225640 � , ORIGIH`RL TO CITY CLERK ���(7.� A O CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa %��`A , • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COU CIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF , RESOLVED upon the per�inent appeal� under the Zonin.g Code� by Amhers� H. Wilder Foundation� as owner of the subject real estate situate in the City of �aint Paul� zoned in "A" Residence �D�.strictl�� under said Zoning Code� described as Lots 1� 2� 3� Block 16� Holcombe= s Addition� loeated at the . southwest corner of Dale �treet and Portla.nd Avenue� that the provisions of said �oning �ade hereby are determined and varied as a.n.d to the extent necessary therefor� and the buildin.g setback line of said real esta�e, in re5pect of Portland Avenue� upon which the same abuts� hereby is established as a line drawn across said real estate parallel thereto and seven (7) feet distan.t from the sQUthyline of Portland Avenue� for an addition to the existing buildin.g located on said premises. i ZONINQ APPEAL � . !� Notice is herepy �v��at a publlc hearing will be he d before the CityJ �Councff at 10 A.M• on October 14, 1965,� in the City Council Chamber, in the', CitY Hall and Covrt House, in the� ma3ter of the appeal of �''�erst $•� � �x` -- - -- _ -.. - - - - Wilder Foundatio Stu Pa Legislative F _ " � -- ' to 64 inclusive. . stablish a 7gf ot building�setback� from Portland Ave. for ad Zitio�nd 3 existlng building oa Lots 1�� E Block Q8, Holcombe's Addition, at the southwest corner oi Dale St. and I'ort" F P OVED � land Ave. Dated Septeznber 29. 1985. ROBERT B.GER.Ci���erk.� Asst. orpora ion Counsel co�to�z. l�s� , COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Counci� OCT 2 O �9� �9— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��.r 2 O Holland .� Appr e 19— Loss � � �- Tn Favor �dit� Pete rs on J A6tl� Mayor ��__ A g3inst ��:.���������.Wa�,�;� PUBLISHED OCT 2 3 1g� Mr.Vice President (Rosenl ioat e-as �r�� Robert B. Ge�be�. Jr. ~'r ���`'t` '"tir Albert B.Olson City Clerk and = A Cou�tcil Recorder Commiasioner of Registration ��� ..� _ .� . �� A• 0 +� ".T.1 OFFICE OF THE CI7Y CLERK � CITY OF SAINT PAUL , BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall ` St.Paul,Minnesota 55i0$ � October 1�+, 1y65 Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: • The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of the Amherst H. �lilder Foundation to establish a 7-foot building line setback from Portland Ave. for an addition to the existing building, at the southwest corner of Dale St. and Portland Ave., described as Lots l, 2, 3, Block 16, Holcombe's Addition. Ve ruly yours, % � � v City Clerk � ng o����!j�� N "t' .� ����'��s��� � o�����o�s r o '�'! 8 � �22 •i:':4' . - . �` • '�' . •_'� a ' - , ::;: � BC?ARD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL - � �1�Ii� 223-4151 Room 20 CITY HALL � COURT HOUSE SAINT PRUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ::�a.,�.,..�,� � � , - October 11, 1965 - Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr. City Clerk - Building � � - Dear Sir: - � The City Council referred to the Zoning Board for consideration the appeal of the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation to establish a 7 foot building line setback from Portland Avenue for an addition to the existing building. . The property �is located on the southwest corner of Dale Street and Portland Avenue and is described as Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 16, Holcombe's Addition. The site is in the "A" residence district zone. On September 29, 1965, the . City Council gra�ted informal approval of this appeal. , - The subject property is used as a nursery school for mentally retarded children, with a portion of the site serving as a playground for use by the children of the school. The applicant proposes to construct an addition to the west side of the present building:to increase the school facilities. ` The site has-a frontage of 120 •feet both on Dale Street and Portland Avenue which results in a total area of 14,400 square feet.i � ' On September 2, 1965, the Board �of Zoning met to considerc:� this appeal. � The staff�reported that the minimum' setback is 20 feet as established by - the Building Department ., and the present structure is setback 14.75 feet from Portland Avenue.? The :applicant proposes�-to construct an addition to . the present facility which��would,�be set;back 7 feet from the Portland Avenue street right-of-way -line.� According to the -applicant's plans this addition would extend westward to within approximately 38 feet of the adjoining property which is developed with a single-family residence. ' � 4 . Mr. Frank Rarig, representing the applicant, statai.that the facility has limited playground area and anything which can be done to preserve the , . major portion of the playground�area is advantage.ous. The proposed addi- tion is needed because of the inadequate quarters of the present facility. , ' • , . • The Board is of the opinion that �the pr"oposed addition would not be detri- mental to the existing dwellings to<the west within the block. In consider- ation of the factors above outlined, the Board recommends approval of the , appeal to establish the 7 foot setback on subject property. - ' � •- � � Sincerely, ' - ' : ' _- . -� y.� r - (� � . , � ���� � ' N. . H �iden ' Encl. � Z.F.# 5860 � � , . - - ) , - - � � . � _::'.+� . . �i . . I . ' E�7��:RST H. WILDER FOUNDATION �,/y�� / �"�, WABHINaTON ANO f'IFTN,STREETS I � SAINT PAUL 2. MINNESOTA `��^ -! FRANK M. RARIG. JR. July 28, 1965 E%ECUTIVE SECRETARY � The Honorable Geor e J. Vavoulis � � �"" � IJ �� g . � C� D Mayor of the City of Saint Paul pUG > 1y��� and the Members of the City Council of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House C�T� �'�i1�i1��1�(� ,��,c�� St. Paul, Minnesota Saant Pa�l, Minnesflta Gentlemen: 6 �� (� The purpo f this Ietter is to appeal for an exception to the provisions of Chapte 640� aragraph J, of the Legislative Code. a. The applicant is Amherst H. Wilder Foundation - 222-0311. b. The Iegal description of the property is: Lots One, Two, and Three (1, 2, 3) Block Sixteen (16) of Holcombe�s Addition to the C ity of Saint Paul. c. The property is located at the southwest corner of Dale and � Portland. � d. The property is used as a nursery school for mentally retaxded � children. - e. The proposed construction is to provide additional space for the Nursery School. There will be no change in the use of the property. .� f. The purpose of the appeai is to obtain authorization to construct an addition to the existing building within seven feet of the sidewaik on Portland. As shown by the attached plan, the proposed addition would exterid about 37 112 feet along Portland Avenue from east to west. g. The Nursery School for Mentally Retarded Children was opened on February 16, 1956, and is the first and only nursery school for preschool mentally retarded children in St. 'Paul. It serves children from four through six years of age. Its primary purpose is to provide training and socialization experience for mentally retarded children and counseling and other assistance to their parents. Since the Nursery School was established the problems of mentally retarded children and their parents have received increased public recognition and support. The progra.m of the Nursery School has been expanded to include the services � of a variety of consultants including psychiatrists, psychologists, 'A COMMUNITY{L11VIC[�FINANC[D AND •DYINI{TLI1[C�Y TM[AMM[IIfT M, WILDt11 �OUNDATION ■ATNt AND►OOL NY11/[IIV �CMOOL ►OII �LIND ■11[M[11 MOUt[ C11M�WILD[M NU11�[I�Y�CMOOL �OII M[N7ALLY 11[TA11DtD CNILDII[N'f C[NT[II�UILDIN6 CMILD QYIDAMC[CLIMIC W�LD[II N[ALTN C[NT[II �UiLDINO <D�[MTON �TI�[[T D�Y CA11t C[NT[I� •OCIAL WOIII! 1�[0[AIIC� WILG[II �YILDIN6 L[[CM /TII[[T DA1I CAI1[C[NT[I� W��D[11 RCiID[NC[/�A�A11TM[NT• WILD[II DI�I[NfAl1Y �U�LDINO YA11tN11LL AV[MUi OAY CAU[C[NTtR W�L���p��ID[NCL3��M�111YAI�Y � • V161TING NV116C6 ,��v � � The Honorable Mayor and � � . City Council • Page two July 28, 1965 � � pediatricians, and speech and occupational therapists. When the building which is the old St. Paul Academy Day School was remodeled to accommodate the Nursery School, provision was made for only two small offices. There are no individual examining rooms or other special facilities for use by the consultants. The regulax staff is constantly embarrassed by not having a place for consultants and visitors to sit down. There is also a need for additional playrooms. During the month of April 1965, 30 children were enrolled and the average attendance was 24. Weather permitting, the children and staff spend a substantial amount of each day on the playground which is only of minimum size. The Wilder Foundation has endeavoreci unsuccessfully to purchase the adj oining house and lot immediately to the west on Portland but the owners axe not interested in selling. Any addition to the building obviously will use part of the available play axea. At the present time there is a concrete block retaining wall at the sidewalk line aiong Portland, with the driveway entrance from Portland. The axea immediately in back of the existing building and particularly that area to the north of the north wall of the existing building is not suitable for play space because of the driveway coming in off of Portland. However, slightly to the west of the driveway there is an area of grass and shade trees. In order to meet the requirements of the Nursery School for additional building space, the proposed addition should have approximately 1, 000 squaxe feet on each floor. The further it is possible to go to the north or towards Portland reduces the width of the building from east to west and the a.mount of play space that must be given over to the building. It is not practical to extend the building further south because of the windows in the west wall of the existing building. The most advantageous plan for the purposes of the Nursery School would be to build the north wall of the proposed addition immediately adj acent to the sidewalk, but the representative of the City Planning Board advised that such a plan was not practicai and it is for that reason that this appeal requests permission to extend the building to within seven feet of the sidewalk. The location of the proposed addition and the saving that can be effected in valuable play space by extending the addition as far as possible to the north rather than to the west will be evident from the attached plan. h. This appeal is under Chapter 6403, paragraph J of the Legislative Code. _J"� r • ` � The Honor�.ble Mayor and : C ity C ouncil Pa,ge three � July 28, 1965 In accordance with the outline obtained from the City Planning Board for prepaxing a zoning appeal, two site plans axe transmitted herewith which provide the information specified in the outline. The check of Amherst H. Wilder,Foundation in the amount of $20. 00 in payment of the filing fee is also transmitted herewith. Any request for additional information regarding the proposed building should be submitted to me. I a,m planning to be out of the city from August 1 to August 23. If a public hearing is necessary, I would appreciate it if it might be scheduled for August 23 or any time thereafter so that I may attend. In closing may we thank �eorge J. Vavoulis, the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, and the City Council not only for your consideration of • this request but for the friendly and understanding cooperation and assistance that you have always given any request submitted by Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. � Sincerely, ��� R � °� F. M. Rarig, Jr. Executive Secretary FMR:af d � Enc. � � r • J r t CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA .� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � 113 Courf House 55102 , �� � October 1, 1965 '� , City Clerk �`i.].e 16964, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing wi11 be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House i.n the City of St. Paul at 1Os00 a.m. on October lf�, 1965, on the application of Amherst H. W31der Foundation for an appeal to eatablish a 7-foot building line setback f�om Portland Averiue for an addition to existing building on the following property: Lots 1, 2 and 3� Block 16, Holcombes Addition. The property is located on the soutlnaest corner of Da1e Street and Portland Avenue. For flirther informatioa call at Roam 20, Court House or phone 223-l�151. ; ' JAMF'.S J. DALGLISH Commisaioner of Fi.nance �