl te ]000 CHA " Attame ' Attome a li W r PW D'vec[or �L 'L� a r's ce Ma r ' tant ' nncil u 'cWorks IE 00 AA All that part of the Alley in Block I of Michel's Subdivision of Block 5 Stinson's Division, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, lying West of the Southerly extension of the East Line of Lot 13, in said Biock 1. Recommenda6ons: Approee (A) or F Pl�ning Commission GB Committee G'til Service Commission Pewonal Serviee Contracts MustAnswerthe 1. Has this persaJ6mi e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee7 Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curzent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes artswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The pefitioner, Greater Frogtown CDC, wants to vacate a potion of alley to build town homes. Advantages MApproved: Development cau proceed as planned. DisadvanWges HApproved: None forseen. RECEIVED FE8 2 8 2006 Disadvantages If Not Approved: The development cannot proceed. TotalAmountof $1,200 Transaction: Funding Source: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Financial lnformation: The amoUnt is aII 8dministrative fee paid (Explain) by the petitioner. , r � . .- . .. c�� � �� ;� ' �,�'j�_�N: s Febniary 22, 2006 3:23 PM Page 1 -a. ,����� = _ � — . � . community development corporation 16 November 2005 City of St. Paul -Real Estate Division City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 ItE: Request for vacate of city interest ��-Z�� Crreater Frogtown Community Development Corparation (GFCDC) is working on a town home project, which will be located on the east side of Dale Street between Lafond and the alley between Blair and Van Buren. This request is for the vacating of the alieyway between Blair Avenue and Lafond Avenue, east of Da1e Street (as shown on the site plan). As part of this development, GFCDC will "T" the alley by installing a new a11ey perpendicular to the e�sting one. Enclosed plea find the following: 1- �w��Eheck�t. One in the amount of $100 �. 2- "Petition to Vacate City InteresY' 3- Signature sheet(2 pages) 4- "Adjacent Ownership ReporP' from Land America Commonwealth 5- 2 settlement statements showing that GFCDC is in ownership of 608 Blair and 609 Lafond 6- Legal descriptions with map 7- Six l 1x17 copies of the proposed site plan, wluch includes preliminary map... 8- One lazge copy of the survey, showing e�sting streets, buildings... For clarification on ownership and alley vacation: We do not intend to vacate the alley behind the neighboring parcels at 606 Blair and 605 Lafond (which show up on the Commonwealth report). Please feel free to ca11 with any questions or concems. Thauk you, Jill Henrichsen 651-848-2024 Becky Errigo 651-848-2021 address 68g north dale street, st. paul, mn 5So3 phone 651.8482009 fax 6518482088 www.greaterfrogtowncdc.org CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE � ShariMoore,ActingCityClerk y�\ 2� N ��� CI'TY OF SAINT PAUL llOCityHal[ Tel.: 651-266-8989 Randy. Kelty, Mayor IS W Ke7loggBoulevord Fax: 651-2668689 SaintPaut,Mirsnesofa>j102 iNNY.Cl.Slfl¢LLIII)(IlS December 14, 2005 Bruce Engelbrekt Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 1000 City Hall Annex Dear Bruce: I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of Greater Frogtown Development Corporation for the vacation of that part o£ alley between Blair Avenue and Lafond Avenue according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office o£ the Saint Paul City Clerk. Sincerely, � 1,Er.0 �BDtf Shari Moore Acting City Clerk Attachments AA-ADA-EEO Employec ������ PET'ITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST I(we), the imdersigned, constituting a majority of the owners (or their lenally designated representatives) of the abutting properties, do hereby petition the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul to vacate its interests in the properry(ies) legalIy described as follows: �08 �t,i�' : �f- �� I�ekl �1d,iche�(`5 SulxG`�r5id� v� �I�:ck 5, S-�rhsoi�'s 17��nsfo� �� �A�3Y�; �.}- 1$; �0�� ,�,{.iC�ie,� `5 �L<-�c�i VIS>�1 u� L�L�GK 4 � .�H h50N `s l� i VtS%oN , p �t; ���ftown�l� �eki, ��lls Subd�c�s;rrn � �Ockk 5, S-h�s��s �1 ' La� 1 �l�e �'iSf llo �.eet-� �5 u�+ w' Gunctfh�� �tts-t� lJe -�ee�- af /� fGa� Pvl,nc � 2 � G �4��rns�x5�� is+ctv I(we) request this vacation for the following reason(s). (Indicate whether you will be building on the site.) �'rec�.� � c�r� C? �G �'ec�uesfs+�- w�e5f en�t a�.N� a,ue� � v� -(-�� c� -I-h� p �s� . l�u7�d�r,� -fokshhQ� o� � ��d, f9s �',c�-�f'�- �irrnh� d�s�I��h-�-G�c�e w,ie �������Qile��ybU.+tc�rn-�g a-�ne.w��1e� �.+e� U. I(we) have attached six copi s o the site?plans of any development intended for construcflon on the lan s to be vacated.������q 0 Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee �r and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of Contact Person the vacation: Name: ���� �i' Name: Phone: �j,�: C�,� �/- � � Z�,�,. Phone: Address_ ��q �J. (�.UQ� �fi, Address: Alternate Contact Person Name: � �� -�,�-� � Name: Phone: � �_ � � � _ /� � � Phone: Address: I � ���-f- Address: Name: Phone: Address: Name: Phone: Address: Nov 14 OS 11:56a GFCDC 651-848-2�88 A p ��i1 Q �S4gznatures of Owner(s)/I�epseseatative(s) . � �2�����r C=-i�C, S4t,�.1 ` i�^-�� ^ ����La� ('-L- f�!��. % ���� � of I'roperty(ies) Y3eseribed �e7o«-: f�f��' ���� �/`�iZGC,� �; `-f. ��, �7"L!✓� \ �/�� �r,�� ��� '-�;� �/�� , , � � ,�? �:zs� t�,��'-� � �1��1� li',iil� Hausing and Redevelopment Authority of tne Ci �£ Saint P 1, innes ta s: ITS E%L�COTI D CTOR Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Yhe Cit Saint P M# ne ota B � ITS E%LCDTIVE DIRECTOR /-C� .CQ��� ��� �c c' . t�. �1_1v // . �?�1 .\ .�/l =s . - �� �e'rzr�l. �L�.121.1_�� - ftPJfo�ln�d ,�1= f���- i d�h.lLi �fi��U� �in' � 3�242-32zb2iS' �Ce29232zeZiq C: L� ^��� ;-�i,��2c.t� -tF�'�� c����n;�d �� ��� fz< ;� � �'i!� �s 3t�29Z32zc�zzc ?,�,2�z ZzcZz1 I, �fLl� Y#�.�? F�! �.L'.S�l � am the petirioner, or one of the pefitioners in the above matier, and I do hereby sweaz and verify that each of die signatures on this pe[ition was signed in my presence by the person described in the peritfon. Subscri6ed and sworn to before me this '� �'J day of i`"'✓G '�C v� h t, � , 200(� � �(�(�„��-+, ,l--Z- �� Notarv My commission exp'ues /— 3�' �' � � �- � Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s} of Progerty(ies) Described Below: �i i -. � / ��. f�%L OL�!L.�� � . � � � .�� d� L � ij ► �/.. _' /Li X s � � � !► i i � J i � / O �i1/ / i« �i _ ��. � . � � ��� .�I � / r �/. .. ./ I i 1��+ . 3(0 � 29 - 23 - Zz -c7((o4- � r I�I.L i/��I.._ •�� ,� ' �L � � L _L �'►T �l�s = 3lo2RZ.322621g�`�(�292322dZ-!q � _L UY/� ii/�' 1 ' - �'� ► " i ` ,�c.�.L� � t �/D 3G�.4Z�ZZO�za 3�.2�'Z32zoZz/ I, CJ . (.�i� X�!'I l�7��.�'.�.47 , am the petitioner, or one of ffie petitioners in the above matter; and T do hereby swear and verify that each of Yhe signatises on this petiTion was signed in my presence by the person described in the petition. Subscribed aud sworn to before me this 1 � day of 6'1/0 v� v�� �J , 200(�' � ,f'� � �—� �a� My commission expires �— 3�' d�" (�J Cr1 123.98 v IN � � v � � � v � � v ab-a�� JJ .�v ✓� �. ... � JV 123.99 � �, v � � � N � � � -p O 5 L—� � ❑ � �� � c� y v - ❑ v � Q ❑ ❑ �� C—_—r /l \\ � �V n � .. W � U� 0 123.79 ; : � I _ ''� . i . .` , �$,8fi'�S.§.�eD93�$ ��� Commonwea�th Re: OrderNo.: 050454 Buyer/Borrower(s): Michael Pennington, Sodarany Pen and Meng Nail �-i,, boa l�z�� Subject Property: 608 Blair Avenue d�dg �r St. Paui, MN 55103-1638 �- ������. AD7ACENT dWNERSHIP REPORT �-�' G��i P��� - Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company does hereby certify that a search of Ramsey County, Minnesota, pubiic tax records discloses that, as of the 12th day of October, 2005, at 8:00 am, the owners of the properties abutting Lots 13 and I8, Block 1, Michels Subdivision of 8/ock 5, of Stinsons' Addition are as foilows: Pro e Identification No. Fee Owner lohn Otteson 606 81air Avenue St. Paul MN 55103 Deann Dubois Donaid ). Kelmmer 605 Lafond Avenue St. Paul MN 55103 HRA of St. Paul 25 West 4th Street St. Pauf MN 55102 HRA of St. Paul 25 West 4th Street St. Paul MN 55102 Also enclosed for your convenience is our memo invoice detailing our costs. ����+��;�m.t..�:s Prepared: October 13, 2005 This Report cites matters appearing in the public records of Ramsey County, Minnesota and is not to be construed as an opinion of title. Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company disclaims any liability for errors or omissions. � Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Compaoy 3596 Linden Avenue, Suite 26, White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Phone: 651-482-0960 Fax: 651-452-8393 Adjacent Ownership Report Page 1 of 1 o6-a78 I.egal descripfion for project on Dale Street: Address Leeal Descrirotion 0 Blair Ave From the alley south of Van Buren Avenue to Blair Avenue — East 16 feet of Lot 16, Block 2, MichePs Subdivision of Block 4 Stinson's Division (Owned by City of St. Paul) 0 Blair Ave 611 Blair Ave -�- 608 Blair Ave � 609 Lafond Ave � 0 Blair Ave MichePs Subdivision of Block 4, Stinson's Divisiaa, Lot 17, Block 2(Owned by City of St. Paul) Lot 18, Block 2 MichePs Subdivision, Ramsey County (Owned by Crreater Frogtown CDC) Lot 13, Block 1 Michel's Subdivision, Ramsey County (Owned by Greater Frogtown CDC) Lot 18, Block l, Michel's Subdivision, Ramsey County (Owned by Greater Frogtown CDC) From Blair Avenue to Lafond Avenue- The following portion of �- 0 Lafond Ave Biock 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 5, Stinson's Addation: Lot 14,1'7,the East 16 feet of Lot 15 and the East 16 feet of Lot 16 (Owued by City of St. Paul} � ?�$ � e�� �� e� �� i `: sr t �� :r � 71d 5� 54+4 ��s �$ s�s s� �as saz � � s� �S BS9 �� � � � 1 �Vii � � v �i V9if �v Vii 3 �7 591 S97 583 . � � �t�� . �,. i4' ��� ! 331 ������� � � <? ; � � � .� ���� n. Settlement Statement U.S. Department of Housing U/ _�f' O OMB No. 2502-0265 and Urban Development �� o� Q I. � CtIA 2. O FmHA 3. � Com Unins 6. File Number A. O VA 5. O Conv Ins. 6. O Seller Pinance 206703 C, No[e: This Porm Is tUrnisheA ro give you a stacemen[ of actuel settlement costs. "(p.o.c.)" were p ontsid the dosin • the� sre shown here for informal D, Neme & Address of Borcower E. Name & Address of Sel Greqter Frogtown Community 6evelopment Michael Pennington Corporetlon 609 La[qnd Ave. 689 IYOrth Dale Street St. Paul, M]Y 5,5103 St. Pnul, MN 55103 Lot 18, Blcek 1, Michel's Subdivfelon, Ramsey County �609�LqfondAVenue St. Pxu1,1NN 55103 J. Summa i 100. Gruas Ai 101. Canhacl IO2. Personnl I03. Settleme I04, to bortower agent aze Housing and Redevelopment Aut6oriry oP St. Paul 25 West Fourth Stmet, 1300 Clty Hail Aunex 5t. Paul, MN SS1D2 H. Settlemen[ Agent Name Commonwealth Land Title Inaurance Company 3396 Linden Avenae, Suite 2$ White Bexr Lakq MN SS110 Tax ID: 231253755 Plsce of Settlement Commonwealth Lend Title Inauranee Company 3596 Linden Avenuq 3uite B2 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 K. Suanmary of Selle Tra neaction 400. Gross Amo uut Dae Yo Seller 40L Contract Sales Price 402. Personal Properly 403. 404. � 405. Adjuatments for items paid by aeller io advance 406. County property ta�ces A dJuehnonls for Ifema pxL 106. County property tnxes ]07. A 108. Associntlon Dues 109. Other Promtion I 10. Other Proratio 111. O�her Prmetion ]14. t I5, 1 I6. 120. Gross Amonnt Di 200. Amounta Paid By 201. Deposit or earnes[ 202. Principalemount� 203. bkisfing luan(s) ta 204. 205. 206. 207, 208. 20�. Ad}uefinente for iteme 211. Assessme 2'l2. Assoclatlon lluev 213. Other Proration 2I4. Ot6er Prorallon 215. Other Proration 217. 300. Caeh At SetUi 301. Gross Amount 302. Less amounts i ilf OF Borro 500. Reductions in Amount Due to 501. Excess Deposi 6) 502. Settlement Charges to Seller (li �0 503. Existing I.oan(s) Taken Subjec�, 504. Payoff to Chase Home Finance 505. Pavoffofsecondmorteaee�oar 509. Adjuehoenta for itema 5t0. CountyproperlyC 51 L Assessments S12. AssociationDues S l3. Other Proration S l4. Other Proration 515. Ofher Proration 5J8. Stl0/2005 � Fund: 5/10%2005 �mi i o sorrower 600. Cash At 3ettlemeut To/From borrower (line 120) $121,702.00 601. Gross Amount due to seller (lir r borrower piae 220) 50.00 602. I,ess reductions in mmt. due set. � $121,702.00 �� 603. Cash To Seller following: • HUD muet doveiup e 5pacial Intbrmation Bookiet [o help persona 6orcowing money ro finmce the pivchnse of residential reai estate ro better undarstend the netura nnd costs of roal astate settlement servicas; • Each lender mus[ provide the booklet tu all epplicatlta from whom it receives or tbr whom it prepares a written epplicetion to 6orcow money to finance the purchasa of residential renl estute; • Lenders must prepare and distribute with the Booklet a Guod �eith Estimate of t6e se�tlement costs ihat the bocrower is likely to incur in connecNon with Ihe settlement These disclosures are mandatory. fortn to be used at the tima o£ loan saltlement to provide full disclosure of eli charges imposed upon the 6ortower and seller. These are [hird party disclosures that are designed ro provide the borcowar with pertinent information during the settiement process in order to be a better shopper. The Pu61ic Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average one hour per response, including the time for reviewing insiructions searching er.isting data sources, gathecing and maintaining ihe data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of inFormation. This agency may no[ collect this information, and you are not required to complete thie form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB wntrol number. i��ie rvo. eu67ue L. 3etUement Charges 700. Total 6nles/8roker's Commiseion 6nsed on price $120,000.00 aQ ^/ Diviaion of Commiseion (line 700) as tbllows; 701. to 702. to 703. Commission Peid at Sel[lemnnt 704. Commission Paid at Settlement to 800. Items Pxyxble fn Connect�on with Loan SOL Loan Origination Fee % to 802. Luan Discount % to 803. Appraisal Pee to 804. Credit 2aport to 805. Lender's Inspection Fae to 806. Mortgage Insnrance Application to 809. Assumption Fae to BOB. Underwriting Fee to ')00. Itema Req�dreJ by Lender To Be Paid in Advxncc 901, Interesthom to @/day 902. Mortgagzlnsurence Premium for months to 903. Hazard Inaurance Premium for years to 1000. Reserves Depositcd With Lender 1001. Hazerd insurance months Q per month 1002. Mortgage insarance months @ per month 1003, County property tuxas months (� per month ]004.Asseasments months a permonth 1005, Assueintion Dues mont6s @ per month ]006. Ulher Prorotion monUis (a3 per month 1007. Olher Prorntion months @ per month 1006. Otl�er Prornlion months @ per month 101 L Aggregnta Acewmting Ae�justment 1100. TIOc Chargca 1101. Settlement ur clo5ing fee � Commonwealth Land Tifle Iuaurance Company tl02. Abstruct or title saprch to Commoowealih Gand Tltle Insurance Comp&ny 1103. TIOe examinfltion to Commonwealth Lnnd Title Insurance Company 1104. Title inaurance binder to 1105. Dooument proparatinn to 1106. Notery tees to a� a� 8 - Paid From Paid From Borcower's Seller's F�nds at Funds at Settlement 5ettlement $250.00 $I30.00 $123.00 ll 07. Attomey's fces to (incluAes ebove items numbers: 1108, Title insuranca ro Commonwealth Luod Title Ineurance (iuoludes nbovo items numbers: $600.00 I101. I.enAePs coverege $26,680.56/$50.00. I I10. �Owner's 11IL ro ll l2. Record Seerch to I113. Assessmen[ Senrch to �ommonwealth Land 7Ytle Insurance $30.00 Com an l I14. Name Search to I I I5, Locution Certiticew to l l I6. Express Mail Fee to Commouwexlth tend Title Ineurence 525.00 Com an t l l7. Recording Servicn Fee to Commonwealth Land TiFle Inaurance $SO.OD Com an I118. to 1119, to 1200. Govermnent Rcrordfng and 1'raogPer Chargea 1201. Recurding Pees Deed $19.50 ; Mortgage 519.50 ; Releases $20.00 $SY.00 1202. City/Cuunty tax/stpmps DeeJ ; Mor[gaga to 1203. State tax/stemps Deed Sd08.00 ; Mortgage ro Ramaey County Treasurer $408.00 1204. RecorA Asslgnmen[ ofMortgage to t205. Conservatlon Feo to Ramsey County Treasurer $5.00 1300. Additionxl Settlement Chprges 130L Snrvey to 1302. Pestlnspection ro 1400. Totnl 8ettlement Churgea (enter on tlnes 103, Section d and 502, SecHon K) 51,702.00 I have earetUlly roviewed tho HUD-1 Settlemant 5tacement and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is a true and accurate statement of all mceipts and disb�vsemen[s meAe on my eccount or by me in this transacUon. I funher certiiy that I have received a completed copy of pages 1, 2 and 3 of this HUD-I Settlement StatemenL •�t�l��/.LVVIV✓ BY. ��g. SETTLEMENT AGENT CERTIFICATION The HUD-1 Setfiement Statement which I have prepared is a true and accurate account of this Iransaction. [ have caused the tLnAs to be disbursed in ACCOIQMCC Wllh ShIS SfAf01170nf. Senlement Agent Date Warning: lt is n crima to knowingly meke felse statements ro the United Stetes on this or eny other similer form. Penalties upon convictian can include a 6ne and imurisunment. For details see:1'itle 1 B U.S. Code Section 1001 and V r1/ r V/ I � Michael Pennington are Obsolete Page 3 form }!UD-1 Handbaok , A. �SCtt1eITlErit StatCtllCllt U.S. Department of Housing OMB No. 2502-0265 and Urban Development /\ / _ ^ �� V !D a B. Tvne of Loan L 0 FHA 2. O FmFIA 3, O Conv Unins 6. File Number 4. O VA 5. O Conv Ins. G. O Seller �inance 209096 C. Note: 9'his I'onn is furnished lo give you u stntement of actual settlement � "(p.o.eJ" were �nid outside the closin �[he are shown here for infa D. Name & AdAress ol'I3oirower E. Name & Address c Grcater [+rogtown Cnmmunity Devclopment SodTrany Pen Corpm•ntlon 608 61air Avenue G89 Na�tli Unlc Strect SC Pnul, MN 55103 St. Pmd, MN 55103 G. Property Lot 13, Dlpck l, Michcl's Snbdivision, Rnmsey County 608 Dleir Avenne St. Pn�d, MN 55103-1638 100. Gross Amount Dn 101. Conlrnct Sales Price '1'rnnsnction 103. Setllemenl Chnrgcs lo b 104. Pnv Lcvied Assessment (O5. Adjushnw�ts im• items pnid by scller in ndvance 106. Counly property [axcs ]OZ Assessmcnls 108. Associntion Ducs 109. Othcr Prorntion I10. Other Proration I1 L Othcr Prornlion 112. IP 200. Amoants Paid 13y Or in Rehulf Of liorrower 201. Uenosit or enrnest money 202. Principal tunount of ncw 203. Cxistine lonn(s) tnken su 204. 205. 20G. 207. 209. Adjnstments for items nnp 210. Comity pioperty [t�xcs 211. Assessmenls 212. Assacintion Ducs 2�3. Ot6erProiution 214. OtherProrntion 215. Olher 21 G. 217. 218. 219. sellcr 7.Loan Amoun[s paid to and by the settlement agent are shown. I[ems ofLender FL Settlemenf Agent Name Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 3596 Linden Avenue, Suite 2B White llear Lake, MN 55110 Taz ID: 231253755 Commomvealth Land Title Insurance Company 3596 Linden Avenue, Sui[e 2B White Bear Lalce, MN 55110 400. Gross Amount Dne to Seller 00 401. Contract Sales Pnce 402. Personal Property 70 403. 54 404. 405. for items naid bV seller in fldvance 408, Association Dues 410. 414. 416. 420. Gross Amount D��e [o Seller 500. Reductions in Amount Due to Seller 501. Excess Deposit 502. SetClement Charges to Seller (lina 14( 503. Existing Loan(s) Taken Sub�ectto 504. Payoff to US Dank 505. Payoffofsecond mortgageloan 506. 507. 508. Adjustments for items unp 510. County property taxes 511. Assessments 512. Association Dues 513. Other Proration 514. Other Proration 515. Other Proration 516. 5t7. 51 C. 519. I. Settlement Date 9/28/2005 Fund: 9/28/2005 $200.00 300. Cash At Setllemcnt I�romITo Dorrowcr 600. Cash At Settlemcnt To/Rrom Seller 301. Cross Amount due from borrower (line 120) $168,141.24 60I. Gross Amount due to seller (line 420) $165,500.00 302. Less nmounts pnid by/for borrower (line 220) $0.00 602. Less reductions in amt. due seller (line 520) $200.00 303. Cxsh Prom Uorrnwer $168,141.24 603. Cash To Seiler $165,300.00 Section 5 of Ihe Rexl Cstnte SetUemen[ Procedures Ac[ (RESPA) requires the Section 4(a) of RESPA mandates that HUD develop and prescribe this s[andard following: • 1{Ull must Jevelop n Speciel Information Dooklet ro help persons form to be used at the time of loan settlement to provide full disclosure of all borrowing moncy m Flnnnec the purchnse of residen[ial real estate [o better charges imposed upon the bormwer and seller. These are Ihird party disclosures widerstmid lhe ntdure and cos[5 of renl esta[e se[tlement services; that are designed to ryrovide lhe borrower wi[h pertinen[ information during the • Each Icndcr must provide the booklet to nll npplicants from whom it receives settlement process in order m be a better shopper. or lor whom il prepnres n wrilten application [o borrow money [o finflnce [he The Public Repor[ing Burden for this collection of inforniation is es[imated [o purchxse of msidentinl real estnte; • Lenders mus[ prepare and distributc with average o��e hour per response, including the time Tor reviewing instmctions Ihe 13ooklet n Good �nilh Lstimate of Ihe settlemen[ costs [hat the borrower is searching existmg data sources, gathering and main[aining the data needed, and likety ro incur in camectiou with the settlemcnt. These disclosures are completing and reviewing the collection of information. mnndntory. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The informa[ion reques[ed does no[ lend itself [o confiden[iality. Previous Cditions arc 06solelc Page 1 fonn EIOD-I (3/86) Handbook 4305,2 Pile No. 209096 L. Settlement Chnrges 700. TotN SnlcsNroker's Commission buscd on pricc $165,500.00 @% Division of Commission (line 700) as follows: 70I. ta 702. to 703. Commission Paid at Scttlement 104. Commission Paid n[ SelUement to 800. Items Paynble in Com�ecfion with Loan 801. Loen Originfltion �ee % [o 802. Lonn Discounl % to 803. Appmisal �ce to 804. CreditRepo�t to 805. Lender's inspeclion 1'ee to 806. Mortgnge hisurance Application to 802 Assumption �ee to 808. Undcrwriting �cc ro 900. Items Iicqah•c� by I.endcr'Po Re Pnid in Advnncc 901, ]nterest from ro @ /day 902. Mortgngc insurnnce Premium for monlhs to 903. Finznrd Insurance Premium for yeurs to 1000. Rcseiwes Deposited With Lender 100 L Hvnrd insumncc montlis @ per month 1002. Morlgnge insurnnce months Q per month 1003. Counry properly tnxes months @ per month 1004. Assessmcnls months @ per month 1005. Associe�ion Ducs months @ per month ]006. Other Prornlion mon[hs @ per month 1007. O[hcr Prornlion months @ per month I008. Othcr Prornlion mon[hs Q per man[h 101 L Aggregnfc Accounting Adjustmenl 1100. 'fitle Chargcs I101. Settlement or closing fee � Commonwealtl� Land TiUe Insurance Company 1102. Abslr or title search � Cammonwealth Land Title Insurance Companv 1103. Titl exmninetion � Commonwealth Land Title [nsurance CompanV II04.'Pitle insarunce binder ro I 105. Doci�menl prepnrnlion to 1106. Notnry fecs �o 1102 Almmey's fees [o (inclt�des nbovc items numbers: 1108.7'ille insnrnnce [o Commonwealth Land Title Insnrance (includes above items numbers: ompnny 1109 I ender'c cnvnrnec $0.00/$603.00 . 1110. Owner's coverege 1111. ll 12. 2ecord Senrch I l l3. Assessmen[ Scarch 1114. Nnmc Senrch 11 I5. Locntion Cerlificntc 111G. Gxpress Mail �cc to [o � Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Camnnnv to to to 1117. Recording Se�vice Cee to � 1118 to Insnrance 1119. to 12U0. Govermnent liecording nnd'CransPer 1201. liecording rees Deed $4G.00 1202, City/Counly lnx/stntnps Deed 1203. SUde tnx/stamps Ueed $56290 1204 Rewrd Assi6mnen[ of Mortgnge 1205. Conservntion Pee $250.00 $150.00 $125.00 $603.00 $30.00 $25.00 sso.00 $92.00 $562.70 120G. [o 1300. AddilimmlSettlementChxrges (301. Survey lo 1302. Pestlnspection to 1400.'Ibtal Setllemenf C6xrges (enter on lines 103, Section J xnd 502, Section K) $1,892.70 I hnvc cnrcfnlly reviewed the I IUD-1 Settlement Statement and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is a Vue and accurate statement of all receipts nnd disbursements mude on my nccount or by me in this lransaction. I further certify that I have received a completed copy of pages 1, 2 and 3 of this HUD-1 Settlement Stxtement. Releases $46.00 ��-a�a . _ $0.00 Pa�d From Paid From Borrower's Seller's Punds at Funds at Settlement Settlemen[ $0.00 $0.00 Treasurer to Rflmsey County Treasurer ta to File No. 20909C, ,Grea[er Progtown Contmu iily Development Co� � i ,,/' ,� ��� � Dy: /7l(X�� �� (�C'�-�G.^ Its: A�.�nill Di�actor ���1'��^ ��- b�-a�� Sodarany Pen SE'I"fL�MENT AGCNT CERTIFICATION The HUDd Setllement Stntement which 1 have prepared is a trne and accurxte accotmt oFlhis I�ansaction. I htrve caused the funds to be disbursed in ncwrd� ace with this slelcment. �' µ Ulv�ey��l� � �g/�s Set ement Agent Date Wnrning: It is n crime to knowingly make fnise s[atements to the Onited Sletes on lhls or nny other Similxr fonn. Pcnnl[ies npon convic[ion can incliidc n imc and imprisonment. Ibr Aetails see; TiHe ] 8 U.S, Code Section 1001 and Scc[ion 1010. Previous Editions nre Obsolete Page 3 form HUD-1 (3/86) Handbook 43052 Ja�• 9. 2006 4.37PM Xcel Energy Rice St. 3rd Fl No.3211 P. 1 G�-�78 Reply to Vacation Inquiry Fl�@ �#9 $-Z��.r1 To: CO�ECll�88V0�R F�om: Cify of St Paul Real Esffite Division Pv� # 266-6104 �'� # F� x 266-8855 F� � We have no obiections to this vacation We will approve this vacateon, subiect to the follocvinQ conditions: For the followinQ reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TD YACATESTREET RIGST OF WAYONLY • Vacate: All that pazt of the Alley in Block 1 of Micfiel's Subdivision of 81ock S Stinson's Division, Ramsey Coun4y, Minn�sota, lying West ofthe Southexly extension of the East Line of Lot 13, in said Block 1, RESPONSE BY XCEL ENERGY GAS� Xcel Energy has no objection to the proposed vacation of alley. �.� �2/04 Si ed Nicic J. Boosalis, PE g Xcel Energy - Gas Division bate 651-229-2317 . AA ADA-Eeo Emp�oycr �i � � a � F�� �omcast� Februan� 6, 2006 Colleen Paavola Department of Public Works Technical Sewices; Real Estate 1000 Ciry Hall Annex St Pau1, MN 551Q2 SUBJECT VACA'ITON T1�QUIRY #18-2005 Deas Colleen Paavola o�-a?� Comcas[ Ceble Commwications, Inc. 10 River Pack Plaza St Paul, MN 55107-7 21 9 Comcast would like to maintain our easements in the area of file #18-2005. We curxently have aexial facilities ln this area. Comcast will release its easement in the described right-of- way provided the proposed improvements do not interfere with its e�sting facilities or interfere with Comcast's access to the said facilities to maintain, repair or upgrade them. Should the said impxovements in anyway intezfexe with ox pxevent access to the satd facilities, the petitiones or its successor shall pxovide new easements as required and the petitioner or its successor shall assume all costs of xelocating facilities to the new easements. Cordiall,v, ����� Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #18-2005 We have no obiections to this vacation To: Colleen Paavola � F�om City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Pbone u 266-6104 pnone u F�u 266-8855 F�" We will approve this vacation, subject to the followin� conditions: For the followin¢ reasons, we cannot anprove this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO VACATE STREET ffiGHT OF WAY ONLY: Vacate: All that part of the Alley in Block 1 of Michel's Subdivision of Block 5 Stinson's Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying West of the Southerly extension of the East Line of Lot 13, in said Block 1. Z /Z /o � Signed Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer D�-�?�� � � ►J 2 \ � N � Feb. 6. 2006- 1:SOP �,Comcast g � No.0286 P. 7 .�. Des-�.... �, ees � � ,.��n n y�l O� �� R�R � � ` � E45 2CS I ' y �ys 9bS � o � o � �/ I a 805 a � a� (55 845 j y � OSS � 6 � �a � � m £SS � Z i m i' � SSS 95S v � T Q tlN a=� '�^� •d� 655 � � J y� '+- � � ,04i ,<£ .LS[ � . � ,045 , LE ,L — """"'4-"'�___"" "__^""_�"_e____"__ � 2 --� — I 1�..�—� t_ N r --�.__—__� s " , �����—�—� � 4 ��EZ i �..�. � ^ 6h � �d ..C� 11 j I . 0 � d $ q � ^ � � I � � N � � d � d ,�.' tiss b� '° I (/[ 69S OLS � 69S � VL � � ELS bLS � N � S8S 9 9LS � BL ' LLS B/B i c�i 8LS � SeS zE EeS I 3, n I 98S � a. L89 bl y i85 � � 'y a ; a ���~� i65 � 06S � l6S 06S ��n� � :° � � � j ` �J� S1INf1 Z ± � r a 46S - d 56S � � c � � �� '� m 865 � ry 665 7 1 W e 7 � y d s E09 Z09 „��� I E�9 Q 2 v �� O1ry � I W 509 909 ���� r� � 509 � e aa� A 5/s �119 gpg I ^ 609 E � � � � .o E[9 � d 059 � � � x �' a ' o ��^� � ^ id¢ � � ..__`� �� --------'�-(�� N 1S 3lmQ —X—X X �+"� X X X �t .. ga -• ,ovt . .sn � ao ,se .� r�. � • � ° ° a � m� �e �.a m n n o� � c` � s � �° � �o � �o I - � "' � ° Y L29 � n`�i � � _ ai r 4 a �E9 � 629 'JNI 1� � aes ��d - � ees s� � a a S \ � Z � � o �-��� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE of THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF Tf� COUNCIL OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of : Vacation File # 18-2005 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated departsnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: 1) West end of the Alley East of Dale Street, between Blair Avenue and Lafond Avenue. except as here noted: STATE OF MINNESOTA Ramsey courtrroF SS coa��ineP�em Northem States Power Company, d/b/a Xcei Energy - Gas Division its: Senior Specialty Engineer The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by Nick J. Boosalis, PE ��- ��..-� Signature 10th � yof January Zo 06 ,,, Senior Specialty Engineer Northem States Power Company d/baa Xcel Energy, a Public Utility under the laws of the State of Min�esota. . JESSICA LESLIE W{NKtER Notary Pubiie - Mmn85oW ' Comm. Expires Jan 31, 2006 � Nota[y Public My �� ONCE SIGNED- PLEASE RETURN THIS ORIGINAL COPY TO 1000 CITY HALL ANNEX ST PAUL 55102 AA-ADA-EEO Employer D� ��� To: Reply to Vacation inquiry File #18-2005 Phone � Fae ii We have no obiecrions to this vacation Colleen Paavola F`o`": K`°` , T' Y r3LOr1Qv i sr Ciry of St. Paul )( �,E L Real Estate Division � r� �2 G Y 266-6104 phonem 6��.330. s6oa- 266-8855 F� # /012. 573. ¢o3'J We will aronrove this vacation. subiect to the followinQ conditions: For the followine reasons. we cannot annrove this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO YACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY: Vacate: All that part of the Alley in Block 1 of Michel's Subdivision of Block 5 Stinson's Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying West ofthe Southerly extension ofthe East Line of Lot 13, in said Block 1. � � � That easement rights be retained for Northern States Power Company d/b/a Xcel Energy ("Xcel") over, under and across the south 10.00 feet of that part of the alley in Block 1 of MICHEL'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 5 STINSON'S DIVISION, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA, lying West of the southerly e�ension of the east line of Lot 13, in said Block. PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF THE DOCUMENT RECORDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE ADOPTED VACATION RESOLUTION WHEREIN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED RIGHTS ARE GRAN7ED. � D/ v�31V�4b Signed Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer 2 /, � �� -___.m..�K� ��_. � OSP Narionai Suppo*t ( investigations Dept 42864I,oc 107 24003�TOxth Glen�ille Richard�on> ;X 7a;82 1�ICI Network Services, inc. 011f16t2{iD6 �ITY OF SAINT PHU`[. Coileen Paavola lOdO City Hati Annea Saint Paul, MN 551U2 RE: VACATION F'II.E N[TMBER 1&2005 — ALLEY VACATZON 1tEQUEST — N. DALE STREET BETWEE� W. BLA7Ii AVE. AND W. LAFOND AVE. — Saint Paul, Rumsey, Minnesota M�I ID: 58-2006 Dear Sir or Madam: MCI has been noLified by your office regarding the above referenced project_ For your records, in reviewing the azea in question, it has been deternuned that MCI does not haue facilities within your project area. You shauld address correspondence concerning any fuhxre projects to the attention of OSP Nationai Supgort/Investigations at the above address. If you need further assis�ance with this project, please do not hesitate to catf. JoBn BacheIder dSP National Support ! 3nvesiigatians (972)729-6016 F�co+..ont 7�Tn Fa.�it+r:oc d6 �� To: Colleen Paavola From: Tp[.°� �2 a��itF'wtZ:tk Repty to Vacation Inquiry City of St. Paul aw� File #18-2005 Real Estate Division Phone� 266-6104 p�one#j�$� 7�t�_7�� F�n 266-8855 F�" la�l We have no obiections to this vacation. We wil] approve this vacation, subject to the followin� conditions: For the followin¢ reasons, we cannot apnrove this vacation: THIS FORM IS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY : Vacate: All that part of the Alley in Block 1 of Michel's Subdivision of Block 5 Stinson's Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying West of the Southeriy extension of the East Line of Lot 13, in said Block 1. � �� -r�� �D � Date �, � � 2 AA-ADA-EEO 8mployer OlP ��P CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF'THE COUNCTL OF THE In the Matter of : CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 18-2005 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: 1) West end of the Alley East of Dale Street, between Blair Avenue and Lafond Avenue. except as here noted: STATE OF MINNESOTA WUNTY OF�P��SS Company / Depar6nent ���'i ru: � � L� �+�.3�Sn��� I �� Signature �7� FF �/ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me [his e� day of �Gm�� /t. . 20 lJJ b IJa:ri�5 �2An�K�u✓Gi N �e�ES�c_�J �%G«JSE2 of�uJcSf i �2Gv/LA a �G:_o,2fa/Jo C6�o%fF�lJn� under the laws of the Sta[e of Minnesota. . ' _ � y .? , ,4 , LINDAA. JUEL{CH ��� Notary Public-Minnesota T-: " My Commissi0n Expires Jan 31. 2010 Notary Publi� �J � � �-��J Mycoaunissionexpires �ftN� .�il j �-e�V ONCE SIGNED- PLEASE RETURN THIS ORIGINAL COPY TO 1000 CITY HALL ANNEX ST PAUL 55102 AA-ADA-EEO Employer a� a�� Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #18-2005 We have no obiections to this vacation To: Colleen Paavola F`°'�= � City of St. Paul SRIN Real Estate Division W 4�f P6one # 266-6104 Pbone # F�n 266-8855 Fa"# We will aDOrove this vacation. subiect to the followine conditions: For the foliowine reasons. we cannot anDrove this vacation: THIS FORM IS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY : Vacate: All that part of the Alley in Block 1 of Michel's Subdivision of Block 5 Stinson's Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying West of the Southerly extension of the East Line of Lot 13, in said Block 1. / , -��� Signed Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer - �sw, ��. � � � ��-��� Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #18-2005 We have no obiections to this vacation ro: Colleen Paavola � From: Jody Martinez City o£St. Paul St. Paul Pazks and Real Estate Division Recreation Phone # 266-6104 Phone # 266-6424 F�� 266-8855 F�n 292-7405 We will approve this vacation, subject to the followin� conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAYONLY: Vacate: All that part of the Alley in Block 1 of Michel's Subdivision of Block 5 Stinson's Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying West ofthe Southerly extension ofthe East Line of Lot 13, in said Block 1. Signed Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer � ❑ ❑ 2 I i i ro: Colleen Paavola Reply to Vacation Inquiry CityofSt.Paul CityofSt.Paul File #18-2005 Real Estate Division Police De artment Phone # 266-6104 phone u F�a 266-8855 F�" We have no obiections to this vacation We will approve this vacation, subject to the followinQ conditions: For the followinQ reasons, we cannot apvrove this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO YACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY: Vacate: All that part of the Alley in Block 1 of Michel's Subdivision of Block 5 Stinson's Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying West of the Southerly extension of the East Line of Lot 13, in said Block 1. � � � tal �C �"'�" � � /V�-�'� � � � c�-� � � „ ��� - � � � �;i "- � " �(� �,-�. ._ � . �e.� �-.� �`."�- ,� �,,.:�.P�.� �- � �- � �- �--� �-�-- �.-� � � �, � g -�=� � �.^.�.�:z.� �. �,..�,�� �: � ��--.� c �� �"� � �"'� i� �� ��c ���� t a � � � Signed Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer w�Z. u.�b-- 2 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #18-2005 We have no obiections to this vacation To: Colleen Paavola I From: City of St. Paul ST PRwttr Real Estate Division f /�F {� Phone t! 266-6104 Phone # F�a 266-8855 F�" We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the followinQ reasons, we cannot anprove this vacation: THIS FORM IS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAY ONLY : Vacate: All that part of the Alley in Block 1 of MichePs Subdivision of Block 5 Stinson's Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying West of the Southerly extension of the East Lane of Lot 13, in said Block 1. � �)�� � Signed Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer O(v-o?��' 6W � � � 2 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #18-2005 We have no obiections to this vacation To: e Colleen Paavola I From. Ciry of St. Paul Real Estate Division 266-6104 Phone,Y 266-8855 F'�� We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the followin� reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO VACATE STREET RIGHT OF WAYONLY: Vacate: All that part of the Alley in Block 1 of Michel's Subdivision of Block 5 Stinson's Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying West of the Southerly extension of the East Line of Lot 13, in said Block 1. S .�. �#� �-� C ` ` G . �2.2�_c��� AA-ADA-EFA Employer G' � ❑ - z� a� Interriepartmen#aI Memorant3�rn. CI"I7' OF SAIyl' PAUL DATE: ��,—Z— _? _ C�� To: 1 � �f�'y'r � c �+� J�-�S (DISTRICT PLANNER) RE: - Vacation Request No. / Y� -�� � r The attached vacation request was received by the Planning Aivision on �/ . Please review and return comments or recommendations to me by�'= �—o(�o that I may prepare the Divisions recom_mendations. ZONTNG SECTIO�]: Is this vacation proposai also tied to a rezoning or ��ariance request? Z'ES� NO If yes, explain below: STAFF COMMENTS OR RECOMMENDATIQNS: � . . /_ L ' � - /� � � i � i /; i i : � � � -� i� ' �� � _ .�. ' / � i' / .i • I I � i i / ' � , / - ., .. � s �Il / t . / �• / y � i, � , /, � i i /is / � . . � a „ /� � i/, . �. �.� �i �� ,'l�L� . � iG � �:. � • • / • � � _ � ��' e � _� �- { ♦ ' � f _ � • � � - - � / S � • � j�— //v � �! �' �/�� ' � ji � .t'i Donna, Penny, and Lucy, gv�'��w �-v p���ea.�ivh o� � v�e �„uwuy�� v.w.� �rrr t�oT[6.- So�t�. c�IlQr sa y� -j��„o_ ✓a�a-'fio� G(,res �w�¢ i'es� �t i�. a o(ea�— 2�ait�y , Real Esiate has changed their form 4o nbt request a specific date far return af the information from PED That is why I have not filled in that line on the cover shee4 I attach to Yhe vacation request that gets circulated to you. r�� � r � �y.J v �� JZ•ZS� Piease con#inue to turn these around asap as you have in the past.