06-267COLJNCIL FILE #: ��p " �� I GREEN SHEET #: 3029720 Presented By: Referred to: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� I WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is eligible to apply for funding through the Metro Greenways program, created by the 2 the Minnesota State Legislature in ] 998 (and administered by the Department of Natural Resources) to demonstrate 3 the continued importance that Minnesotans place on protection and managing important natural areas; and 5 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation wishes to apply to this progam for grant funding for the following eligible 6 project; to wit: 8 Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary ExQansion - to acquire land adjacent to the Bruce Vento Nature 9 Sanctuary and construct an interpretive center on the sanctuary site; and now 10 11 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Parks and Recreation is authorized to apply for funding through the 12 the Metro Greenways program for the following grant application; to wit 13 14 Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuarv Ex�ansion ($1,000,000); and be it 15 16 FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon any said project approval by the State of Minnesota, Department of Natural 17 Resources, a specific resolution including project budget will be submitted for City Council review and approval. Adopted by Council: Date: �1���; /S, aODG Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� /{" (//�1�. /�i%�Sd�� Approved by,Ivday ': Date: 3� f�� O� /� /� � BY� ��K�-�'"L Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation � .�i1,r��:�. � / i� Form Approved by City Artorney ,--� G:IFMIQiIWirkalReso/utions, AOs, Green SheetsVZeso/utionsl'O6 DNR Metro Greenways GrentAUth. Reso/ution.xls Page' l of 1 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PR — rarks ana xe�xeaeoo Contact Person & Pho�re: Jason Wi�ka 26fr64'17 Be on CouncilAgenda by (Date): ContractType: RE-RESOLUTION 1 � Green Sheet NO: � ' Assign Number For Roufmg Order Total # of SignaW re Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) o�-ab� 302�9720 0 ar and Recreati n ']� 1 ar an R eation D a entDirector �'�/. 2 ttome 3 a or's f5ce Ma or(Assis nt 4 onocil 5 Clerk Gl' ler Approval of attached resoluUon authorizing Parks and Recreation [o apply for a meho greenways gran[ through a DNR sponsored program for the Vento Sancluary. idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Ciul Service Commission PersonalService Conlracts MustMswerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this persorJfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persodfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firtn passess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent ciry empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheet lnitiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): i AdvanWges If Approved: Fg���Prh'�'�nf$( Expansion of Vento Sanctuary will proceed. , _u. '� ; �!iJa� Disativantapes IFMoroved: None, Disadvantages If Not Approved: Expansion of V ento Sanctuary wil] be delayed. � eMa}S �„A«,C,M('¢°:3't �x r�, �'� �. �} �.: TotalAmountof $O , Transaction: Funding Source: DNR Metro GreenWays Financiallnformation: C '�� (ExpWin) CosVRevenue Budgeted: N Activity Number: 3D�45 MAR 0 � 2Q06 MAYOR'S OFFICE February 14, 2006 1022 AM Page 1