225721 ��..�5- � � I , Council,File No.225721 —By Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That upon the petition of Modernistic Die Cutting, Inc. and others, the alley hereinafter described, be and the same is vacated and dis- contlnued as public alley viz.:' The alley in Block .one (1), Deer,• Park Division, according to the plat thereof on 81e and of record in the offtce of the Re ster of Deeds in and for Ramsey �ounty, Minne- sota, ' - subject expressly to tlie following con- ditions and reservations: 1. All the conditions, reservations and provisions contained in Chapter 228 of the St: Paul Legislative Code enacted December 8, 1957, as amended, regulating �he�rocedure and prescrib- , � ing the conditions for the vacation of public grounds, streets; alleys and highways in the City of Saint Paul. 2. The bond�provided for in said Chapter 228, to'be file8 by said peti- tioners, is hereby'+fixed at the sum of $i,000.00. � .-� • . 3. Said petitioners shall pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of$1,800.00, together with the costs of this vacation proceeding. Adopted by the`Council October 27, 1965. Approved October 27, 1965. � (October 30, 1965)