225641 � 22��41 TO CITY GLHRK ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO , OFFtCE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESENTED CY f /COM M I551 ON E DA� / � ' RESOLVED, upon the pertinent appeal� un.der the �oning Code� by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company� owner of the subject premises described as Lots 5� 6� 7, 8� 9, 10 and 11� Block 4� E. M. Mackubin= s Addition to �aint �aul� located on the south side -of�,East S�eventh Street between -Forest a.nd Nlendota Streets in the City 'o� Saint Paul� zoned partially in Commercial Distric� and p artially in "B" Residence District under said Zoning Code� that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied in application as and to the extent necessary ' therefor� and a special permit hereby is granted unto said appellant and its successors and assigns, for the extension of the Commercial District use of said premise5� so that the same shall cover said premises in their entirety; otherwise said appellant and its successors and assigns shall make due compliance w�tY� sll applicable ordinances� �tate statutes� and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. ,. .�- - - . . - —- �- -- — - � .�. zoxu�v� �,rz�Eai, f � -------� � ,^'otk�. L •<�iebv �*i�-en that a public �hearing qril,i be $ei3 before •the City Council at 10 A.M. on September 23, f1985, in the City Council Chamber in the City I3all and Court House, in 6the matter of the appeal of Minnesota t Mining and ManuPacturing Co.; under �Chapters BO to 84 iqclusive, St. Paul� �Legislative Code, Zoning Code for ex-� �tension oP �Commerciai use to enrire i C �site. on the following described prop_1 �O VGQ e�3'7 Lots 5. 6. .7. S, 9, 14 and 1�1,� �Block 4, E,M.Mackubin's Addition, on � the south side�of E. Seventh St. be-' .,...�s tween Fbrest and Mendota Sts. � Asst. Corparat an Count�l Dated September 8, 19&5. , • ROBERT B. GERBER, Jr., City Clerk. r (September 11, 1965) 1 '�_ __ __ `�'i__J � o cT 2 0 ��� COiJNCILI�N , Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas � Nays Dalglish w 0 CT 2 0196 Holland � Approv� 19— Loss v Tn F'aVOP . ,--ir�"..�� Peterson V ACtld1,� MaYOr A A gainst . ��� :''''�',,''.„''.""''"'''''°�",�'''""'''''�;",S�"'�a:,�',�`�•�i'''-�°.''`tEE:� PUBUSHED QCT 2 3 19�5 Mr. Vice President (Rosen) lons �s ,_,Y p - ^ :r ,.',•^ .-: �.:� • - - . , _ ' ' � �:r:•: �.:;�:: �,� ' ..' . e , . .. . ���:`:�: � B�ARD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���������1�3ti,f 223-4151 , Room 20 CITY HALL g COURT HOUSE + -.SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. 55102 ..:,.....� � _ � ������ . � � • S '; September 20, 1965 . Y y ' - ' 1 l . • • y ' # i . Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. '� '� _ - City Clerk - - • : . - - � Building � � . Dear Sir: _ � ' "_� i ' � �- � This is in the matter of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company's . appeal for the extension of a commercial use to the entire site. The _ property is located on the south side of East Seventh Street betw.een Forest- and Mendota Streets; it is described as lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and �ll, Block 4, E. M. McKubin's Addition. Subject property consists of seven 40 foot lots, two are developed as parking lots, namely lots 6 and 8. Lot 5 is the site of an abandoned theater building which shall be removed tb expand the parking lot; lot 7 is developed with a liquor store and zot 9, 10 � 11 are developed , - with commercial buildings which are owned and occupied by the applicant. The subject lots are zoned commercial to a depth of 100' from East Seventh Street and the rear 25 feet of said lots are zoned "B" residence. The property has a frontage of 280 feet on the south east side of East � Seventh Street and extends to a depth of 125 feet with a total area of 35,000 square feet. The applicant is appealing under the provisions of Section 64.03 which provides that where a use district br�u�dar.y line � divides a lot in single ownership the City Council may permit a use ' • � authorized on either portion of such lot to extend to the entire lot. The Board of Zoning considered the matter at its regular meeting on August 5, 1965. The staff reported that northwest from the subject pro- perty and across Seventh Street and northeast and southwest of subject property the area is developed commercial; southeast and adjoining are . two single-family residences fronting on Minnehaha Avenue; father south- � east is a two-family residence also fronting on Minnehaha Avenue. The Comprehensive Plan indicates the highest and best use for said property as commercial development. The requested extension appears reasonable and in keeping with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Based upon the character of the existing development of subject property and - the area immediately surrounding it and the_existing zoning, the Board of Zoning recommends the extension'of commercial use to said lots in their entirety. ` � l ' Sincerely; - . �. {� , _ " N. R. Heiden I � �� NRH/mm . C� G Encl. � � Z.F. # 5863 � , �� 1 �`_ w^ h Y` � '�` 1 ,1 J- � ' - / 7 � ` R] I. NNES OTA n] INING AND �] AN [] FACTIIRING CORIPAN � U 2501 HUDSON ROAD• MAPLEWOOD.•SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55119•TEL.733-II10 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL rJ� 3Q� ],7�5 • The Honorable Mayor and City Coun.cil c�o C3.ty Clerk Room 386 City Ha11 and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: � . �. � � � Reference is made to Lots 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 together with the following described land which is part oP the plot of Lo Five (5) a.nd described. as the Southwesterly 1.08 feet of Lot Four (�+);-and�ha�--par-� (�26"}-�Y�n8-1V��h-o�a-�tne-1�3�-�feet-Idor� �an��a_r_a11e1-- �he-�etztlrer� 3�-(�-20�;a�d�hat-�flr..�-^�T�e�- r�.bed-a.s-f-o-l�:ows: Beginning at the Sou�hwest corn.er of said Lot Five (5); thence Southeasterly a distance o� 5 feet along the 8outhwesterly side line o� said Lot Five (5) ext�nded in a South- easterly direc�ion; thence Northea,sterly and paxallel with the Southerly line of said Lot Five (5) to the Ee.sterly line of said Lot Nineteen (19); thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said I,ot to the Southerly line of said Lot Five (5); thence Southwesterly along the Northerly line [ o� said Lot Nineteen (19) to the place of beginning�iAll of said prop- 1 erty is located in Block Four (�+) of E. M. Mackubins addition to � 8t. Paul. This property is otherwise lmown as 898-900, 90�+-906, 908-910, 912-91�+, 920-922, 92�+-926 East Seventh Street and is located on the Southeast eide of East Seventh Street between Reaney Street and Minnehaha Avenue. The present use of this property is as follows: Lot L1 - Ca�ercial Building n � ((7 (� � n(� � D Lot 10 - CouIInercial Building ill] U (S 1�1 I,ot 9 . - Co�nercial Building Lot 8 - off-street Parx�.ng �,ot � AUG 3 1965 Lot 6 - Off-Street Paxking Lot zot 5 - a�a Parts of r�ot �+, ig a.na 20 - C��� �'Y.1�iv��tiv�► ���� Vaca.n� Theatre Sa�at i'ayl, Minneso�e► A11 of the above-described property is presently zoned commercial �or the front 100 feet abutting East Seventh Street and Residence B for the approximately 25-foot back por�tion of the lota. . � � � . ' .� . ..- �'t� _,. : [�IINN�50TA [f1INING AND mAN[]FACT[]AING COmPANY The Honorable Mayor and City Council JulY 3�, 1965 , Page Two It is respectfUlly requested. tha.t commercial zoning be extended to the entire lots as provided �or by 3t. Paul Legiala.tive Code, Chapter 6�+, Section 3, Paragraph (a). The purpose of this appeal is twofold, main].y: l. We propose to demolish the existing vacant thea,tre building on Lot Five (5) a,nd enlarge our existing Paxking Lot Six (6) to in.clude this entire area. 2. To change the zoning on the back portion o� the lots to conform to existing land usage. We have enclosed our check in �he amount of $30.00 to cover the cost of this appeal. Youxs very truly, V �L R. 0. 7�aine ROL:sa Enclosure � � � �� u � {n ti � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 �� September 10, 1965 City �l.erk File 1691�3, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing �rill be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on September 23, 196�, on the application of Nlinnesota Nlining and Mariufacturing Company for an appeal for extension of Co�runercial use to entire si�e on the following property: Lots 5, 6, 7� 8, 9� 10 and 11, Block !�, E. M. Ma,ckubins Addition. . The property is located on the south side of East Seventh Street between Forest and Mendota Streets. For further informa,tion call at Room 20, Court House or phone 223-l�.1.51. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance