225719 ��c. , ..�l� '` �. � � , ' '4.:�;,�ti=,����tk' ':.��4-r.�+ �.}��,�; . COUNCIL FILE N0.?� t �'' �r � ��' � ��� . �.� ` i-�,� ` �-'_ CITY OF ST. PAUL `ti' - By � + ' Resolution Ratifying and Confirming � � Condemnation and Awards of Damages File No. �� and Assessment Therefor In the matter of -+�P��6� �.�8�.1� arii���.ri�� � �2�S�r �,tt, ��pp� �,� ��t��� ��ctm� ,�c3d�.�Lo� �o � �i�ty^ 9� .8�. Fett�, Ra�ey ��►.,: .l�fnm►�eo�,e��bY #�a� .�; cc¢ide�.� PQr.� '�.«�r�ua.c� pu�o��s �� �o� �.� ��t: �Z � za!�e� �� �:� o�' �� $�. �1flc.1� 2� �; �d :sd�:�oa,� - . . � ttnder Preliminary Order ���� , approved ' �+���q��.A�� , • Intei-mediary Order �22 ~V - , approved a��,;�� �aH� , Final Order ��� , �pproved ���3.�i��5 . ��A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above irriprovement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment � � of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a, part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said takina and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. � Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. , COUNCILMEN • � - Yeas Nays � Datglish ' . OCT 2 719�5 - Holland Adopted by the Council � Loss . Appl o QCrT 2 7 ���� Meredith � '_ �eterson � ��� In Favor ,VavouVis - Mayor _ � Against pUBLISHED OCT `�� �� Form R-3 `�'� � ' - ` _ '+ ',,t'�.�^� '�i�k}.°Z;)" .a���� ' . .� � ��. ' . t' ysl-J�.t a'`�i"�� � � � f r.-.��. • I S �, f`�, !},�;+� '7` �' ; q t � , F`,��al��-�I.o,P r, , . '"� l ' � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL � -- �-..�; _y... �,__. ,_� � :,-� . . — _._.. Report of Commissioner of Finance � ,�.��� on Condemnation of Lands File No. ��� � ��� In the matter of �7��: �#,����� �,���;� �� � ,�;����:��;�i�.� S��c� �� "�'� ��� ��' ���: �'�i��•�!4!�.'�.�� �!�`�; �' y�i�tl��. . ��id���.�'t?�` .f►��:�i�`#� �3' � �:�� �!�°` � �'�:� .�!�� �t�,` ,�°► ��, ��`► r�c j� � �,i�.�'�C�. .. � . � • under Preliminary Order �� _ , approved ��T�� �q� , ' Intermediary Order �� , approved �;,� �r. � �� ���� �.-�- ► Final Order �� — , approved ;�� � � , � _ ., �:=� �'� TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: ' � The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and ap- _ propriated for the above improvement and the_amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the own- ers thereof, and the l�ersons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined . � the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost � thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, conta,ining the undersigned's finding on said mattei•s. _ . f /V ommissio of Fina • � � . ,a �.���Z,�'��� � October 16, 1965 � City Council - City of St Paul , Court House St. Pau1, Minnesota gttenti.on: City Clerk Dear Sir: ' I have �urchased lots 7 and 8, Block 2, Mortons Second Addition from Mr. and Mra . Michael goralchuck. The City has granted a,n ap�oroval of putting in an alley and storm sewer and als�o making a turn around on above described property. Mr. goralchuck and rqqself were a�ainst these improvements as they would be of no value to us f or the f ollowing f our reasons; 1. Alley not needed as I plan a front drivevaay from the street. • 2. During the winter it will be extremely difficult to use the alley as it �ii11 be nece�sary to drive.up grade, ao it will not be used ' too •much as the cars �ril1 be getting stuck in the snow quite of ten as is now the case on East �eelock Parkway for cars driving south- east. 3• The turn around will be a noisy area for these lots and will take away some of the pri�acy a person would enjoy if it was not there. 4. 9dditional assessments expense that I would have to pay. It is proposed that the tot41 damages to be awarded for these 2 lots to be $230.00. This seems quite lov� for something that does not benefit me �based on the egpense I would have to pay. e With the above information I feel it eaould only be fair that �he dam��.s��� to be awarde�. be �37j.00 and ask that you give your sincere conaidera � to this ad�ustment. S incerely sours, '65 �Ci' :4.8 �Pt � �� �-�-�- � ' � �. Robert. A. Brandt ��� i �L�R9;';:, '�; �� 4� A�d:�;. R�iB:egb .� ��1�� �J`,Ll�,, �altdt�'.