225633 �J
RESOLVED� upon the pertinent appeal under the Zoning Code
by August R. Macey as owner of the sub�ect property situate in
the City of Saint �'aul described as Lot 12 except the N. 5t there-
of� Block 3, Nininger �c Donnellyts Addition to Holcombe�s Addition
located at the northeast corner of Dayton Ave. and Victo�ia St. ,
that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and
varied in application so that the premises may eontain separate
accommodations for several, not in excess of four families� provided
that the continuance of such four-family dwelling be for the remain-
ing life of the structure now on said premises� and provided further,
that- the appellant complies with the changes set forth in the Burean
of Public Buildings and Housing Code Division report dated Aug�st
25, 1965� and provided further, that such permission shall lapse
ipso facto unless the appellant is in full compliance with the
above report, dated August 25� 1965, within one year from the date
of this resolution� and provided further, that the appellant provides
a total of four vff-street parking spaces for said dwelling� accept-
ar�ce of this resolution a.nd terms to be made by the appella.n.t� and
sub�eet to compliance with said provisions, the Council expressly
finds that such relief will be consistent with the public health
and general welfare� and that said relief and permission herein
granted is sub�ect to the further condition that the a�nge3.Tant.`
and his su.ccessors and assigns otherwise shall make due compliance
with all applicable provisions of Mun.i�ipal Ordina.nces, State
�tatutes, rules and regulations of public authorities having cogni-
zan.ce; further� that a copy of this Resolution be filed with the
Register of Deeds in and for said Ramsey Coun.ty� Minn.esota.
h az'inCge wlll bebheid�before the C�y � �—
Council at 10 A.M. on,October 14, 1965,
ASSt. COf ora�tion Cbunsel in the City_ Councii Chamber in the
P City .Hall and Court Iiouse. in the'
matter of �the appeal of Carl F. Col-�
burn. under Chapters BO to 84, in_
clusive, S� paul Ixgislative Code,�
Zoning Code, for legalization of 3-'
fem1�Y use iii "B" Residence District
1 cat�ed on thecnorth sidet,ofAAshlantll
Ave, between� Victoria and Avon Sts.� 0 CT 2 01965 �
Dated September 29, 1965.
� Adopted by the Council 19—
City Clerk.�
Yeas Nays (october 2, lsss) •� .
Dalglish _ _____ ___ _. � OCT 2 01965
Holland ` Approve 19—
Loss v _ �'
Tn Favor
-IVI ree di[Fi�
Peterson � MSyOr
os�_ A gainst
:os•�::•• �y;::s;�;,^scr��et�a�:a::r.'�:!
'�,�,���°���i���j PU6lISNED OCT 2 3 1965
ce restdent osen
ion� �s
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Robert B. Ge�be�, Jr. ��°`TT "� Albert B. Oison
- CiEy Clerk and � 'A Cozancil Recorder
Commissioner of Registration
� _ ±
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+• r A• � �
...� �� ,
386 City Hall
St.Pa2cl,Min.nesota 55i0£'
Oatober 14, 1965
Mr. Stephen L. Mexwell
Corporation Caunsel
Building '
Dear Sir:
The City Council requested that you prepaxe a resolution
granting the attached appeal of August R. Macey for per-
mission to legalize and continue a foia.�-faiaily residential
use in a "�" Residence District on property at the north-
east corner of Dayton Ave. and Victoria St., described as
Lot 12 except the 1�. 5' thereof, Block 3, Nininger & Donnelly's
Addition to Holcombe's Addition, for the life of the structure,
sub�ect to the conditions set out in the Zoning Board's letter
hereto attached, including filing of a copy of the resolution
with the deed in the Register of Deeds of�ice.
�ery �uly yours, �
�l/ v 1 1�
a �
City Clerk
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���������Mik�liE 223-4151 Room20 CITY HALL & COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102
October 11, 1965
Mr. Robert B. Gerber Jr.
City Clerk � .
Building '
Dear Sir:
This is in the matter of the appeal of August R. Macey to
legalize and continue a four-family residential use in a "B"
residence district on_.property located at the northeast corner
of Dayton Avenue and Victoria Street which is described as Lot �
12 except the north 5' thereof, Block 3, Nininger � Donnelly's
Addition to Holcombe's Addition.
Prior to 1900, the property was developed with .a large �l/2
story frame residence constructed as a single-family dwelling.
At some unknown date the use of the structure was extended to '
a four-family residence. Because the property is classified as
"B" residence which normally limits its use to a two-family �
residence, the applicant must secure Council authorization to
continue the use of the property as a four-plex.
On September 2, 1965, the Board of Zoning heard this appeal.
The staff reported that there is no parking facility on the
site, that there is access from a public alley and the rear
yard is adequate in area to accommodate 4 off-street parking ,
spaces. It was the Board's finding that inasmuch as the
required off-street parking can be provided on the site, that
the appeal to continue the four-family residential use be
� granted subject to the compliance with the changes setforth in
the Bureau of Public Buildings � �iousing Code Division report
dated August 25, 1965, a cop.y, of which is attached and subject
to the appl�c�nt providing 4 off-street parking spaces on the
. site. . _ '
Therefore, it is the Board of Zoning's recommendation that the
use of the property be permitted to continue as 'a four-plex for
the life of the structure, subject to the above conditions. It
is also recommended that, should the Council grant the appeal,
a copy of the resolution be filed with the deed. in the Register
of Deeds office. ' .
- ' Sincerely,
. - � �'l'
NRH/mm ' ' � N. . Heiden
Encl. - , � , � �\ �
Z.F.# 5819 - ' , . �
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June4, 1965. �
, '
Hon. Mayor � City Council
C/0 City Clerk
386 City Hall � Court House .
St. Paul, Aiinn. 55102
Dear Sirs: '
Applicant: August R. Tiacey .
Legal: Lot��l2 except the North five feet thereof.
Block 3 of Nininger � Donnellyts Addition
to Holcombe�s Addition to St. Paul.
857 Dayton Ave., N.�. corner of Dayton �
Present use of property is a four plex.
Proposed use of property is a four plex. .
The purpose of this Appeal is to have p operty zoned a four plex� in order
to meet economic obligations which include mortgage and tax payments. It
is therefore absolutelp necessarp that this property have at least four
Appealing under Legislative Code, Chapter 64.03, Section 0, Paragraph 2.
Enclosed you will find check in the amount of �20 for filing f ee.
I trust you ��ill give this your immediate and careful attention.
Yours truly,
. G�`�'�� ��---7
August R. Macey
1810 Marsllall Ave. �
St. Paul, Mirul. 55104
" �_. � , ' . .
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.�i '
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: . • 'i ros . ,. .,
� . August 25, 1965 �• ` � - � �
�. � �TO: , � - ' ` City Planning and Zoning Board -
_ FI�IJM: ' - Bureau of Public Buildings and the Housing Code ,
� - Division of the Bureau of Public Health -
- _� - - � _ � � _ ,
� RE: � • � Appeal� for authorization of a four-plex in a'S" -
- , � . , residential district located at 857 Dayton Avenue ° -
�. _ - - Zoning File #5819, - , _,
_ � ' Filed ]oy: August R. Macy, 1810 Marshall OR.
, - � - , � . . _.United �ealty, 415 New'York Building �
_ � . , . ,� . - . • - � .
The following is a list� of items requiring alteration, repair or re- - .
� moval to meet the minimum requirements of the Housing Code and . _ .
� Btzilding Code. - ' � ` � - - � , , � . �
' BASEMENT: � - Install new trap. and vent for Iaundry tubs. r
� � �- ' Waste stack� and•trap s have .to be replaced with proper.
_ � " , � , , materials and- properly connected to drains or s�acks,_�
. - ' ' . Remove all extension. cords, repair bad wiring and repair
� - fuse box. ' . -
� . � Repair basement steps and install a handrail. -
- � . Boiler room must be enclosed with construction having „
at least a 'one hour fire rating. , - ,
, � • Repair plaster ceiling over� the boiler. ' � �
- lst FLOOR Install vents on �all plumbing fixtures. � - . , .
� Plaster needs repair. � � _ _ - . • : � . �
- . � ' _ Install handrail to second floor. . � . ;
� � _ Remove extension -cords� and install neces�sary rece.p- . �
- _ ' tacles. � - � . � ' �
� - ' � _ �. Install at least two receptacles in the kitchen.
- - Replace broken fixtures in rear stairway and porch. , � -
2nd FLOOR � � The second floor has orie ba�h serving three apartments .
- � Install a new gas pipe_� and stop to range in Apt. #2. � ,-
, _ � � � Install proper waste to all kitchen �sinks in a11 apart- `
- ments. � " . . . . - .
i ..
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Zoning and Planning = -_ � F � ,� Page 2 August 25; 1965 � � ..'-
° �.857 Dayton Avenue - _Second Floor�;(Continued) - , . •
Remove- all extension. cords� and provide at least - �
_ _ - � , _two-receptacles ,in a11 kitcher�s. - ' . ,
- � -_ � - �. - _. : . � - :
f - - - Provide electric _receptacles in all �partments., . � _
� - - ,
' • EXTERIOR � Replacs all broken windows and sash cords in the ' • �
� " ` - � entire��kiuilding,. . . _ � ' . - - , �� - �
Repair loase plasters throughou� the building� �
. .
: - ' Repair or replace �front and -r-ear porch and handrails.
- � � Repair private walk from front of house to publ3c _ � �
� sidewalk. '. . . - ° .
Replace downspouts from gu�ters. _- . -" - ' '�
` J . - - -- - . �. -
` CC: Health Department . - : - ' �
,_ - V CC : Zoning and Planning ' � � , , y - ,
- CC: 'Owner - August R Macy, 1810 Marshall ' - , � : _
- CC : City Arch File � . - . - ` - �
- � � " .
• , . . - , _
. - .� - , - ' _ � � - _
. � � . . _ , • - ; • . • • . .
_ ° - • . ` ' . -- • . - ' 7 - , � - .
� . � 1 . • ' ' �
� . , ` " • , _ , l . _ ' ' - " . " _
1 1 •
113 Court House 55102
October 1, 1965
City Clerk
�File 16961, Page 1
--�'You are hereby notified that a publi.c hearing will be held in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on October 14, 1965, on the application of
August R. Macey for appeal to legalize use of 4-plex i.n ��B'� Residence
on the following property: except north 5 feet, Lot 12, Block 3�
Nininger and Donnellys Addition. The propert9 is located on the
northeast corner of Dayton Avenue and Victoria Street.
For further infoxmation call at Roam 20, Court House or phone 223-�t151.
Comrr�ssioner of Finance
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_ I�. Aixgust R, ldacey , _ ' . � - -
- _ 18Y0 Me�dha7:1 Ave. ' . � - . , � ' _ _`
. . ` . --.St.� Paul,.Min�se�o�e1 - ; . � ` _ : r, _ ' . -
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� . En�loaed ia a �bpy oP B re on ing you permi�sion �o �ontinue � � `
#he prese=r� uae of' p•ro ib erein. � � ' � - � �. •
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- , , : - You will �ote �hat the eao�.ution � irt� the �p��nt to a�Cept ite . i ..
_ ' "- tcrms �,nd conditiona� clo�ed i� � Potti� oP acceptance and We �ak th�et . - , �
, " ., you- eigA-t�nd i�*e�irn it thi� af"P e. . _ - s • � - ,
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•- : , � : _ , r _ Ve2'Y ,��Y Y�'��. . . .
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� County of Ramsey ea.
� Cauncil Flle No. 225633--BY Frank L• CITY OF SAINT PAUL
Loss— '
� Resolved, Upon the pertinent appeal
under the Zoning Code by August R.
� Macey, as owner of the subiect prop- RObeY"t B. Gerber Jr.
erty situate in the City of Saint Paui, � �...................................City Clerk
� described as Lot 12 except the N. 5' If--°•°---•--------------------=-------•-.._._...--°-------------°-
thereof, Block 3,Nininger&Donnelly's
Addition to FIolcombe's Addition lo-
� {pn A e 8na°v�ioia°sterthatDthe of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
� provisions of said Zoning Code hereby
are determined and varied in appli-
cation so that the premises may �on- compared the attached copy of Council File No.___.__.__22�6.��___________________
� tain separate accommodations for sev-
� eral, not in excess of four families,
� provided that the continuance o4 such
_ 4our-family dwelling be for the Te, as adopted by the City Council_..____.___October__20,�...............iq..._�__..____.
maining life of the structure now on
�� said premises, and provided further,
o CO that the appellant complies with the
changes set torth in the sureau ot and approved by the Mayor---------------------A��ob�?:..�Q�----•----•-----19----5---------
�� Public Buildings and Housing Code
n-. Division report dated August 25, 1985,
and provided further,tnat su�h pe�is- with the original thereof on file in my o$ice.
'-1 sion shall lapse .ipso facto unless the
Ln appellant is in full compliance with the
above report, dated August 25, 1985,
('�'� within one year from the date of this
resolytion. and provided Eurther. that ----------°--°-----------------------------------°------------------...-•------------------------------------------------------------
t$e appellant provides a total of four -
� off-street parking spaces_ for said
N, dwelling. acceptance of this resolution ----°---------°-----------------°-------°°°-----------•----------------
and terms to be made by the appel- --------------------°--------•----...---------------------
►— lant, and subject to compliance with
� said provisions, the Council expressly
Qflnds that such relief will be consistent -----------------------------------------------------------------------------°-----....-•-...._.........--°---------°•--°-
�" with the public health and generai
welfare, and that said'relief and per-
mission herein granted is subject to
thefurther condirion that the appellant ------------------------------------•------...-----------------•--°--------------------------°----------------...-----•---------------
� and his successors and assigns other-
wise shall make due compliance with
all applicable provisions of Municipal
Ordinances� State Statutes, rules'and ---°--------------------------------------------°---•---•--°--°°------------------------------------------------•°----------------
regulations of public authoritie"s having
crognizance; further,that a copy ot this
Resolhtion be flled with the Register of
Deedsin and for said Ramsey County. �------------__-----------------------°--.......----------°°-°--°----.._..-----------------------------------------°---°----°
Adopted by the Council October 20, '
' 1965. - .--•°---------°-°°-------------°---------°---°------------°---°°----------....-•--------...----------......_.
Approved October 20, 1965. � �
(October 23,1965) '
T�``ti���� � �
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