225623 - , . �� � r . x ' � � � � e`�—�—�` � 2��2�� �.�.� . COUNG`IL FILE N�. INTERMEDIARY ORDER . , By _ ' File No. 16959 .� In the Matter of opening, �idening and extending Suburban Avenue to a width of 60 ft, from Griffith Street to Frank Street by conde�ing and taktng the north 60 ft. � of Lot 7, the northerly part of Lot 8 measuring 30 f't, on the westerly line and 60 " � ft. on the easterly 13ne of said Lot 8, the north 30 ft, of Lots 9, 10� 11 and 12� , and the north 30 ft. of Lot 13 lying easterly of the easterly 13ne of Frank Street� a11 in Block 30� Suburban Hi]1s, also that part of Lot 6, Block 30� Suburban Hi11s ' ' and that part of a strip o� ]and 60 ft. �3de, bounded on the ft. by Mcl�ean Avenue� : �. on the E. 8c S, by Suburban Hil1s and on the W. by King's Addition to St. Paul� � Minn. lying southwesterly of a line co�encing �u the southeasterly corner of ' , � ,! Lot 1.2� King'a Add3tion to St: Paul, Minn. thence southeaster],y to the northeasterly - corner of Lot 8, Block 30, Suburban Hills. under Preliminary Order 22�+7g7 approve� A�Bt 5� 1965 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of I`inance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and� the same is hereby approved and adopted, a,nd the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. � 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cauncil recoinmends is � �� .to open, widen and extend Suburban Avenue to a width of 60 ft, from QrifYith Street to Frank Street by condenming and tal�.ng the north 60 ft. of I,ot 7� the northerly part of Lot 8 measuring 30 ft. on the westerly line and 60 ft. on the easterly ]3.ne oP_.said I�ot 8, the north, 30 ft.=of Lots -9� 10, 11 and 1.2� and -the North 30 ft._of _ - � Lot 13 lying easterly of the easterly line of Frank Street, all in Block 30, � - 3uburban Ei]1s� alao that part of Lot'6, Block�,30,-Suburban Hills �nd that paxt -� - of a strip of land 60 ft. w3de, bounded on the N. by McLean Avenue, on the E. & S. by Suburban Hills and on the W, by King's Add3tion to St. Paul, Minn. lying . - southwesterly of a line co�aencing on the southeasterly corner o� Lot 12� King's Addition to 3t. Paul� Minn. thence southeasterly to the northeaster],y corner of , � Lot 8, Block 30, sui�urban Hills: � with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3�-� - , � � - . Resolved Further, Z`hat a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th day of , - NovemY�r; 1 qE,S . , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber af the Court � - House and City Hall Building in the City af St. Paul. That the Commissioner of� Finance give natice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by th� Charter, atating the time and place af hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. � � QCT 191965 : R . COUNCILMEN« ` . � Adopted by the Counc�l - Yea,s Nays _ � • Dalglish � , Approve o i Q � � Holland - ' " f ,., � � •� LOSS _ � - - r-.Meredit�.--.� __�n Favor - Peterson . . Mayor ; Rosen J . . ,' Vavoulis • . ��Against r PUBLISHED OCT 2 3 1965 � • 6-88 2M 8� R=1` • ` - - • -