225698 Y � � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��p-�� \f( ,�f' CITY OF ST. PAUL caoNCa �%`'v ' OFF(CE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N s}� O CI RES UTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE pA� OC'tOvEr 19� 1.�5 �SOLUED, 2hat the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Purchasing Co�ittee there�'or and hereby awards contract for �urnishing aud delivering �.o.b. City of Saint Pau1 Water Dept. Stora�e tanks at �the Puri�ication and Filtration Plant, 1900 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, during period. of one yeax beginning October 22, 1965, approx. 1000 tons (2000�� per ton) �iquid Alum (Aluminum Sulpha�Y,e) tc� GF�ERAL C�CA� DIVISIODT, ALLIED CI�CAL CQRPORATION at �e price of $i►8.63 per net ton, mald.ng . am�ount of contract approxima.tely $48,630.00, in accordance with City apeci�ications � . .: there�or and the Forma.l Bid �1�+70 of said General Chemical Division., A11ied Chem3.ca1 Corporation, such bid being the l�c,rer and said bidder being a reasonable and reliable one and the Corporat3.on Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the prvper , form o� contract therefor an.d the proper City ofPicia].s here'by are authorized to execute said contract on behalf' of the City of St. Paul. Forma.l. B3.d #1�+70. . ��.� 2 619�� COLJNCILMEN � � _ Adopted by the Council Yg_ � I Yeas , Nays _ . , ' Dalglish �-- . ''� , - � � ocT 2,Ej �96rJ ,� � Holland ' - Approve� 19_ ,. _,_ ,_ _,��r ' Loss '" Tn FavOr � f � Meredith `fR '" � - Peterson �� �/�� �y�,r,,,,,r. , � �-'- - "� gainst PUBLISHEQ� d�� �� ,�� - Mr. President, Vavoulis � � � � � 1on� �s � ' �2���� DUrLICATC TO MINT[R .' CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fRESENTED�Y oct,ob�r �.q, �.96� COMMISSIONE� DA� �, '�hs.t the� co2mQil nr�rc�'fly corlc,�r� 3n. fih� a�era. oP t'he Purcnasit�g comn�r.tf�ee th�x�e�or �nd herabyr �x�.s �oa.t�t �or �u�'�.isY�ng �►rtd de1.�.v�r3ng �.o.b. City o�F 3�int P�,u1 �Ta�r D�pt. S�Coxa�g� '�,nks at t�.e �i�icatic�rt. �d I�3Ytr�,tion �].�nt, 1900 RtcG �trse�, S�. Pau1� M9.t�n.ego�a d� psria2 0�' o�e ye�r beg�nnin6 (k�Gaber 22, 1965, �pprox. Z000 tvn� (2ooa�k �er �ton) Za.qui.�. i�l.uaa (A1.,mrl.nuon s,il�at�) to �SI�L e'�C� �YTSI�i, �T�13 CIi�CAL OO�TI� t�t �the pz�.ce of �+8.63 p�r n.�t �t., �i.n8 �mount v�' c�tx�a,ct �ppro�'ta�,�],y �+8,6��.00, �ia. accbz�.isce �-1:-�, City s�a�fica�tions �hetr�ar and �ae Form�. 8id �1�+70 0� ae,id C�er�7. Che�ai.�s,.l. Division, A.Lt3ec1 Ch�aical Corporatio�cc, su�h bid being �he 1a�r �d �aid bidd�er bising. �, r�sa�aB�.e �nnd reit�,b7.� on� �n.cl � �orporati.oa. Cour�eZ be and Yiereby �:s d3r�c�d to c�x�ur up t�e proper - foxm. o�' contract �ex�br end. -t�te proper City o�`Pieia�.s Ii�reby e,r� �aa,'th0��e�. 'to �xecu�tee ga.3d cc�tra�t bn beY�,.1� of the �Ii�r r�f St. P,e,u1. �`arm�,.1. B3d ;�1�F70. ��T 2 61965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays Dalglish � p�T 2 61965 Holland Approv� 19.— Loss Tn F'aVOr ' Meredith Petersofl � MAyOr � A g8inst Mr. President, Vavoulis loaa aas