225645 . \ •
� � �2��4�
r CITY OF ST. PAUL � FoEr,c�� NO
�RESENTED RY ��n Ros n Public Wor DATE October� 1965 _
WHERF,9S� By a thority of the Laws of Minxiesota for the yeax 1959, cha.pter 300� H.F.
217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216� approved May 2� 1959, the City of Sa.in.t Pau1., may
pa.y a portion of the assessable costs of Sidet�ralk Construction� when such costs egceed
the benefits to the property owner,
WHEREAS� •It has been determined that the following described parcels of property be
relieved of the following amounts:
Description gm�,-�
Lot 1.L,.� Block 2� Va.n Slyke and Lewis Re. of HUmb3xd's gdd. to St. Pau1 � 174•24
E. � ft. of Lot 2 a.nd. a11 of Lot 1, Block 16, E. R. Bry�axits Subd. of
Blocks 15 and lb, Stinsons Frances St. Ad.d.. . 162.30
No. -�- of vacated alley adj. axid except No. 10' for S�Teet; the West 17'
of I�ot 10 and all of Lot 11� Erets Addition 162.1,,3
Lot 13� Richa�d McCarricks Subd. of Block g8 of Lyma.n Dayton's 9dd. ` 123./.�7.
Lot 1� Richa,rd McCarrick's Subd. of B�ock g8 of Lyma.n Dayton's Add. 21.76
Lot 3� Richa.rd McCarrickTS Suba.. of Block 8g of Lyman Dayton's �d.d. 23.73
Lot l� Block �� Leff�nan's Subd. of Blocks �6 and �7 of Lyma.n Dayton's 9dd. 170.71
Lot 32� Block �'7, LeffYna.n's 5ubd.. of Blocks g6 and 87 of Lyman Dayton's gd.d. 170.71
Except W. 30 t a.nd So. 33 t for Streets, the So. 15�' of W. 80� of SE� of NFJ4
of Sec. 22, T 29� R 22 � ' 156.7g
Subj.-to Birmingha,m St. and Arlington Ave.; the E. 120' of So. 1�1�' of
?�ot 13� Lake Residences ' 1g9.39
' , . � " Tota1 �1,355.46
�T�HEREAS� The total amoun.t of assessable costs the City ma.y pay is �1,355.46, now
therefore be it� _ , , - -
t� � •
_ ' __ .r' RESOLVID, Tha.t_ the_C�mtnissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized t,o
pa.y from the Pex�na.nent ?anprovement Revolving Ftand, Code 6000� the_ amount of �1,355.46,
a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1963 Sidewalk Con-
tract 63-I`�-27g, Levy No. 7, District No. 3, L-6511,., said Perma,nent Im.provement Revolving
Fund to be reimbursed from the Cityts Share of I�ocal Improvement gid �4and, 0920-701. (1965)
l�� COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ��'� � � 1��5 I9—
-! " �
Yeas Nays OCT �01965
Holland Ap ove 19—
Loss J Tn Favor
Peterson � AGt�� MayOr
A gainst - -
�- '= 0 CT 2� y��
�f�.���;�_ ��;,�,,,�,, PUBLISHED ..
9Ir'�':�t:r.e�.::::susEte:�y:x:::'sec:eEi °
loM'��ce President (Roaen) •
DUrLICATC TO rRINT6R �2 5�4� /
tRESENTED tY �t�on Ro�,�. �zb1�a �ork� tk��ot�ar 15+�5
��► �Y aut�a��ot' � �,W� oY �e�o'�, tor � l�}5q� t�p'�r 300� H.F�
2].7 eiacl ra�=�.ad '� R��'. : �92216 : app�a�+ed �g 2� �.9�9,� t�c3i.�y 6i �nu �v]., �y'
i�y � p�xi-�iom of �a s���abl� �o�d m�' S38�wr�k ��ta�u,at,�cl�� wh� ai� vos� eocc�eect
t�he b��ta �,o tt�e p�ropert� owrior�,
��-." �tt has t�ee� �.e�i�d f,h�,t '�s �'o].�trwi�ag desa�.bed �ra� u� 1�P�Y be
r�7.�e�red 9f t�e fo1'�.Qw�g ��t �
De�ar�p�3c� � � ,�t
7�ot �ly B�.o ak �, '�an S].3rke aru�. Iewis I�s�. o�' 1i��;rd�� Ac'�, �o �t. F�,i]. � 174.�
�. 8 �t. of �t z �. a�a. o� r�o� i� �lo�c �.6� �, � ��8 s�.� ot
Blook� "t5 atx� 26�. �t3n,�ons �`razices �'�. �3d.: � �(a2.3o
�o. �- o� �.f�;ea. �e� �t��a e�E� xo. ia� �� ���� � �re�t �.���
o� r,o� zo �►a � Q� �ot �a., �t� .aaa3:� �.�.�
Lot 13,� R3a�. �eCaz�rl.cika subd� of B1oc� �8 a� L�q,n De,�pk,aai� �d,d: �.z3.41
L� 1� &�.cha.rd �Ctzrri�k�8 Snbdw o� B�.oa� 88 af T�►man Dayt,�nxs �: �.1..76
I+ot 3� l�oh�,xd I3c:carr9:ak�s �,tbd� of Blo�r 88 c>�' ��a Deyt,on�'� �. 23.73
IQt 1� B1oc�t �7! LoFf'�e.nt e 8ubd,., ot H�.�aka �6 aAd $�' dt' � Dt�ton�s Add. �70.71
Lot� �2� B3.aa�C g7r Lef�`�.r��� S�t�d. t�f B1o� $b �d 87 0� I�,n ��+fion�s Acic1.. 17fl.71.
�� W� 30+ ana so. j3� fr� s�si '�t� �O. ��8�' of W, go� of � a�' �
o� �'R 22,� T 29� E �2 1�6.78
�tb�: �a ��.•�*+ ,• 3�,, ar�d A��a� Ae��.�. t`ts� �. �,20 i �f' So: ].81+� af
Iot 13�: � Beeid�� ��3,�9
, y--.�.�..
Tef�h. �7.�,�55.4b �
T�� `l� to�a3. �� o�' e.e�eea�,hl� aa��s 't,� Ci�,Y �3►' �r' � �.�,355.46� �
't�i�refore be �'�.�,
��','�, �"hat '� t3o��a�an�r ot �'ri'b�I.�.ar Wvt�ke � at�d �s �e �reb�* �n�aar�ed. �o
Pe�q' �t th� �ent Iu��v+e,eate�t $e�v�3.v3a�g �mr3,� C9de 600a� t�ba �n� o� �1#355��4b�
a► port�.o� o�' the e.as�a�b3� a�oets �f 33a.a�].lc ���c�t ur�l�r �e 1963 �icie�ra�.1c t�om�.
t�e.ct 6�Sw278� �� l�o. 7.�, Di�r�.cs� No� 3,�. �±:6�4�,� e�#,d ;�et� �paro�n� Rs�olv�x�g
1R.md to b� re�i�bu�d t'� � Cit�*�� 8h�ri a�[ i�oc�.1 �ov�'� d�d ��; 0!9�0.*'70�.�, (1963�
COUNCILI�N • • Adopted by the Councit d C;Y f I I lq��q_
Yeas Nays
Dalglish �yT 2i 0 �9sy
Holland ^� Appro�lefl 19—
Loss J Tn F'gV02'
M r irh
Peterson r 1 MSyOr
�� pgainst
Mr. Vice President (Rosea)
loM 6-�