225643 � � � � ' �2��43
R��OLVED, upon the pertinent appeal under the Zoning Code
by Fraz�k B. Schwartz and Carol D. �chwartz, as owners of the .
sub�ect property situate in �he City of �aint Paul� described `� j^
as Lot 7 exeept the north '25 �'eet and Lot 8� Block 39� ��
Anthony park Nort�i� located on the southeast corner of Carter
Avenue and Gordon Street, tYiat the provisions of said Zoning
Code hereby are determined and varied in application so that the
premises may contain separate accommodations for several� not in. �
egcess of three families� provided that the continua.nce o� such
�r�e-family dwelling be for the remaining life of the structure
now on said premises, and provided fur�her� that the appellan.ts � �
comply with �he cha,n.ges set forth in the Bureau of Publie Build�ngs
and Housing Code Division report dated August 3� 1965� and
provided further, that such permission shall lapse ipso facto
17n� ess the appellants are in f�zll compliance with the above
report� dated August 3, 1g65� within one year from the date of �
this resolution� and provided further� that the appellants
provide a total of three off-street parking spaces for� said
dwelling, acceptance of this resolution and terms to be made by
the appellants� and sub�ect �o compliance with saLd provisions
the Council expressly finds that such relief will be consistent
with the public health and general welfare� and that said relief
and permission herein granted is sub�ect to the fU.rther condition
hat the- appellants an.d their succes�ors and assigns otherwise
shall make due compliance with all applicable pr ovisions of
Mun.icipal Ordinances� State �ta�utes� rules an.d regulations of
� ublic authorities having cognizance ; further� that a copy of
�, this Resolution be filed with the Register of �Deeds in and for
S� �p Ramsey County� Minriesota.
� � �� � . � � . - i � -
� � ' '
� " Notice is hereby �iven that a public �
�' hearing will be he�d before the City
�,� ' Councll at 10 A.M. on Septembe: 30,
1965, in�the City Council Chamber in
the GYty Iiall and Court FIouse, in the
matter o4 the appeal of Minr}esota'
Mining and Manufacturing Co., under
Legislative�Code,� Zocn ng eCode,pfo o CT 2 01965
relaxation oE S.S toot parking lot set-
back requirement from Bush Ave. to
8 feet an Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and West;2
COLINCILI�N �,o� �t i�, Block 13, Terry�g Additioa, Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays ��Dat d S pte ber Be�9� Bush Ave.
Dalglish ROBERT B. GERBER, Jr., OCT 2 01965� ��
City Clerk.
Holland _ _ (September 18, isss) Approve 19—
Loss J —
Tn Favor
Peterson V f�Ctll� MAYOr
��__ �►gainst
� �'�'''���''..���n�•���o�#��:�� PUC��G�ID OCT i�� ��
Mr. Vice President (Roaen)
lons e-ds
i '
_�--'^" . ,�'. '
ty �' ;�c
'�t,�;"�y. Robert B. Gerbe�, Jr. � ��`"` ''4 Albert B. Olson
� �' � City Clerk and � y Cozcncil Recorder
Gommiasioner of Registration � : ����� _
� QJ
386 City Hall
St.Pa2cl,Minneaota 55i0E
September 23, 1965
Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell
Corporation Counsel
Deax Sir:
The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting
the attached appeal of �rank B. and Caxol D. Schwaxtz to legalize
and continue an existing three-plex in an "A" Residence District
on property at the southeast corner of Caxter Ave. and Gordon
St., described as Lot 7 except the north 25 feet and Lot 8, Block 39,
St. Anthony Paxk North, sub�ect to the condition that a copy of the
resolution be filed wi.th the deed in the Register of Deeds' office,
and sub�ect to the conditions set out in the ning Board's letter hereto
attached. ye truly ours,
City Clerk
ng �
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�JSJ::::•r:•r:•:titi•:v:•5:'i:• fi � .
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��������� �l�!!� 223-4151 Room 20 CITY HALL Y� COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102
•�. ,
' . � . September 15, 1965
Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr.
. City Clerk .
Building .
. Dear Sir:
' This is in reply to the referral of the appeal of Frank B. and
Carol D. Schwartz to legalize and continue an existing three-plex
in an "A" residence district on property located at the southeast ,
corner of Carter Avenue and Gordon Street which is described as
Lot .7 except the north 25 feet and Lot 8, Block 39, St. Anthony
' Park North: ` -
In 1890 the subject property was developed with the existing
structure constructed as a two-family residence. At some unknown
date, the use of the structure was extended to a three-family
� � dwelling which did not necessitate an enlargement of the original
structure. Because the property is classified as "A" residence
which limits it to a two-family use, the applicant must secure
` Council authorization to continue the use of the property as a
The Board of Zoning heard this request on August 19, 1965. The �
- • staff reported that there is a two-car garage and that a third
• off-street parking space can be provided. It was the Board's
� finding that inasmuch as off-street parking for three cars can be
provided, that the appeal to continue the three-family use be
granted subject to compliance with the changes set forth in the
" Bureau of Pu blic Buildings and Housing Code Division report dated
August 3, 1965 a~copy of which is attached and subject to the
applicant providing a total of three off-street parking spaces.
It is, therefore, the Board of Zoning's recommendation that the
, use of the subject property be continued as a three-plex for the
life of the structure subject to the above conditions. It is also
recommended tliat, should�-the Council grant the appeal, that a copy
of the resolution be filed with the deed in the Register ot Deed's
office. , , ' .
. . ;- * .
� � � � ' '.-" � Siricerely,
� ' ' -. - . .
. ,. � � � N ;�,. -�,��.
} (�.�
NRH/mm � � �, ' "" N. R. Heiden���
Encl. �1 � _ . - ` �-
Z.F. 5632 � , y = .
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To the Honorable Mayor and Se tember 23 1964 �
P ,
City Council of the City of St. Paul
c% City Clerk - - ` �
Room 386 - - - .
Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota �
The undersigned applicants are filing this appear under Legislative Code
Chapter 64. 03, Section O, Paragraph 2, for an Existi.ng Use Permit of the
property hereinafter described, and state and show the followi.ng facts:
1. Applicants are Frank B. Schwartz and Carol D. �chwartz, husband and wife,
who reside at 2355 Gordon, St. Paul, Minnesota. "
, " . �
. 2. The legal description of the property i.nvolved is as follows:
Lot Seven (7), except the North Twenty-five feet (N. 25')
thereof and Lot Eight (8), Block Thirty-nine (39), St. Anthony
Park North, accordi.ng to the plat thereof on fi.le and of
record i.n the office of the Register of Deeds, i.n and`for
Ramsey County, Minnesota.
3. The property is commonly known as 2355 Gordon, St. Paul, Minnesota, which
is located on the Southeast corner of Carter and Gordon Streets.
4. The property is now occupied by three families and has been so occupied
for a great number of years by three fami.lies. That the applicants have been
livin�in this property for about four years and duri.ng all that ti.me it was occupied
as a three family dwelling and that it had been occupied for a long time prior to
the time your applicants purchased it by three families. That your applicants
at one time had four families livi.ng in this house but have now made the necessary
changes and it is only occupied by three families. ,
� �. The applicants propase to use this property for three fami.lies in the future.
6. The purpose of this appeal is to be permitted to legally operate this property
as a three-plex.
7. The need for this appeal is because the property is now zoned A Residential
and under that zoning can only be occupied by two fami.lies.
8. Your applicants are informed by the City Architect•s Office that the land
requirements for a three family dwelling are sufficient and that the occupancy
by three families constxuctionwise is within the Code.
. ���
s -
�"�`. .
�,+j • ,
, -2-
9. The lot dimensions are as follows: The lot is pie shaped and taken from the
plat book the measurements are as follows: 52` frontage on Carter which is
approximately facing Northwest; to the rear it widens to the poi.nt where it is
approximately 131. 25=; on Gordon Street ifi is approximately 150 s in length and
on the other side is about 140'.
10. The section of the Ordi.nance which applicants are appealing under is
Legi.slative Code, Chapter 64. 03, Section O, Paragraph 2.
Respectfully submitted:
��� � , � �
Frank B. S chwart z
Carol D. Schwartz �
�•, ,
-r ' ' • ' � � I�„ - r�
`�J � � � � LJ
August 3., 1965
AUG 3 ��i,�
Cl'i'X �'�1�����e� ��.c�x��
S�aut L'aul, Minneso�a
TOs City Planning and Zoning Board •
FROM: Bureau of Public Buildings and the
Housing Code Division of the Bureau of Public Health
RE: Appeal for authorization of a three-plex in an "A"
Residential D ' 'ct at 2355 Gordon and 2338 Carter Avenue
Zoning File 563
Filed by: Fran Schwartz,. 2338 Carter Avenue
. The following is a list of items requiring alteration� repair or removal
to meet the minimum requirements of the Housing Code and Building Code .
2355 Gordon
Building;Provide mechanical ventilation in the bathrooms which do not
have an outside window.
Increase the window area on the second floor kitchen to have at
least the equivalent to 10;6 of the floar area of the room.
Repair the loose plaster and holes in the basement and attic
- stairwell.
Electric:The electric service consists of two 30 ampere entrances from one
drop. One of the services is in need of immediate repairs on the
• main switch. These services are not adequate for a three family
unit and must be replaced. Many outlets have been installed illeg-
ally and must have the proper number of outlets installed as re-
quired under the Housing Code - at least two outlets in every room�
one of which may be a ceiling lightt except in kitchens which re-
quire three outletst one of which may be a ceiling light. Basement
and attic have many open splices and must be corrected.
Plumbing:The plumbing in the owner' s apartment on Gordon Street needs the
galvanized and black steel piping used for waste removed and re-
placed with materials that meet the Code requirements and the proper
venting installed for the fixtures on both the first and seconcl
floors . Install a larger piping for water in several areas where
undersized cooper tubing has been used.
2338 Carter
Plumbing: First Floor Apartment)
The water clqset connection is not legal and must be replaced. The
steel piping on the waste to the other fixtures must be replaced
with proper materials and the proper ver�ting supplied. There is a
broken 4" hub on the soil fitting in the basement. T'his must be
repaired. Install the proper wastes for the basin .and sink on the
second floor.
. v �~•• � , � .
� � rM
.J� .
Also the following improvements must be mades
( 1) Replace sash cords �n the kitchens of unit 1 and unit 3.
Replace broken window panes in the living room and kitchen
of unit 3 arid in the attic .
(2) Install a hancl rail in both st.airwells to the cellar.
(3) Repair the chimney,. repa�r the east side of the roof� 'replace
screen door� and repair the steps on the northeast entry.
(4) Paint- the trim.
_ 2 r
113 Court House 55102
� September 10, 196� '
City �lerk
File 16948, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall and Cour� House in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m, on September 23, 1965, on the application
of �ank B. and Carol Schwartz for appeal for continuation of a
3-plex in an "A�� Reaidence District on the following propertyt
Lot 8 and except north 25 feet Lot 7, Block 39, St. Anthor�* Park
North. The property is located on the southeast corner of Carter
and Gordon Streets.
For flarther informa.tion call at Room 20� Court House or phone
Commissioner of Finance
e d .
113 CourF House, 66102
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner
THOMAS J.KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner brF. 343-344
September 17, 1965
I�lr. Robert Gerber
City Clerk
Dear Mr. Gerber:
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hammer, 2334 Carter Avenue have no ob-
jection to the application of Frank B, and Carol Schwarts
for an appeal for continuation of a three-plex in an "A"
Residence District on Lot 8 and except north 25 feet Lot 7,
Block 39, St, Anthony Park North. The property is located
on the southeast corner of Carter and Gordon Streets.
Will you please have this letter read at the council hearing
on the above matter on Thursday, September 23, 1965.
S3 �erely y urs, .
James Dalglis
� 23k9.�arter Ave,
. St. Paul, Pdiru-�eeota 55108
Sept. 19� 1965.
�'. Ja�ea d. Ila.lglish
Gommissioi�er of Fina.nce
, 113 Gourt Iouse
St. Paul� 'Aiinnesota 55102
�az' Mz'. Dal�lish� File 1C 4�3
9 , pa.�e 4
This is in rep1� to �ctzr iotificatior of a pat�lic hesxin�
to be hel� in the �oUncil �r,am�e_ 1 a� 16;Oe A.M. 5eptember 23, 15(5�
on the application of �'ran$ a. ar`i (�e,ro], Schwarts for appeal for con—
tinu,ation ot a 3—ple= in .an "A„ 3�eidence Diatrict on the follawiag
property; Zot 8 and e=cep� nortl 25 teet I,ot 7� alock 3 9, �t. Ant�o�y
Park DTorth� The property ie. loaated on the soutreast corner of Qarter
avenue and Gordon street�
' We don�t like to aee aam�a in- ouz• noi�;:aborhood turned i�to
, three dwelling unite. We have discuaaed thia ai;th our ot�er neighbors
and they are in agreement. In tk.is particular.case, however, it ia
alreac�y being used aa a three dwr;Llin� u*�.it and, except for aame park_
ing problems� we would not �ae.ke any cor�plaints. Gars were left out
in front last win�er wtiich interfered with plowing enow�
We definitely do not war�t to eeo thid type of tning extended
to other daellinga in tre comaunity� We would apprecia�e your notifying
us if s�.n,y further applications are ma.de to convert homes to three
dwellin� unite.
� Yery truly yours� r
. �����:6"t'` �` ���
Gerald R, and biary F� Mc
� '
L •
� �
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� ' _ i ' ___ ' .: ' `ea - s `' ''. " + ',
� t337 Qarter Ave.- � �
� 3t. Paul, Hinr�esota
� sept. 15� 1965
� Nr. Je�mee J. Dalglieb
i Comniosioner oP FirsRnae
' Dep�.rtment of !'inanae
; City oP 3t. Pnul •
� 113 Court Houae 55102
Denr •ir:
Referenae ia nede to your l�tt�r of 3ept. 10, 1965 ._(Fil• 16948,
pa�e 4) regarding the application of l�r�k E. and Onrol Schwartz t'or
appenl !or contimution of a 3-Pl�x in an �A" Reaidence Distrtot on
Lot 8, Bluck 39, corri�r of Carter �nd Qordon 8treeta, �t. Anthony Pnrk.
Unfortunately, a previous enga�geamm�t preveirte me from appearing
�t this henrir`ig. Oonaequent2y, we xish to indiaate through this letter
that �►e oppoae the xtiring of any soning regulations until the Oomaiunity
. 3urvey of the 3t. Ar�thor�► Psrk Ie�omiation i� aonpleted.
�Aa y►our rmcords xill ahor�, the 3t. �thv�r P�ark A�soeiation haa
talcen the t'olloring, po�il�ian on tr;i: tM.kt�rt '?h: /►a�Qciation will
etrongly oppoere a� eaoeption� to' pres�nt oity aorrtirol�, such ne the
rezoning of property from n lower to a higher deneity aategory,
vaoeting atreeta and alleys, and granting of eaaements .which alloN
apartments�'. � �
� �.
Me b�1t�Q� thla to be a sound approach e►nd aupport it regcrdle�s
of' the 3ndisi�c.�fi��inrolred, beaauee one exception ueually leade to
another. with the eventual br.e.e]r.down of the purpoem of zoning regulationa�
: .. _ .. .--
: $
� Bincerely youra,-
, Fra . ufert
� � _
I 13 Court House,65102
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner
Phone: 224�3612
THOMAS J.KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner 6ct.343-344
September 20, 1965
Mr. Robert Gerber
City Clerk
Dear Mr, Gerber:
Will you please have the attached letter read at the
hearing �on the matter on September 23. -
Thank you.
Sin erely yours,
ames J. Dalgli
Comm'ss oner of Finance
. t -- _ - _ _ _ .
4i�`�+ • 4 � .- , • � �, � �..! _ .v , V - • n ` � ._ , �. � �
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: �/s - •� - + ° • INSTITUTE OF AGRIQULTURE � � .k - t
�"�„" L"'Y.'. l',�. '¢- . � ^ •R � .� ,� � , . 1 ' .. r ..Y , . ..'. .•_! �! , _
- - - : � � ; September 18;. 1g65, , ' 4 ` ' ' ST.�PAU,L, MIIVNESOTA 5510i � , ,
�: ,�.41��� �`` r ±..� \.. ...�� •!� • � '"` .. � • : 4 ' ' _ .�• •..� •� • �t A; E "
-, `' • 4�' ki� r �rw� Jaine�'s. J:.-Dalgli�h`. _ �_- ��_ . . . - � - . • . . '. ': - - �, ` _ � � _- � �n
' � 'r ,Commi si ' ''. - - : . ' � ' � , ' � • ,; _ ;- '.�
, , , _�*�:,- �.�` s _ oner' of ,Finarice - . , •� . � _ . , . • ?`-' r .'. .
. ___� , .. Dept . af Fjnance - � • - � • ' � . . . - . . - . . r . � . - , . . < � . . ; . ,
�, � � : -r �.113. Court House - : - � � . � • : - � �,. � .. • ` - . . - ' . -
, - ' � - �.St Pau1; Minne'sota . 55102 . � . � • _ - _ - � - - - = ' .
. +� ��� � � ��"� Dear'. .Mr.„ Dalglirsh� .� f. .. . . � ; �_ '• � _ , - � . - ` � " � , , . -, ,� .,,�Y , ;�
�'.�i� ' f.. ,, .._ '.'. " � ' I am unable• a -- � - . � -- , � .. � ,, _ . � � . ,- - ' ��- __. ,
; . ; � to =appear at 'tfi�e hearin� September 23' conce�ning . _
. . - � -the reqtiest=,by ,-�'rank�=B;= and� Caro1-� Schwa.'rtz. for•�cont_inuat'ion of. a� ._ - -�•°���
, . "`~y , - ,.
•• -:, . ' 3-Plex iri the _ resfidence ��ori .�ot _8, Block 38, -S� . Anthony Park North � �
- - , - � (�`i�le No. •1'6g48, �_p�. 4 )�;. and• I �hope .,that this le�t�er may� be con- '
�-��,- - • -_ �s�,dered �in�'�lie.0 of appearance. in perso.n. � . • �� , ° �• . ° . � _ �, � _
. . - - . - ..- . , .-. � : • . ., . •' � . - . - • � . . � ' . _ •
- � ' � �� • - tJe'�strongly ur�e �th�at'rthis:�appeal for continuation of a 3-�lex -�
-- - - � Y';� � `�in 'that `�residence be den�e.d.� � • - � - � - - - `
,. _ . ' '_ , _ , � . . - . , �: . ` -. � '� -. - ' , .� � .
_ _ . . . , . . , . . ... . ., _�
=- , , �. _ � � _' � �. ,� '�his, section of .St : . Anthony.-,Parl� is by��3aw zoned for. A re.s- �. � `_.
� - � • -, ,idences` only; �•NeitYier we nor; �,o far as I am aware, ;any �other � •
_, . •- ; , . ,�near �nei-ghbors;� or��the St :`:�-Anthony �ark�: Association 'were`�informed �"' "
- . . _ " � of permis•sion to, convert <tYi�.S re�s3.de�ce `into a 3-plex� several years � _
.• - - . • : - ago,'�i� s'uch .permi"ssion. was'°�iyen. � There are �man�r �esidences in �
� � ', � ,• � • St . "A�thony�.Paxk''.of- ap�i�aximat.ely the same size -as the �one in . � -
. �� �"' � . , . quest3.on; -if. permission� to conv_ert one into a 3-Pl:ex•'is given, � � �� � �
- - _- : � others may'have� an- eq.ual right= to, 'conversiori into mult�iple _dwellings; -
_ , . � - , '- and iri our opinion this .would ' ser3.ously dovrngrade 'a fin'e -resident,ial � �,
r . � -- � � comir�unity. .. ` . . � - : . .: � , , , • ` , , " - - . "- .• •�
. ?� , � ' . , . �+• _ ." , - �' � . � - � . .-. � � `
.. . ' ' . ♦S: .� ' � � x , . _, l �., .r � , _ .
_ - �-. _ : � � ,As evidence �of one� :undes�.rable aspect of '-such ,�conv-ersion ��.nto
. �°� ' - ,'multi.ple dwell•ings., may. ��`_of.fer, the .'following: ��Zost =of ;the time
� _ � - �� ��during� the �ast' .severaT xears �the �owne.rs and tenant s .of 'the Schwartz � '
�_ � ° _ - ; � residence have ~had. a-t_o�a�. of 5 or-,6� .veni'eles � parked �on the streets ':
,- � . - . _ ,_ - (Gordon and Carter) ad�acent to t-he�'•propert•y . '�:Occ'asionally �one 'h,as• � -
_ . � =� been." left in dead�� storage:on .the. street- throughout�the vrinter: �fter • -
' ,� , - ' , ,��snowstorms duri�g= the .winter," and :,just ' before �the_ streets are t`o" be �--.
� - � . _ � plo4ied, trao 'of,,-�hes'e cars 'have �been regu�.arly,�_habituall:y, =and . - � . "
_ � �. � . �` L conSistently parked�•Qn�: our side o�' Gordon Ave.��.a= short distance- •� - � � �
-� ° � � � - �� bel�ow���ur driveiaay . eritrance . As a�� result ; the�.snowplow mu�t _travel =
� • � _ �- .. at ���least.. 8 'to �10 feet_,'out� from the, curb on. our �'s�.de of t'he, street, � .
�:� �� , „' leaving. a •hi$h� ridge- of„snow and ice across •our ent'rance�. , As soori ' � .
, _ . _ as the _street-,has "been � p.l`owed,. the ,cars are moved to.�t'he' other. side - .
, •. - , � of Gordon, and �are��`parked�_.there until �just .tie�re the next plowing;' �
, . , _ , _ � ; when' they; ar,e again:'parked on' our_ side. - ` At .times ,we� have bean unable � �
� ,. �_ , , to "leave our dr�.veway .unt.�1 we,•have .been .able to hire this snow ' � �
- . � '� , and _ice accumulation rer►iove.d;._ and• at times�_we �_are .unable to ariter our� �
�_. ' . . : �dr�veway �when appr.oachiri�-: it �from the '�south ori Gordon. Last 'winter,� '
� =�";_ • _, and again_ 2- o:r: 3,•.years.�,ago� this� portion of Cordon Ave .. �ras for_ some =�
_ o: . , . . .
- . , time •'essentially -a ,one•=1ane -s�treet•. _ This has� beeri most <inconyenient. � , -
� , ; - , . for us,� and -for, others a� "s� �'w� ell.� , The greater� the riumber pf .tenants
- • - - � •in -the residence, th�e ��?�tthis and�' other�'annoyanc`es •will "be : � - ° '� �
� - . •, '� . _. �.� ' ,Y ' , , •` `- - • . . •� '_ � ,• . �9 ,.. .• + �, • �~ � '
_ " . � • e ' ' t, . ! J; _ " ' . ' - _ ; .-• • ' , � . ' � ' .� ._. '• � ' • • •
" ' '� ' __ � • • . � r _ . Y�: � •"a' _�.. . .. ., � ,i Y . . �
• ���� ��, -�.�.•� . .�• ,. �� *S�JJ:�J�1�:��} �R ' � t . «. ,` ' •�. '1 's ,. - �. _ ' •.' ' ,� � ,- . �
��%�'} , . ' i - ,. _ . _ ` • � �< ' _-. ' •' ' . " � . . ' . , � _ `
i'"'��'� --S.�. -. �.0 . ��` , • •.. - Y, � � _ � � �_ - - . r� � � � '� - - ' _
1�.,�;� _ �_ : , UNIVERSITY��OF Z�l .WSOVW��.'.�,. ' ' � � '_ � ` � � � y = _ ' y_.. - - ,- � ; •, - ,
-:`,- ,r . .'"i=� , ' '�' k � , , . ' ; . . , , R. J- ' { i - � ' -
-, . , ' - a� . " _ . x • _ . ° ' - •
. • -- • � + -
` . . • . � . - - . , : .
" �- -� � . • . - .. .�r . • .: . � , . . . .
+ ' o" � . " ;4 � , . ' ; ' INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE _. � -
,�'• ,' �y�, `� SS ?"y," � � � . • � , ' �_ �DEPARTMENT OF PI;ANT PATHOLOGY AND PIiYSIOLOGY t �' r•
� .i" � � � � " _ +• �'- "� ' � • +- � � �. , - . . ST.•PAL[L, MINNESOTA 55101 i" , �
- - . �i. _ -' rt ° .z`.:t 4.�.3 . ' ' . . . . ' _ - ' -� . - . . � ,' � " .
• ., - • r° � . . . -_`', . - • , � . • _ . __ - , ',' - ; . . �� . : �y .,
'` ��-� . �- '� �'- - ', The establishment -o��- this, section of. �St=: Anthongi Park �as �w � � `- `
�: :- ,�' rt � '`{� �, an�,A= residenti:al; di,strict presur►iably was for the . purpose�-of�._ n ` �
� �: , r��_ ° � � ', -"maintaining it as �a desir.able residential. a�ea; �with -as -•littleY� ,Y iI �
_ � • � 'c�ommer�ial exp�o+itation._as �p�ossibTe.:- G1e ,contend;tha�t the Schtvarzes • � .
� - ` � have "explp�ted,.-and tYirough.__the; appeal kfor :continuation_.of a permit ,
� _ . -- for a 3-plex,;:are_•attempting �to, continue� to`•exploit., the general - _ .
' -. , • � •- . attr-activenes�s �o�. t�he rieighborhood 1#'or their own gain; �an,d witho.ut , - � .
', , , " • • - 'regard fo.r`either� ,the�- nei�Yibors or° the'� �eneral� pub�lic';�° We^ : ' • _� - . y - -
: _° - urge 'that the 'appeal ' for• continuation of .the permit'"�_be _den�,ed. '� � �
; 4 .. _ • , ; =- . -, � -. . � : , `y : . . -Respectfu�ly - -, �•. ' ` �. . • - �.
.. . � - . . . . r`Y: " ' � ' . _ - �•�• �i`��� '`�i� s " r _ ,
. . � _� . . . _ _ : � ', , • , ;� � C 1�2. Christensen ' . �, ,. . • � . .
- � � � - . �- • - ' . ' , , � ' Professor.: of Pl_arit'„ Pathology _ � - , __
' J. � I „ ' , s ' • . ` ' -- - , . . , - - . " - � ` . . ' . .
F , ' '-' _ . - . ' ^ -' ' ' �i' ' ` -� .. _ `Y`" - . ' . . .i a_' � ._ _ ' � � ' • : - ' ,_ �
,. ' ; � - . . � ` . Y • ' r- - t ' � `. • ` � _ • " • , • _ _
�'� , ... ' ` , ". _ '- �` ' � � i� . ` a ' ., , _ . . � '.' • , -. ' , .
••' - • 1 `, . r� . '� � -r' �' ' ' � , . _ ` � �- _ • _=1-� • , . � ' .'.' _ i� ' �_ �.
• � ` � a�' f � a � ' ,�F e ._ _ � • • _ • . ' .. ' .
...•- •' • - t• � � ' � I �.t _• r ,� • _" ,• ,� � .- '� - ^ • _ � - ' ` �- �_ � ` , a - - - �
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',- ` , •' ' "` -1 •� ` ' «r,.� .� ' . a i ' ' .•" .' , _ • • ' ' ~ . • �` '' ' ' ,_ ' - .. •.
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. - - .- -_ - - � - - octobe�c 20, i965 : .- � _ - � . -
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� - � _ - - �, . . F - � . � ; �
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��da� F�rik 8. BahMr�z � � • ,. � ` . -
r e.
, � _ - .$t. .paul� M�.nnesot� - ` , . ' � � ' _ : -
- . , �, De� Mr'� de Mr�. �ChM'ertz� � , - - �� � ' . - _ .- - .
` _ - - , , - , , � - - - ,,
Enalosed is a copyi oP a� r�solu�io ng you p�rmieaion ta eon�inue � -
- . - the presen� u�e of prope de�c 'd �her�in:. .�,_ _ ' � �
�- � You yri].� r�ote t�at '�Yi e�olut3o. qu3 �h6 app(sL'lants '�o' accep� ' =
. - _ � � 3ts t�zoms and Condi� e. Enclos is � for'm of a,acep�tance �nd. �fe _ •�
• ask th�t you �3gn an eturn 3t � his of`fic�. ;.' -� . - . _ � •
- - - Y - - . - . , Very t,rul�r �our�f , - .
� � -_ ' - -� , • � - .� _ W _ � _ Ci�y C1e��- , - � ' _' .
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. � � - a '
, �
� Council Flle No. 225643=BY Frank L:
Resolved, Upon the pertinent appeal
under the Zoning Code by Frank B.
� Schwartz and Carol D. Schwartz, as
owners of the subject property situate STATE OF MINNESOTA
� in the City of Saint Paul, described as
Lot 7, except the north 25 feet and Lot
8, Block 39, St. Anthony Park North, L'i0U11�j► of Ramsey 68.
� located on the southeast corner o4
Cartet�Avenue and Gordon Sfreet,that CITY OF SAINT PAUL
� the provisions of said Zoning Code
hereby are determined and varied in
� application so th�t the premises may
contain separate accommodations for Robert B. Gerber Jr.
� several, not in e�tcess of three families, I �.___.__.,.�___________________________City Clerk
provided that the continuance of such �-------------------°••---....-------------------------°...-----
three-familY dwelling be for the re-
maining liie of the structure now on
said premises, �a provided further, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
that the appellants comply with the
changes set forth in the Buresu of
Public Buildings and Housin8 Code 22 643
Division report dated August 3, isss, compared the attached copy of Council File No........_...�____________________________
and provided further� that such per-
mission shall lapse ipso Yacto unless
the appellants are in full compllance October 20� 65
with the above report, dated August 3, as adopted by the City Council_____.._____________________________________________19....____._____..
1985, within one year from the date of
� this resolution, and provided�further,
,� tnet tt�e appellants rovide 8 totai of October 20� 65
ee off-street parlc�ng spaces for said and approved by the Mayor.----------•------------•----------------------------•-•-•----19..-•------------
�` elllng, acceptance of this resolution
and terms to be made by the appel-
q' �d �provsionsethe Councili�xprrssl�'',. with the original thereof on file in my o$ice.
� ds that such relief will be consistent
.� �fth the public health and general
�AElfare, and that said relief and per-
� mission herein gr anted is subject to �---------------------------------------°----...---------...-----•°-------------------------------------..._._...--------------------
further condition that the appel-
�. lants and their successors and assigns
� otherwise shall make due comPllance -------------------------•----•----...-----
th all aPPlicable provisions of Munic- ------------�-----------------------°----•----•-------------•---------•-.._..------•--•-...
Ordinances, State Statutes, rules
� and regulations of public authorities
V ving cognizance:.further,that a copy -----------°-----------°-----°----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
thi�_ Resolution. be flle� with the
Q• giste; of Deeds in and for Ramsey
County,"Minnesota. .
Adoptedby the Councll October 2Q -----•-------------------------------------------------------°----°--------------•--.........-°-------.....__...---...._....-°---...
� 1985. '
Approved October 20, 1985.
(� (October 23, -1965)
� --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------°-°°---......._....----------...--•-----.....--
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.f�:a�2rr,f.� i.
...�. - " `' ieY•.
���. � ��'�' �r:- � ,� ��I further certify that said copy is a tri:e a�rd eorrE�t copy of
�, �«4� �.rl.�!
�r�� �S��i��*���������(
�"1` � ��''" ' eaid*of�'gi�al and the whole thereof.
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i. „- �t^ r , ��dr'!■
��-,�� ,��`'��F,�����.�:�,���3r� �SS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.,
-'S3`' �,�T-•... ., ..�_'s--t�
�r�����r-���-:.f�.�t:t� .�-,� � bl /
I.7� . •.; ,t l✓'ar .',-�I�-
IF�Yn'���r�_iI � .a+,�'' y. :�- 5•
� ,:t r• tli�e_`:��:�--h-._.....----day of_...-------Octo.-----� -- --- --�. 19._6
�l �_x� i����y.,,y'j ,r�Y�� _� . C'�_ .
r�, � {%�'..��;.-���'c,r�"*;4�.'` ='� �' .l,l�_
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"�����-��?�:�.,�.�4t"� '"��=�" City Clerk.
��J�.`'i F���� ' \
_ . 3543 ; -�0 �-.�fl r�af A ;� :