225694 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLERK . ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY � COMMISSIONEQ DATE WHEREAS, The Citizens' Study Committee for Centralized Data Pro- cessing has spent many hours and given much in terms of time� and technical assistance in support of a data processing program; WF�REAS, The persce�nel of the comrnittee are recognized professiaials in the field of data processing in Ramsey County; � ' WHEREAS, Maximum benefits will best be realized by continued coopera- tion with the citiz�ens' committee; � THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city co�mcil request the citizens� committee to continue its studies and serve as advisors to the city council . and co�mty board and the supervisory committee for the Services Department, concerning the organizati� and operation of our joint mi.crofilming, data pro- cessing, and reproductioai program. BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED that the city co�cil hereby wish to extend their deep appreciatioa for the work and assistance that the citizens' eoimni.ttee has given to the data processing program. FOR PPRpVED / Ass . Corporation Co nsel � r o�-� �61965 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Dalglish AC� �,,s �g�� Holland App ved 19_ Loss � Favor Meredith K Pete rs on , O �AyOr ��e�, A g8iri9t Mr. President, Vavoulis ,PllBUSHED ��� �� �� IOM 6�64