225679 t � r �• �� ��,,:�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � '�''� " �'� rt OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' C U C RES UTION—GENERAL FORM co�ISS°orYie -� pA� October 21, 1965 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Purchasir�g Committee fiherefor and hereby awards contract to INT'L PIPE & CERAMICS CORP. for furnishing and delivering to the City of Sfi. Paul Water Depfi, to spur track to be designated, St. Paul, Minnesota - 157 Lin. Ft. Class 250 and 232 Lin. Ft. Class 150 - l6" Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe with — � - -" - .-,.._._.. . rubber and steel flexible tied joinfi (clamp type) and all necessary fittings and appurtenances for fihe contract price of $6499.02 (Board of Water Commissioners reserving the right to increase the rra terials of the contracfi by an amount not to exceediwenty per cent�, in accordance w'�#� City specifications and plan Bbl(0 and the Formal Bid �1495 of said Int'I Pipe & Ceramics Corp, such bid beit�g the lowest and said bidder being a reasomble and reliable one and fihe Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized fio execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid #1495, � _ . � ' , _ � _ _ _ � � l � - � - � � OCT 2 21��a COiJNCILhiEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �GT �� �q6� Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss � Tn Favor � • ..Meeedith- Peterson (� � �ByOr Rosen A ga�gt Mr. President, Vavoulis �t9BLISHED OCT 2 3 1�65 ion� e-as � .t/� DUrLICAT[TO rRINTER ���� 0 r CIN OF ST. PAUL couNCi� _�- F,� NO j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM fRESEHTED�Y Oct�ob�r 21, 1965 COMMISSIONE� DATF RESOLV�D, 'fhct the Council h�r�by concurs tn �h�e award of th� Purchosin� Committ�s thenfor and hsreby awards contraef to INT'L PIPE & CERAMtCS CORP. for fumishinA dnd d�livarir� to .th� City af St. Paui Wat�� D�pt, to apt+r tradc to I� d�signat�d, St. Paul, Minn�sota - 1.�� Lin. Ft. Cl�s �54 and 23'l Lir�. �f. Cia� 150 - I6" Prestr�ss�cl Concr�t� Cylind�r Pipe with rubber and s��t fla�cibl• fiied. f oir�t {clamp typ�ej and ail. n�ce�ary fittines ancl ap�wrtmnanc.es for thm eorwra�f �rice o# �99.07 (Board of Water Commissiorwri r�srvinq tha right to increase the na t(�r�al: of th� contm�t by an amouni�� rrot �b exce�diwenty per �er�), in accoT+danc� iti�itj� City sp�cifiaatior� and plan 86110 and ifi� Format �id +�l495 of �aid Ir�'{ Pip� a► Csramics Corp, , wch bid beirte �� lov►►�s# ar�d said blddsr b�in� a rbasornble and r�liabfe on� and the Corporatton Ccu�l !� anc! h�by i� �tc�ttrd tc drnw uP #h� proper fortn of cor�ct �h�nafbr ark� 4fi• prop�r Cii�r �i�3al� h��by ara �fihorized to e�s+wf� ;aid controd on b�half af th• �iry � Saint Paut. F�I Bid �1495. 0 CT 2 21965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - O L+'�' 2 2 '196� Dalglish � Holland f Approv� 19— Loss � Tn Favor MeFe�dirlr--� Peterson � M8yOt � Rosen • A8'��t Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-e: