225622 ORIGIN!{L TO CITY CLERK �����n CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED QY Milton R.osen, Public Works October 19, 1965 COMMISSIONEQ DA� T�TFZER�� In conn.ection with the construction of a Sidewa7J� and Driveway at 271 E. Kellogg Blvd. under -the 1962 Sidewalk Contract "District No. 4"� Comptroller's Contract L-b1�31�� the City of St. Paul has agreed to reduce the assessment for this work from a total assessment of �1�712.1,1 to $1,284.96 or a difference of �L,27.k5, now therefore be it� RESOLVID, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby author- ized to pa from the Perm�.nent Im.provement Revolving Fun.d� Code 6000� the amoun,t of �1,27.45 and this same fund to be reimbursed from the City�s Shaxe of Loca1 Improvemetit Fund, Code Og20-701. - - - -�y ----, . Councff Fi1e NP• �48 — By Milton, . Rosen—' Whereas,In connection with the con- struction o4 a•sidewalk and driveway� at 271 E. Kellogg Blvd. under the 1965' •- `Sidewalk Contract 'rnistrict No. 4',` Comptroller's Contrac£L-6729, the City, of St. Paul has agreed to re�uce the'� aecessment foc•this work from a total' assessment of $1,712.41 to �1,284.96 or a � diSerence of �427.45; now t1'ierefore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of . Public Works be and he is hereby au- thorized to pay from the Perm Code Improvement Revolving Fund� gppp, the amaunt of $427.45 and this same fund to be reimbursed from the City's Shaze oP Loca1 I�Provement Fund, Code 0920-701 (1965). Adopted by the Councll September 24. 1965. ' ApprosedOctob�bZr 985)� � , d � , �j , _�.......,.� I ' OCT 191965 COLTNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish CiT 1 9 �� Holland Ap e 19— Loss N Tn Favor ' �-hfet�rl#th'— Peterson ' . :� yOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis p�BLISHED OCT 2 3 1965 ions aaa , OUrLICAplC TO r111NTlR �25522 r CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED tY �;�,�u +qW�� �,�.�,�! WQ� DATF W4V�?8T r�.��, +AI.�� COMMISSIONE� R W� rn +�o�.�a w3�# fi� r�ones'�x�ti.�n �' a 53,de�3t �d Dr3irew�.y �t 2`T,� � l�e�.a� B1�d� t�sr � 19b� �3c�a�'.k �oi�t:rac3t '�e#�!.a� Ror �.*s Comp�iler�e C��ct� �*-G�,3� '� �� ot st. Paw�. �.s �g��d �o r� th� e����t �'or #h� t�t t�c� a '�c�fal as�b��t at"' �.;�'73.�.�J. tv �t2�w96 dr a c�f`F�em,s� oi' �,27.,��.5� � t�r�tor� be �:�, �OL�� �e,t �e �a�.aaio�ier ot 1�1a'�ta Wor�ts be� s� I�e is �b�r autbor= �.� to � �'i•oa thb �ten'� I�tp�p�'� ��.i►3�g �� C�de 6000,�, �he a�otv�t o� �2'�'�1�5 a�d t�e sm� � �o 'b� reia�u*�ec3 � � Cii�*��� �S�re o�' �a�. I�rr�v�ai�t 1�� (�d� 09�0;»701�. o ' s � Y 1 r ��T 191965 � COUNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Council 19— ` Yeas Nays ; ocr i 9 ��.� Dalglish � Holland Approv� 19— � Loss Tn F'aVOr rD�4ertdTE� Peterson � MSyOr , A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e-as